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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1973, p. 2

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OBONO WEEKY ImES,1 WEDNESbAl)y, msC_2 17 ORONOWEEKLY TIMES second CloosMail gStation Number 0368 Plubllshed every Thursday at the office of publîeatio Main Sreet, (roe.oOntma". Phanm98-5301 CARD 0F THANES 1 would like Vo thank my many friendis and relatives for cards, flwcers, gifts and visits during my stay in Memorial Hospital, al- ,2o after I retjurned home. Spec- ial tha nks,, to my family, Dr. Ew- art and the inursing staff, a spece- âJa fricnd 1 made while in H-os- pital1, Heather -Rebekah Lodge end Past Noble Grands Club 62. Violet Dunlop. CARD 0F THANKS The famnily of the late J. Hart- -wel Lowery are very grateful to their mnany relatives, friends, neigliblours and Fraternal Orgran- izations for personal inquiries end visits, cards of remembrance tnd condolenc'e; , ut"l"foa tributes and donations rcceived xturing thc illness aind deati of a loving husband, father, grand- father and great grandfather. We especialir thank, Rev. B.3 Long for his message of comfos t auad hope and Mrs. Dora Morris. for singing onc of Dad's favourite hymns. She was accompanied hby Mrs. Stella Morton whose organ m usic for thc service was great- ly appreciated. Also, we thank thc Board and the Womeqi's Association of Kir- by Church and the Bàrlow Fun- cmal Home for courtesies render- cd at this trying time. a c* HOUSEHOLD HINT Flavourful Salad - If you pre- fer a simple salad, say tomato and, lettuce, orrncrely lettuce a- bac bu wat o give it an extra zing, try a shake or two of cclery èalt. You'l'l love the difference, /~tû/ î _ FASIUON 10 i JG S ENTRE Main Stre'et ORONO Phone 98-9350 In Spring pastel plaids, checks and streteh denini knits Stze'sî 8-20 and 38-144 BOYS'Ladies' Long SleeveC Dress and Sport S E TR ShIrts in Orlon and Acrylies Pastel shades of pink, Permanent Press bine, yeilow, turquoise Sizes 8 to 16 Sizes S-M-L A Qùality Buy $54984$1L98 Clarke ,NeWcastle' Orono ToUMýw n Meeting Towuship Hall, Orono Wednesdcy, March 2lst at 8 p.m. Regional Govern ment To discuss the curreint situation regarding the Preencial Gavernmentis proposais, the alternatives and the attitudes of your' existing 'municipal of- To introduce "2073" the citizens Input one-tier propoai for Durham and Northumberland. A coin- plete, printed report will ie. available to ail at- tending. To air the particular dangers by which we, in this community are threatened,. Your Opportunity ToeakOut SPONSORED BY AN -INDEPENDENT GROUP 0F CONCERNEfl CITIZENS LETTER TO THE EDITOR Newtýon-.ville, Ont. March 16, 1973 Orono Weekliy Timues, Orono, Ont. Dear Roy: The Lakeshore Umpires' Assoc- iation Annual Meeting and EIec- tien of Officers will be,.hcild.on Thursday, March 29, 1973 at 7:00 p . Telocatioýn is thI nie Church H-all in Ncewtonvi.lIc_ As we need miore and, more Umpires ecdiyeýar, it viould be grcatly apprcciated if you could give us a littie Press as maybe you have some interested people among your readers. Many thanks, we'd like you Vto corne down, as vWl. 'Yours in baseball, Grant ~C. Wade, Presklent. LOCAL NEWS Mr. 'and Mrs, Thos. Burnett and daughters, Oakville visited on Suinday with Mr. and fs.Ed Graham. Little Aim !\Marjorie week with héer grd4r,ýi's. Mr. and Mrs. CÉaires Stapfeton have' rcturned home, after spend ing several wceks in lrida. Mr. and Mýrs. Donal4 Staples and farnîly are lfrÔi(iyilng atl Myrtie iBeach. 'Mr.: Robert Jobs-i Taylor and C-olleen Townson were mnarried * he following skaters1from Or- ono Figure Skating -Çub passç-d_, tests at the, -Oroiio. , Arenia on Mvardi 18, 1973: : Prelimninary 'Figureý -~-Nancy Madili, Wendiy Watson, Janice Dutch Waltz -- Karein Quantrili Canasta - Kathy lMoffat Swing, Dance -- YKeizy Lys-m Grady, European -1Vari-Lou > Powell FoxTrot - 1Xai-Lou Powell1 (Ccontinued Lom 1lage 1) "eremai,ýn *ignor9ii of the probiems because of the value syýstem built into our society," it was stated. "Success . in easurcd by wealth."- The -spe)aker, Mrs., Lawzon, said, the real need is to s1low down production. "This, she said, is difficuit,. more diffi cuit than increasing production.'- Shic said there must bier a mini- mum and maximum liniit of goüods for individuals. In speaking of the 'Stady State' the speaker stated that implied reýplacingD harmful technology suci as DDT, detergents, wastc- fui packaging and enlssions frosa the car. ît aiso meadt that con- suimption must become circular and that products uskd imust be rc-cycled for future use. "ýWe are on a colision course with the supply of energy, she saÏd. In, spealsing of Canada, Mrs. Lawson said that 0111y one-fifth of the 3.8 million square miles is capable of supportinig life. The reIst is either perma-frost or in darknes or has a scaljety of wat- er. The map of Canada is deceiv- ing as to witer content for what we do se ýs only si.irfacc watcr ini most cases. Jt %was ,Ilso,,poiniitd but that Canada hacl a greater neýed) for energy as 9ï1 due to its location in the noviihi. This need is greater i n Caniada than ini thc .States. It was ciaiied. that the gap betweeft the rîch natos of the wvorld and the pctor is, widenin1g SFic said 94 percent of the worlds population owns one-haîf of what we in North America' do n6t:own., in the Newcastle United Church on Friday, March 16 at 3 o'ciock by Rev. Smith. They are presently resîdîng in Orono. The Local Association of, Girl Guides and Brownies rec nly held an aftern'oon tea, and bake sale. Proceeds for this sale were $73.33. We wish to thank every- one who helped in any way make thus sale a huge' success, espcc-- ally our District Commissioner, Neli Snelders. POSTP ONE O.M.B. HEABTNG Due to an error in notifying a proper Counsel the O.M.B. hear- ing, to be. hcld in Orono March l6th, had to be cancelled. The hearing was to consider au appli- cation Vo the TownshiP of Clarke by Mr. ý>9yriw Vo construet a Motel-Restaurant complex at the lirnetion of the 3rd une of Clarke and llîghway 115. RadyThompson Orono, Ontarlo Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work. Remodelling We build from the foundation up HAMILTON, TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION PAYS YOLJ. HIGRES? INTEREST On Guaranteed InvestmentCertif icates GIC's Are Fnlly Guaranteed Term Deposits for Periods of 1 - 5 years, for- CIJRBENT RATES 0F, INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ABVISORt or 69 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 1 1-416-360-1770, -Member Canada Depo sit Insurance Corporatiob Baseâbail RegiStYraio*10n Due to the poo-r turnout for Basebal Begistrationi. last week the OronoAmnateur Athietie Association wiII hold another Registration on WED. MARCH 21 from 7-9 P.M. Ail boys are requested to sigu up if they want to play balin Orono this year, as the tennis bave to b eritered into the schedules on, ,April 2. REGISTRATION ORONO ARENA Spring SPecials NEO CITRAN The hot drink medicine for colds Coigate > TOOTU PASTE 50 percent MORE 150 MI. .. $1.19 AYDS Vitamin and Mtnifeai Reducing Plan 1.5 lb ... $3.19 Yarley HAND LOTION 9 fl oz .. $1.19, NEW! THiE DRtY LOOR After Shaimpoo Control 4 oz. -. $1.09 BROMVO SELTZER Upset Stomiacli - Head Ache 2,oz..76,e Benylin COUGH SYRIJP Pleasantly flavoured 4oz.99e Polident Powder In4tant Penetrasing ,Action 6.9 oz.....7 Jestie SlShampo Egg Uream, or Lenson Type 1oz....84C SeholI's ExerciSe, Sandal Coluored Heel SECRET SPRAY DEOD Extra Protection 5 oz- ... $13 LISTERJNE NEW 24 OZr SIZE $1.99 STUTT'S -PHARMACY PRnomU OBmO 004M0

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