VOtlUME 31, N)MBER la The Durh-lam Central Agricul- turai îSocety will bold their an- nual banquet, which is open te the public on April l8th. The banquý-t this year is being beld in - Triniity United Church, Bow. mnanville. More information wil be provided later. At the recent meectinig of the Society 'Mr. Clarence Turner re- ported on the convention stating that M.Gordon Bennett bad ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES. WED)NESDAi. MARCH 21st, 1973 Returning Officer ein Pos After Seven lcin Carroll Nîchols returing of- ficer for the federal rîding of Northinîberlandr-Durham has of- ficially resigncd lis position af- ter serving in this capacity for seven federal elections., MVr. Nichols received officia] niotification and acceptance of his resigniationi Thursday. Hle was or- iginaliy appointed as returnixig officer of the formrer federal viding of Durham in 19 56 when John M. James was Lberai MP of the iding, Mr. Nichols, an electriclan by trade, regides along the Lake- shore Road in Hope Twnship. le conducted the elections from a vacant bouse adja-cent to his home ini the township. After the 1965 election, ho becamie return- ing officer for the aimalgam-iated rjdddngs, of Durhamy and Northum- berland in the federal redictribu- tion, Northumberland County 15 again being split froi Durhiami County and Durham would take i a1 portion of Ontario County. Rnepresentation against the bound- ary changes bas been made by the Northumberland-Durham Lib- ,cdal Association. UJNITEDI COUNTIES COUNCIL APPROVES COUNTV REGIONAL PLAN The members of the United Cýounties Council voted iast week, wîthon exception, approval of a regc;,inal plan to take in the United Counities il]i its eniety along wvith an eastern area in- cluding Trenton anid Sidney No Lect 1ure Mý,arch 2s There will no, lecture at the Orono Public Library on Mardi 2lst due to school'holidays. There wil be lectures on the following dates: ,March 28th, Wednesday March 28th Mr. Neil Newton wili speak on "Pho- tography". April 4th Dr. Coulson is the speaker, bis subject being "Drugs". April llth Mr. Earl Lennox of the Min- iery of Agriculture and Food wlll speak on ",Feedlng Hforses and Nutrition." Watchi for further dotails On these lectures. Tow4sbip. A committee of the United Counties and Derek Little,' plan- ning consultant, who prepared the proposaiwilil present the plan to the Province on Marcb 26th. The proposaiq outiines oniy ex- teirbouindaries of the propocsed regin ad dos fot outllne div- ision jof uctoswithin there gion. Oroo Apeul By Re'A o The Red C-os is staging a lit- tle differcnt type of appeal in' Onono, Newcastle and other parts of Clarke Township. While blood donors are always needed, the district branch of the lied Cross is seeking financial donations te belp pay for the services provided by the Red Cross., The financial appeali is being conducted throughout Use month of March. The target is $310,000. Canvas.sers will bo going door to door. In Orono, the Oroxie Girl Guides are acting as the canvas- sers. Strong 'Wvimds BIow Down Sion Strong winds on S1aturday net mTly blew down a large sign south of Orono but also caused a miner power eut-off in the nortb of the Village. The Orono Camber of Com- merce sign wbicb bas stood east of the Higbway soutb of the vil- lage for pome eight years was blowni down early Saturdav. Most of the sign is danxaged beyoaid repair. A hiydre polo in the nortb of the Village on Mill Street, wbich aise carnies a transformer, was blown, causing a power failure in some sections of thle north end of Orono for about an bour while re- pais ei-e madýe. A ino inito the house of Mri _-Wm. Grady from, the Pole had'to be - ropaired. The!ives Entler Orono store Early Thursday monning, Mar. 1Sth thieves, enter Stutt's 'Drug Store and stole a small amount- of cash. Entrance was made by removing the scrows from the lock and taking out the whole lock The robbery occurred around 4 a.m. but Mn. Stutt:was unawane of it until notified by the police. At the same time thieves en- deavoured te enter Orono Elect- rie but were frightened away by the alarim. made a special plea to keep the smali fairs active. This was stres- sed as being very important. The Society is to promote a Beauty Queeni Contest at 4 the fair in Orono this ear and for thiis promotion a commîttee will he set-up. Tbe Board of Directors have retained thieir fair manager, Mr. George Carson and seeretary, Mrs. Horace Best. iowanvlleExpands With.$34,950 Hoe The population of Bowvman- ville is to be allowed to rise irom thMe pr-sent 8,000 to about 10,000. To dlo this a substantial bousing dvlomn is under wayaln Simposon Ave., in the enstenal end of Bowmanville be- tweon igwa 401 and lIigbway -2. There iî ne qjuestion that most of the new bouises in Bowman- Ville will be sold o Toronto-ori- ented pý-'ople who will COmmute tô jobýs iî3 Osbawa, Scarborough, or the city itself. First bilder inVo 'the new ex- pansion is Armstrong Homes of PickoIrinfg, one cof the higger Torontlo parea builders who bas huilt buidreds, of homes east of the City in th(, past 10 years- Armstrong IHomes blas started to buildl 137 singleP, detachei'ed ijouses on lots mhirth vary i-n size from 50 feet o 50 hy 150. The houses i, ragein price from $34,950 to $39,500 and will in- cludce a variety of styles oýf tbree &,nLd(jfouri bedrOMOmbnaos split levels and two sterey homes. The bouses will have either carports or garages, depending on price and floor area and fin- isbed family roorns with indoor outdoor carpeting., Two models willi bave an extra two piece wasbroom and 'ail xvii 'have a choice of coiored fixtures in the main batjiroom. No kitchen or laundry appli- ances will be included, but there will be connections for wasber and drycr in the ba3ements. AIl exteriors are color co-ordinated, ,xo that the street will be a smooth f low, or blond, of color. So there will ho no choice of outside paint colors by the buyer. There are six basic models eacb with as many as three frontal elevatiens to choose from. The variety of bous-e styles along the strwet should be good. Financing is simple. Ail mort- gages are 95 per cent loans insur- ed by the Mortgage Insurance Company of Canada. This, baves a 5 per cent down payment re- quired. nterest is 9 per cent. On the lowest priced Sussex model the down payment would be $1,747.50 and the monthly car- ryvirg costs for principal and in- terest would be $275. Taxes are 4 Z'in'ted to bc around $45 a Sixty, of the 137 bouses bave already been sold even before ary work bas been started on them. John Sandusky, vice president of Arnmstrong hlomes, sees Bow- manville as a potenial major commuters' centre within the next fcw years. If the prov½mcial. government follows througb with l1egisiation for staggi'red work-ig hours, rumorcd for September, thus re- du&r ,g rush hour traffic con- gestion, it would be a great help to Bowmanville commruters, Sani- dusky said. Driving time to downtown in rinn rush periods is about 50 Planninygoard SpIts On k CostrutionScheme The Clarke Planning, Board on Thursday evening recorded a split vote when considering a dr- velopment pronosal south in Clarke Township for 2000 resi- dents bv Rice Construction Co. Although the proposai hadfnot corne officially before the Board, some time was taken to dis~cuss the proposai. The, motion opposing the pro- posai in its present form was supported by Kirk Enitwisle and F~oy Forrester while those op- posing the motion were E. R. Woodyard and Earl Walkey. Chairman iSid Lancaster support- ed the motion which then car- ried. Mr. Walkey stated that be could not support the motion as the proposai had flot come be- fore the Board from the Town- ship Councii. Mr. Entwisle said that the pro- posai was not in accord with the aims -of the pending Officiai plan and as. such he could not support the proposai. Roy Forrester said he couldsee the'lakeshore devel- oping to a point where there to the lake at ail. He also was opposed to the devel'opment in the fact it was adjacent to the banks of the Wilmot creek noar its mouth at the lake. Mr. John Farrow, planning con- sultant, pointed out that at this site the dliffs at the lake were only some twenty feet lin height. The Planning Board also turned down a requcest by Mr. Hortsman for eight Estate Residential lots weGt in Newtonville and south of Na. 2 Highway. It was stated that the development could leave con- siderable land land-locked and it was also noted that in this par- ticular area the pending official plan called for proper storm sew- erLng before development was al- lowed. The Board did apprrove that ai site plan be devised by the Plan- ning consultants at thie cost of the a",pplicant, Mr., : Smith, for a propoGed camping area plan was previously appr'oyed by the Planning Board an~d the ('ouncil of the T nsip Of Clarke. The proposai is now be- fore the 0MIB whýo se-ek further information. Revisions to the Estate Resi- dential section of the pending Of- ficiai Plan were discussed to a LawrenceIfrvw Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Nor-. thumberland and Durham riding will appear on CHEX TV, Peter- boroughi on Tuesday, Mardi 27tb. Allai Lawrenice was recently interviewed by the station concer- ning captial pnishment. The pr'ogram is a haif bout program and will start at 7:30 p.m. INTERIM TAX LEVY BY CLARKE TOWNSHIIP 50 percent 0F TOTAL Many taxpayers in ClarS were upset, last week whien they receivýed their Interim .,Tax 1,111 which were considerably higher thau the Interim tax bill of 197Z. Tbhei interim tax bill for 197 represents 50 percent of the es- tiniated total tax Ievy ratheË than the intiended 40 perceut. It' Is unclerstood' that adjuei ments wii be made oni subjeë- quent bilingslater this year. It had been intended that fortY percent would bo collected on the iiterim billiing with tbirty percent on the foliowing two. The overalli mli rate is iiot ex- pected te increase much over last year. dJead-lock on Thursday. Board members Walkey and Forrestor suppprted the view that mo chang- os, be made Board m iembers Woodyard and, Entwisle lopposed the* resolution whiie chairînan Si Lancaster withheld bisde cis1on, The, revision, would eliminate the sub-division aspect of estate residential as weli as the stated number to be' allowed over the* next number of years. The estab- lishment of estate residentiafl lots would be on an individuai basisý with each being considered on ita ,own merits. Mrs. Pat Lawson posed the question "Can we double every- thing we use including housing in the next thirty years?" The question was asked of ber au- dience at the Clarke Publie Lih- rary lecture night on Wednesday. The, speaker had previously said that at the present population growth rate tbe world's popula- tion wouid double in tbe next 30 years to seven billion people. This growth pattera would re- quire doubling materiai proper- ties if they were to be used on today's basis. Mrs. Law'o did bowever note a cIeange taking place in popula- tion growth over the past fifteen yor.It was ideal at one time te have a large' fainily but this bas cbanged to wbore new Can- adians are almost at r"placement level, 2.13 children. This bow- over wiii not becomo a fact in Canada unitil 2020 or 2030. It was pinited mut thaýt womcni- to-day are delaying having their ebldren aind that this id cause a slow-down in population rise. Mrs. "A" bas ber two eilîdren at age 22 and 25 irid wiil have in five generations twice as, malny descendonts as Mlrs. "B" whio baIs ber tw7o cblîdren at ag-es of 25 and 28. The speaker aise spoke of the quicking population pace and as an exampie used a Illy pad wbich hy douhling Its size every' day vould cover the pond' in thirty dJays. Dutring the first few days, although it douhled in size each day the growth was not ohservod. On the 29th day the pond was baîf covered and on the 3th day campleteily coverecU. The point she said is that we have to ho concerned before it is too late, "Some feel that the global vil- lage is in its 29th dlay," she said. (Continued page 2) CHAMBER CONSIDERING WELCOME WAGON SCHIEME FOR ORONO MERCHAINTS The Orono Chamber of Comi- merce at their regular meeting on Tuesday evening, considleredi the proposai to instituite a "Wel- corne Wagon"prga for area merchants. No definiteactonwas taken by the Chamber due tme o the small turn out of mebrs t is understood that Mrs.Cao King of Division Street, Orono would accept the position as officiai greeter for the sceeme. Thle proposai wil corne before the next meeting of the Chaminber. Durham iCentral A ruticultural Society Banquet April l8th MrPat Lawson Poses Many Questions lAt Library e -Mao mm 0 0 !on 0 i imes, Orono eekfi',Y