ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1973 Kirby News Holiday visitor$ with Mr. andi Mis. 'Siti Rutherford andi ?is. Wm. Rutherford were Miss Jan- Âce Rutherford andi Mit. David Smith, Toronto, Mis. Bingtsson, Thunder Bay, Mis. J0 AnnRich- ards aPd boys, Bowmanville, Mis. CU1hns, Fergus, Mirs. *cummins andi ch ildien, Toronto, along with other cailers. Christmas dinner guests on the A"àturday evening with Mi. andi .Yrs. Lawrence Harris, Charles am Deug were Mis. A. Harris, _iBowrnanîille, Mr. and AMis, Dou2 Hrd, Whitby, Mix. andi Mis. Bill YSeaus, Scarborough, is. George Used Hon Hafrrs, Richard and Kimi. Mir. andl Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Dougý and, Charles were Christmas daï guests of i%. andi Mrs. Jack ,Williams andi family, Orono. New Yeais suppei guestsý of Mi. andi Mrs. Lawrence Hairtis were Mr. and Mrs. Jacjç- Williams and family. Mi. andi Mis. Hon Hars and fanilly. Mi. andi Mis. Ian MeKenzie, Kireiston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, Rich- niond Hlli spent the Christmas holidays at there cottage on the Sth Uine. Holiday guests with M1rs. Hart- weil Lowery were Mi. and Ms Wayne Lowery andi fainily, Scar- borough on the Saturday before Christmas. Mr. andi Mrs. Mel ca r Switzeî and famnily, Oshawa oni Chritmas Sunday and Mr. andç Mis, Loyd Loweîy and girls on Christmas Day. Mis. Hartwell Lowery wvas a dinner guest of ltàand Mi.Bill Miler on Tuesday. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mis. Ron Hariis and family Were Mi. and, Çrs. Wilfied Hawke, Vein and Marilyn Kent and f amily, Newcastle, Ait arm Jean Hawkei Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Lariy, Marshall, Colorado were Friday guests. Mi. and Mrs. Raymond Chap- man. Mr. and Mis. Eugene Touch- burn, Orono weie Thiursdlay niglit dinner gPests of Mr. and Mis. Stonley 'Chapnian. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Chiapman Sale this week at MacDonaild Ford" Everybudy welcome! Phone first for information (reverse charges) andi theu corne and Lsee -the selection. AUl cars are cornpletely rfcon- ditioned andi guaranteeti. TUE LOW PRICES WILL SAVE YOU S$$IdOJE Y$ Phone rlght. now 62304481l FRESU PICNIC STYLE - SHOULDER 5 to PORKý LEAN MEATY - -WELL TRIMMED - BRANDED 0JLADE, You Save Twice with trim and price P ork Butts, . L 68c Tender Juîcy - Well Trimmed Boston Butt Shoulder Chops 78c LUCAS Bologna 16 oz. pkg 59C LUCAS Wieners 2 IL.$1 16 NEW! Fancy - Chieken Noodie, Cîeam of Mushroom, Vegetable Beef 10 fi. oz. Aylmer Soups 3 forï49 Feature. CARNATION pkg. of .12 Rot Choclat. 69o With Pork in Tomato Sauce - York Brandi BEANS 4 19,oz tins 98C CORNISR'S, Orone STEAKS 6 lb. averag lb. Best Buy! - Cash Vou 15t* Coupc RiKng Size Package TI1DE$ Best Buy! Householti Paper - TWI? Kleenex Towels 2 roil FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 31/4 oZ.1 AIIent's Orange, 5 fo Mount Royal Choice 14 fl. GRENP EAS 2 f oi Feature -. PASTRY MONRCHFLOUR Brimful Brandi Choice, 19 fi. TOMMTES 3 tins'foi 1 Rosedale Choice 14 fi. oz.1 1 CREAiM CORN, 2 fio Ph.one 983!5 8e Dn .068 1 N4 PACK ls-59c, poly bag r79c 1oz. Tins r39c 7 lb. bag 75C oz. tins er79c tins r37c j201 Local News Rev. anti Mis, B. Long spent Christmas with their sons, Mi. and Mis. P~hil Long anti childiren' Oshawa and Mi. andi Mis. Clif- ford Long, Toronto. Master Todd Lon,î, Oshawa, spent holidays with bis gîandpaîents, Rev. and Mrs, B. Long. Mr. Wni. Moffat spent last week with i. andi Mis. Grant Moffat and family, Oakville. New Yeaîs Day dinner guests. with Mr. andi Mis., Carl Biiings were Mr, anti Mis. George Cole, Mi. Jack Aicheri Port Hooe; Mr. Bill McNaul, Miss Audrey Bul- fngs, Oshawa; Mi. andi Mis. J 1oe Staples, Mis. Dora McLaren, Mis. and Clair and Mr. and Mis. Eu- gene Toucliburn were New Year Day dinner guestsof Mr. and Mis, Francis Jose anid family of Newcastle. We were glad- to hear Mr.i. Mt Wannan had returned home.from Oshawa General hospital last Thursday. Mivss Donna Cochrane,; Scarbor- ough' and Mr. Ken Thomas of Thornhili spent the Christmas holidays wit: her parents, and had Christmas with the Cochrane family at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coch- rane's. Donna and Ken hadNew Years with his parents at Thorn- hili. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane and Craig spent New Years at the home of her parents at Whitby with her family. Miss Marilyn Hamm, Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamm spent the Christmas, holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mis. Donald Hamm. Mis. Ern, Hamm also spent Christmas with thÏem. Mi, -and Mis. Don Hamm, Mr. and Mr.s Douglas Hamm and Miss Maiilyn Hamm weîe guests of Mr.. and Mis. Sisson, Bethany on, Boxdng Day. Holiday visitoîs, with Mr. and Mis. Ken Bail were Mi. and Mis, Jack Shut- and daughter, Paris, Miss Susan Bail, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Bruce Meicer, and Kenny and other callers. Mi. and Mrs. Ken Balli eîe New Yeais D ay guests of Mi. and is. Laverne Patterson. Mrs. Dora Morris spent, i Christmas holidays with, her' sis- ter at Durham, Ontario and Mis. Yeomans spent the hodays ln Toronto. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Pbene 983-6249 Or»» Orono Building Contracter Brick -BI.ck - Conert stm. WYri Carettry -Cabfret w Tlile'1m 983-5441ORC Doîothy Bailey,, Mi. -an d Mrs., Wayne Bailey,- Shawn and Tim- othy, Mr. and Mis. Carltimnmett and Warren. M~rs. R. E. Logan is a patient in, the Bowmanviile Memorial Hospital. Miss Donna Gilbank, Loyalist Coliege, Belleville, spent. the Christm;as vacation with' ber niother , Mrs. E. L. Gvilbank. Chîis'tmas day guests with Mia T. L. Gilbank and famu-ly in- cludeti 'frs. Clarence Allun, Mà-s. Clireiiue Tîîgg, Mi. andi Mis. Jý. Denis Pickard, Bownian.. ville, Mr. and Mis. H. G.' Free* man, Maple Grove, Mr. andi Mrs. Paul Webb, Toronto and Dr:' and Mrs. Roger Nagarajan and Del-' phine, Gîeensburg, Pennsylvania. Mis. R. Watts who spent two weeks with her brotheî Mr. A., W. Clougli, left by plane Wednes- day foi hier homnein England. Mi. and Mis. Robt. Holmnes andi f amily spent Christmas with ber Parents Mr. and Mis. Jim Major. Miss Maiily Majpr icrturnedi with the mand spent the holiday week, with bier sister and famuiy in Streetsville. S.plc -TOI& GENERA&L PUMPING 24 Houx SERVICE LORNE'HARDY Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency Box 82, Newtouvmle, Outarlo Telephone .786-2921 Box 61, Port Pope, Ontarle Telephone 885-22M Iuil.di;ng a flouse? Ior remodfflmg y.u present orne, then eortact IFloyd Nicholson IPhone 983-SM 9 ORONO Cards 'tM1Off' 1 1