ORONO WEEKLY TIES, WEDNIESDAY, FEBRUARY ZXst, 1973 On Friday, February l6th the Orono Flyers and Orono Athiet- ïes Pee Wee Hockey teams gath- eredt at the Oroxio Arena to board a bus for the return series of hockey wi th the Lorraine Quebec teamis. After boarding the bus at 5 p.m. the ýthirty players along with 11 parents journeyed to Lorraine to arrive at this com- m unity centre around 10:30. There they were greeted by the two Lorraine teams and were given a small memorial souvenir by each player and then off home to bed. .The remaining 23 parents had a1so arrived by car and after en- joyin g coffee 'and lunch- were guided te the Motel which had been reserved for them for a short, but good rnight's sleep. Dur- ing Satu.rday morning parents from oronoc visited with the par- ents of Lorraine. After havinig lunch everyonie returried to the Lorraine Cojm- Dry 1iektîp ýýad Delivery every TUESDAY, IHURSDAY and FRIDAY Watche;s Dependable Tunex Watehes for Men and Women A good variety of styles and a wide range of prcices, Gift Range from' beautiful Candies to Pottery, china wallets and ýmany other items ORONO, ONT. 4 iElmer's Garagýe_' TEXACO SERVICE Mfi St. North, Orono phone 983-5130 Hiome phone 987-5167 -Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS a l knds of FIREPLACES Wuairs munity Centre to travel by bus to Brownsburg Arena where at 3 p.m. the first twio teams enter- ed into play. The teams were in- tro-',uced followedt by good, fast, bard hitting hockey. The Lor- raine players presented the Or- ono_ playcrs wth a souvenir at the conclusion of the first two games. The Orono players and parents thén went to a local church to enjoy a Quebec style Bean and Meat Bail dinner. After this very enjoyabie meal ail returned to the frigid arena where the remaining two games were played. Both teams received a small hockey stick made by one of the Lorraine player's father. The players then boarded the buses to retura to the Commun-, ity Centre and then off home to bed. The parents thon gatheredat,, the t.rorraine Goýflf and Curling Club for a get-tegether and singt' song. After an exciting and en- joyable evening with songs and music by Bob Hili, everyone re- turned te the Motel in the wee hours iof the morning. At eleven evervone w\as to) meet at the Comrnuly Centre te bid farewell to the man y friends that were, rna(de during the weekend. After discüuSsslng brief]y next year's series.. and wishing'-ý everyene well and thanks for a' memoirable ,ieekend ail headed for homüne. The buts carryiig, the Orono playerýls was deiayed due to michlanical fail- ures and it was necessqarv 'to cal in another bus te compflete the jiourney home. The *young players returnedi to O)ronlo smme six hours late. LclWomen Assist th, Red Cross Disater Relief The concerned efforts of a nun'r.ber of local wonien makes it possible for your local Red Cross Branqis te provide children's clothing, layettes, afghans and quilts for disaster relief. Brancis Women's Work Chair-, man, Mrs. Roy- Spry and her as- sistant Mrs. G. Evers are Most grateful intehie vlunteers iof their cojmittee whoii sew anrd knit in own homes or meet in groups te make swabs and wipes. The Red Cross workroom at 28 Div- ision St., Bowmanville is epen on Friday afternoons frem 1:30 te 3:30 p.m. Drop in and see what is being doue and what you or your group eau d'o te help. Warm socks, mitts, sweaters, layettes, blankets are kept on hand for local disaster relief and individuaf 'emergency aid. A recent shipment te Toronto te Division headquarters contaili- ADULT COMNMULNG SERVICE If you waut te do somnething about your education -.-.-you probably can. See your Aduit Counsellor 7 to 9 ipan. at tise BoWM7T,ý,ANVILLE GIDANCE OFFICE Teservi4ce is fre- - :~rj4ntni-,and -.- n0 appointmnent is nece5sary Parents And Young Hockey' PlayersEno Queb'ec Tri'È ed 6300 swabs and wines for the free. Blood Transfusion Service of Red CroFss and siings for First Aid kits aind, courses. A further 524' articles înclu ,ded baby lay- ettes, girls' dreqs and panfie sets, boys shirts and ehorts, sweaters, knit and croeheted afghan-, which wiil bie FIipped biv Ontario Division of the Caa'iadian Red Cross Society, to international dis- aster warehouses in 6 different areas of the world for inimediate distribut ion in the event of a nat- ural disaster and te bring coin- fort te thousands of refugees in the wartorn parts of the globe. During 1972. a total of 2,100 articles of bedding and ciothing and 25,000 swabs and wipes were completed oa] for disaster re- lief at hürmeand abroad. The as- sistance of mnore voluinteers. would ensure that the 1972-73 quota would be comipleted as hoped by June. Ali materials are supplied by the local Branc h and the simple garments may be completed ia your own home. If you are unable te take advantage of the work- room hours, arrangements to, have work delivered to, your home may be made by pho4ning Mrs. Evers1, 623-2639 or Mrs. Spry at 983-5291. Please help your Red Cross- to help our less fortunate neighbors. Local Firm Receives Newcastle, Clarke Intentive Grant Darington Bowîmcvi, Up And' Down The Book Staýý,.cks February 22nd, 1973 Aduit: Jacqueline Kennedy b*y Gordon Hall and Ann Pinchot (biog- raphy) The Japanese by Jack Seward (The personai and business life of the Japanese today) Figleafing Through H-istory by Christie.Harris and Moira John- ston (the dynamics of dress and the history behind it) Canadian Almanac and Directory 1973 edited by Susan Walters One Hand Clapping by Anthony Burgess (story of a couple who win some money and how their lives change because of it) The Wilby Consoiracy by ]Peter Driscoll (exciting adventure thriller) Junior: Animal Movers by Gxeorge Lay- -ock (what happens wvhen an-_ imais are moved from one country, te another, as the, im- porting of the*rabbit to Aus- tralia) ThreAonsks - 'lficmIeaen iantaereod Sheet MaY y Pegrx Pirish (Lyames. tOv, anàqd gifts from. Shoes F rPunch bv Jocelvn Anrnd-l (Oin a pony gets his fir,ýù set of shoes) Easy, Rea-ding avé.1 Picture Books: Aleaner and The WindUp Mouiso bv Leo Lionni Theî Too,,l Box by Anne and Har- low Rockwell * M Hadley., ville AilIn Cm o Reeve Garnet Riekard of Dar- ]ington Township asked the panel at the Clarke Regionai meeting last Fridae , if they agreed that, NlevP,#ast1e, Clarke, Darlington and Bowmanville had a common bases and shouid be united into an area municipality. Everyone, on the panel agreed that the four municipalities had something in common. Alex* Carruthers was in agree- ment and further stated that this area should be attached te, Osh- awa in a region. He sald he saw nothlng, wrong with thse people of Oshawa and ceuld net under- stand why there was a cry te ho separated- from Oshawa. Deputy-reeve Entwisle of Clarke aise agreed that thse four centres, had a common basis but feh t hat people shouldstill keep an oPen; mind until ' aU the, proposals for regienal government were mode publie. In a press release from Queen's Park this week Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. anneunced the granting by the Ontario Developnient'Cor- poration of a Performainc2 Loan in the amnount of $91,779. to Or- ono Realty Ltd. - Plydesigns Div- ision. The loan is to assist the com- pany in eonstructing and equip- ping an addition te the Orone Plant. The company's staff will be increased to fifty-four people iniially with a total employment of eighty-five after five years. In a news release fromn Queen's Park, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P, Durham announced this the week the calling of tenders for the supply and. installation of water purification and water condition- Ing equipment on the tree farm at the, Ontario Department of Natural Resources Station, Or- ono. The estimated. cost. is 3-1,5-00.000 and, is expected to be completed by March 30, 1973. HIAN KSORAFT SPECIAL ROLPH 1HARD .;ýARE OR9NO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 VALENINE -CHAMPAG'NE DANCE 24th February 1973 NEWCASTLE COMMUNMT HALL FREE CHAM~PANGE FOR THE LADIES Speclal Door Prizes - Speclal Draw Prise Admission 1400-per couple Musie for ail by "TUHE CABALLEROS" For reservations alea Pat Blaker, 981-4827, ArnOid WSm 983-5614 or R. B. Riekard, 98714U2.