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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1973, p. 6

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ORONO WEFJ<LY TIMlES, WE1NISDA,'V', JANUARy l7th, 1973 ]thbeough h oe 7-1fa vaUr-1 ~ 'hib~o er the eOrono Tyke S ~C~îrt. QIt"dte Orano tea-m ~laye v 1llbut ust could not inatc'i W1~thy I inigame. DIon FI aer ;cored the Orona ~gallath fr period on a solo "1Y7NOPEEFE ýFLVTERS 'The-rPeee FlYers and 1~4ecasle eamplayed ta, a 2-al tielat Fid~v iiOrono Arena.' ~)oug. Kr M iad StephiefiHay- onscoired the Orono goals with st t Stephen Clark an Don The ewcatlegoals wenlt to Icrag Ket ad ltndyDonnelly ~EWCASE NOVICE 4 - -~ ~R N NVICE FiLVErS ý3 The Orr'o gaIs vwere scored yKvnphilip, Bob My!,les and ~ria1 Shoernaer.AsiIts went k.oBobMyls, ike Wtson, lTnp ~foleyandPaul Reed. The ewca4½ gals erescor- '~d by pIine Gi he n obbie ~atmFalcons ta a 114 win 0v- pilÀtng ýthe scoring. Ken Hut- -7 p si! obberandt were cre- c!tdwith two a',sists each wth ~igeassists ta Jason. Lee, Jeff e neand Dennis Hooley. REST AIJR IT çtlVN 7 DArS A WK~ liea Mel ORONO 31IDGETS BLAST' GRAFTON CLUTB 13-0 Goals were the order Saturday nghj-t 1for the ,Orona Mges a they dcownedý( Graf ton 13-0. Mark Carman netted three while teamr mates Keith Powell, Doug Black, Ste2ve Allen andf Larry Watson scored two each. Single caunters were scored by Michael Hutton and Bull Slater. 1 Assists went ta Ian Brennan, Keith -Powell, Larry Watson. -Micliael, Hutton, Steve Allen and Myles Brandt. KAWAItTHfA, )DOWNS OPENS 1973 SEASO'N A good nuniber of spectators attended the 1973 opening of Ka- wartha Downs on Sunday, last. The pragram of racing is ta con- tinuILe on Sunday afternaans well into Marchl when the schiedule will be revised. Local hornses and drivers ap- pearedc on, the card an Sunday with Derek Newman driving Glenn Tennant's ,Golly's, Dally" toaa faurth plaýce finish ln the f ourth nacp,. Newvman in the siath also toak, a further founth place (niving Glnhome o wred by WIlmç)t W;iddis of Fraserville. The sixth race also featured Jac-kWilim diin farwill -Shirley ta a fifth place fin-ish and Juniior West drivlng, Mighty Wil ta seventh place. Gerald Robinson. in the eighth race drave Flying Miss, a Peter- borough horse, ta a second place finish behind Widaw's, Joe. LOCAL RIDERS PARTICIPATE Local riders who participated' in the Kawantlia Cup Races and the Masport Races during the pa't couple of weeks did very well. jim Murree and Wayne Couvier of 'Orona, Bruce Martin of Bow- mýanvîille and Marshal Keast of New caStle grabbed of two 5th Kawatha acesand repcat' d wlth 2 ffhan.a- 6th place at j, jt-, di\.er,; wére'using Pol- anis niachinesý and driving under the colours of, J and M Sports. PREMWIER DAVIS REPLIES TO TEILEGRAM, A reply from Premier William Davis., ta the telegram from Hainilta n Township Council a - ing for a one year's extension ta the deadline for briefs and ~h missions on provincial.,Gavera- ment Pran)osals for Regianal Gov- ernment in this area was received by Hamiltoni Township Council at a recentt meeting. The premier said that he will discuss the matter with bis col- leagues and wljl ask the ministry f treasur,, conomices and inter- gov enmnital affairs ta replv ta the request for an extension of time. Hamilton Township Couneil ai- so passed a resolution which en- dorsed the decision of United Counties Cauncil ta re main -as a governing body. The Douquet t Une Goo,--d licte neednt be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet In l ino proves this with the mail exquiste papors, tjp fre cnd workmanship you could- wish for!' t f, -' res Therm o-Engraving--rich raised iettering-elegont os Pshe finest caftsmonship,-. yet costing sa fillie! Corne sea oL a1fw,-, weé' -l Oroo *klyTintes O.PP. Re, ort The onltario Provincial Police Newcastle Detachment, betwcen December 31, 1972 and JanuarY 6, 1973 investigated 17 matar veh- lobe accidents in w-hich 3 persans suffered1 personal iniury, and 6, persans were charged with driv- ing offences in connection. During the lyear 1072, New- cateDetachmient officers invest- igtd22 fatal accidents in which 33 persoins were k-illed - campar- ngthlese fir' res with the year 197, in, whielh there were 10 'fat- al accidents Ind 1il persanski- ed, the yearly fatal 'accident rate has more than dlouibed. The hiigli accident rate could be greatlyT re- d,ýce& in "73l" if each di-mver would use amnIIense Alongc with othler dluties, the New astle afficers comnpleted 72- general jinveigîations of whch wereý break, enter and theft, 5 theft, 5 wilful damiage reports, 3 trespassing comllaints, 6 distur- bances, 3 domestic complaitts, 1 erratie or dangorWts driving cam- plaint, and 4 mnissing persans re- ports. There were also 2 reports af found property' and 1 repart of lost property- Two persons ire charged xith criminal. offenlces, .1 persan charg ed with petty treospassiflg, 1. per- son charged with a liquor of- fence, and' 1 persofl charged with impaired driving. important accL'rrertces ive- gated in the past week -are. as follows: 1On1,Jan. 6, '1971, i4 was reported that the pay telephone located at Ministr 1y of Transport Weigh Seiales 'on lIwy 401 near Bawniafl- ville was daamged beyond repair. Also a quantitY, of mioney was stolen fram the phone booth. During -the eveming of JanuarY 3, 1973 a tape player valu ed( at $50.00 was stolen from a, car in Newcastle. The car at, the time, was parked inside a private gar- age. A residence located onCoc- Sion St. east of Powinaiiville,was braken into ,çuîgthe avI't hours of JïÙ~~,191f3. The, owfler upan retupning hlomie from a jbn1t trip to the store, discover- edý that thje r door of the residlence was k iclcd open caus- irc considerable lamage ta the door framne, howpver notlhing was stolefl. A sheep farmer near Hampton on january 6, .1973 discovered one of lis she dead inside the barn. A grouP of dogs are believ- cd responsible for the killing. niPIVING TIP - "Icy Intersect- ions" *Accidents occur at intersections more frequently during the wint- er months, because, -inese areas are likelY ta, be more dangerous than other road gections. Heavy traffie tends ta polish ice and pëcsnow to a liard g1azed sur- should be approached more slow- face. Theroéf are, intersections ly and with caution in winter. UURPLEOGEý TO SELL YOU THE RIGIT CAR... FROM A SELECTION 0F OVER 100 NEW CR and Over 60 Previously OwnedCr BECAUSE WE HAVE SO MANY THE PRICES ARE LOW Why not let us know what you want? PHONE 623-4481 For5Clark. And Newcastle' Registration for September 1973, will be held in the foliowing shools at he tirnes indicated. ORONO PUBLIC - Monday, January 29th, 9 a.m." 12 noon KIRBY CENTENNIAL - Tuesday, an. 3Oth, 9 a.m. 12 noon NEWCASTLE PUBLIC - Wednesday, Jan. 31, 9 a.m.- 12 noon We ask that if you know of anyone who has a chlld who will bc flve yeriý old on or befre Deceniber. 31, 1973, you itfoim theul of those rgistraUions The school nurse wll~ be in attendauce. Reqluired iiiforratlon, (j)Blrth' Certificate - applications' for these cau be b- talned from the office of te Tonship (CIerk in- Orono. <il) Lot and concession nmnrs It is important that thcildren be registered on Urne otherwise soeKindorgartens miay be losed with the neess. ity offarthr travelling istance becoming apparent. The hildren may be regsterd at auxy of the tbree schools above- whichever lu most convenlent for you..This does net mean that your child. will attend the shool at whleh. ho is regstered as the numboi% locations, and other considr- ations niay necssitate the adjustmout of present Klndergar* ton boundaris. The parents of registerd chlldrn wiil bc lnforrned of the classes that their eldren wlll attend, as soon as possible after the arrangements have been finalized. Yours slncerly, I. C. Golder, D). Moffatt R. Munro EATOI N'S li the OSHAWA CENTRE is pleased to anhounce that Delivery wiII be made to Eaton Customers in Orono on Wednesday and Saturday, Phone 987-4713

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