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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jan 1973, p. 1

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Orono Uni'ted Co-operaýtives of Ontar- b,1 the p;rovjin's largest farmi aind urban supply and f arm miar- keting business, iI report re- cord, before tax, net savings of $1,595,000 to delegates a t its 25th annual m-eetinig at Toronto's Four Seasý.ons Sheraton Hotel oni January 4h Thie 1972 savings for the co- praiebusinessý, owned hy the,ý people it ser-ves, almïost doubled theý nreviouIs year'S figuTre of $K60000. Somie 400 delegates frvom iacross Onl-tario wili'l note thlat almost hlaîf thesvis ($860,'000) will eie returnýd "te members as pat-, ronýiagerbte Income taxes ac- ýount, for a fiu rtlier hlaf a million dolla',rs ($469,00(l) and a quarter uf ai milion ($249,000) wili bc -senýt out - in the form. o f divi- dends -- to owners of preference sha'res. The 'remainder will go into UCO's general, reserve. Thei $134 millioninii sha.%3s te ne reported is also a record, Up. $ý10 million fromi last year's prev- imous hili of $124 million. MaJor inicreaiýs v werc registered in sales iof hardwvare, agricultural chem- ,rais, sefrii -,petrol.eum, A LETTER,2 TO TUE EDITOR Decembr 20,1972 iFlis Worsipj Mayoýr Wladiyka ~Mr. D)avid CrmkEir PortH ope reig Guide ý Port hope, Ontaof Genterement made by the Honouirabie Charles MaNaghonand Mr. Donald Irvine, .P on Monday even- inglds l Oshawa. I epclhe fact that this was c, decision made on your part Wekky Times, C) OPNO WEEKLY TIMES, WED NESDAV, JANUAItY Srd, 1973 UCO's 25th nnalToReport r~J .Liha Following a iengthy' iliness, death océcurred Sunday, Decem- ber V,, 1972, at Princcss Margar- et Hospital, Toronto of Eva Mit- chell, beioved wif e of the late John E. Leishman, who prede- ceased lier December 1, 1965. Born at Newtonville, deceased was a daugliter of thý_e late George and RuthMice. She received lier public school training in Newtonjviiie, higli sehool in Newcabtie, and 'later attended Al- bert Coilege, Belleville for sev- eral years, graduating in Art and Expression. Deceased had always been an, active member in women's organ- izations of the United Churcli and at time of death was member of Nortliminster United Churcli, Os;iawva. Mxrs. Leishman is survived by two sisters, MVrs. T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville and Mrs. M. J Tamblyn, Oshawa. The funeral service was held from Nortlicutt Ellîott Home, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. Decemb)er 19th, 1972. Entombment Langý Vault, Orono. Rev. C. R. Newtlon and Rev. W. C. Smith, Oshawa conducted the service. Palibearers were Messrs Lance Morrison, Toronto; Glenn Turney Gordon Martin, Bowmanville; Glenn Tamblyn,. Ottawa; Michael and Murray Cawker, Elizabeth- ville. livestock marketing, and pouitry products. 1The major item on the annual meeting agenda wîhl be a vote on a change in UCO's control st.ructure, which enables the co- oPe'rative's membri onrs t exercise contre!ol. over thir cxvii business. These change,,s involve the selection of dceeg,,ates, repre- senting UCO branches, to the annual meeting. ýElections xiii be heid for four positions on the 12 man UC9( Board of Directors-. Completing their three year terms are Fent- on' Cryderman, of Thamesville;, Cliff Allen, of Glenhurnie (near Kingston); Fred' Hamilton, of Guelph; and Harold Schmidt of Baden (near Wot,,erloo). Ail of thse directors are eligible for re-election. Guest speaker at the annual meetung's huge banquet - which sees more than 1,000 people seat- ed at once - wil bc R. R. (Barney) Baxter , president of CF Industries, the chicago based fertîlizer manufacturer- owned . by UÇO and 17 U.S. co-operatives. Canadian, TV personalities. Don Harron and Catherie -ieIKinnon, will entertain. only after very carefui consider- ation over a per.iod of isever-al houf s,.and as a reýLit of onsul tation witli the people; of Jr, t Hlope. 1-n view of the fact that 1 have a large number of corisitrFnts, and amn involved in serious nego- tiations, may 1 re ptcJuhIy s~ gest that you delay the suggest- ion for my proposed resignas in to a later ctate mutually agree- able to you both. 1 request this in order that I may have the op- portunity to finalize or resolve the following matters presently receiving my attention. There is a problein in Bowman- ville pertaining to road responsi- bility, involving tliree levels of governnent for wvhicli we are endeaovoutring to find a solution. Negtitins with the Ontario Deveropi0 nt Corporation in w ichI ý1 have been deeplyiol cd ith rLi es'pect !b a Bowman vî1)1Vile îndustry have now heeni finaliz- eand an anniouncementýýt to the effect thal the industrv wiil be doubling, ils capacity will be made within the nexl few days. I am presently engaged in dis- cussions with the Darlington Council, and the Village of New- castle with respect t0 rond and municipal facilities. An addition and, improvement te, the Mill- brook-Cavaný Conservation area is also In the process of being (Continued next columai) Loc~~M I dra dngC The federai electoral. boundar- ýýes commission for Ontario lias p1îrosed a redrawing of federal. consitueey ounidaries whidli woul spht OhawaWhuby rid- îng la two, pultting the Town cf WIlitby imb t:,(, new Onitario ýsouthoi costi tuencqýy. Undcer Itle paOshawa would beçme a sepiiaae constitucncy, ~vueOntarilo Soulli woiuld cover parts of present Ontario iding ncu ing the To)wnships of Pick- ering and EaistIl WVitby, the Towns, of Ajax an(] Whitby and tise Village of Pickering. East of' Oshawa, the proposai wmould sp)lt the presenlt North- separate Durhaý;in and Northuin- berland rdns Durliamn, \would include the Co,ýunty cf Durliam and' parts cf O)ntario Couaty, ineluding .thse T1.ownisbi,-ps cf Brock Rendis, Scot Scugog, Thorais and Uxbr idge; tise Tow cf Uxbridge; the Vil- lages of Benverton, Canninglon DA Port rv hoaiIln nd ndia BesrveNo. 34. Nortlihumb eriand v 0-1g11ul nliue teCourxty cf Northuvm- b'elrln and tlhe part cf iRastings' contained ini the Townshipi, Siý-dney excluding Belleville, and the~~o Vilg fstirlung. More Seats Th'lecomsin rosa, n io's representation la the House cf Communs frein 88 10 91 sents. None cf the MI-'s whose rid- iags are inivolved was availabie foi comment. The four-man Ontario commis- sion wns appointed', along with commissions in ail other bound-. aries te refleet population shift since the last redistribution in thse 19610's. Publiceliearings wil lie held during February throughout the province 1tulicar objec tions lu the proposed boundary limes, with thse commissioa's final re- port 10 Parliament due June 30. However, objectorà frein area ridings will have to do some driving te make their voices heard. Tise closest public hearings wili be la Toronto, Feb. 5 and 6 and in Belleville Feli 20 and 21, Brian S. MeCool, Ontario coin- mission secretary, said in an in- terview lime would net aliow more public hearïingý_s. "50 we thoughtteloain we chose were the ïmost centrail. Osniwa isnUt tc far fein-,To)r onto and Ontario ridiýng p eople could corneire toc.Beivil )st tocfrfri orhme ind-Dur iam. But taivorc ea m akn "etaina nyvcf tise lerns Ve inpo pe two days at 'ecd place te make their preseatations." Sel Deadlile Apyone wishung te make a preseatatien te the commission will have te netify Mr. McCool' withia 23 days. According te lie commissioni release, Ontario electoral bound- aries would be redrawn te in- clude an average 84,649 peopie in each riding, witli populations net varying more than 25, per cent cither way from this figure According to tlie plan, Osh- awa riding would stillI haveý more than the average population with 91,587, wiue surrounding coni- stituencics weuld be iower tisan the average. Northiumberland wouid have 76,812 people, Ont- aric Southi would include 75,517 people and Durhsam wouid in- clude 72,115 people. However, unless tie next Par- liament, due to start in Jaauary, lasîs longer than many expec t, there, may lie another electioni under the current electoral boundaries. Mr. McCool said il migltit ake up 10 two years te have tise ne-w boundaries set up and niew con- stituencies organized. " ,I wouidnýt betlion h'aVing thin liv tise next election. but th-1at is ouit cf our ads"lie said.ý Hydro, Abandons R KULne ROujtes $1,595,000 Savi s In an interview with the Port Hope Guidie, Allan Lawrence,, MP, Northumberland - Durham, said that he had flot yet had the opportunity to study the Eleet- oral Boundaries Readjustnient Act. which would, considerably change local ridings if accepted. "Once 1 have, studied 'the pro- posais fully I W'11l make a state- ment", Mr' Lawrence said, "but it seems that it is the intention of government at both levels to carve Up dear, od Northumber- and and Durham. He did venture to say that he does not expeet the- proposais wiIl be liard and fast. "They will probab!1y inake adjustments where necessary1 because this is ýýxot an issue on which the Gov- erniment would wîsh to be de- featet. 'I don't anticipate that in its present minority position the federai government would push the proposais too rapi, dly," lie suggested. finalized, and being, involved to a major degree, I would also like to see this projeet fînaliÈed. In the.Port Hope area consid- erable progress has been made following my intervention, to- im- provixig facilities at the' C.N.R. station with the renovation of the waîting roomi and the instal- liation of platform liglits- coin- pieted. A number of other im- (Continued page 2) Two Break-mus lnvestimgated lin Orono Last Week Some time early last Thursday morning thieves enter- ed two premises in Orono as weil as attempting te break mbt a thîrd. Entry was mnade liet Mercer's norîli garage where the thief or thieves took a sum of around $50.00. Entry was made through a new addition te, the garage and is the third entry mbt the garage over the past few montlis. On, the same morning an at- tempvt was made to force the front door of Orono Electric open but this faiied. Consider- able damage was done to the door-and door frame. The Orono Uniited Churcli was aise ransackedî on the sarne morn- ing wliere the greatest damage of the morning was done. The thieves puiied the pins in the hinges and pried the door open bthe Friendship room. The door te the Minister's office was aise damaged beyond repair. Other iocks were aiso damaged. 1The office was ransacked in an apparent searcli for money and an altempt was made to open the filing cabinet. Rex'. B. Long stated that the Churcli does flot keep money in the' building in even the smallest amounts. The Ontario Provincial Police are invesligating the break-ims. 10 MlesOf Snowluobile Trouls At Mo_--Sport More than 10 miles of new snowmoblle Irails wiii lie open te speclators aI the $25.000 3rd annual Bosch Invitationai snow- mobile races, Jan.. 12, 13 , and 14 at Mosporl Park. 1Mosport President Harvey Rudes, making the anneuncement said the trails will be open througlicut lie lire day week- end of racing. "We lhave ntcdthat specta)- tors enjoy riding over Moý»o's 5C00 ce aimn-os as mucli as thiey enijoy vatching tlie racing," saidi Rudes. "Snowobiiing is stili ahogisnov-nile racin-g i s s howi1ng', strong,, trends to-wardi becomu'ng the top olerwne pentrsport. Orgaaized Irail rides wil7l41lie conucedSaturdav and SundaIîy 'at nloon adl2 pm ing warmup lents fer spectators and trail riders. Racîng starts 'on Friday with tise $1,000 winner-take-aii Mos- port Land Speed Run, a new feature of lise Bosch Invitation- ai. Racers will lie attempling te establisli a record top speed on a speciai course laid out on Mos- port's Mario Andrelti Straîglit. Full programs cf racing on a new one-mile ovai wil starl at 10 a.m. on bolli Saturday and Sunday. Tise $25,000 in prize and con- tingency money - s more than double insI year's purse. Many cf North AAmerica's top, snowmvrobile'racers, most cf wo w111 lie competing at tise Kwr Ilia Cuip races la Peterb-orouLI this ~ iw wekad reepected te enter ftiseBosch ïInvitational le causec. f te increased piv Ontario Hydro has abandoned the, five *alternativýe routes for the 500 KV transmission corridor between Lennox and Wesleyville and has commissioned a company of envi romnetal engineers to cduia comprehensive enivirý- onmental report. David Robinson and Norm Manning, public relations offic- ers for ilydro, announced thîs week that Commonwealth Assoc- lates, an environmental engineer- ing company, wilI carry out a study whicli will empliasise both the human and the natural re- sources within the designated ar- ea and will specify the best route for the riglit of way. Mr. Robinson said the firm was hired on the recommendation of the' Solandt Commission, set up by the provincial governinent to investigate the power corridor between Nanticoke and Picker- ing. Hydro officiais aise rev ealed that whule. the original route was from the Lennox generating sta- tion to Wesleyville, this lias now been extended to Oshawa. The five alternative routes were offered by Ontario H-lydro early last year to the municipal- Rties involved. Many discussions and meetings; were lield on which alternative was the most feasible. Mr. Robin son said- that ahl the in-Put from the municipalities did nlot add up to a point where any concrete decision could, be made. Carruthers Replies To Wla4d'ykýa

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