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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1973, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2lst, 1973 Pla~s n ry For Ano laci Ji a trz .form a ori, Wyn p.ns.arris You n~ ,RnIeyer buy aga inri Midas Mufflers are guaraui eeed. for e!s long as yotI own thce car, wi(h free iwîtalla- tien at 6410 shops in Noeth S'Custom pipe bendig for feregn, antique attel Amer- kian imatie cars. We iSta, m u ffrs fo a living %Y, have te do a better job. mee yor MDASmen at: Phone 576-8111 ethTregunna, Brian IshiL. Terry Sutclife c i t wdi i '-i roi-JJI' d ' r ' t luiieh ans d a J- theNe DuehOve aid aut. inemte n T-n r i r i rinthe- ard ivTued cjun a &k5 asi uh Mwasse, NE W GUIDANCE tPROGRAN AT CLARKE HGR a letter whieh was handed eut te &il the stu- dents at Clarke Higli Sehool. Tc students andI parents: Two areas, of the. severai aspects of a Guidance prograra, are con - cerned with Vocationai and Edu- catioqial Information Literature from ethe sixteen Ontario Universities, twenty Cern munitY Colleges, some forty or fiftv odd Hospitials and Related Sehools, plus mainy other Agri- cultural Colieges, Private Schools etc., and froru Institution-, beyond Ontario, corne te me dally, an- nouncijng changes la admission poliey, course requirements, 'fee sýtructures, residence accommoda- tien andI so on. Additionally, there are ever ?30.000. occupations listed in the three volumes of the Directory of Occupational Tities. Changes related te these jobs are aise taking place at a rapid pare. Ia an attempt te provide, stu- dents with more up te date in- foéÉmation, Clarke Higli School bias been given an opportunity by Ceuinty Board of Education te thse Northumberland and Durham mnake use of thse Stu dent Guid- antcc Information Service. (SGIS) - This is a computer service located, tn Toronte. Brieflv lb operates as follows: Students fi] out a ferm or forms at Clarke uigli Sehool, which may make, a request for itiy formiation cenicernlng a job or re- lated jobs or scels tisat offer training, etc. These forms are sent te Toronto and wibhin a Main Street ORONO Phone 983-9350 LADIES' Alz WARM WINTER No)w HOUSECOATS NIGHTGOWNS PYJAMAS PEIGNOIR SETS SUIPPERS I RC 2 MANY STYLES ISTILL ,ON Coats ~Siweaterî SDi-esses - Pant SURtS 'Slacks,'Jeans wveek the information requested is sent back to> the scheol. The donlt and lie or she may wish tc information is given te the stu- discuss this with a counsellor. o 0 -f titis sr ce (lo des rut eut dewn on a counsellor's t-io -c icsbut, it should l v xr-- i ~~ r t' on' ' t ue L;h2-s-rvice for anoý) ther year, Vy~r r'mmntsarr-I bsýerva- tions, therefore, will be aprrlcn* ated 'n a getyin'lec that dcse. D, E. Devolin. Guidance',Services We need yoiur support to make this progranli a succ~ess. Me1ane JessuP. Letter te Editor 1Sir: A lieadling liaithe Port Hope Evening Guide, February 15, 1973, readl: "RUSSELL MUST 'LEARN NEED F OR WHOLE AREA - HEENAN" Tlie Mayor of'Cobourg is quot- ed, as follows: "Tell Mr. Russell we have giv- en up our littie kingdoms for tise good o! thse whole ecýOomic area.0y The. Port Hope Evýening Guide states that the Mayor of Cobourg was, replying te a questioner at. a meeting on Regional Gùveru- mient in Port Hop.e The questioner noted the "sus-, picion" by LvFoer Russell, Dep"- thtthe pltcasof thse twe ons(Cob1ioui-gandI Port Hope) Nvanted te retain their little king- doms. ]'vy statement, t-ikch eut of conf- text, concernedt5vtieHubicki Plan, in whicis the t-sisof tbownship3 wo-re excluded lin municipalities favereti the Plan, andI ether: tôwnships and tewns were! ostra- cized. .ollowing then first "closed" meeting by Cobourg Council. at whch the seee of the llub- icki -Plan was explained te area municipal officiais, I asked Mr lfTubi.cki why Darlington Town- slip andI Bowmanvilîe were ex- lidd.1e replieti: "I tiftI net cornms'ssiicate with Darlincton antI Bowmanville. They are going, t, Oshawa'.'I did net want the(m in tlie Plan." My reply was that if Mr HuTib- onue uicalities in the Plan, I would support it. My repy te thse Mayor of Ce- bourg is. that I do net favor di- crimination against any munici- pality in Northumberland andI Durhiam. TPhis is tise prime fault of theHbik Plan which sets up separate kingdeuis ln Cobourg and Port op, witli ureferreti tax rates for theQ two tewns, and t outi mnO-e ht-iiertaxes ili the toNvmsh-ipg; nimless areas in the respective suburîs e! the munielpalities ef Newcastle, Port )pee, Coboure. Ceiborne anti ('ampbellfoYsI. Wit-hmnthe Hub- i"ki plan the nao-es o! Clarle,, Hope, Hamilton, 1-aldimand, ('ta- mahe, Alniwick, Prrcy andi Seyv mc-ur would be lost bîstorical]y andto teposterity. iVi1 (ohe'irg an"] port Hopse sacrificelîr-ir iantes? No! !- ~uotd a sayingthatI "mnur-t fb'a ie needts of thc ws h'c al,- ea,"-ý m1- I ubmit thse fact that thle alaerl ponri-;ýng the lHu- bîcki PlaIn is faVorUin a portion, of the UnitedCi ýounties, while 1 support the broader aspect of the UJnited 'ountýies as a rpgion. Surejy there is tha rccept of nyopia jrtJ Lthe 'Tcpd.t ttt their own seprate n r C 3 "'-i itti t a, popular vote at the municipal level, is destrayed by our Mem- bers of Parliament in tLhe Prov- incial Government, the freedom of the whole democratic Procesg is diminished. Foster M. Russell, Deputy lR-eve, Toce hnpro)cf ITý li N orthi.,b- 6 a , ,andi D-.rlïam. r o teseto pý-n- çf ý,truturîg ,gi r- ofi thre Initerl Conues Ani 'sry Suey tsdugh Povincial Goacn- ccc ad decua ite foe te shltof re ioncelgoernsrh x ph nieo restrctugregiorca1 grove tnmetawitinomtirefaework mf tise Uiea('unieedii b miniml. h w ayr a uey, n thecr Pr.incitheal ovea Ment, wthithedail isegolig dfo- enited deeer nt oebt, sd biee cered.b h oieo h he wor letd t"rerucetr e qproe toe mnalisfer if ceeu Wbile andt e o ay otmayUn-t 1bave tacrd ith th tbov thpesteoid bte luàee-f thenteplitnte prmise which foly- oisted C.a-dounsCnillors offic~e onDuùniera31ties7forit, Ire have tatabi is e ith the Provincial Goverament1w7ic, erpohesvte oef'the poie ofh I Fl rtindeling your ipreseut,ý Orle, thgonl cotact FloydNchIo bnne 983-5049 ORONOj VENEZIA RESTAUR ANT flighway 115 and 35 31mi,, South of Ore PHONE 983-5651, OPEN 7 DATS A WZNK Speclalizhig tu Pizza el Ais. Week.End speelal 808 YEOMANS PLUMBING and HEATING 24 Roui, SeMvce New Installations - Alterations RepairW Spec!aHlgixn Rot Water Reating- Forced Ar eti R.R. 1, Oi-ono 983-5624 illi C.uail, .Cu hneNewcastle !987-4240 Alil day Wcdnesday -and Saturday DX ERVCESTATION lligbwaýy 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featurîngt Premium Quality ý Products r At The Most Reasonable Prices __ Stove 011 ( Diesel 011 \ Available ln any quantity Phone 987-4215 E - C-EN r ME F4ubbe--r Stamps Continuous Forrns Available at Orono Weekly Times J rscd Pan" 0

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