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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1973, p. 7

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WAWT AMI FOR UNTIL 5:69 p.rm. T UESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See Mclasss of personal and Commercial Coveraszes ~ene: Min St..Ors 98-5032 RPt. 98357S4 BYAMS SLIVa amI Soew CHARLES RID - Qrono's Licensed .Autoneýer land Valuator Sp)ecialize în Farm and .Furniture Salesý (Ionsult nie f or ternis nd fdates PIIOE ORNO 93-5914 ir quaLlty andsevieeas ntlding te b ele Ask the persuoonwi bubtf us, neihbor frlnd r -iàthve T,î,RITT RNT PORT HOPE Phon c olîet V. W. RU7iTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5222 PIJMPING OT4. 89 RPT 1C T AN Clagrke Public LISBRARY Ebzy, TuesdayT, Turhda7, a "iday 6ex t. 8:30 pa. U.aday, Tharsdiy, Ftday htn..slNt. 5s" >MIL ~h7 NUte I8W a%»L Your own. Snowmnobile repair parts and accessory Catalogue - IlLatest Revis5ed Edition - ýGuar- antfied Sav ricgs of 30% oramore". Just mail your name and address ta "Direct Distributing inc., P.O. Box 1178, Hul,_ Quebec, Canada." A complete slection -of parts and accessories to choase Irom. No matter where yau live, youll always receive fast service Note: Present customers please do not re-apply. Your n qew cat- alogue is being mailed automat- ically. FOR SALE 30 gallon Water Heater. Excel- lent condition. Call 983 -5154. WANTED TO RENT A two' bedroomi house witini wajLçing distance of soup area by April lst, 1973. Phone 93-9393 GUAAN'fEZ» M VTD Set Keltbh Trgunn1 a t the. 0b- &,wu mIdas muflr stop fo a free exhaust eytem ilns»ectIoo. 110 Bond st. W..vt. Oihawfà. JU.Pt east of Qntrîi motorSit les caiii57"4111. NEE» A N~EE» A 8131WP1PlW PRESSUJE YSTEM IIVYPARTNEER 93510 ELEUT QIC HE T, Y. RADIO - HI-I WESTING, 0USE RUCA ELEICTROHOMýE GU.IANTERD SERVICE Hamiltons Insuranco Servic TomE SnwmeiUe Jim Ha»t Fer Dependabi. Semis Stafford Brothers ÇCgnetery Meuuoral Ils fluaiust ren<Ma APPLE TI ýE Buy yours fre-sh and crisp from FRED'S FRUIT MARKET HWMY. 115, ORONO HELP WANTED Eprnn $125 ta $135 per week. For more information cali Pat- rick J. Wiebe Co. Fuller Brush Co Ltd. 3729q69 rfO11eoV, Co- bourg. Evening's. 11 a-p PER DRIVE Oraoto Sigma-C anid Tyro Boy's Groups on Saturday, March 3rd, 9:00 a.m- For furthier information caîl 983-5716. b9c FENMLE IELP WANTEI> AVON 1PRbENiT1E eërn money! raake new friende! Get more ouit of 1f e! Become eneý Ca&U Mxs. Waâtson 725-M66 CusTloImSNOW ?LOUGHING Cntaeýt Orono 1,aiidéeaping. De;endatyle Seriicc, PHONE 993-559< Dead o cw ippidld Faim ,Stoi* FI 7 PP L W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED m~ mm e &*-a aun Te""$ Slw"1 Put laffl4M F«r pimpt, eoeuit% » rvwIe wbeabuylaw lihg *&M for ithe iarg.g m edisun of the aU« Co utact Oreno Area Roeprtstatlvq ROY Foster 0350 Wifli4In Turansky (Ken"a) $-2 Ray Finwie (Béthauy) 277-2280 Dane Found 6Z34965 Roy Stroug 52 r Il Bethany» Part tme Coo and aitresses Coach aind Four Reýstaurant -t-f LEAXN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now You can train right here In Canada! Accommodation and ex- Penses paid while training! Tuition Tax- deductible! For ap- plication and initerview, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens 9uay West Toronto 117, Ontarlo or call: 416-864-9381 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Menl or women to restoek and colleet znoney from new type, high quality coiu-operated dispen- petnsers in your area. NO SELLING To qualify must have car, refer- ences, $1,000 to $3,000 cash. 7-12 hoiirs weekly can net excellent iinem. More full time. We es- ,ablish your route For~- personal ixnter-view, write in- cluding phone niumber, ta: B. V. fistributors, Limited D)ept. A, 1117 Tecuýmseh'i Rd. East WnorN8'W 1B1.3, Ontaýrlo "HZA'VE A GOOD HAT Y ed.,Mab "TwspMas FreAdmission - Coffee, Tea Everyone Welcomne TRENTWAY TOURS TO FLORIDA 10 Days - Mid MMarchi Break 21 Days - fleparts March 19 CALIFORNIA 23 Days - Departs larch 31 and April 28 MEXICO 18 Day - Departs Mardi 29 and AprIl 8 For further information contact BOX 772, PETERBOROUGH -Phone Tol Free 18004617615 CÇ9M1NG ;EVEN1T SWorld Day of Prayer, Marchl ta be held at Eirby Centennial Sehoiçol FiamiilY night and every- one C0O1ING EVENT O1.1 Saturd:ay,, May 26th Til Past Noble Grands Club 62 will holà~ a Tulip Tea and Cushion S;ale. More later. a-p COMING EVENT The Orono Home and School Association â Ol Tyme DaýqcE," and Bo-., Social "The Ground~ Hog, H-op" Februam'y 24. Tickets avafi- able at doolr. $1,00 a couple - 25e per student EASTER WEEE-END SSPECIALS WA',ýâSHINGTON, D C.. NEW YOIRK CMY GRAND OLE O'PRY Nashvile, Tenn. APRIL 19th ta 22nd For information co)ntact: Box 772, PETERBOROUGHf Phone toli free 1-80M.61.7615- CARD OF TITANKS I reaIly don't know how one says thank you, ln, the best way, ta sa many, wonderful friends, cheerful réom-mates, kind and" guod prafessional people at Bow- mianville Hospital; but hawever it, is done I would like ta do it just that way. Velma Armstrong- Orono, Ont. TITANE YOU We 'ol like at this time ta express otir sincere appreciation to relatives, frkids and neigh- boturs for flôwers, cards and acts of kfndness in their recent sad bereaveinent ini the death Of JO Anna. Rs Lwsa-pt- Ros, Lwisand The Vanl Den Brink famîly. Invstiatiininto the derail- mentr of the Canadian National Ralway "Rp:d~"on January 5, 1973 is stlicontinuing. Ail ~pectsofItle drimn are bei;ng okdinto in dti and studied but nlo date ýcould be given when the- report would be made publie. Chaomber, The Clarke Township Council at their February 2Oth meeting- passed a motion granting- a sum of $250.00 te the Orono Chamber, &f Commerce. An original motion of a grant of $100,00 did not re- ceive a seco)ndler. Vhe final motion byC. A Reid and Z~. Entwisle carriled the pro-, vision that the grant was net te' inerease the Townsbip miiil rate., Couincil also passed a Mtfonr that the Townshtip would not' carry on with the Warble Fly program this yrear. icence uxnIr Jas received fronm the LUt0,'-ýes 'Branch, Minis- try'<of commerce andV (orrîmerciaI Rei;ato;ns forBrown's commun- ity cen~tre Assoc-aiol.' CGon*cilt-lso accepted -on behalf of the Orono Park Board a quo- Latiop lta construct a f ence arounid t.he two tennlis courts at the Or-- onie iark., The Reeve was auther- ized ta sign an applicatioîm -in this. matter for the LIP gr-ant., WATSON'S Marine and Cycle orme b...9834ua '*MW"m a mbm 'w "m a 8mai 2 A"da MJWE BNOWEOEU ~tltSt4ittl~ i Grant C. Walde Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtoivillie, OmtarlO Teleplione 786-2921 Box 61, Port H ope, Ontarlo TéIephone 8528

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