-j--- ,~ r ,,~ Times VOLUME 37, NUMBER 3 ORONO Wl7EEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARLV l7th, 1973 Row n ,iElected ToFa Counties' School Board The qiuiet man of the Nof-um- eran-DrlamConty Badof Education, -Art Rowvaný, %V110ep was eleeteti lalirm,,anafhtn agri meeting. The soft-spoken Mr. Rowan de- fefdDr. Ian VWilsýon', the new 1 re prcseri[ative forcobug d ïimand and Hailton, by -ten ~~ W. Frank Thom, direýctor of ,cd- uication, condufq cidfit l.'to of the chairmnan. Mlr. Rwn"'- norinateti by Howarc fshePpard af Percy andi Scymour andth nomination was secondi b' (½.- j et, Whitficld of Cavan, MAillbrook South AMonaglian. His opponent was nominiateti by the new niember for Brighlton, George Elyfh andi scconded liS Russ Wa]ker, the newv member for Cobourg, Hmlo and H1aldi- -landi. Garniet Whifield, a mneýmber of ,le board since ifs inceDt ion in 1969, becanie flicnewvie& niýan. Hec defeated C. V. Jolinston -if Alnwick, Camyplieliford aid Ilastings bv Il votfs to four. Mr. Johinstqn fias aiso qbeen a board ncnî& r sinice 199i, abas .flie newcaimnMrRoa lut lis noinaiiýtion speech. the jongest lie las ee al as a board member, Mr. Rowan w-el- comed new mlemnbers along, -, flie, oild dsaid lie ould con- sider ifani onl -tole chaîrImanI oî thecoad 11ereerec to the recent an- noun,!cemi-ent byIthe provine on the Oshawa-cenfrcd regional gov- cnmeit struicture and said theý Miiuter -of -Edu7cation ,Thomas Welils ias said il. "will have no affect one ain matters. "It is my hope that reg!ional govrnientwill not affect'-the Nortumbrlad -Durham school board bounidaries," lie saiti,, "Four y-ars ag-o, mlin this' board was cstauised. e xcrc tolct thaf it- must follow counltv îi1um e, and flicre would be no deviation froM, thaf. Wo- have a <good bal- ance of rural andi urban now'and' we have no largec urban nýrPaS dominating our juri2,diction andi 1 hope it remains flec sameo." Mr. Rýowan wentý on toexai that the board's jurisdiEctionï is splii into flirce sectioîus for ad-' ministrative and educafional nr poses, compriieti of about flic s9ane number of pupils andi teaci- ers in ecd area. "Our cost per pupil is favor- able witli, other boards throuuh- ouf Onfarlu and this is duc to flec harmonv andi effort of bofli the board members andi thceatiminis- (Continucti page 4) Mothers Dey OutInte New Meiiibers To Jo'rli Group "Mothers' Day Ouf" is a group ,of younig \wonnof fliccommnun' 3fy anti area wio rmeet regularily at the Orono Uniteti Churcli for aE mnorning of relaxaltion anti es- cýape froni houseliolti dufies., The group is sponsoreti by flic UOnlted Chiircli Womicn, wlio 'vol- =tarilv babysif pre-sechool ebulti- -re1- ior members duiring flic ect ;, Howevcr ic ouhe deflnifely noni-denominational anti .rogramnmes concern sucli topics aý, creafive homcmakin1g, cooking sl~onsratonsandi chlti behav- 4Mri., - t- Drcss for flic meetings is casu- eý as members offen make use ofj flieshuffleboard facilif les af flic churcli. The only cost involv- cd is a 'collection,-for flic "coffe funti". Members take furus pre- parinig refrcslimenfs for flic meet- Thosc affcnding I"Mofliers' 'Day Ouf" are, mosf anxious for sonie new faces lanflicir group. Tliéy urge young womcn not fa feel thaf If is neccssarv f0 have pre- school chitiren or f0 lie a mcm- ber of flic Unitedi Churcl in uor- tien fo attend. Mclmbcrship is open fa any ititerestcd young women. Meetings arcelieldtheficsecond Wcdnesday of ecd monfi froni 9:30-11:15 a.m. Watci flie paper for furthcr an- nounicements. lias been post Mdaster in Niewton- ville for the past 1ïi' ý years " retired on Mondýay, Janu- ary 15tli. Post Msesiii. the area gathere at ewonileon Monday.to express ,beýst wissvto ,Mr, LaUe.. Mr'.-Lane flot oly acted as, Post lMaster in Newýto)nville for the' thirty-eight years bit as operated a store as we-lL ' the new Post Office wascntr- ted in Newtonill.Ie some fouir vears ago Mlr. Laine becamne the -fuili-timie Post master% Mrs. Carroil of Kýendjal lias f ak-1 enîý over fhe, position of ý 11,t Mfaster in Ncwtonvllle., Mrs. Car- roll's husband op)erates the store in Ken4lal anci the Post Office. Police Trustees Take Oath 0Of Office The threc- Trutfees of tfhe -Pol- ice Village of Orono foQk their oath of office at nlool, on 'tuesday ankd followed with a ,brief meet- ing when thcýy apD)ointed th le chairman to the Board as well as the chairman for Orono Hydro. Mr. D. M. Simpson was appoint- ed chairman of thie Police Trustee Board whiie Mr. Harvey Partner was appointed ç,hairman of the Orono Hydro Electrie system. Other appointmeents were Mr. Simpson to the Orono-Clarke Fire Commiftec to, form flic committce with Reeve E. R. , Woodyard of fthe Township) of Claîrke. The frus- tees recommendemed Mr. R. C. For- rester as the village Represenfa- tive fo the Clarke Planning lBoard R. 'Forrester was also appointeti secretary-treasurer for the Orono Hydro Commission. NDP TO Discoss Regiont 1 Gsvt. The N1)P wil hold a Mini- Caucus meeting on Suinday, Jan- uary 21, 1973, af Port 1Hope High School, Port Hope, fromn 1:30 p.m.. to early evcning, to discuss Pro- posedj Regionai Governmenf easf of Metro. Ail inferesteti groups and individuals are invit cd to submit briefs, oral or wriffen, on (Contin.ucd on page 4) Mr, Kay Lx'ccft (on fili-rgl was epft presiclent of fi Or- ono Chamber of Cmeré on Monday ni.gliý-twih Mr. Jake Reýit (on flihe cf)as vi-psie. Mr. Clare -G-titer waý; cleec, freasuirr il Mr. Charl!ie Pearce secre1firy. Directors ecýcd were Messrs. P. Willianis,.F. Nicholson", C. Cornisli, W. Selimalil, Albert Munneke and Mrs. M. Sawyer. The president elcct stateti le would like tf0 sec flic appointmcnf of a New Idea Cmitefo pro- mofe a greater intcrest in flic conimunify and tf li chaber. 11e also saiti "lef's be priud of our membership in flic Chamber andi let fie People kinow wc are- alive and kicking." H1esu9gges4ed the OronioChiamber shouldi be incor- porated. AiMr: ilcykoop xa in char.ge of the ImeetÉing ýandi expressedti tanks *of flic Cliamrber Counci] for as- sistance- given by memnbers dur- ing flic pastyer If was stafeti at flic meeting thatflic Cliamber' hati reciveti a letter froni flicLiquo>r , Control -Boardi in which flicBoarcrc- omiuendcti thaf fthc counicil of thie municipality shoulà pass a resolufion stafing if they w$re in agreement witli a liquor stoi b- ing placedi in Orono. If was saiti thaf fthc leffer lias alread'y been referredti f0the Township Council, Reeve Woodyard Cuts Ribbon Home Smifh Properties Orono Est afes subdivision was officially opcned Saturtiay whien Reeve E., R. Wootiyard eut flic rilibon lie- for flic officiais of flic comnpanwy anti represenfatives of flic muni- cipalify. Tlie Orono Estatessudvio locaf cd noifli of Orono is ti-signedt for 83 single family limes slitrul which fliere arc six basic models ranging from a flirce bedroom bungalow f0 a four bedroom fwo story. Eaci lot at Oronio is af lcast 75 feef wide. They are connecteti f0 Orono fown wafcr suppiy wifh underground bydro services and individual sewage disposai sysf- ems. Walter G-neye, Orono Projccf Manager, saiti "In this subdivision ,wc have fried f0 combine flic cou nfry environnient wif flicth most modern building technriques.' Oui bouses are buili in our GNC facfory af Woodstock as modulai unifs on a production line basis wiflithfl afesf construction mefli- otis andi exact îng qualify -cQntrol stand>,ardIs. Ail homes meet Can- adian Standardis Association - andi NHA requirements. "Affer shiipmcnf fo Orono fliey are insfalicti.on poureti concrete b;asýements anti connected andi finisied by local crTaffsmen." One of flic more safisfying feaf- ares of luildingc in Orond was fliat as flic tieveiopment g't un- der way we vere able to affract iocally ftie higl calibre of crafts- men we necd f0 finish our homes f0 fthe critical standards wc bave sûf for ourscelves," 'Mr. G-neye By -arrangement witi Ontario Hydro. Orono Estates is an afl eeccric sub division, Eacli home bas extra fhick insulat ion tfa meef Hydro standards anti al roomns are indiviually tempera- turc confrolleti - wifli basement walls having special insulafiop. insfalieti. Prices of flic homes ln Orono Estafes stait af $28,450, with 5% down payment. Mort- gages have a 9% inferesf rate. Clarke Commî-l'ttee of Adjustment RIesigin Posiion Enm-asse Miss Mary-Lou Powell is pief- tition ini Kingston. She is a mcmn- ureti above. Mqiss Powell rccenfly ber of thc Orono Figure Skating piýacet fourth lu sectionai comipe- Club. The Clarke Commitfce of Ad- justmnf t antid icr sccretary- treasurer have tenderedti tiir res- ignation -,fa flie Township of Ciarke Council tb be accepteti forfliwifli. in fliir resignýation flic cer- miftec and secretary-trcasurcr sfate "that if is eccenfial fiat perfect hanmony anti compflefe mutual untierstanding sliould ex- ist befwccn tflic duly electeti rep- resentafives of flic eorple and flic Comrnitfte of Aijusfrnent." If was also pointeti ouftlunflicir let- fer- that "certain unfountieti anti i11 conceiveti alilgatiors conceru- ng flic Committce of Atijpsfmienf have been ifier maý or Pacqul- escet inl by sitting members Of flic Carke Township Council," The entire lef feýr of reiglnaf ion is bclow r.ubislict. Geýntlemen: If lias cone fa flicattention of flic membe-rs of flic Comnhlf!t- cof Adjustrnenf itanithfic Sccrctary- Treasutrer of flic Cornrnitte thaf certain unf,ýuncIetI ant ilii con- ceivet i algations -concerning flic Conifttee of AtI.Jusfrnenf t been ciier mat i oracquicsced in by siffing members of flic Clarke TwshpCouncil. Whul!ie thecomitchave lies- iaet irec ingthir tiecision becausetlicy iIti ofwisli ta give susanef ufut qt iud un- fa.ir comment;,ficComrittce anti flic Secretar-resrer are of flic unanimous opinion fiat if is essenfial fiat perfect liarrnony anti complet e mutuai untierstand- ing shouiti cxîst befwecn {Ite duly eiect cd represent-atives of flic people andtihli Commîtfee of Ad- justment. While the 'Committee. ant ini- dividuai members of Couincil will almost inevifabiy have di;ffern es of opinion in specifiecaýses; complete lacrk of gooti f aifli wvouli icadti f0sucli difficuif working conditions f taffli lestincss of flic community as a wlioLe wouiti not lbc serveti. The Cmnfeemmes and flchecrtr-Tesrr o fic Commîffce of Adju ~în lee fore, liercliv tendcr trrrsga fions antid sctul cus thaf fliese resignafions li acepf cd forfhwifli. Erie TRichard Lovekin, Cliairman Klaas Scbocnmaker, Russell Osborne, Eillen M. Yeo, Sec.-TrPIs New Chiamnbe-r Offieers ElIected 7,7 ý(!)rono Weekly