ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FE13gtJMX Y m ________19____ apathy, m çIsuerstalldilg andi 0f te"e umanfailr the greajtest jhanficap ili the cosd- era,'ion of thef proposal by the 0Onta,ýrjo Gov.ýertiment for a ro- sýtruct'uring of local gvrnn lthe Lakeshore area. Tpaiof thismsidrta- ing andi apparent ili the opinions expressed, is the <'jposition to the llnk with Oshawa and with, ten You ne car. o h fre mfler v, m ý4 Ca ufirs.ae giaa ni f!ed, for a ng s yn* ,n tv, ia, th o f roc intaI A oetr aa. vS Ha, A 116 Bond Si. VW. Andi, hopefully you to us if You're thinkinig about a boan. Now, the person--you'lIscec at our place isn't somne kinti of financial ogre. He won't try to put ypu down, stare you down, or check the heels on your shoes. But mnost important, he wants to give you that loap. That's one of the ways he makes jus moneyý So you just tell hîm how much, how miuch you can afford each month, then it's up ttp him te work ik eut. Andi without getting you ln over your 1head. And, that's i. No red tape. No etigc about asking. Qiiens Park Report Alex C arruthers, MPP.!uhx The Restruetuilng of 1Local Since the beginning of cvl ization, mlen and ' women wh groupeti themselves together i ,ommunities, have been fcd with rnany nroblemrs. In ~ekn solutions, they 11ave bee(n Ihandi- cap~by ignorance , peu e Buldig a flouse? or tqndeltngvour tpi oue, 'heu otc Fl-Oyd Nichol You see,we feel two heatis arce bcuer than one.We figure if two people set out to achieve goals, they might corne a ittie casier. Your goals, andi out goals. So with a Commerce Bankplan loan, you get more than money. You got a working partnership 'for~ achieving goals. Anti that gives us stili- another edge. over other banks. Besides taking theetge off askinig in the fiast place. To start with, let~s set something ,straight.V We'ic in the inoncy busi- ness. We7 invest imoney to make noniey, se that Ve cao lend money. lt's that simple. But, ail of k isn't wvorth a plugged nickel if some- F 'one doesn't use it. Wh ich brings us to you. »wgetïl*e e'eoth stwgert. reseut O~waand the locarea. Cobourg-Fort melnbers o)n the proposed! Regior- ai' Council and lthe inl'Iuteiwe of that city on t¶ie aaca. Artul11y the objective of th(, proposaý-I it to prevent such a situationi 4evelop- The plan is to surroundl Metro Toronto 'with Regional Govern- ients to prevent the .urban sprawl whlch has refSulted in the iuidesirable development pre"ent- !y enveloping communitieg in the Toronto #area, Pe,71onal Govern- ments now formeci or, bei-ig for- metiwd north. and east of Met- ro, and separated from that big elt, b'- greribeits will provont the indiscriminate use of good ap,t'leliirai lan~d and the grow+h of anothe(,r Los Angeles on the shores of Lake Ontatio. The uirban Fpi-awl is orrurring not far from theý north, but ratb- er east from Metro, and in order to prevent Port Ilope and Cob- ourg from eventually becoming part of Oshawa and the growing "Megal .opolis", it is necessary to establish a greenbelt ýbetween WiIIic. Hall, B. Comm Afl day Wednesday and Saturdaty DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 andi 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: N, Premiuui Qualty Products - [j At The Most Reasonable Prîtes Diesel 0O1 Avaiable inay quanuty l'bu" M7I4915 Hgwv115 and .15 ½4uMlle south cfr(>rOno 1PHIONE 98356-51 OPN7 1AYS A WEE!< ,;peeisling ln SOI YEOMAÏ1,Ns PIUMr'TN' -im HEATING 21 Ilour Service New liistlllqt'i n3 ltera ions Repairs SpeçîaL!'iin ' flot Water Forcod Air Ileating Septie Tank Wo'rk R..1, Orono 983-56M4 The propoc:ai is to retain east Tarlington. Clarke Township and the greater part of Hop>e as an ",yrcultural. and rural parkway to hialt the Ppeent urbain sprewï, -'d D-'-,;$rve QAni- of the best farm, land ln Ontario from spec- ulative developers who are ýai- '-"'r1- mo in 1iarft taking op- tions on farm properties in tbhe.o Townzihin-, If immediate ste-ps are ilot taken, common sense tells us that eventuallv th4" znraivi will enguif the. towns of Pert IfHope andi Cobourg and their1 identitY will be Inrgely lest in a morass of ii1-ani7ation. Those who doubt thi- f4-t ýhou1ld enouilrc at to' whiat is already happeing in the rural area-- surrounding Port Hope andi Cobourg. Gr0wth w i1 take icwhte we wish it or not. From ChiicazFo on th(. wPzt to Nw(.ntreal oP the -,iqt t'hcý Great Lakes ýbasin with its pelv5ftnç!ps <f 'tatpr navigat- ion: it- Pab'innre f water foi- , çrvies and pollutio n control, its ready )(,--s te inarkets;-, andi its accessibility, to resources 'is destiaied i t bec>me the industrial ;indt commercial heart of the North Axnerica continent, Let us nMake- sure it develops in an ord- erly manner. son ~ If we are to proteet Port Hope andi Cobourg frein the eastward M fN sprawl, if we are to preserve the SPxtellent aerieultural, landis of: jt'he area. thon those municipal- Sities forming the greenbelt must be compensatedl for the loss ý f prfential inclustrial assossment.' This can only be aecomplishod throuich financial acssistance re- sultîng partly from the increased wealth genorateti in the growth ,region of Otýhawa and Bowman- ville on the west and Port Hope ir ( Chourg on the east. The al- ternalive is the unfortunate sit- uation we finti in the commun- ities uon tht, western bordlers of Metro. Regional re',fruturing of local government May be suffering te a degree from growing pains in some presently etablished. reg*- ions, but these difficulties will b- overcomo andi are insignificant when examineti in the light of bitter planning on a broader scale; the Ppeorvation' of green space and farmnland; the control of growth; the eliuiination of competitioli atton g, municîipalities for induistriai and commercial as- se~ ient th cheperflnaneing of servies ajqd the control of pollution. Moderatp tax hikes in sonie ar- eas may be necessary, but the priee is not too high when we _Consider thje dire results if we don't. AlreadY toe much tii has ben lest. Lot us plan and work for a better cOmmunity.