.ORONO WEEKLY TIMWES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARV 3rd, 1913 DUÙrhanî Agri News By Bob Watt Associate Ag. Rep. The Mouldy Corn Problea- Moulds have yeen found to be present in mnany fields this year, in general they can be divided into two groups, First group . black or gray mouids - these -are usually super-ficial but oniy in evere c,,ases do) they penetrate CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPE? by Harding and Crosiey Wafl-to-Wail or Area Rugs 1Complote Uine of Kitchen Carpet, Hanlsurfàes F. A. Kramp Furnitore Ltd. 37- 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Fre E stimaes Decoratlng Service ...1 ROY THOM,!PSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 AUl Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards W'e build froya the foundation np. Lie kerneis, This group does tiot p) uduLice to:in.sor etoesthat causýe ,roblems in feeds. Second group -Plutlr or witish piùik mouids- usual-ly belong to the fusarium group. One of this group known as Jiberella Zea has been responsible for the pro- duction of estrogens which can cause problems in feeding live- stock, particularily sow herds.. 1All moulds are easily killed in the insiling process with acid treatmcnt or by drying. The tox- mns however once produced are p resent and can be 'a problem. In Ontario to date probiems have been related to the estrogen produced by the pink ear-rot, If, you suspect that you might have a probiem, you' should colîet a sample of one pound of corn from at least two wagon ioads or combine loads and if you wish to bring them to our office, we can have thent sent to the Uni- ve rsity of Guelpht to -have them analysed for their potential feed hazard. Full Time Agriculture Employaient -Avallable- If' you are 18 yeaî1s or over, physically fit, have dairy, farm experience, a desire to work with high quality livestock and to improve youre prospects for future employment, you may be elîgible for a ten week course at Kemptville College of Agricul- trai Technology. If you are 16 yeaxv, of age and wish to find work in Agriculture, you may Response To Change Schools of Northumberland and Durham Counties will soon have in their possession a bookiet en- titied, "Response to Change." This bookiet produced by the On- tario Minstry of Education is directed mainly at parents and gives an overvicw- of education in Ontario, The bookiet explains, celeariy and in laymans language, the changes in philosophy, prorat and operation which are taking place in the provinee's Second- ary Schools., "Fý'hoo1s are not the same now as they were a' generation ago,"ý and the bookiet is an effort to help make parents and the public in general, aware of the differ- onces. The bookiot outlines some of the changes in educatfon, sucit as the credit system and then dc-Ives mbt pertinent questions that many parents are asking. Questions such as "Why aren't there any compulsory subi ects?, and "What is happening to di'- ci.pline?" and "Are students stili getting the fundamentals?"' are asked and answered. Other typ- ical questions responded to are, "110w are' students being grad- ed?" "Is the Credit System ex- perimental?' "Can students trans- fer frot one shool to another?" and "Do the ceilings on cdu- cational spending restrict impie- tentation of thoc credit system?"' The booklet will be distribut- ed through the Secondary Scitools shortiy and parents are encouraged to read it. be eiigïbýýe for a Dairy llusbandry Counbe at the WesàeuiOntarto Co1býýge of AgiiicuLitral TecIintol- ogy, iidgetown. Ail suçre.sstuL4 graduates are placed on seiecteki tarins by the Ontartio Agricutur- ai Manpower Service. If You wisb further' information you may, contact Mi, Bruce Hodgins, Rural Developtent Officer, AlIDA Branch, 55 George Street North, Peterborought, of by con- Lacting our office at 234 King Street East, Bowmanville, phone &rville Chatterton, ELECTRICAL COWFRACTING ELECTRIC IIEATING AND SERVICE Phoue 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ST. SAVIOURS. ANGLICAN Established 1869 Rlegilar Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m., floly Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourtb Sundays floly 1Blaptism by appointaent with Rector 987-4745 The Rey. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. - Callyour Iicensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor who seils, instaZis and guarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING soul aý1d Crop Xlijrovemeujt Plans, have been finaliz. i for the annual meeting or Ùurtiaiî County Soi! and urop lnpî ove- ment Association which will be field on Wednesday, January 3.-d 1973, aI the Canton Cominiuniij lzilbeginning at 10:00 A.Mv. and running to 3.15. Mr. Don Gali- agher, Souls and Crops Special- ist fromLidsay will discuss the resuits of te area Soil and Crops trials as wel i ; answering any questions on various crop prob- lem~s. There will also be a pres- entation of County Association Constitution., Mr. Harm Nodwell Who is the Agricultural Engineer from Lindsay wili be the guest speaker and his -ltôpie will be "The Solution to Pollution is Dil- ution." More and more lin thi,ý area we are. hearing of prob- lemts that are arising due to di- ferent, forts of pollution and this will be' an opportunity for dis- cussion in titis area. 4-H Saowmobile Club- Even though the organization- ai jmeeting for the 4-H Snowmo- bile Club will be lield on'Mon- day, December 18th, at 8:00 p-.m in the Agricultural Office in Bowmanville, there stili wil be an opportunity to any young people from the ages of 12 to 20 to join this club, and be able to work together with other 4-H1 members to learn the different aspects of snowmobiling, such as maintenance, ,repairs, ,safety, laws of Sowmobiing etc. If you are interested or knowsoreopne wýh, would be interesýted, please c-nac he Ontario Mini>stry of Aglficwu'ile and 1 90d, 234 King S r . Estor phono 623-3348. 1 -EAN BEEF ON TIIE INCREASE In Steptember, 29.8 per cent oft te beef rnarketed in Çanad:À graded Ai. Ev mid-November, thepercentage rose to 33.8. In Canada's new beef grading,. system, instituted September 1, ,Ai is the leanest within the A grade, and A4 the fattest. 1There was a small decrease in the marketings 'of Canada grade AM in the September-November .period from seven so 6.7 percent. KEEPING CHIRISTMAS PLANTS The traditional Christmnas gift flowers - the' poinsettia, chry- santhemunt and azalea- can be)( kcpt to bloom again as garden plants. However, this takes careful treatment, and the resuits may not be as expected, according to a scienties with Agriculture Can- ada's Plant Researchi Institute i1i Ottawva:> Each of these plants requires long liours of darkness in order to bloomn, something often diffi- cuit for the average gardener to, achieve, UNITED CHURCU Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Bey. B. E. Long. B.Th. ORONO UNITED 'CIIURCH:' SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1973 Orono United Churcit. Churcit Sehool - 10:00 a,.n Worship Service - 11:15, am. Sacrarnent of the Lord's Supper Discussion Group, January 5. at 8 p.m. in thc Friendship lThorn Special Telecast - Saturdaý Jan- uary 6th at 12 noon, Charnnel 9 to launcli "Key '73 Faitit in Action", Kirby United 'Churc h: Worship Service - 9:45 a.rn. Sacrament of the Lord's Surgrcr Church School- 11:00 ar.. Dial A 'Thought - 983-9151 JACK RIC ARD REf.AL TOR - 99 King $t., E. BOWMANVILIE When Buying or Selling cal WIF HA E VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 M ember of Oshawa and Dis triet Real Estate Board