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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1973, p. 5

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, WEDNýESIDAV, FEBÉRUARY 2lst, 1973 UNITED CEURCli Orono Pastoral Charge Rev. B. E. Long, BTh. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25th Orono Unted Churclh:, Church Sehool - 10:00 ar. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Church Memberhsip Meetings, Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. in, the Friendship Roiom, KEY '73,'WORKSHOP-Moa> Februar>' 26th at 7:30 p.m. in the Main~ Hall. Corference COfficer, Rev. Fraser Lacey in charge of prggranme. Krby United Chureh: Worship Service 9:45 a.rn. Chureh Scbool -, 11:00 a.m Dial A Thought: 983-9151 Grant C. Wode GENERAL INSLJRANCE Box 82 Newtonvilie, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Hlope, 'Ontarlo. Telephone 885-2288 S.SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establishied 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communon- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second, and Fourth Sundays Bol>' Baptism b>' appointrnent 1with Rector 987-4745, The Rev. H. Robert Hlayne, B.A., L.Th. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wail-to-WalI orArea Rugi Complete U lne of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 31 - 41 King St. East Phone 6231971 Bowianvlle Free Esimates Decorating Service Letter To The Ediitor GC A Wiii ïold'Line ACCIDENTS ARE CAUSED ONLY BY. CARLESS PEOPLE In 1972 there were 114 people in Canada, killed frio snovrmo- biles and the careles peple. 18%c/1 f the accidents are caused by people uidcr- 16. Today we -ire short 1l4,people because -of these silly accidents '8%clof al snowmobile injuries were eye in- jues trom net weariflg protec- tien Mary cf these injuries wlth the eye caused blindness. 20% of the injuries are head injur- ies caused by niot wearing a bel- helmet Very rnany of these accid- ents hav'e caused brain damage. 30 per cent of the accidents are caused by faîlure of iights when drivi'ngf toc f a7t or toc lo«ng in the dark. 25 per cent cf the injuries are ankle and foot injuries frem net baving proper boots. In Oreno Public School Grade 5-8 decided Ite do something a- bout it - they hadt a Snowmobile Safety Prograrn. Mr. Baker told the students h'ow te survive when they were out snowrnobiiing and, sometbing went wrL>ng, Next he tauight the sftudents what te wear and the supplies te take.' Mr. Baker is an Outdoer Educa- tionai Consultant. Constable Joynt told the stud- ents tbe parts of tbe snowmobile. Aise he ohw te start and stop the snowrnebile. Then s'ore of the children learned te drive snowmobiles. First they dreve % the way around, the course,, and tbey weaved in and eut -of the pegs. Then 'they went areund a figure eigbt. In the afternoon we watcbed a film and an§wered some quest- ions The. test was eut ef 210 poin ts. 1 passed the test. Would yenu pass the test? Maybe you better tbink abeut it. We waint te thaink Constable Joynt frem the O.P.P. for help- ing the Orone Public Sch'ooi. We aIse want ,te tbank Mr, Baker fer beiping us. By Christine West, Orono Public Scheol Stùdent, Grade 6 Rebekah Lodge News The regular meeting of Heàtb- er Rebekab Lodge was hb'eld on February l3tb with Noble Grand Carole Boyd presiding,ý- assisted by Vice Grand Isabel Trim. There were 22 members pres- ent aud 5 officers absent. It was nice te sec soeeof our ne w members present. Keep ceming, girls, and I'm sure yen. will. enje>' our organization. Our Vice Grand, Isabel Trim, surel>' has ,been bus>' sending cards and flowers te the sick and iu hospital, We den't like te bear of so man>' beiing 111 Yeu are doing g ýood job, Isabel. Our Scretaýry, Mae Allen, mead us a letter from, our foster ciild in Korea. it is always nice te hear frorn ber and know she is doing well. Ma ny frern our iodge are plan- ning te attend the Officiai Visit of Brether Glen Wannarnaker, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge cf Ontario wbich is being held in Bewmanville on Thursday, Feb. 22. Hope the weathem wtIl ' be goed and everything wiii go weii for bis visit. Aise some of Our sisters are planning te'attend a party in Tor- eonte for Sister Duckwerth, Vice President cf, the Aebekah As- sembi>'. Lodge closedt and a deiicious lunch and social heur was en- joyed in the banquet ball. - The Ganmai,ýka Conservation Authority will bold the lune lai expenditures in 1973. Budget estimates fer the cern- ing year show the arnount me- quired from member municipali- ties. in the authority wîll be ex- actly the samne as last year, ex- cept for a deficit from iast ycar of just under $200. For 1973 the authorit>' will me- quire $48,980 in levies fnom the aine member municipalities. Its, total estimated budget fer the year, wbîch includes capital expenditure work on conserva- tion areas and the cestof admin- istration, amounts to $80,250. 0f that amount a tetal cf $3 1,470 wll cerne from the prov- incial .govennment in grants, leav- ing the remaindier te be paid by the, member municipalities. Port Hope's levy te the author- ity fo r 1973 wll be $10.,523 wbicb is just slightly above last yea's levy. Other levies are Cobourg $11,- 919; Newcastle, $2,337 ; 'Cavan Township, $377; Carke Township Callyour Jicensed Plumbing &> Mechanical Contractor who selis, instaliz and 8uarantme CAIRMAN PLUMBING -AND HEATING $83383; Haldirnand T'ownship, $824; Hamilton Township, $8590, Hope Tewnship, $5,695; Manvera Townsbip, $332. The largest item cf expendit- ume in the 1973 estimates is ad- ministration at $35,850 of -wbich a total fof $22,110 cornes frem the province in grants. The member municîpalities contribute the re- maining $14,340. The autbority bas bad a perm- anent office in the Port Hepe town hall for more than a yeam with a permanent staff. An $800 expenditure is, siated for the Garden Hill Dam; $5 ,600 for the Ball's Mill Censervation- Area; $4,000 for the Port Hope Conservation'. Mca; $6,000 for the Rice Lake Conservation area. Maintenance in the conserva- tien areas will amount Vo $12,000 and an expenditure of $9.,000 wil gotowards a bank loan for the Ball's' Mili Conservati'o'n Mca. Paymenit on a bank boan for the Xie Lakle Conservation amea wilI amount te $7,0k,~ Kend lNews Betty Kennedy of C.F.R.B., said she received a letter from Belle- ville that was seven, days on the way' This is MondaW, ,nomning and the Oreno Times has ,net reached- Kendal yet_ They tell us Ourville Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRAUÇIG, ELECTRIC HEATING" AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO AIbort's xit GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 el New Spring Fashions Be sure to see our new Spring Fashions for ladies. DRESSES PANT SUITS BLOUSES TOPS ARRIVING TODAV Now is the time to think about Spring Decorating. We bave several books from whiech jyen may select papers which are available in no4 /(7 more than two or three days. Corne in and look them over ~IACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Serning cal WILFHAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board ..... . . .... . that the Oreno Times, is maile ini Orono, sent to. Belleville wn then returned te Kendal.V Something the sarne as a iittI& girl 1 know on the- prairie whýD lives four ies froin her schoo, The bus picks ber up, she trav6h on it thirty mniles te school an thirty miles around, before si-~ arîhcs home at night., SeveraI lKendal beys and otb- ers from the village went by bf te Quebec te watch the lads pIr y hockey this past week-endi. Con, gratu' ,'ions to Mr Pan- Mrs. Douglas Cathcart on tt birth of tbeir son Robert Dogs hem- February lOth in Rewnx-, ville Memerial Hospital. FED3RUARYlâ 5th to,28th -AL"- 12000 GRAIN REÉIÏN.A-MATIC FulIy Automaic, WATER SOFTNEK $289000 NO INSTALLATION CHARGE Y.omnans Pluamnlg 983«5624

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