51,17 A United Counties icitizewsY o)reanizaition, which strongly op- poses the provincial goveihment's proposai for regional government east of Toronto, is taking its counter proposai to the people. VO LUME 37, NUMBER 10 A niulti-year forecast of Cap- ital Building within the North- -iAnierand and Durham scbool a na. notes that approval lbas beein received to proeeed further in planning the Senior Elemeitary sechool for Cobourg and Hamilton, a snior elementary school for Clarke and Newcastle and also for alterations at the Gratton public schooi. Urj.natured capital principie as of January 1sV, 1973 anioulited ta $17,740,203. if ne further cap- ital costs were 'iiurred laver the n-ext two years this amount would be reduced ta $15,193,608. la 1975. Wlth the- inlusion of work Of ,$292ý,000at Gratton and $1,27,- 800 for the Haitol.CObOu.rg Friday, Citizen Input Commit- tee explained "Project 2073" at a public meeting in Port Hope. Input hopes to hold publie meetings in eaceh municipality in the United Counties of North- school an<t $875,000 for the New- castle-Clarke senior elementary sebool the unmatured Poiciple as ot Jaauary lst, 1975 wonld a- maunt ta, $17,547,608. whieh is slightly under the priaciple ýof capital cests which existed as of Jauuary lst,: 1973. The five-year tentative progran, does include an addition for Clarke 11gb Schoal in the year 1975 of some $900o,00. Convers- ion and alterations of $239,571 at Kirby Centennial Scbool are not- cd la the year 1976. The need for a new elemeat- ary sebool are also noted in .Part Hope in 1976 and Bowmanville la 1977. A new secondary schoal is al1so projectedl for the north lu 1977. umberland and Durham, ProjectÀ 2073 would cnt off the propiosed Oshawa regî,on at the Ontarlio-Iurham Count(y border and creato a separate, one tier regional governmefft for the 'Un- ORZONO WEEKLY TIMES,-, WEDNESDAY, MARCU 7ti, 19 3 Declares 6.5%,,Share DividendTfagt tCak f Libra r SThe inineteenth annual meeting -of Orono District Credit Union, wàs heid in the Odd Felows Hall on February 20, 1973. Reports were presented fromn the variaus boards and commit- tees. These showed that 1972 had beetn a successful year. Assets in- erease-d 1 6% lover 1971. The meeting accepted the reeoom- maendation oif the Board of Diree- tor that we pay a dividend of G% ,on the shares of ail mem,- bers as of December- 31, 1972 aind a 12% rebate ion- ban inter- est paid during,1972. Mr. Frank Rllman, represent- ative fromý the Credit Union League, conducted the election of officers. Directors elected were Angus Loucks, Harvey Robinson and Mel llartwig; Credit Commit- tee: Siegfried Block; Supervisory Comnittee: Alfred Perrin, al ,for a three year term. Musical entertainmeflt by the C-'ountry Four was enjoyed by ail. Rjusr cl Osborne introduced the speaker for the evenîngI, Mr. Garnet Rickard. His subject was Regional Government, a topie ýof interest at this time. Sterling Mather thanked Mr. Rickard and presented him with a letter tray donated by Curvply Wood Produets. There were, several door priz- es. End tables donated by Curv- ply were won by Jack Alhia and R. Osborne. A jewellry case don- ated by J. Anderson Smith Co., Newcastle was won by Carl Kim- inett. A fire extinguisher don- ated by C o-operators Insurance was won by Ait Perrin. HOUSEIIOLD HINT Odor free - Such staple foods as onions and fish, while delight- fui to eat, can leave strong odors on the hands after their prepar- ation. One wày to banish these unpleasant smelis is' ta rubu small amount'of bacon grease la- to your hands, wipe ýoff the ex- cess, then wash with soap and water. Quick as a wink, no more odors. School Board Bu dget must e .Reduced By »$700,OOO The Board, of Education of NÇorthumberiahd and - Durham wvere intormed last Thursday at a special meeti 'ng tbat t least $7,00,000 would bave ta be cnt fitramCte 1973 budget to corne within fthe liuits set by the Mfin- 'stry of Education. Providing the reduction can'be ma, 1 is expected, that the, mlrate ta the district munici- palities will remain the same as last year. $475,443. of the $700,000 is ta be eut tramn the public school level while $274,376 wiil bceuct from thte secondary sehool level. It was pointed ot at the maeet- ing that oly one new building nndertaldng will be eampleted this year. This is a indergarten and resource centre for the Mitchell Corners school. Debentures have also been; ap- proved by the Ministry for con- struction , lo the senior publie school for students of Hamilton and Cobourg. This sehool bas been strongly opposed by Ram- ilton Township Couincil and is roide(iredl the main reasoqn for the defeat of incumrbent board miembers last fall in the Cobourg- HaTmilton. ares. The s,hco board bas no detinite decision ta Pro- ceed ,vith the sehool at this time. A series of six Wednesday niglit lectures open tonight at the Clarke Public Library, Orono. Dr. Keith SUmon of Bowmian- ville is the opeting speaker with his subject "The Heart". A ques- tion'and answer period will also, be held and 7:30 is the time. WEDNESDAY, MABCH l4th Mrs.. Pat Lawson, Port Hope, who has been a delegate to the Montibello conference for the Man. and Reslources program by C..&.E.M. will be the, lecturer on Wednesday, March l4th. Mrs. Lawson bas beena active in the organization of the Ganar- aska Trail as weil as the preser- vation of thc lakefront between Port Hope and CJobourg. Her tapie will he "Growth"ý. She will toueli on population and ecor4,ýmic as weIl as how the cit- izen should participate in the de- cisioxis of pann of his com- mur t' as well as cnvînanment and wyhat the individuai can dlo. Tax P, one Servlicte BErginnýin'g Monday, February 26,' the telephone enquîry service in District' Taxation Offices Is being extended, Hon. Robert Stanbury, Mimster of National Revenue, announced recently., BQth the local and long-dist- ance toll-free telephone service are being extend>ed usTil 8:00 p.m. every Monday and Tuesday unil April 30, the deadline for ing incarne tax returns. The extension is for the bene- fit of people unable ta use the enquiry seri-ice during the day whea they are at work, expýlainied, Mr. Stanbury. Past experience lias shown mnost tax enquiries are received early in the week fromn people who started ta fi11 out Thirty students tram varions Public Sehools ln the area com- peted last Wednesday in a Chess tournameat at the Orono Public School. The tournament was or- ganized by the' following Orono studeats; ?4ark Breen. Jeff de- Jonge, Christine Benediet, Ricky Anneart, Keiany Hutton and Jim Remington., Jeff deJonge and Mark Breen itcd Counties. The province bas proposed a twotier regional governuient which would include ail of Ont- ario Cou-ty and Parts #of North- imberlai'-d and Durham. The 24 existing municipalitiles withip tihe two, counties w~ould continue ta exist as municipalîties but wîthou-,t municipal govern- mentune Project 2073. Inefct the plan cails for the twocontesto bccome one mun- Th,-, xi-,ting muncipaRifes woud eeeta total of 27 regional Cob rg ad arlÎigton Town- ship wvold ieach eleet three reg- ional councillors, ie Port Hope, Newcastle. Clairke, Murray, Hlamilton and Bow Maile wouid each elect two. The other municipalities wouldý each ellect one, representative ex- cept Colb'rne-Cramnahe, and M~.ill- brook Cavarý South ýMonaghari, which would split one represent- ative. The regional council would be responsible for ail municipal duties except such thimngs as hos- pitals, libraries, museums, arch- ives and recreation on a local basis, for wbich boards or com- missons would be appolnted. Project 2073 would lead hi the creation of "agi-beats" on both the wesztezni and eastern boundr aries of the region, as -well as sepa$rating tive "growth" weas within the United Counties. Other areas listed as growth centres beside Port Hope and Co- were the competitors tram the Orono sçhiool. The tounnament was woa by Dale Peck wha eiim- nated Mark Breen in the semi- finals and by Charles Smniithson of Hobbs Publice Schookl. The tournanient was one of concentration and endurance and aother tirst for the Ororno Pub- lic Schoa-l. bourg were Bowmanv.llt, New ca-;tUe, Colborne-Brighton and Çampbeilford.1 The regionrial seat shouki . be cr' ated i the geographie centre of the region, says the brief, which would be somewhere ià Hamilton Township. Projec't 2073, if implemented by the province, would resuit in the following, says the report: -po cwEli be mainly happier, -hsoywill not be desc rated-- -ar efarm areas vibl b pr'e ýerve -extensive agi-beits will be et ablished dire»ýly adjacent t4a Oshawa and Trenton -provision of further wide agri- beits tbetiween BDwmanývil<e-Pcrt Hope, Port1 Hope-Cobourg, Co- bourg-Colborne, and<Colbornse- Brighton, wtll be esteblishýed; -the proposed' structure WouId provide wide. access te. Lake On- tario by prohobiting the creation of a "concrete jungle"ý along its shore; -the regioin would provid~e a gateway to the tourist areas -he reglon would allow eP-Ch town to experiernce controled (pre--specified) growth -the.,regioni wïl l argely contain. the lii estyle ini each area, toivxn or vIllage ' -equalized talc assesSment eau be aceomplished as a resulit of the average population distribu- tien within most of, the Urhaf areas; -no one area could prove to be a ýdominating factor overi' he othe'rs. R àe sponse To Chan--ge' by Diane Barnett As over 50 pe.oPle assembled la the Boar-d Office at Cobourg on February 26, 1973 tram 2-4 p.m., I realltv wmadered .why I was' there." The students, parents, trustees and. just interesteld per- sons made up the group). The rontm was quite big with lots ci windows and, many very eomn.fOrt- able'chairs. Tbe tables had been arranged for six people aind the organizers tried tbeir hardest ta keep the representatives tram the different sehools separate. We their returas aver the weekend. The extenided service applies ta telephane eanquiries onily and will noV mean a reducVio~n in the daily telephone or counter serv- ice. The regular telephone enquiry servýice wilii still be avallable tram 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Wed- nesday ta Friday. didn't start promptly at 2 p.m. but when we fiaally did get start- ed the. speakers didn't.waste amy time. We were assembled there, stated the MC, to discuss the credL it systemi which bad been intro- duced into the schaols three years ago. The Mfinistry of Edu- catian wante4 Vo get a generail idea of what the most comnion reaction ta the pr'ogram hadý been especially fromi parents and students. As 1 sat there in, a very sot chair, surrounded by busin- essmin, parents and other stud- ents I was prepared for a pretty duil atternoon. But, mueh ta my surprise, 1 was wrong. Each tablab selected a recorder and then were givexi a sheet. Each sheet was ta be discussed for 15 Min- utes and on it was a place for advantages, disadvantages and recommendations about a certain issue. Each sheet referred teaa different issue. Some of these issues were: the building of the stndeint's programn, guidance ser- vices and the mostimportant ,c>Î them, all, the credit system and diploma requiremeats. 1 thought that it may have beca a little bard ta get started disciissiilg at first, but no way. Ieefore we knew it, al the tables were in deep discussions. Maiw tures the discussion strayed away tram the main point but every- thing that was said wvas worth- wbile. At the end of what seenied a hait an heur, but really was two heurs, the recorder gave the main points of the discussions. Nok group put the credit system diôwa. Everyone felt that it should stay but maay oanstruct- ive and wortbwhile improve- nients were stated. Every gronp foit that there sbould always be somne compnlsory core subjects such as Englsh and Math., parents sbould -be mare inforrned of the system and the yonnger grade»4 should have mucb nore guidatire when ehoosiag their courses. Refreshments wereü available. Everyone took advantage of them and enj.oyed them iminasly. As many peoplec oneluded, the disussonsconid have gonie on for another two bours. EverYonne- was very enthusiasie at the Sug- gestion of havlng another slm- ilar meeting,. Multi-Year Forecast Outlunes School Capital Pro*jects -------------