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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1973, p. 5

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-r--- ORONO WEEKLY TIMELS, WEDNESflAY, JAINUARY 10h 1973 UNITED CmURuiu Charge R~.Minister Re.B. E. Long B.Th. SUNDAY,JA AR 14, 1973 Orono UiteIcd Church: Church School - 10:00 a.m. Worship service . 11:15 ar. Annuai RepDorts will' be available to the Cnrgto Sund'ay Jan- uary l4th. Annual Meeting, Tuesdav, 'Tpuu S ary 16th at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Group, Friday, Jn"- ary 19, at 8:00 p.m. in the 1Frlendship Room. Kiiiy United Church: Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. Church School- 11:00 a.m.. Dial A Thought - 983-9151 CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding, and Crosley WaUl-to-Wall or Arca Rugs Complete lUne of Kitchen t aïrpet, Hardsurfaces FA.Kramp' Furniture Ltd. 37 - 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowmanville, Free Estimates Ilecorating, Service JACK R"ICARD' 99 King St,. E, BOWMAN VILLE WhnBuyiag1 or Seling cal RE PREM NTVE AU 57 Memb~r ol ,ha~zLs U) Ani Dowa Thie8okSak January Ilth, 1973 Adut- The Joy of Feeling Fit by Nichol- as Kounovsky (exerdise and plysical fitness) The Study and Practice of Astral Projection by Robert Crookali (psychical researdli) Our Violent Society by David Ah- rahamsen M.D. (stud'y of caus- es of violence ini the UT' day) TIe Lace Ghetto by Maxine Nunies and De'anna Whit, men's liberation from ar adian xlewpoint) September Street by Joyce Ding- well (romance)f Death to the Landlords by Ellis Peters (whodunnt) Junior- Zim and James Skeliy Telephone Systems. by Herbert The Bread Book by Carolyn Mey- er- (ail about bread andi how to make it) Off-Loom Weavlng by Marlon H. Bernstein The Acventures of Pinocehlo by Carlo Collodi, Easy Reading and Picture Books The Selfîsh Oldi Woman ýby Tosh- iko Knnzawa The Mule Who Struck It Rich by Syd Hoff. County Council ,Vote for , w h ien Our Munxcîpanty will be forced On -L they doîs't want u ls" Later he added that his town- ship xvas notin, the region, "iin tact it's net anywhere,' lie stated. "Campb- llford and Seymour must go togetiser and go w here- e\,er we can get in." Carl Hecath, R-ees-e of the town of I-lasti:sgs said that Hastinigs does lot know where they are goilsg 'XVe arc orienitec in sever- ai directions (Peterboro, Hast- ings). "Yes, wie could accept change," he suggestecl, "but who is go ng to change their business ja,ý;t the sake of change? Haldimand Reeve Ed. - said that in the proposais lis township is the "tail of the dog" and "it is the head that does the barking."1 1-e pointed out thnt the bound- aries seem to be confused .-- cannot see that Haldimand "will ge t inudl" from the region. Coîborne Reeve Delbert Mc- Lauglilin said that he is disap- pointed at flot being in the region. He said that Colborne is oricnted toward Cobourg and canr- a part f a Belleville region. "There is only one place to go as an alternative and that is north to Peterborough." Reeve H{arvey M1alcolm of Man- vers Township said, "If the Un- ited Counties as a whole wishes to remain as a body, it is a good idea. But if 'orne cf 11-- go 5,T-"a'ze-s w-i be willing to go to 'Victoria." Percv's llerx e Artisur Wartman said Ihat although lie was deeply hurt the night of the proposai, be is plea-eci thast it is only a proposal, not a d( fi -siteplais. ,When askcd by the ps-vince to, plan ahead, the Counties Coun cil responded quickly.' Why in four minutes eau four years lie th'-own otîi?" hi"laie"ted, There are so many qe w- sxhich have rio', beýq s7er -cifor, example the 'ax biseand uJ '. 'ý m t, fi t il i- difficuifte comment," insg l-r nî e "rve C. '1uC t 'thi ig, bý u Da-iinton leeve C. gestd tht thee shuld e flot a north nry rinas sget ed by OAPADS.: 1 "I arn of the opiÎnion -1[-1- west xiii have to gý,o W( north wil go rorth -14 xiii go east," he elxplai.nied. Cartwright's Deputy-reeve V, Asseistine said thaï it -%as like going to a funeral ýcoming to the meeting Thursday. ý "The ship is going down and you may as weil get off. Cart- wright is oriented! toxvard O ýh- awa, there is no doubt about that. Cartwright's Beeve L. S. Mal- colm said that.- he is w?-rv (, blocking things justý because they are new. "I just don't see that we can make a reeion !out of umberland and Durham," he said W. R. Carveth, Dcmi17- of Clarke townshio said I ing of the peoffle ia Clarke was to keep the United Counties intact, "Our assets will be lost. we'Il be paying higher taxes and get- ting no more services," he said. "'We have to pick oburselves a leader and get out anid figlit," he conciuded.» Orvielle. Chaitterton ELECTRICAL CON4TRACTING ErLECTRIC HEATiNG A'ND SERVICE Phone ;983-5546 -,,or ,9$3-5940 OÔRON, ONýTARJO Cal) yourl Mechanical Contractor who seils, instals and guarantioe CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING -~ ~t-,, Ke~dI Nw s Sorry to report th it Mr.,lDon Roughley, who lives in the th-,,; O houie rnortfh of tiL. .evc, uh m in Keudal West, xvai out on hiý ski-doo this weekend when an- other ski-doo srammed intohlmi and broke his leg. He is lu Osh- awa Hospital. Mr. Don lltndersc" loto bis new home on the forjn- cx' Wm. Curtis farm. The United Churcli Wom.Žui met at thc home of Mrs,, H rt er on January 8th xith ten mem- bers present. Mrs. T. Stevens opened the meeting with prayer a'nd the singing of the hymn "Standing at the portai of the opening year," Mrs. T, Stevens thanked the ladies for their support ,din'ing the past three years. Then calded on 11ev. T. -Snelgrovc to instal the officers for the comiog year. They are Mrs. A. Downes. Presi- dent; Mrs. J. Staples, Vice-Pres- ident; Mrs. R. Ei]iott, Treasurer: Mrs. G. Catîcart, Recording Sec- retar. -FINAL WEEK YARDLE Y' PRODUCTS -1 Ail Reducedl Now Available CAN CAN PANTY H~ Popular shades and sizes VITAMINS HeIp maintain gôod health Parametteýs Adult $3.39 Parýamettes Chewables for Children $3.49 Paramettes LIQUID $2.99 the ha-yu oa rn i moved a l 'V l ole fink tO M-~I.1ohr.dt- who h eu O I brr'-; vpa -ethie bo-,es and the children's candv. Moved b; Mrs. mT 17 ater. sec- onded by Mrs. R. Ellijoit ffiat a xfft be sent to Mrs. .Lere who s in Bowmanvjlle Hospital, A satiSfactory financi report "s give s by our treasurer Mrs. Mrs. T.' Steveng spoke on Our live--love prOjeets. Meved by Mrs;. G. Cathcart, seconded by Miss C. Stevart tb'st we again support thse two live-love projects in Newfouindla;nd and in Angola with our super gift of flfty dol- lars eaeh. Moved by Mrs., A. Low, second- ed by Mrs. T. Stevens that the membership fee be fifty cents. Then Miss C. Stewart e ýa Program sehedule for the com- ing year which Mrs. K. Wood xii type for each member. Lunch wies served by Mrs. G. Cathcart and Mrs. Hfn Yr Tihe next ineeting xiii ,be, at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott ona Thursday, February 8th. FAMILY COMB SPECIAL Ilp to $2.65 value REPRINTS of Christmas Photos QUALITY PRINTS and ENLARGEMENTS VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE BATH BEADS $1,44 and BATH OIL $1,69 BLISTR KLÉER, For Lip Care, ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. HoIy Communion- First and Third Sundays -MorniDg Prayer- Second aind Fourth Sundays Roliy Baptism bLy appointment wviLh Retor 987-4745 The. Rev. H7. Robert Hayne, B.A.. L.Th. ',ý January Svig STUTT'SPHARMACY PHONE ORONO 983-5009

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