flPflMflWTE'TKYTIMES. WEDNIESDAY. MAIlCU l4th, 1973 ORNOWEEKLYTlI ES' Secnd Class Mail Regitration Number W68 PnMished every Thursday at the office of publieilti*r Main Street, Orono. Ontaio, Phone 983-5301 NO TIME FOR CAPITAL EXPANSION The Township of Clarke council proposes capital expansion thîs year, to their'garage and equipment which, if approved by the province will cost in the neighbourhood of $53,000, an amount representing about 17 e1 of the total Township budget for roads The capital expansion plan includes an addition to the garage of a number of bays-with an estirnated'cost of $35,000. The plan aise includes the purchase of a new grader for the road department which is estimiated to cost some $18,000. The monies for the latter are beingsought under a supplementary by-law. The timing of this expansion plan leaves much to be desired in that regional government is surely to beoome a fact at the end of this year, some nine and a haif months awny. ýAt this tîrne an evaluation of a road department for a larger ârea ineludingý Bowrnanville, Darlington, 'larke and Newcastle will have to be made as well as regional responsibî11y ii1 sonie areas. 'One -main purpose of regiônal government is to cut down on duplication of equipment and properties and this wiRl be a major consideration when the region becomes a fact. if Clarke Township nDw improves its road equipment and housing facilities it may find that it is more than is needed when Regional governiment cornes into effect. Pro- portionately the taxpayers in Clarke may well be subsidiz- ing the regional area or providing facilities that will be greater than the need Nodubt Clarke has the money ta, carry out the project without affecting an increase in theTownship road mnlîl rate. llowever in spending monies hs year it would seem more practical for counil Vo spend this inoney in up- grading the roads with say some liard surfacinig. The ax- payer would ,receive an immédiate benefit to this plan which would aLqo be somewhat lasting. Over the, past few years the Township lias recon- stjfucted mnany sections of Township roads but at this point they have stopped. This reconstruction u.v-ild well be in the diteli in a few years if a program of hardsurfacing is not carried out. The opportunity seems available now if the monies, are not wasted lu, providing faiities which may not be neceded in the larger municipal area and region. GENERATION GAP One of the things to be learned in Grade 1 is the use oif a ruler. If lie daesn't already know wlien he gets lis foot on the bottoan rang of the Ontario educational ladder, a Échild wil] be tauglit that an inch is the distance from this mark to this mark, and that when you hav e ticked off the distance 12 times, that's a foot. That's the way it lias been, that, is, Things are going Vo change soon. In th- Loncl' on,-Ont., school system they will begin Vhis Septewbc.ý in kindergarten and Grade 1, Vo teach the metrie ss7-cnc2-t. Christmas there sliould be six-year-olds wlio know that from ianc tick mark to the next ione, on a rul er, is a "centimetre. Wlien they progi'ess to 'being able to count to 100, hey will know that that many spaces on a ruler rnake a metre. It's tlie wave of tlie future. It wouldn't make, sense o, suddenly couvert the whole school system from the use of pounds, yards and acres to using kîlograms, metres and hectares. ItVdaes make sense o start with one age group as it corne into the school sytem, and leVtlihe conversion work up year by year. By autuinu of 1980, presurnably, the language of measureinent in Grade 8 lu London schools will be metrie. It's progress, we are assured, but it la certainly goiflg to stretch the generation gap. Not only parents, but older brothers and sisters are going ta bebaffled when tliey give Junior 2.5 centirnetres and lie takes 1.6 kilornetres. Clarke Newcastle Orono Town, Mveeting Townsbip HIall, Orono, Wednesday, March'2lst at 8 pan Regional Goverment To discuss the current situation regarding the Provincial Governmeut's proposais, the alternatives and the attitudes of your eisting municipal of- ficials. To iutroduce "2073" the citizeus Input one-tier proposai for Durhiam and Northiumberland. A camn- p lete, printed report will be available o ail at- tcndiug. To air tie particular dangers by whidh we, lu Vhis community are Vlreatened. Your pportîunity To SpIeak Out SPONSORED BY AN INDEPENDENT GROUP 0F CONCERNED CITIZENS ALIGN YOURSELF WITH YOTJR OWN BEST SELF by Carole O-ronez Perliaps as, livýiduals we should be careful not Vo classify ourselves under a species and measure ourselves against the greater or 'lesser within aur spec- ies We may, in reality, be "pro- grammed" ecd in bis own in- dividual way. To attempt ta, seek after anotlier's abilities may be ta wish for the impossibleItV may be tantarnount Vo desiring Vo be, say, a cat, or a bird, 'or a butter- fly. As independent, as free and as beautiful as these creatures are, we eau ouly appreciate tlier from afar and neyer consider for a m'ornent that wc eouid becorne them. Within eacli species of life there are numerous subspecies, each wlthhis own idientity wýithin his 'group and, apart fronlis group. Mankind lias. erronieouslY, contsideed Vbt, because lies anatomically a1ike, lie s!)ould al- ,50 be capable- of . Ierforming a every oCher individual - ahl in one superhurn package, Because he cannot acquire tint wieh lie feels lie sliauld be able Vo, lie measures hi3nself inferior, be- earning frustrated and Iosing seif-confidcie. NowslTauld the (love consider hirnselif differentlY Luferlior, aor super iar, .ta the sýwan? Sliould VIeh apple be jealous of the size aof the, raisin? $bntouci women con- sider themselves differently in- ferior or, superiorVo rmen? ShiouId, any individual,regardles s of race, colour, national origin, or persan- al belief s consider himself dif- ferently inferior or superior ta any other? Differeajt, yes. Great- er or lesser, no. We are ail "Pro- gramrned" as diýfferently interfi- aIly one frorn the other as sure- ly as we are externally -and beau ifuliY sa. A-,a, separate and unique in- dividval then, we ,sliould attempt Vo discover our "pragram" and utilize to the fult its, natural force and patterui. (For Vo work outside aur). nlatural capacity is Vo overload ar rcuis"anid have a as n ue"03th-oerend re- sut). If weca",1 -ix aohi and sek e ' e ftr blt ¼ Vo be fair, -:crat also seek after ils lri Vos And if that seems coiri.al, it xiii as.o scem ta be a paradox. In seeing the fUglit f the bird, mankînd -sU' rptcd fliglit. Mvan- kiud succcedcd noV in personalv imitating these beautifally wýiug cd creatures, but 'in building a madel of that which lhc himself could noV become. Therefare man flew tic skies with great spec d and comfort. Nowý it sliauld be noted liere thlat mraukind went beyaud the obhte f the bird because lic cased o ry Vo be somcthing lie w iinoV within himself, but ratier used that satisfylis nced and désire Vo fly: lis unlimited ability Vo percecve whicli was uniguely his owu Vo and buiid.* Let us then, draw a parallel If you sec withini anoher of your own species an ability which you admire and would like for your- self, do noV try Vo superimpose that person's abiliVy directly aver your own iudividuality, for it will neyer fit properly - and will re- strict your own "p rogramming". Bu)ild, or utilize, a vehicle àpart frorn yourself and then climb in it and fly. Don't ever attempt to make out of yourself an air plane or a bird thereby trying Vo negate your own ngtural laws, but rth- er seck and, find another w ay uniqucly yours within' those Iaws. If vou persist in trying to do something for which you, are not prepared, or equipped, you wil] continually succeed at only one thing, failure. Wliereas, if you settle upon tliat which la natur- ally yours, live within your, own prograrn, and clirnb your own iadder, you eau become success- ful beyond your wildest original liopes withiout stress,1 strain.,lIn short, you, can be happy and suc- eessful and useful aIl together in a harmonious unit., As an example, there are many concepts which -come ta me about which 1 would like ta lIecture. I arn eompelled forceably from within Vo _share those ideas a- bttwhich I feel strongly, in a f*lt/ hope that they will set, sorneone free fromi the bonds of tlie material world. Yet 1 amn dis- appoiu1liigly not "programrned"' ta lecture, it is not within my nature and, natural abîlities. Sa I will build'a bridge. If I cannot conveydirectly, then I will write on, a paper rny feelings, and that paper shah be the, model of rny voice. Now, I have rny greatest dreams fulfilled, the end result of my hopes a reality! In that manner, we rnay aIl have those things for whicli we seek fulfilled. We have learned that fish En caverps deep within the bowels ,of our eartli whicli are subjected ta, total darkness for several gen- eretions slowly evolve and fin- ally emerge without an ability to see, even if brouglit out into liglit You, as a unique individual have likewise also adapteci ta your own persanal environanent and' have emerged witli natural and purposeful adjustments to that environent. Then do not strain to see where you are naturally- incapable and do not try to oh- tain eyesight in one lifetime.. Much hlas gone on before you,, in darkness, which you cpnnot' know and would noV now under-_ stand. Be honest witli assessing your- self and your "program."l Doflotý use tlie word "limitation" wlien. trying Vo describe tliose thinigs you cainnot do. Above ail, do flot judge yourself or others liarshly because of tlieir natural "«pro- grams."l Never, neyer us e your "ýprograrn" as an,opportunity ta, justify misdeede, d¶shonesty, cru- elty, hatred. SRemember this, your' prograiÊ in its true pattern, i probably perfect; can yeno. imagine then what you will becorne if you align yourself liarrnoniiously wyith, it, your best self? Rarndlhompsooe Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Aff Carpentry Work. Remodeing We build from the foundation Up Anyone Wishing to play Basebal lu Orano hs year -Tyke- Pee Wee - Bantam or Midget- Please sigu up at the Oro-o Arena ouî Frorn 7 prn. tilt 9 p.m. Thank You Orono Amateur Athietie Association WIIEN CIIOOSING Aý CARD TH-INK 0F OUR SELECTION MANY CHOICES FOR St. Pastrick's ÀST UaT T 'S PHARMACY PIIONE OR4NO SS34EU