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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1973, p. 5

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>~r ~r-x y (>RONO WELY I, WjINESAY, V4lYTh, 1973 UNITHO 4IIURVD Charge Rev. &By Lou SUTNDAV, FEBRUARY Ilfl (*i>a. UItedCurh Cburch Sehool - 10:0 &W, Worshlp Service - 11:5 am, Guest Speaker: »ýv. Charles Newton, Minister of Notrhmainster Church, Osh- awa, Chairman o f Oshawa Pres- bytery. ý1hurch Menicbership Classr Friday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the Friendship Roors. The Meetings are opein to any- one. xkfby United Chureh:. Worshlp Service 9:45 a%,M. Church Sebool 11:00 ajn. D)ial A Thought: 983-9151 QUNNEAL INsUKA-NC Bon il,?ut NupOP*iawI.î ST. SAVIOàURs ANGLICAN Etabllhed 1869 RLeg-ffar Stinday Wershlp service - 10,00 aan. HoIy Commnuln- Ffrst and Third Sundays Mornlng Prayer- Second anid Fourth qqv»d*Y% Holy iBaptism by a»ppointnt wth Rector 987475 T-he Rev. 1I. Roberti Hayne,' B.A- .LT1S. CUSTOU-11ADIK DUIRAPES CAUPET by Hardlegad F. A. Kramp 1 - 4a Kng St. Hasi 1%o»o 63-7071 Pro EstImatea Deeoratlag SerVWe Clarke Iftgh> News Once again Clarke Hligh School la havig Mini-Cour-ses: They wil taký, place the first week in Marehi. They were a huge sucess last year, and it la hoped that they wll be just as successful this year. For those of you who have nev- er heard of Mlini-Courses,, Mhi; article may clear things up for yOu. the first week of MUarch, we wUll 1cve Our regulax' classes and take on totally new ones. Classes.taught by teaêhers, stud- ents and members of the com- munity. These courses are on sub- jects not normally found in 11gb Sehools. Last year some of the subj ects offered wcre ballroom dancing, roler skating, ice-cream making, chess, E.S.P. and al fornjs of the supernatural. The students ail seemed to en- joy themselves immenselY and the number of' students skipping classes dccreased appreciab]y. -Mini-Courses broadens a stud- ent's horizons ahd gives him new hoppies and activities. But Mini-Courses may not be as advantageous as they could be. flirectors are needed so that a greater number of ceourses mnaY be offered Wo the students. If more courses are offered, there is less chance that the students will be disappointed that a course he reaily wanted is not available. Anyone can ble a director. Al ii takes7 is a bit of kiowledge about a subject - you wiIl prob- abily ' find that the students them- selves know a great deàl' a bout the subi ect. If you are interested, please ask anyone you know who goes to Clarke to bring YOU a copy..of our questionnaire. But if Mini-Course are going to be a bigger success than before, we're going to need'your help. Melance Jessup Up Ald Dw The 3B90k Stocks February 8th., 1973 Adut- Canadian Real Estate by Richard Steacy (how to make it pay, ad- vice on buying, sellng, renting etc.) Times and Places (biography) by F.mily Hahnl (fascinating story, lier loves and adventures' around the world) The Icehouse Gang by Chandler W. Sterling (MY Year with the Blackhawks) Martins Annual Criminal Code 1972 by Ian Catw-right Ask if ~mt~ Alex Carrutlhers stateà Sunday that deinocracy always rules in Canada. Thjis statement was, made when the Provincial mnember w-as Good,,Luck Arizona Mani by Rtex Bebedict (Western) The Green Gauntlet bv R. F. Del- derfield (sequel te A Horse- mnan Riding By) Junir- va1entine's Day by Eli-zabeth 1Guilfoile Lookinlg At France by R. J. Har- rison Church Black BeautY by Anna Sewell Thc Alinost Al-White Rabbity Cat by Mindert DeJong Easy Reading and Picture Books- ()ne I Lo»ve, Two I Love by Nonny Hogrogian (Mother Goose Rhymes) Tony's Hard Work1 Day by Alan Arkin. M. Hadley Orville Chatterton AND», EEVIÇE ORONO, ONTAUJO 40J swa. Gra au PLUNBIMG A»EATIN Sei Sizes a'«ked if the citizenls Of the Uiàt- e~ cU2ited id not~ want to bke 'a th ge Oshawa Uegiori WOU'l the' province liSten te I1 &m grant t'heir wishes. Tt was suggested that a tç;e- phone poil showed people in thec Counties clid not want te be in- cluded in an Oshawa regioii. Mr. Carruthers said a telephoné POUi or petition was a waste of Urnle. '-Peopje will 4ign petltions both, for and against," lie said. cards for your Valezitin VALENTINE G... Beautiful Candles by Amy BOXE» UHOCOLATES, WATCHES RECORDS - TAPES otherm (MNO 0.T. WH 0B FlIDS li SUt INO~T-WATER,'AND SA "WI.LIEEbA BATH MY WAY.% AIbetfsTexcice QMF4.. mSm NOTICE The Building Inspector for the Township of CLARKE wiil be absent fromn his officer'for two COU- secutive weeks (2),, ONAFEBRUARY 12,to FIDAY, FEBRUAR1Y 23 1973 (both weeks inclusive) During this period building permits wViIl fot be available. ~B. W: 'Colflins, AMCT aoIrkAddhîistiator ToiVpshdp of Clarke h ---- -- ~p p. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 BIiRC1KLA YERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIFMAH-L phone 983-56966 Specuallzlng in ail inds 0< STONEWORtK and 1FIREPLACES W. a&ho do chimmer Saule 0Cf Boy'$ Jackets Clearing of a nimber of Boy's Jackets i Orlon Pile and Quilted Nylon, al warnily lined. Aiso several styes in SPring JliJck. ets. Sizes 4 to 6X. Be sure to look them over. Your Choice RALF PRICE Ladies' Skirts reral styels in Skirts including Fortrel with elastlc waist. 10 to 20. Cleaing at 1L-3 off GIRL'S PANTYHOSE Good fitting Pantyhose for Junior Miss 10% Nylon in beige tone to fit 60 Io 9 ons PRICE EACH 79c. CLýANSMAN', KNITTING WOOL Clansmnan,. a new DoËýuble Knittiag,ý wool made in Great Britain by Patronsý a-ad adv.ns. Variegated Tartan colours PRICE PE1Û BALL $1.00 ARà T ü r 'r ~ band. r r F F F F F F F - F I_ __ FIIRARY Sth tb 28th 1ý«-SALE 4-a 12,000 GR~AIN REFIN-A4,MATIÇ Fufly -Automatlic WATER SOFITNIER yNO INSTALLATION CHARGE Yomans Pubi n~imemmeoea I JACK RICARD P99 ing st., E. rBOWMANVILLýE YOUR ORONO AlREAl REPRESENTATIVE Meniber oi Oha»,8 and Di- triet ealËtte Board LADYBIRD A new stock OfLdbr Vests and PantIesJn 'uCotton and Nylon Mesh. Vssaesleevel!essý Sizes 2 to6Xad8t lv rs O e TIIrd Off2 jï3 - 11 Aà6-1

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