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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1973, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLYTIMIES Se-flc Caff Mail Ree-cration NuMber W-88 pulsidevery Thuýrsday at the offie of pubhoatiou 94dn Streeft, Oroo, Otai". PhMe 98-5301 IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAIME Mr. Alex Carruthers, if oua- assumptions are correct, must Wonder what lias happened to Us quiet'rural riding Of Durham, Regional government hias created a storm of protest fron the east andi now, no doubt, further turbu- lence will lbe createti with the proposai ta use some 450 acres in Hope Township as a refuse area for Metro gar- bage, Add to this the coming hydro transmission limes to eut somewhere through thýe ridiig and highway 407 pro- posed to pass through the hc,'dwaters of the Wilniot Creek, and you ean imagine that our local MPP willlieflooded with protest delegations and hundrecis of cails. it is quite evident that the Durhamn area cai ri longer bce the quiet, secluded district remote from the pres- sures andi clamour of Meto. This area will bce affected and in fact is being affected. Hydro transmission limes,, aithough iugly, are a ne- e,,ssty of our way of life, Sqince we are not ready to change this way of life the lime-s nmust lie oonstructed andi Pass ovea-head ta keep industry operative andi employinxent up. The same is true o:f Highway 407. We cannot block off travel as weekend vacationers geek the pleasantries of open, spaces; nor can we thaottie commerce between oee area and another. Site for garbage disposai aiso cornes under the cat- egory of neessity andi as population spirais in the Metro area new dlisposai sites are a prerequisite. 0f course no one wants a disposai area, hydro limes or highway affeetingç their life but the fact we live this close to Metro, many of these 'necessities will affect Our life There is no wray to reverse thc trendi and the pressures ~eVen thirty miles from a Metro area. We will bce forced te live as neighbburs. I the matter -of disposai areas, thcy need flot lie a curse if properly maintaiined, properly encompassed and piaceti in an area doing ne damage ta the enivironanent. Everycrie, even those un,Oronio, parcel their garbage te bc disposeti elsewhere. The Metro operation is just on a larger scaie. But it is this larger operatJon that carrnes the stigma and creates dissent. We would suggest, of course, along with good, oper-, ation, that such a disposai proposai as li Hope be "e- stricted to a perioti cf flot more than fifteen years and that the land at the end of the perioti be turned over as publie lands for recreation. The pressures of Metro are upon us and with our pro.ximity to Toronto it wii countinue. The fact that the C1larke arca has been designateti a green beit area is of- great significance to help retard these pressures. KINSMEN ORGANIZING With the report this week that the formation of a Kinsmen Club is immiinent for the Orono arca we cani expect somle jnew activities. It is somewhat surprising thait in the past OrDioolbas flot attracted a service club of this nature it lia«.s fot been that consideration lias not been. ive- but rathler that many feit. there were' alteady too many organizations. No doubt the Orpno Chamber of Commerce and the orono Oddfellows provideti manY Of the service aspects' but there certainly are gaps in this service which could weli afford such a club as the insmen,. May we extenti a Wish for success to this group. TALENT ABOUNDS it neyer ceases to amaze one the talent that abounds li this area and of course tbi is true the world over. The Publie Schooi bànd.plaYing at thc UCW variety night, is a *point ini view. Their programme, of music and ability was outstanding andi certainly worthY Of comment from this conrit is amazing how easY it appears for these Young- sters to piey their instruments and develop the collective sounti of thc ful band. Congratuatiens --- et's hear mare! Roy hhompson A resitient cf Lesaerd, Ontario Kýnight);' 6 grantichildaen. Penny, son, ageti 63 yeaa-s, passed, away guýltinly at bis home. on Tuesday, Januaa-. 29th. 1973. 4loQ Thom~pson was born in- Tli&ipsen and théi istè Wcslýey, Tliorpson. 1He 'réceivèd 'is~' (' cation at Hpyden týbIic' eh&>l. On Qetobèa- ist, 193e lie maricd Maryr Isabe rwA, w'ho sùfives. Mr. Thonipson was cmployed by Guoodyear Tire anda Rublier Ce. fer 15 years before golng into the carpemtry business fer himseif, which lie carried oit for 33 years prier te bhis deata. 1He was a niember of Orono Unitled Churcli anti Orono .Mascinic Lotige. Besides bis wife Mary, lie isî surviveti by 4 sons, Gary, Laurie,. Dennis i and RIantiy anti cao daughter' tinta (Mrs J. Me, )r 33 years, Roy Meivin Thomp. Mark, Steven, Susan, Angela andi Nicole,; has mother Ma-s. Alice Thouipsoti andi 5 brothers anti 3 sisters. Fumierai service was helti Fei-. duary lst, 1973 fromi Orono Un- iteti Churcli with Rev. B. Long ,officiating. Interinent Or»o& Cetn- etery. The. Pali-bearers-. were. Mes.-rs. Harry Mercer, lHeib Dui- veli, W. C. Evans, Flo),d Nieciol- son, John Fcrik and Ed. Milison. Local News Ma-. O. W. Roipli retir'l "'l ruary I8th from a wo--dcrfu! 16 daLy bus trip to M1ýiamiini .f] cy West, Fipîida. MUr. "Robert G. Coýti - Red Deer, Alberta. who ,pent 10 days ý4isiting bis mot-her 74,1-,Il Coatlian, brothers Ted nd Tom aise other relatives antiÇi'rs ieft for lis home on ýuLiýi rnorning Last frem Malen Âj ir- port. A WORTHWHILE READING EXPERIENCE by Joanne Brumbaugli, Orono "A Place of Quiet Waters" - bY Margaret Mentyre, was riglit- ly recommended te me as bilar'. icus reading 1 found-it Vo lie this andi even m ore. [t is a truc story c- f twc ca-ea- wornen living in a Vancouver a- partrnent, wlio are fnustrateti by the entiiess viscieus cia-de cf clty living. 1Their searcli for a new way of life leads .tliem Vo a British Col- umbia' paradise cf breath-taklng sceaery and beauty. Althougli Margot andi Jerry ane both arounâth leir forties, thcy chuck their Jobs and emnberk oni a tota.lIy new anti ruggcd life During thela- stay there, thcy learn ta tio the uecessary anti a- walding thirigs that are part of a life wlthout ruinning hot watcr,' electnicity, plumbing and super- markt; theixr mo<st satisfyin~g, task being the building of their owa log cabin. 1 f ound i Margaret Mlntyre's humour canclit anti easy. lHcr des cription of their fiast experience witih killing, plucking anti dean- iag an ill-temnpereti rooster kcpt me laughing until thc teers r-oll- HAYNES 18 G C A CHAIRMAN ,0obouirg's representative on the Ganaraska lRegion Coniserva- tien Authority, Ed Haynes,. has been electeti chairman. for the coming year, At the aniala meeting Wednes- day, Councillor Haynes was elcct- ei te the post in his absene. Authority mnembers wcr tld lie is suffering from flu. Councillor llaynes replaces -Rey Poster of Kendlai. whQ, resigneti after holding the chafrrianship for four years. He lias tiecnaa member for a totali(of 10 years. 1Mr. Foster saiti lie rcsigiined be- cause of "busiess Pressures." "Aise 1 wanted te give som-reone cIse a cac.perhaps au new chairman will corne up witli new ideas that 1 never- theuglit of," he said HaeYo Your LIcence? -More than 1,300,000 Ontario motorists stiil have te puuchase thei.r 1973 licence plates, and they have only ciglit weekdays te do se before Uic February 28 deatiline, Ministry of Transporta- tion anti Commnications offici- aIs warneti today. However, ail governmeint lie- ensing offices across the Prov- ince will remain open oen Sator- day, February 24, £rom 8:30 a.m. te 5-00 p.m. to assist car owners who carot purchase their plates dJurirg the week. Many other privately op)erateti license issuing-, offices in smailcr centres will aise exterit their iaours te cô)pe ith the ast in- ute auch. îiL'e deatiine fer duivirig wth 197.2 licence plates is midnight, Or.. SIIldIoeg Ceatr41 le- k S~ - ca * abu We.Wm cd. Buqt more reai and touching to my mind is the >spirit and de- termination of thiese two) women. With mOre odd.s a.ainl-ýtthpm than for thien, they (1o What weuld lie, te rny, an impossible Uiing. What they gain from it is a deeper insiglit inito thernselves. The frients Uiey corne Vo kriow anticea-e for 'are a strange mix- ture of hantisorne and1 rugged, bitter andi backward,> perceptive and i wse, loneiy and lest. But al share oxie Uiing in coninon; the courage to live in a wOriti void of material com.ort where nature naines thc terms andi life musat be liveti for Ife itself. laýving lived in thje wo rld of trimmilng,andi Uie,~n oveti to a world cf basies, Margot's an"i Jerrys eyeS are OPeneti widely tO the unreaility cof some cf their formier social values. Yet they Perceive that this beautifuli coun- trY dekes net necessarily produce beautifuil people any more than tices thc city Out of tliis book, 1 was given a fresh way te examine mysei. it is hioth eanWid andi sensitive, fun- ny andi movlng. 1 can triiiy eal it a worthwhile reading exper- iene. The bock is availahle at Clarke Public Library, Orone., K irby News We Mwerc very piezýseti On Uic gooti tura out at thc Euchre par- ty Saturday evenirig at Kirby Centenniai ScolThere werc fifteen tables cf cuchre. Higli lady for the cvening was Rose Copaic. Low lady, Shiiey, Nicholson; 1-igh gent, A. Jake- man andi 10w gent, Jimi Martin. The lovcly prizes werc donated by Mar-y F orrest, Sue Sawyer, Betty Newell anti Irene Brandit. The door prize wals won by Iris F'owler anti donateti by Ma-s. Ian Golder. A big 'thank you' te ail who donated the prizes and lunch and te aIl wlie carne We hope to hiave another card party i March. There was a fire at Kirby Si Februaa-y 28. Any motorist con- vïicted of driving w mith expireti pliates is liable for a minimum- fine cf $20 plus court costs. AjInual cs-t for an 8-cyiîndrr ychice eL is 4; a 6-cylirder vch-, icle, $32; and $2 for a 4-cylinder vehicle. 'BOOK R1EVIEW I 11111 on Friday night when oone of the compressors overheatcd andj cauglit £ire. Mr, anti Ma- Ken Bal receiv- ed a card last week f rorn Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Chaprn andi Clairý who are on a three week holiday in Rie, South America. They ar- to arrive home today. 3fr. and Mrs. Howard Cook of Uxbridge spent the week-end with her sIster, Mts Wm. Reidi andi Mr. Reidi, Ma-., and, Ma-. Doug Hird, whit- by, speint Suriday with lier par.- ents, Mr. anti Mr& Lawrence Harris.: Congratulations to Mrs. Yeo- man who celebrateti her 85th, bIathday on the l5th of February- with her grantidaughter in Wil.- lowdale. Mr. Eti. Fititin of California haàdtiner wlth his mother, àMrs Yeoman and âMa-s Dora Morris o Friday . Mr. anti Ma-s. Howarcr Yeoman., Toronto, were Saturday dînnea- guests. use The. Classified' semtirw Dry hy BOWMANVILLEg CLEAINERS Pick-up andi Deliver-y everýy TUESDAY, THURSDAY anti FRIDAY MATIS BILLIARDSý and', Barbershop I -. Edi«tigi nPlates -te display con your' sheilf or -harig on your -viaII * six unique designs Fcmsomeonte wholiiUkes te' reniember som-eone too nice to forget ,àT1UTT'S FPHARMACY P'UnUoSONo 904M 1 ORONO WEEKLY TIKS, WED NESDAY, FEBRIUARY 21,4, 1973 oitin

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