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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1973, p. 3

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES,_WEDNESDAYJNAYlt,17 New School Board Members Four "new, boys" elected ta Or..Builidig Contracter Çarncmlwy - Mm.b Wt Plom Tfif service GatC. Wade lusuranco Agsncy GENERAL IN8URANCE boxu 41,.PoenHove, Oulaile reTlaph...go&-$=3 8iildig a Hise? or r.wa.delng YOW grog*"e FIeyd rNicls râe988-U4.9Om* FOR THOSE LONG WINTER NIGHTS Jig Sow Puzzles For ail age groups 59e to $2.98, CHIPS -PRETZELS POP CORN NEW RECORDS ORONO, O0". te As A Group Northumnberland and Durham County Board of Education ap- peared at the inaugural meeting and found themselves on, the short end of -a series of vot>' Ken Lyall of Newcastle, the only 'freshman member from the western endt of the United (' - ies, vote d with the four an-sever-> ai issues. Persistent questioning by al five was the theme of the meet- ing, whicb lasted until almast midnight. More than 30 spectat- ors were in, attendance, many of- Ethem teachprs. The split was apparent fromn the first ballot. Dr. Ian Wilson, un.officýa1 _lead-, er af the four members swept ln- ta trustee seats inthe;,Cobo urg. area, was nominated :for boird chairman. Nominated taopps 1Art 1nowan,' who represents Cartwright and M,,anvers Town- slips ý i the imstflorthwest sec- tion of the ýUniited Counties, Mr. RoWan had beeji on the caunty board sînce jits inception four years ago. The vote was 10-5 for Mr. îRoivan. The lasîng count of five was ýta recur several times, ln theé vening. First Clash The first mïajor clash canje1 on, a motion by, newcomer D. R. Cook to'replace the board ad hoc committees with standing com- mittees- The ncw members unofficial leader, Dr. Ian Wilson, moved thtfinnie adcurriculum c mi- mittees hoý adled tIo the five ad hoc' conimnitt-es that; would be- camne standing. Board V7eterans ob]ected. Norm- ai pracedure had been ta exam- ine all financiai matters, within certain dollar limits by 'the board, as a wbole. G. 1Blyth said he was e-leeted oni a piiest vote ag1,ains-t Ithe c-A of edutiion, nt as ani academlie.-' H1e wanted a finance commý-itte ta examine expenditures in de- None of the -four seemed ta believe the "1finite detailsas well as the broad sweep"§'as Dr. Wil- son, said, could be, examined by al 16 "board members simultane- ousiy. C. V. Johnson 1 ashed ont at the "new boys". "Are they going ta baggie over everytbing?" H1e sug- gested they take it easy. Mr. Lyaii. xvho uscd ta caver the board from thýe press desk, said he had "full confindience" in the board's integrity. H1e toosug- gested that his fourî feilow fresh- men "1take their tirme- what's gaing on" before question- ing everything. They should questioný the bud- get when the budget came up, he said. Motion Lost Howevçr, be voted with them,-on the issue of standing committees. The motion was iost. After .a series of confusing mov- which Mr. Lyall switchcd sides, Albert's Toxace WENRAL REPAIE Ph... 983&W5 romo the board finaiI- decided ta re- place the ad hotc comlmittees with standing committees. The new conittees, finance and curriculum, wereetblhd but having fuli board memiber-. ship. The newcomers formed a soiid block of. five ne ativ"e votes on a $700 course at Banf recommend- ed for one of ýthe administrat- ive personnel., The board would pay for' the two.-week Canadian Education Associlation leadership course. Dr. Wilson' said his supporters would expect himn to vote against sending the mani unlesýs he could see same concrete resuits; fram, it. H1e thought adininistrators might pay their own way since they werýe makingà good salaries. The board voted 8 ta 5 in favor of the motion, M.Lvall jaining the oôther four oppanents in ap- position. Incumbents AI Strike, A. Werry and S., T. Wordan froni, Boman- ville, Darlingtajü 'stood with the majority an each clash. STUDV' ON LOCAL GOA(V. STRUCTURE TO BE'MADE "Tatten, Sims andf Hubicki will prepare an obteçive iarea1 study an local governineni. structure and options aivaila-ble- for rcform for Cobourg town council," Wil- liam Perguson, a planner with the consulting firm told Hope Township, Council at their -recent 11e pointed out that there- wili be a cuestionaire sent out ta each municipaiity inviaved. so that their concerns can -be brouglit forward. At Cobourg Towni Couineil Mayor Jaek Heenan said that lie wou]d "Like to mkeit certa everyone that thetr firm jis doing this report on behaîf of. the whole area nat juist Cobourg. "There will be no9 bias1 toward' the tawn (of Cobourg). The con- suiting firm bhas been asked for an honest appraisal" of the prov- incial proposais :for local gavera- ment refarrni and of Possible vi- able altérnatlve*1. COUNCILS PRIEPARE FOR REGIONAL DISCUSSION Membnlers of -the Cguneiis Of Clarke, Darllngton, Bowmnanville and' Newcastle met last ThursdaY evening, in Hampton when a re- view and- discussion, centred a- round the proposedý formation of regional government in the area. ReeveE.. Woodyard stated the 'meeting did 1not resplve any MUSHROOMS ---- FRESH CAUBAGE SPANISH ONIONS conclusion but rather was. a pre- paratary session ta the meeting to be beid with government of- ficiais on January 23rd to be -- ------ l-- b. 69C ----- - ------- lb. 14e package of two 49e beld in Bowmanv ille, Members of the councils of the four above inunicipalities have been invîted to the meeting. buyin esierwihh ne l 73 Easy to buy. Easy ta start. ne w Exclusive "Easy-Arc" gets you going with the easiest two-finger, pull. Lightweight. Completely new muffler maires Il quietestin, Its ciass. Wide-spced handies. CHI-IN SA"S ="19 gtbing Si«'1e ROLPH. HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO' PHONE 983-52, ITS THE FLAVOUR'THAT COUNTS Loin Pork Chops' .1.08 ýZ, For Soups or just plain Picking CHICKEN WINGS lb. 38 BEST BUY. 16-oz. Mk. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 45c BEST BUY! - Wagstaffe with pectin Strawberry or Raspberry Aylmer Jams 24 oz. 57c FEATURE! - Red and White 24-oz. loaves Sliced Bread 3 for 89C Pre-Priced $1.09 Halo Shampsu 8 oz. 89 GLEN RAE. JUG MILK 3 quarts 1 3 quart jug 2% 75c Homo -79c .Plus Depýosit Supreme Frozen Orange Juice 61/ fl. oz Tins 12% fi. oz. Tins 6 for$SI 3fer $1 Phoue 93w5201 OUR PLEDGEý TO SELL YOU THE RIGHT CR. FROM1 A SELECTION 0F, OVER 100 NEW CARS and Over 60 Previously Owaed Cars BECAUSE ,WE- HAVE SO MANY TUE.F PRICES ARE LOW Why not let us know what you want? PHONE 6Z3-4481 Tender, Meaty, Country Style PORKRIBS lb. 98c For a tasty, tempting meat loaf Ground Beef and Pork Mîx lb. 88c Mild Seasoned -- by the piece HEADCHEESE lb.58c Mild Cured - No waste Peameal, Bacon End Cuts Centre Cuts lb. $10:26 lb. $1.38 Fresh Daily :EXTRA LARGE Grade A EGGS doz 59c CORNMSIS',,Orene Iwo W IFtqi l"Ço, l mi," JANUARY 17th, 1913 ýl,

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