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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1973, p. 2

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h-h ~ hh~ t ORONO WEEKLY TIllE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1973 O--RONO WEEKLYTME bcmComm)ent and conceru mnounted last week whenj it beaeknowvn that the CIa-ke Committee of Adjjust- Ment had tendered their resiguationl enmasse to the Clarke Township Council. The Cmnte' ucini uhta it cmuo beshltedtoaray imunlicipal department Or group. It operates independent of council and has full powr in it ecis"ions. The Comittee in thleir letter gave astheir reason for their resignation, whiech in part reads, "Ithat certain unfouncted and ï11 conceived ailegations co-ncenngt' Comnittee of Adjustment have bceen aither made or ac- quieseed in by sitting niemibers of thé Clarke Township Councli." It woulà thus appear that the Conmiîttee was not objecting to action by council as a whole but rather ta cer- tain allegations made by individuals of council. -Reeve Woodyard,, in a prepared report to couneil also referred to what appears, similar conduct. His report contained thé following: "Since this Council took office, and even before, actions by individual members have Caus- ed me conceru. Although, atour first meeting, I did refrain fromn making a stâtement, 1 did caution members as to their responsil>ility to couneil and suggested to cease acting ini an individtual mariner, . *." "Since that time, some undor- tunate and alarming instances have occurred, with 'rumors and accusations being directed and received by individuals which 1 feel have been unjustified,' Humors do have a way with running away with themselves and it is time now to hold the horses and let logic ruie. CIOUNCIL SUPPORTS COMITTEE MAovekâuo To Unseat Levekin' Voted Douâw By 3-2 ot A mave ta unscat E. R. Lovekin from the(I*ïClrke Committce of, Adjustmnent was, voted down Tuesday cvening at.council meet- Ing bye a recorded vote of 3-2. Council voted down an amcnd- ment moved by Dcputy-reeve Kirk Entwisle and Counillor Gcrry Hleykoop that Mr. Lovekin be rcquested ta accept a position Xs legal counscl for the ;,ncw Committee of Adjustment aud that Klaas, Schoenmialker and E. Y. In. Osborne (members of the Committee) be requested to suig- gest a tuird member ta council for tic Commnittee, Eiitwisle and Hcykoop voted for thc amend. ment with Ciater, Reid ad Woodyard voting ag-ainst tic a- meridment. Following tis vote council tien voted on the motion anoved by Counillor Reid and «hater, tiat counicil not accept tic rcsig- nhation of tie Comrittee of Ad- justment. This motionj was tien, supported by al council mcmi- bers witi the resuit that tic Comruilttcc of Adjustint is ta stay intact. The mxotion and amcndmnent was prompted through tue resig- nation of ail members of tic C>mnittec of Adjustmcut and ticir secrctary-treasurer. Tie text. of their resignation appears on tue front page of this issue). Folloiug. tic reading of the miass resignatiion, discussion op- ened witi Deputy-reevc Entwislc ;stating i e was really at a loss why thcy quit. Counillor Reid said tiat doubt hd been creatcd wiheticr Council wauted tic Committec back'or not. "IWe left a doubt in their minds,"' he said. Councillor Reid furthercd his re- marks by stating lie knew tue tirce gentlemen of tic Committee to be most honourable and that they did, not -nced this *ind of emîbarrassment. Reeve Woodyard stated lie wxold have been concerncd if lie Lad recciveci tic same treatment. Dcputy-recve Entwisle said lie could niot sec tic Committee lie- mgembarrasse(_d over tic actions of cuncil but lie was concerned o>ver tic caz;isting by-law and the legality of tic Committee of Ad justmeîýntI. Hc askcd if tic Com- mnitt2e was pro('perly constituted wicn tictownshipsolicitor was a~ ~~h mm roftcCommittce. Reeve Woyr stated that leld contacted tic Department wio) stated tliey could sec noti- -n,- wrong witi Lovekin being on, tic Committee but tiat a "grey area" did possibly cexist whicli ýoufld only lie cleared up lu tic courtsý. Dcputy-recvc Entwisle re- fetrrcd to a meeting with Mr. Lovekiin, who he said also re- -fcrrcd ta tic "grey area," Enit- wisle tien stated that if anyone challengcd the legality of the Committee'andà won it could airer. turri ail the decisions made by the Committec since its inception. Reeve Woodyard said it was un likely an one would. ever, take this action under tie circum. stances. Reeve Woodyard said this was a sertous matter and that as far as he was coucerucd if tuis Com. mnittee w-as not returned there WOU1d( lie nu new Committec. 1He sald.-tue work would have to be referred WtheUi Cotiuty Land Div ision Court and this *ould cert- ainly be an inconven>ienlce. "It ih the ýneople of Clarkce wio wilI suffe r," he said. '"We can't even open the Committ ee's mail box at this time," he said, "aud there couljt well be appeals and appli- cation being lheld up now.' He further stated it clo~Ud take a number of imoniths taappointjand gain, approval for a new commit- tee. .-"In ail fa!rnessý I have never heard -tu e Cl'1'arke Comnittee cit- icizp.d,'" he said. He 'said it Waà more serious that the Township was without a comm-ittee thar any, slight grcy area that' may exist. Councillor Chater said it, was ridiculous ta, set up a, new. Com- mnittee. Couacillor Heykoop stated he could not agrce with tic by-iaw passed by the past council and asked for a ton minute recess to con4,der the issueýs.. This was granted. Wi.ti the presentation of the motion and the ameudment Recve Woodyard questioucd if the amendment was or was not in order and whether ýcouncil couic appoint a solicitor to thc Com- mittee. Deputy-Rceve Eutwisle statcd it was' only la secommend- MRS. JR VIN MCCULLOUGH DIES SUDDENLY. Mrs. Je-an McCullough, Clerk of the Village of Newcastle for sev-al years, died suddenly on Sunday morning. 'Mrs.PMecCul- lough had attended a hockey gme in Woodviile xith her hus- band,1aand en route home com- plinI f feeling Mi. She was fr t taken to Lindsay Hospital aý4 ;"ater to Bowmanville Memor- lai Jlosptal where shce passed awav. Dorothy Jean McCullough is sur' ive'd hy her husband Irvin, sons David, Paul and- Gary of Oshawa, Peter of Orono and Bil at home. FAÏGAN TRIAL UNDEit WAY The jury trial of Ronald Pat- rick Fagan began Tuesday at the winter assizes in Cobourg, before Kirby Neyfs The cýard party at, Kirby Sthiool on Saturday evening wa enjoyed by aIl taking part.,Therel were six tables ,wiith the winners as fol- lows: Iligh lady, Mrs. Ré:g. Elliott prize donated by Johnston's Drug Store; High gent, Mr. Cccil Mal- ley, donated by Toms, Newcastle; Low lady, Hazel Malley 'and Low mnan, Mrs. Mary Morris prizes do- nated by Mrs., Newell, Leskard. The door prize was - won by Mr. Lawrence Harris donated by Goode's Hardware, Newcastlc Thanks to those donating the lovely prizes and lunch. Tiere is ta be another card paàrty next rnonth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch of Starkville wcre'recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Miut Wan'nan. (A correction for last' week" news. It was Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souci <not Smith) that visited the Wan- nans. Miss Donna 1Cochrane,l Scarbor- ough and Mr. 'Ken Thomas of Thornill spent the WeekWend with Mvr. and mrs. Don Cochrane and Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and Charles wvere Sunday dinner guests of Ms. George Morton Of Orono. Mr, and MIrs. Sid lRutherford at- tended thé, fur rai of ils uncle, Mr. Mi1fredl Davi-- of Lakefic]d in Lakefield on Sal urday. Don't forget the Annual meet- ing following the Pot Luck din- uer at 6:30 touigit, Wednesday eveniug atKii by United Church. Skiing at the Oshawa' Ski Hill, hq as been very good tis past week with large erowds bath "Sat- urday and Sunday. Ti weatier e was ideal. e Miss Susan Bail, Toron~to, spent r-the week-end with her: parents, e Mr. and Mrs. Ken.Bail. 1. Mrs. Norma Ranisberry, MNrs. i-Dora Morris and Mrs. Gasee Reid e attended tic executive meeting at 1-Westminster Uniited Churci 'Osh- awa on Monday. 1 Mes a y Ne s1 : A record nulbehr af skiers1 came ta iîls West of ýKènUdai on Saturday in fa'ct five bus 'loads as wclI as scores of, cars loaded t with skiers. iMr. and Ms Colwill of' Toront o visited with Mr. .J's. Hay. and other nueflibers of 1us faimily on Sunday' aftcrnoon. , Sic is the daugiter of M rs, Httciesoni. Whcn sic waa little girl shie livcd nani of tie Len lFoy farm and- her father wa.s killed at Curve Inn whepn rwa eturp- ing from dcliverq_ a load of Christmas trees. A number from, tis area at- tended tic funcral of l41r Milford Davis aged 74, of, Lakchc'ild, ou Saturday, Jm-luary 13. He was tic iusbaud of Lizzice ;Burgess. Sie taught tic sixtb. liuec shool la 1914. Mr. and Mrs. tteg Elliott en- tcrtaincd Mr. sudf Mrs. Hanland Scues the past week. Mrs. H. Foster beld a family dinner on Sunday wti Mr. aud Mrk. Wayne Foster and -Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poster and Mr. and 31rs. Jack Fonk and sons aIl at tic gatheriug. Mrs. ' J Wilkin of Parkside Restaurant, Keudal, lias gone an a week's vacation tao tic Baliamas. Cathy Dennis is accOmpanying lier ou tic trip.i Mr. Gary Goldi*g, principal of KIrby school who lives: north cast of K endal hbad the misfort- u,,e to break his collar boue whule ski-dooing. Do not cat suu-burned potatocs as that green is poiso-nious. Do not overcook your vegetables. M.Justice Cromarty. Pagan, a 23-ycar-oba Orono area man, is charged witi attemp- tel murder inconuPct.10-nwith thc August 27 shooting c f Don- othy Bergsma, 36, at thc R17Zi OrOno home. Defense attoruey is Terry Kel- ly of Oshawa and Assiýtauit 'Ci -wn Attorney Ken Stuibingtou is prosecutiug tiecacse, A jury of il men and one wom- ar was sclected. Thc trial is expcctcdi to last thre ,days. * C!urke High Nkews Back to the old -rind wvith lots of wvork on the side. WVe enteredj the hallowed halls of Clark, a- gain on January 3rd, 1973 after a very refreshing Christmas holi- day. On'our first day back the gym- nasties club held their annual meeting.. Everyone seemed ready to work out on the eqiUipment that was set up in the gymn. on Friday, January 5th the Clarke Senior Basketball team was hack on the courts playing Port Perry. Despite a lot of sup- port from the students and a lot of hard. work on the part of the palyers, we lost. Maybe a reason for their defeat was that Port Perry has a player who is six foot eleven. On Monday, January 8th the 'Draina Club held a meeting. The interest in this club is slowly dwindling, This is toa bail be-, cause some people are doing a lot jof worlc towards it. BecaUse the fIrst weelc has been so short, the teachers started reaIly pour- ing the work on us. Wednesday came around agalin with another gymnasties practice. 1On, Thursdaày there wa: in«her Senior Basketball game against Dunbarton. The score was a lot closer in this gaine. On this saune day. the Junior and Senior Girls Volîcybail teams travelled to BoWmanville. The Junior girls won and the Senior girls showed somf- brillant playing. School lias really got back into the swing of things. More news next week, Diane Barnett PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST On Fniday 12 January 1973 tic Orono Public Sciool Speaking Conte5t was ield at Orono School. This ycar. it was kuown as tic Oral Communications Festival. As with otier years tue contestants -drew numbers ýta sec wio would go first., Tiere were two classes,, one for Juniors sudone for sen- iors. In tic Junior class in1 order of spcaklng were Michelle Philp wlia ;poke on Ncwfoundland, Kim Richards who sp)oke on a bird. which is near extifictio il "Tic Cuirle'w". Diane Slietier's topic was Élorida while Tom Gus- tar spoke on tic White Gorilla. in tic Sepior class'tic contest- ants, wcre Janet Sciocrimakerý who spoke on Witches, Wendy Wilkins whose tapie was Spinits,- Teresa Ciesiclski spoke on the Beaver, Jodie Tennant's tapie was Afrijca and Patti. Hoocy's tapie was Peggy Flemming. The Judges were Mr. Ray Dickson,' Mrs. T1 Brown and Ian Moffat. 'Mrs. Luina was teConvenior. In the -Junior elass the win- ner was Tom Gustar while the runner-up was Kim Richards,.In the Senior class the winner was Wendy Wilkins while the runner- up wvas Janet Schoenmaker. Al the contestants were presented with Public Speaking.bars. The two Senior winners wilI speak in the Clarke Township>ý contest at LocIkhart school on- January 31. Reported by M. Tansley. Corruthers Reports Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham ini a press release from Queen's Park reports that tend- es are being called for' the SUP- ply and installation of new liglit- ing fixtures in the corridors and stairwells of the first and second floors, of the Mllbrook Correct- ional Centre. Estimated cost $8OO Completion date March 15,- 1973. DRY' CLEANING Agents for: Bowmanv le dleuners PICK.UP and DELIVERY EVERY TUESDAY, THURSI)AY andi JFRIDAY MATTepsBILLIARDS a'nd Barbershop Oroo, out. D)ACIING Saturday- Nlghts 9:.00 p.mi. to 1:00 a.m. No cover charge; no minimum Normal Bar Prices Complementary Snack later in the evening. Informai. Plenty of friée parking. Ful Dining orders taken in Main Lounge until 8:30 pm. Ail evening in adjoining dining-room, Janu- "arj 2 7th Make up a party. Corne join the fun on Opening Niglit Enjoy the music of The Cavaliers (Ted Koss Four-piece Band) 6 miles north of 401 on Highway 35 and 115 at North-east corner Durham County Road Cal: 1-983-5001 for reservations

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