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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1973, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAV, FEBRUAR-Y 2lst, 1973 MM AM FOR WiNmmýAV Mulsn.Insurance Agoncy f« Àmclasses of uersonal and C~ommercial OoveraLre OfOe: Main St,. Ores,, OU. 84754 BYAMS noaies MmdIMcvi Max MDUNEREEIC UJI~ fNAMloi CHARLES-RElU> Aou"neer and VahIatorý >ObMalize in Faim and Furniture Sales Comuult me for ternis * and dates3 FMIONE ORONO 991-5914 Monuments and FumiIy Memorliak fl uallty and se-vie leaves nothiiig te be desîied A*k the persoon who bough± fromn wýýa neighbor, frien*I or relative Th e RUTTER GRANITE COtMPANYt' 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V. W. BUTTER OffIce - 88754216 Home - U55222 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Oro" Piose 983434 PXIRC CRFT ATS Abuffete &%SNUew115 uL t. dà RMah"WBev tow o &UMmd8 met4 c&d MUW 2a Clarke Public ~LIB RARY Mn4ay, Tuesdayv, Thuruday andFldq 6.0 to 9:30 P.Ui monday, I miSY F147 *.'....' 2:30 te 5:08 pigL ombd"leWOote leWm F WANTED Aduit persons InterestedI in or- ganizing a rock, folIk and WestIern iMusic ýýroUp. A chance to learn axi have fun. AIl and any musical welctome. If interested please eall me at 983-5485; - CLEANING STAFF To clean ffoors, walls etc. weekly in our Orono offices. Interested persons please cn tact Howard Smith at 983-91.71, Curvplýy Wood Produets. aWC WORK WANTED Housewovk wanted. Phc-ne Or- ono 983-5216. a-c NOTICE Aýs of Thursday, February 22ud 1973, MilIson's Insurance A,ýgency wlll be at its new location, corn- er of Church aunç Cobbledick Streets, Oronio. a-c FO« SALE 8, I Keth Trqwa et th* O.&- wa MduIs Mufer'81.p t«a fr*» exhassat qsotea n hp.etSop. lis Boud st. WeqtOshawa, mmi C111 576-111. NEZî» A NE»A 8111> U PRESSURE SYSTEN HARVEY PAETNER PLUMBING and HEATING ORONO 98836 Hferb and Gerry Duvail ELECTRJCAL CONTRACTLNG ELECTR1C KEATING T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - I-FI WESTLNGHOUSE ECA EKLECTROROME GVARANTRED SEMVIC]g Box ~ 'boue Ofl-8U I Brothers * ed ~arers et r Any lime is APPLE lIME Buy yours fresh and crlsp f rom FIRED'8 FRUIT MKEKlT RWY, 115, ORONO FENALE IIELP WANTFD AVON REPRF-SENTA1VS .. «mn mowy! maie new fMen"! coi more out of lUe! Become one CaumliIrw.Wason 7259«9 CUSTON SNOW ILODUGEING tbntact Qrono I*nds<cspi»g Deppndal4. Serice, PHONE 983M94 CAJRET$KER Applications will be , releved by the imdersigned unti Thurs- day, March lst, 1973, for the pos- ition ýof Part-tlime Caretaker at Shaw's Pubie School, '12 hours per week. Icnowledge of cleaniug mater- lals and czýretakung procedures prefçrrecL Ability te work from verbal and! written instructions and with otiier people required. Rep]yv in writing stating qualifi- entiions. address and telephone number te: - M. . acLeod. Business Administrator and Treasurer. Northumberland and Durliani County Board of Education, Box 470. Cobourg, Ont. Wmnted Dead ,'r CriPP1ed Y arm Stock - PICID UP PROMPTLIY Telphone Colleet 263-2731 Marr .-l ur Tann MELP WANTED Part timre cool, and Waitressýes Phone 983-5560. Coach and Four Restaurant - t-f LEARN TO DRivE TRACTOR TRAILERs Now you can train righit here in Canada! Acconimodatjon and exý Penses paid while training! Tuition Tax deductiblet For ap. pllcation and interview, write: Safety Departmenît Trans Canada Transport Trahnlg Suite 316, 207 Queens Quy WeM Toronto 117, Ontade< or cali: 416e8641 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TME 'Men or womnen to restock and colleet money froni new type, higb quality coln-operated dispen- p'ensers in your are4. NO SELLING To qualify mnust have~ car, refer- ences, $1,000 to $3,000 cash. 7-12 hours weekdy ean. net excellent in<come. More full tinie. We es- tablish your route Foi>- personal interview, write in- cluding- phone number, to: B. V. Distrihutors, Limited Dept. A, 1117 Tecumseh Rd. East Windsor N8W 1B3, Ontario HIELP IWANTED Applications wii be reeived byý the nerine p until M'Irch 9, 1973 fS thei 130ooth Con- ceýSsio1I at Ovolo Pýrlk and Park Manag,-1er, wbich wi-uld inelude one able to inaintaiu pools anid other park duties fromn approx- imatelv June 1, lt to Septemaber 3r-d, 1973« For informiation ph~one Aima Çuttell, Orono, Secretary, at 983507 r 83-5548. a-c COMINGO EVENT The Orono Girl Guide and Brownie Local Association are sponsoring a Tea and Bake Sale on February. 24 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., in the Main Hall of Orono Corne and support our Girl Guides and Browixies. 8C CéMING EVENT A Card Party wM! be held at St. Saviour's on Friday, 'February 23rd Everybody welcome. a-c COMING EVENT Regular meeting of the North- uniberlandand jDurham Couinty Bloard- of ÈdtÏcation, will be held at 7:30 ppu.-on February 22nd, 1973 in thse Librry of the new Bowmanville flEgh School on Lib-' erty Street North. Publie is cordially inrvited to attend. c P>A PER DIVE Orono -Signia-C and Tyro 'Boy':? -Groups on Satiurday,. March 3rd, 9:00a.m For further information call 983-5716. b9e COMEN<4 nÉENT T~he Orono Ilome and çI),cOüI .Aýscatiou VÇXId Tymne Dance" and Box Social "The Grotind Jog ilop" Februaiiry 24. Tickets avail- able at door. $1.00 a couple - 251- per student Trea-tway -Tours EASTFR WEEK-END WASINGTON, D C. JNEW YORKi CITY APRIL 19th te 22nd * , s. For informýation contact: Box 772, PETLRaBQRouJÇil Phoue toll free 1-800-461-7615 THANK YOU I would like t,- thank niy majny friends for tbe beauitiful flowers and cards sent W nme yhile iii hospital. A very special thank lui t Dr, A. F. McKenzie, Dr. H. B. Rùixiie and ail the nurses on surgery floor for their wo)nd- erful care. a-p Mrs Renla Pears CARM) tOFTHANKS A sincere -'Thaniký feu" to my relative-s ad friends, He-ý," RetikaI Lodgeý No. 334, Past Noble Granids Club '62 anid Uni t 6 U.CW. for the l<velY fIowers, gifts and cards. Special thanks *toD Drs. McKeuziel, Spear amnd, RuncIle and to tle' Nurses and staff Of Surgica'l Fioor Memorial Hospital. for tl:e care ane 'kind- ess received while I was a pa.- tieýnt. lia Marfia CARD 0f TIIANKS Thie famuljjy Of thle laie Roy, Thomprýon wish to expre,,s Itheir, sinicere t kandi appialon to ail relatives, frienids and neigh- bors for the beauI'itil floral trib- utes, dÔnlat '()ls Vo the Heart Fund,, cards and n a c ats of kiridness shown Io us at the timne of our re- cent Sad braein~also s pec- il thanI-s Vo Pev. B;asil Long for> bis thouiglht-fulbhwssn iid bis com- forting wordq. a-p THANW YOIX M~y- siIncere 'thanks to ail my friends. Rebekab Lodge 334, Orý ono U.C.W. Past Grands Club 62> for flowers, card-, 4and visits duar- * ing mny stay in Memorial Hospital Bowmanville, A special thanks. te mny graudsoqn an~d wif e Mr. and Mrs. Nor-man Fisýher, for al their kindnes~s and t,à Violet Suteiiffe and Kay Chapnian for ail their help. a-c Sadie A. Hamilton. IN MEMORIAM HARNES-bIn loving memory of Dalngcilà,along ig es way Weis y0eriîta1 n1ore each, The mu-,mlory of your doar sweet îingeur ývlVla ius' all-6ur days. Sw.ýeet little llower of heavenly birth. , Shie was too fair Vo bloom on~ -earth. So sadly missed by Momumy', 1)addy, Robert and Lîsa. a-p DIED LEWïS, Jo Anna-Sudd(einly tak-, en aa il]hr 1e il nWediesý-- day, Febjruary l4thî, 1973, Jo Anna Vani' Den Brxnlk;'ýOr0lnoOnit. Age 28 years, ibe1oved wie of Williani ROSS Lenia, - ear daughter of Mr, and Mrs. G Van LDen Brink and ~oilest slster. of Antoinette and GeralMine. l4ested at the Barlow Funeral H-ome, Oronio, til Sat- urday. Fu'ineral service was hlelàd fromt Lang Memorial Chapel, Sat- urday at 3:.30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Hiamiltons Insuranic Servi'c TOUE S.ow..biiI. Sadte RamUites Sue Sawyem' Jim Rare PIJMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKIS Bert ToGmDkins phne 7Sêi5-Z W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Bowmanfll. port Hep. Ofoco s184M4 F«r prompt, courteeu el0M4 eud sp*vee wheu buffln or smDlugand for the LIarg.o ual- of euetpioperties In the are. contact Ores, ,Area Represetktatlvs. Roy Poster 983580 Wiffiam Turansky (Kendal) 983-6420 %ay Eiie i~277-2280 Dane Fomlnd 623-8965 Rtoy Stro.g 52 r1Il Boany * j :4 'Oulu" qw Aomqp-- ice rice

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