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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1973, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNEDA B.lthany Couple Celebrate 6Oth Wedding Anniversary On 'Thursdaiy, Deceuiber 28th, r.and Mrb. Georgke MWaddei celebrated their 6Oth Wddin The coupie's wdig took place 0on CistmasDa,)em- ber 25th, 1912 at ili non daughiter of Mr. anid Mrs. P. M.ýi Anderson of Wesýt Lak hý- Picton) was united in marriage teý George Scott Wadideli o" Or- ono, son of Mr. and -Mrs. James Wadidel. The Jev[11 Spence of Bloomifield performed the m rar nage ceremlony asisted by the( ,uev. J. -A. M1ýcKeen of Orùoo. Miss Helene Waddeil OfO-n was the bridesmaid, and Victor Walker, thien attending K,-nox Col- leg iwoLer becamne the 11ev. ictor Walker of Bethaeny, now reiigin Bleie was the groom: man. Weev frst mrried, thev ~-' at Oonoý, wmoving to Bethany to mik thir omehere h 1'l qIn au ý,eeiai appiiance store in the villageunirereet Thy ave four daughters: Mrs. T;d Wdad (-Agn , Mrs. Brulce Hancock (Margaret), both of Or-ono; Mrs. Gordon Smith (Euxice) of Coiborne; Mrs. Mel. McGlee (Betty) of Greenbank. Their only son, iFlying Officer Alfred Waddell, was killed in ac- tin wjih the R.C.A.F. in 1944. There are 15 granchildren and 28 great granidehlldren,., S;itce comiing to 'tanMr. and Mrs, W1ýaddiell have played a very active part in thle Commiup- ity. MýIr. Waddell is oine of the Senior Eiders in the Uniited Church, a memnber of the Qdd Feflowýs and Orange Lodges. Mrs. Waddell has been a past presid- ent of the Womnen's Mîissionary Society, the United Church Womn- en, and a former va]ued nmember of the United Church Choir. Shte taught in the Sunday School for over 20 years. Mr. WaddeIl is now 88 vears of age and Mrs. Waddell is 81.' Guests were received by thpir four daughters. The U.,C.W'. catered to the an- niversary celebrations and the girls that served the guests were Debbie, Cathy and Janice MGe Su.qan Pennis, Marie :Hancock, Debble Hancoeck and great i,-- ' son Gordon Barrett. Tin the after- noon, Mrs. Leonard Driver and Mrs. Clarence Rowan pouired tea, and in the evening Mrs. Frank White and Mrs. Henry Jakeman poured the tea. The lovely six- tier weddlng cake arrangement was decorated by Mrs. Bright of Raglan. SAmong the lovely gifts that were received were a ba'- aiuminum tray fromn the U.C.W. and a presentation of, money from the family. A telegram was received from Australia, : Barney Mearns, their son's Ob-, server in the Air Force. Tele- phone -congratulations were re- celvect from Mirs. Doris<' Dawkins, Arizonia, and Mrs. Cy Foîkes, Montreal. Oue dozen beautiful red roses were also re- ceived fromi the Millbrock Leg- ion. Many fiiends and neighbours were present at the tea in honor of the happy couple, includin g their bridesmnaid Miss Helene Waddeil, Orono. NDP TO DISCUSS REGIONAL GOVERNMENT IN PORT IHOPE (continued. froin page t) the subjeet. Stephen' Lewis. along with sev- eral MPP's, ill be tiiere to re- ceive and discuiss briefs and sub- missions. Mel Swart;- president of the ONDP and a, ieieber of the Regional Council of 'Niagara, will make somne valuable commnents on the effeets of regional govern- ment in the Niagara area and its implications for communities in the newly designated area east of Metro, Everyone is welcoine to attend. For addîtional local iinforration contact Doug Moffatt in Orono at 983-5006 or 98â-5382. > Rowan Elect.d (continued from page 1) tration,"' he said.11 The new vice-chairman. Garnet Whitfield predicted that the i7ar ahead will be a "difficuit one" for the board. The main reason beuing the cutb ack by the porv- ince ia capital expenditure which will curtail the board's buildingz program, H1e noted there are schools in TRUSTEES APPROVE PLAN ON BEGIONAL GOVERINMENT A strategy for approaching rmg- lonal government in educeatioii wvas approved Thursday, Januar-y Ilth by Northumberland and Durham Couinty board of educa- tion. Suggested by education direct- or Frank Thom, it wil cosis 0 four Phases. On Januiary 16 high-level de- partmuent nf education officiais from Toronto arrive in Cobourg to background the "possible ram- ificationts" of board boundary changes and other areas tliat xight be affected by regional governmeut. Afterwards, local MPPs wilI be contacted to hold a face to face diocussion with education miin- ister Tom Wells, administrative officiaiis, and any board member several areas in the board's iuri- diction th at have not been brought up to standard. On regional government nro- posais 'Mr. Whitfield uagizested tha t the board do some "real sniil seareching" before making anyý recommendations to the derart- ment of educationi. El mer's Gairage TEXACO SERVICE M1iii St. North, orono PtInfe p9,qx5I36 Home PhOne 987-5167 Who .wants to attend. "The üPreýsent miniStry alwaysý wants to knn1w what we think Tliey like to get 'the field vib-w," Mr. Thom said. 13ovvmran ville - Darlington truis- tee Ai Strike thought the boardi should go to the meeting with a brief in hand. "We need something solid, with time spent on it. Regional government coulti end up destroy- ing this board," he suggested. Mr. Thom disagreed about the- brief. Re said he thought nothing was firm in the goverument's mind. A meeting wvould help te give some idea of what alterna- tives the ministry was consider- ing and what United Counities board and administrative offici ais were thinking, he indicated. 1Afterwardsý an ad hoc commit- tee could be set up to sturdy the-- issue in light4 of the discussions At that time, a brief could bc prepared. The board adopted -Mr. Thom's suggestions after several bitlng comments on the regional goveru- ment concept. "What a bunch of jerks:'Ar, education board from Pir, to Cobourg wouid be an admini- strative. monstrosity,", Ken Lyall,. Newcastle trustee said., "Things 'don't look well for uis ini the .west,"' Mr. Strike suggest- ed. H1e feit Courtice would almost certainly be lost to Darlington. township. Save Mouey! ON »X PIRMm MQUALITy DIESEL Oi1 STOVE Oit Phone 668-3381 m Collect DX FUEL DII For Prompt Courteous ServÎce Cail Us Today Coliseum Complex, Ex[Îto Park, Toronto, Ontario Spenosred by O.R.F.E.D.A. Fo Wr Registration Cards - see yeur nearest dealer. For further information wite te - CANADA FAJtM and INDUSTRIAL EQ UIPMENýT SHOW, 481 UNI VERSITY AVE., TORONTO, ONTARIO. OUR PLEDGE TO SELL YOU THIE RIGHT CAR ,. . FROM A SELECTION 0F OVER 10O NEW CARS Mnd Over 60 Previously Owoed Cars BECAUSE WE HAVE S0 MANY THE PRICES ARE LOW Why flot let us know what yen want? PHONE 623-4481 Oxford BMUCKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE 31. SCmIIAJIL Phone 993-566 SIbeci4Ialing in anl kinda or STONEWORK and FIREPLACICS W.ç aise do chimneq' SUi-N-PUILLED HOLIDAYS WITN TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. UV DELUJXE MYOltOCOACU RORIDA ,Many departure dates. Chiolce of 10, 14, 20 or 21 Day Tours. Ail tours imelude Disney World. (>ne gos to Mardi Gmss i New Orleans, PRICED PROM AS LOW AS $188.00 PER PURSON CALIFORNIA 23 Day Tours - Departing Febluary 17, Mardi 31, Apr-Il 22,OCbtober lsth PRICED PROM $400»00PER PERSON M&EXICO 18 Days - Departing March 2Mt and April 6th FOR BROCHURES CONTACT TRENTWAY TOURS LTDO 131 Charlotte St., (Box 712) Peterborough Phone 743-8181 qq ', m i iijI!1! m ie IiIiim i; 777 ý7,I "'Il'

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