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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1973, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNES-DAY, lWARCH 7th, 1973 Red Cross To Canv ass Orono A n d -Area T 7h rougQ-ho0utarch With the help of area volun- te-ers vour District PRed Cross Braneh is cnûciga fiancial appeal in the villages of Orono, Necastle, Kndal, Kirby, New- tonillIIe and the surrounding aven thrloughnout the rmonth of Mareh. Thie Brainch quota of $3100.00 for 1973 ust be me.ý.t if vital Red Cross services are te be main- tained thirou ghout this- area.ý Or- onýîo will be canvassed by the Or- aotue Girl Guides. In order to mnake You more aware of the Red Cross ro-le lu this eommufïtnity, we bring the fol- lowing points to your attention: 987 uinits of blood were collect- eà at local volunteer *c'llinics to ensure adequate sppplies for our local hoý,spital-and to f il reqluests fo(r special blood types for heart sUrgery. 241 aduits and children r(eciveýd 30%OfFF PIPES Regular $7.95 to $1095 Reduced 30 percent te $5.57 to $7 A good variety of Croyden, Sicana and Diamonds Ail good quallty pipes 4-pl1y %Wool andNeds Crocheý,t NCe(elsan lok OROO, NT. Elmr' Gaag TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Oreno Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Mxord B'RICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE 4. SC W-IAlIL Phn9983-5606 STONEWàORK -and FIELCp. ~We also do ch!ievý Repairs new lothing and bedding foilow- ing fires or family emergericies. Several other families werc out- fitted with uscd clthing. 125 articles o! sickroom, cquip- ment (hospital bcds, wheelchairs. crutches,,etc.) were loancd FREE to persons il11 at home. 2,100 sewn and knitted articles of lothing and bedding were made by Women's Work Commit- tee memnbers' for local, national and interneational disaster 'relief. 25,000 swabs and wipes w ere complet'd- for thé Blo'od Trans- fusion Service bv local women, thereby redticing the cost o! pro- curing lif-giviztg ood, 12 persons took part in a Home Nursng course conducted by the Branch. 35 Girl Guides in Orono., and Kendal reeceived FVirst Aid certif- icates. First Aid Demonstrations were given to schools and inter- estcd groups. Red Cross trained -itstructors and examiners led 1,500 children and aduts in Water Safety and Swim programmes in 4 crommun- ities in the area. Equipment and teaching aids for these classes, wcrc pmovided by the local Branch. 6 Homemaker il hiomes, where ated extra help. were placed ini illness necessit- Everyone 'must help if we are to assist our less fortunate nieighbours as we have doncý in the past. Please' welcome the vol- unteer ,canvasser who 'cails at your dQor. This is a practical and positive way to, put into action your desire to help others lu your own coinmunity and in disaster torn areas ovei'seas. Callyour litensed Plumbin<q Mechanica.l Contractor Who sens, ).atll mnd guaraneem PLUMBING 'AND IIEATI.NG ADULT COUNSELUING SERVICE If you want to do something about your educationk . . you probably can. See your Aduit Counseilor 7 to 9 p.m. a the BOWMANVILLE HIGxl SCHTOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The: servie is free- confidentan ad no0 appointment Is necessary THE BEAUTIFUL IDEALS WïiTHiN (OUt TOWNSIIIP'S PUBLIC LIBRARY by Carole Ordonez To best receive an -open view of the motivating force which gives life to the Public Library in Orono, consider the following meaningful words, "'The main ob- jective is to provide an organized collection of books and printed niaterials that are a source of ideas and knowledge, in order to provide ail citizens of the comn- munity with an opportunity, to educate themselves continuously, atnd to read for recreation." The above was taken directly from the Library Boar's manual, the very first page and the very first reason for its existence. S The Library's conscientious staff itself always' looks forward to encouraging aduits and child- ren, both students and noustud- ents, to regard the Public Library, and utijize the Public Library, as a source o! knowledge and recre- ation,-,fory lifelong use. Not,..onlY throughthe value o! books alone,ý but aiso through interested ce- operation with community grouPs$ clubs, and societies, they hope .to continuallIY- stimiulate recreation, educationn, and cultural activities., M,ýaking.possible such fun. ex-, pelences esopen ,discussion groups, educationai film showvs, art displays, lectures, by guest speakers on vivid topies, and oth-- or fascinating activities,ý is the Library' ýuseful role. . Visit the Orono LibrarY and give it tihc opportuunity te ufl its purpoÈe for you. Kendol Nows March came in like a- lamb aind we have, enjoyedi the fine weath- er. On Suniday after church most o! the, Kendal People wer e eut with shovels trying to ýopen cul- verts and turn. the 'watcr away from their basements. After din- ner we >w ent to Port Hoýpe and-saw the park. below. the main street one mass of blocks of' ice. The ice in the river had' broken up at three a.m. and' the' flooding be- gan. The basement o! the towýn hall had'fîiled with water, cars were turned uPsîde down. The Durham Motors showroom wind- ow was; smnashed by ice. Ierhaps we shahl have an early Spring. Mr. L. D. Bell used to tell of one Spring when he was a boy that they mioved to a new farma on March 1. The weather was so fine they neyer put the cattle in the stable but began working the lard. They had fin- ihdseeding by the end of Mr-.'Thos. Vieveen anid family havenovdIo 'Delhi. Thiey have beengrin tobacco on the Sixth ir e tobacco farm for the The furerai o! Mrs. Hubert Foster took Place at the Ross Funeral parlours on Sunday a!- tronMarch 4, 1973ý. She was boni at Shiloh;ou the farm uow owued by Mr. Ewart Robinson. She was the daughter of Mr. Roderick Caldwel, She taught school at Salemn and in Bowman- ville Central School. After her marriage 'toý Hubert Foster they lived on the Bert Poster farm on the Manvers Roàd. She sang in Trinity Tlnited Church choir. Then thiey purchased the general store at Campbellcro!t. They re- tired in Port Hope. Sympathy is exteondccd to lier daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Black and their- !amnily David and Margaret. NEW PUMPER WANTED IN HARWOOD The matter "elosestt to the hearts" o! the Harwood Fire De-, partaient iS the aquisition of a rew pumper fire truck, Hamilton Township Couneil learncd Wed- nesday night o! hast week. Two representatives o! the Fire Department in Harwood present- c d Hlamilton Township Council with. their budget for operating costs in 197, which is approxim- atcly the saine as in '1972. After this and other matters werc diseussed the two firemen cdged up to the topic that really interested them, the new pumper truck. FARMERS SEE OSHAWA LINK W REGION TAKES DARLINGTON Over eighty Durham County farmers passed without comment a brie! which included the clause "If the region is to come east o1 the Oshawa - Darlington Bound- ary the Port Hope - Cabourg ar- ea must be included to ensure that the western part of the area does not dominate the eastern hall". The clause was'part of a brie! on ýregional government, prepar- ed b.y the County executive o! the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and presented at a meeting (o! the farmn federation members in Canton hall recently. It was estimated that 75 per cent of those preseqnt were from Hope township' but no one oh- jected to anything lu the seven page hand written brief which Was re-ad to them by the secret- ary of thie County federation, Don Welch from Darlingtoai.- -Retention o! good farm land was stressed by the brie!, which, said that failure. o! governments to retain, good agricultural land will mean highcr food>,eosts for the pro jected population in this area and throughout the ýworld.' "The Ontario governmetnt inust- infroduce a Landt Use Plan, for- the farmers if the land prie Le deflated when their land is zou- ed agriculture." It was alsoa suggested that the Province should assess ail com- mercial and industrial 'properties, ooilect taxes and redistr!iutte them to the municipalities ona per capita basis. They suggested that the loca- tion of the regiontl offices must be east of Oshawa and said that Oshawa must not be allowed to extend beyond its present boundaries., Orville Chatterto.n ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELE(TRIC REATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5949 ORONO, ONTARIO Willia*m C. Hall, 8B. Comm. Chartered Acc'ountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AIl day Wednesday and Saturday DX SERVICE STATION Ilighway 35 and 115, just north of Newcaste Premium Quality Produets At The Most Reasonable, Priew Diesel11 Available uiny quantity Phone 987-4215 We have sold a lot of niece cars and trucks to sonie very nice people in this area, We think it's because we take an interest in every one that cornes in, Tell us what you'd like in a new or previously owned car or truck and how much you'd 'like to spend and if we can make you a deal, we will, PHIONE 623-4481, 219 KING STREET EAST

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