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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1973, p. 1

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Hloney Appointed' Counity Judge 'Russell C. Ho1ney, Q.C. and fýormer Liberali- mem--ber of the Fe-deral Governament for the rid- ing of Northumberland andl Dur- hiam lias been appointed County Judge for the County of Hastings. Mr. Honey foýllowýing the elec- tion vacationied in Florida and on -VOLUME 37, NUMBER il is 1returalias resided -in Ottawa, lie vwas f'irst elected to the feder- ai house la 1962 for the old rîd- ing of Durhiam County. In the most recent election lie was de- feated, by Mr. Allan Lawrence representing the, Coràservative party. The 'federal minister of Justic e, Otto Lang made the anrnounce- ment of the, appointrneht on Monday. The firm of wliich lie was a partner in Port Hope lias stated they will continue under the name of Brooks and Harrison. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. MLIRCu l4th, 1973 Would L'ike Te Sep, Major Sports Complex For Area Dr. Keith Siemon, who spoke at the Clarke Library in tic first oif a series of lectures, last Wed- nesday, coucluded his speech by stating that lie wouldj like to sece a miajor sports complex in the arca and hoped that withl region-, al governmcnt this may beýomne a reaÀity. Thriiouigh-ot!ls topic, "H1-ave a good Heart", lie emplias- iz:ed tic nceed for exewrcise and referred Vo Lbndfividual s;ports as a means for this exercise for al age groups. In opening bis addresslie said the average Canadian was inact- ive, too fat, and in fact, a slob. M1e is not only ouit of condition but under stress of lits job and Stress inl, its cocern for material wealth- "If you can grab a hand full of fat at youir stomaci, you are too fatý," lie said. . "If your pulse is 80 a.fter resting for five minutes, you are, out of condition." The coeaker spoke on cholest- erolan its effect in the blood estream and resultirng damnage to the hrt le warned ag5ainst e-ggsan spreads u.sing coca oiis. wo,ýf chculr, od adge i of stress. lFe crnsider-ed the en-, joymnent of art and music as 'one mneanls nf ficing s ,tress end said that there wee many worthwhile activities hic were not costly. Appalled lat igreteUse Dr. Sieron sadnle was appaîl- cîd wïtith te extent tliat tobacco was 1,e1e.3 ci-1 after ail tic eviden1ce which points to the damnage tint tobacco lias to, our âodles. Not only does tobacco cause lutng cancer but it dtamages the hcaýrt. "o are eigit years, older than youLr pr(ýeent age if you smjoke two pncks, of igar- ettes a'da," le said. "If ou stop now' in ten yc-ars you wîile as fit as, one wholias Pý neyer smokd,"liesaid. Ile said lie was deeply concerned over the in- creaseC, use of tob-tcco by stud ents of this day and age. Tobacco use is on ï1the- increae and ;t is a great cdestroyer. D-r. Semon stirred al titter in ils auinei of some forty wieni lie stateýd that sex wa a great relaxing ag cn t andf one thàt spread cnjovment o others. 1He Said there 1was no agý7e limit to this. in m n-,tion1ing fphysical fitness, lie ~ ~ ~ iý sae ogn a ne of the 1,stmensof kecp>ing the body in shape. ue also referred te ten- nis, - amnohandball, swimi- milig, cycling, and golf if you carry your owft bag, as sports whirh one car do as an individual Hfe aiso saî tint ecompetiton and stres-s shiould not be a part of tlhese games or sports. UOMa TO Sit In Orono On Friday The Otario Miunicifpal Board will sit in Oronýo on Friday ,vwien it will conisider tlie app1icatin'n, of Mr. Dyriw frthe contruction of a motel and restaurant unAit at ehe third fime of Clarke on High' way 115> 1Tlie application hias recýeived approval from the Clarke Town- ship Planning, Board and the Clarke Trowasllip Council. Bo rd~urn Dow Application For Estate Developmont Tic Clarke Township Planning Board' turned down an applica- tion by Mr. Roy Foster for an Estate residentiai developmcnt norti of Orono and just.seti of tic seventi concession. Tic de- velopmetnt was Vo cover, some 53 acres. Tic proposai was questioned by tic Township planning con- sultants, notimg -tint tic land wns most suited for 'agricultural use. Tt was ai o stated fiat tic offic- lai plan, or tic Township lias noV as yet been establisied and there could be some confliet in Vils matter Anofier enquiry for an Estaf c residentiai deveiopmnentwns aise turned down bhy tieliooard. DEFEIS, DECISION ON TEACHER-STUDENT RATIO The' Northumberland and Dur- ham County Board of Education set aside their decision of Mardi lst to establish tentatively the student-teacher ratio at 10.1. Tt ~was proposed that this ratio corne into effect as of Septemffber Ist, 1973. The Board referred the studenýït- teacher ratio aspect to theneo tiating comniir-ttees of the teacli- ers and the Board for their con- sideration; Salary negotiations are c ur- renly underway for both the el- ementary and secondary teachers. TO IHOLI) A SPECTAI, MEETING 0OF COUNTIES' COUNCIL A special meeting of the Unit- ed Oounties' Gouncil will lie held today, March i4th, to consider the counties proposai for region- ai govertiment. A draft form was given approv- ai by the counties ýpreviously which cailed for a two-tier form of government and -which would include ail of the present United Counties with some addition to the area 1)o the east. It is considered that the pro- posai today wili flot vary from the original draft. The proposai is being oompleted by Mr. Derek Jdittle of Miuniicipal Planning Con- sultants. Tic Eastern Ontario Stenm and Antique Assciation are to liold their annuni show at tic fairgroundis in Orono tuis ycar. In previous years tic shiow lias licen ielid in Camplieliford 'dur- ing a tirce day pcriod, and lias attrncted up to six tliousand people to tic various attractions at tic show. Tic shiow in Orono will lic open to tlie public on tirce con- secutive days, Saturday, lSunday and Monlay, August 4, 5 and 6. Tic show fentures steam locomo- tive machines as well as datcd gas machines. IV is cxpected that at least ten stearn englues ',will be on display as wdli ns a iund- red old gas tractors. Tic show alise inoludes sealcd models as wcll as Operative saw miii, plan- nigmil! and shingle making nil.Tic ladies division of tic Association also display house- hold antiques and ýother items o! intercst, Numerous antique cars will en- liance tic display at tic show Mr., Martin Manlers of Kendal is president of tic Association whichlias a membersiip of forty- five. A ladies' auxilary is aIso, associated witi tic, group. Tic Association is to meet witi ticý Orono Ciamber of Commerce to get assistanhce in Pflomoting tic event in Orono.> To nship-ViIIa e To Jointly Control Officer Last Tuesday agreement, was reached between the council of Carke Township and the Orono Police Trustees to jointly lire a co.trol officer who would act as dog control officer throughout the Township as well as traffie control officer for parking regu- lations within the Police Village, The Trustees had advertised for suéh1 an officer and had re- eeived two applications. Prior to .interviewîng thc applicants the Trustees approachcd the coumncU of Clarkc wlio appearcd in favour of liaving a dog control officer for the Township. It was decided at' the meeting that further ad- vertising would take plaâce ask- ing for an officer to look after the extendcd duties. [t waslalso agreed tliat payment for services would be $6,000 plus $50.00 a montli mileage. Counillor Heykoop stàtcd that there was also a need io control the use of snowm.obiles i the Township and Village and wond- ered if sucli an officer could also take on tlifsc duties. It was felt that the winter was ahmnst over and that 'it would also be too much of a burden fer one perso'n. The position is t'O be advertised in the near future. 1 Rice Conistrucetion GCo. have' made a proposai b develop !and in the south of Clarke Township, for residential use. The land in- volved lies souti of the rail tracks in the area of the Cobble- dicli side road, lots 32, 33 and part lot ý34. Tlie proposai has come before Clarke Township counili and thc Clarke Township Planning Board. This along with a proposcd site just west of Clarke would have accommodation for i630 resi- dences. Known -as Newcastle Bluffs, the Clarke proposed developrnent would inclule low density single dwelling housing along with an area for Mobile Homes and Town HoDusing. The sketch also shows an area for commercial and in- dustrial devclopment as well as open space Aithougli no area within Clarke was spccified At' is considered, it would be around 150 to 200 acres., Rice Construction lias such a dcvelopment in the Lake Simicoe area at Stroud. Orono Area Service Club Takes Pine Ridgé Name Monday evening at tic New Duteli Oven Restaurant fourteen members of a newly proposed Kinsmen C lub chose tic name "Tic Kinsmen Club of tic Great Pine Ridge Area." Along with tic choice of name tic group did elect an interim slate of, 'officers wlio will conduct thc business of Vie club until it reccives its char- ter on May l2ti. Tic club is to operate la tic Orono-Clarkc Township area and presentiy lias a poteutial membership of twcnty four. Fourteen, members from tic local area werepresent on Mon- day niglit along witli a similar' number from tic sponsoring club from Bowmauville. The interirn officers eleced were: Tony Mitchell, cliairman; Morris Honcyman sccrctnry-treas- urer; Gordon Mair, registrar and Mel Hartwig, bulletin editor. Kinsman Raipi White o! tic Bowmnnvillc- Club conducted tic meetinig on Monday aiong witi tic election of officers. Kin. Bill Watson, past National President of thc Kinsmen of Canada spoke informaily to the grolsp: Wliea you are.talking of a service club, li said, youi are talking about 'an invcstmenit of time' for your community, for your fellowman and for your- self. Membership in tie Kinsmen, liesaid, meant fellowship, self- devclopment and service. Kin. Watson stated tliat lie kncw of no better wny Vo enjoy fellowship tina being a member of the Kins- mca. Aithough fellowsliip was a major item in Kinsmen it was noV enoaugli. said the speaker, it takes service to the commnunity to glue the organization and its members together. Self-deveiop- ment -cornes, stated Kmn Watson tirougi participation with otier members in tlie organization. H1e pointed out tint Kinsmen was tic second largest service club in Canada and last irear raiscd a total of $7,000,000 along witli multitude of other services. Tic next meeting of tic Kins.- men Club of tic Great Pine Rldge Area wilil be held on Monday, Mardi 26th. Library IIolds Book Review ,vWrîitn Contests Clarke Township Public Lîli- rary welcomces alr~d't of ail ages to join in entringj into its officialy opened Book Review Writing Contest. There are just a few simple mIles Vo follow Vo tic pati of a possible vie tory and at the very least a challenge fillcd with excitemient. Rule No. 1 nsks ýtint ail ent- ries lic postmark-d by April 14, 1973, in order to becli,]gible for entry into tic very first contest. Any entry reccivcd after tint date wijll lie lcd over for tic ne-xt contest, and seD on, uintil completion of tic whole seýries Subsequent contest deadlues wili lie available at the Library. Rule No. 2 nsks tiat you scnd ail entries directiy Vo tic Library in orono in care of Mrns. Madeline Hndley, Iàbrarian. Address you.r entry', "Writing Cont '.st" Rule -No. 3 recomnends that caci conitestant scnd La nu more than tvo tentries ln any one sep- araibe dontest. ffi4e No. 4 states tint tic Iengti of tic Book Review lie -rm 50 words to 400 and ho tYPewvritten or printed ncatiy on lined paper, Tic general rules are tint there' cn i e mo directi quotes from any book, otier than quot- inig Vie titie of tic book itscîf Tic bo'os ma be fiction or non- fiction and o! any lcngth or sub- jectmaer Any book upon wiich a contestant wishes to write a Review musiýt have becu rend - or reread - s;tartfing anytime from aftcr this amnouncement to tic close of tic final Contest ini tic whole series. Te Library will be happy te returni any entry wierc tiere is cnclosed a stnmped sclf-address- cd envelope. Tint returned entry will lic cligible for re-entry tiroughout tic series. Have fun choosing a title for your Book Rcview and picture tint periaps, if you win, your, Revicw will be publishcd in tic Orono Weekly Times, 'Book, Re-' view Section, because tliat's one of tic rewards of winning the oontcst. Ticre Will also lica prize given from ticelibrarY., Decisions rcgarding wiuners wiIl lic formcd, on tic followlng points: (1) conformity te mIles; (2) o)riginality; (3) closcness of representation to tic book re- viewed, and, (4) generai rend- nbility. Spclling should bic accur- ate and punctuation mado for clarity. Your Review may be sub- jective and praise or criticiýze tie books you rend - or boti. Amidst ail o? the necessar,' ru-les, etc. stands a great chall- enge and n wortiy reward: net te have won, but to have partiel- patcd la tic growing activities of living! l'Reading, nnd tierefure liroad, cning individual awareness, k; eune of tic miost vital sources of personai success. It is like a &av- Lngs account o! knowledgc uIpon whici one eanadraw forever." Enter oftcn la tic Book Re vicw Writiag Contests anl finid tiem at tic very least another %Nay to add more te that savings! e -Pr po w uil1ding Sot~InClarke Twp Antique Steam Show Coi-ing To Orono In August . . . . . . .....

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