ORONOWEEKLY T[ME$, WDED , dRU21st. 1973 WIIERE ARE ALL THE BALL PLAYEBS Due to a small tunnout of bahl players in the Orono area last wee.k for registration the Onono Athie tic Association are holding ,a further registration on Wedffes- Phone 668-3381 day, Mareh 2lst from 7 ta 9p.m. The registration will be held at the Orono Arena. It is imperative that the Asso- ciation know how many are play- ing and ta what teams so the Or- ana teams may be entered in the *coîlect ORONO SPO-RTS THE ANNUAL ETN 0F THE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. CORPORATION wll be Iiéld in the Counil Chamibers ef the Town of Bomawnville on Church Street on WED., APRIL 49 1973 at 8:00 Pm. for ýthe purp)ose of (1) Hearing Reports (2) Eiectioü of Directors (3) Appointment of Auditors (4) Amendments to By-Iaws Wlth respect to praposed amendments to the By-laws It shoùld be noted that copies of such amnendinents may be examined at the hospital between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and noon and 1:30 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. on auy Monday tbxough Friday, beginning March l5th and end- in,April 4th, 1973. ATTENTION FA RM ER S EILECTRIC -DAY 6"739" BLAKSTCKRECREATION CENTRE Wedn.sday, Marck 28..1973 Presentations %-Ill caver: -fred conversion -material handing -space heating -insulation *-pole top switch gear for stand-by power -load centre equipment -insurance -ventilation Reserve a registration ticket by callng Ontario flydro, Bowmanviile Areà Office 623-2561 ALELEAF - MIL» SEASONED WLE NEIRS MAPLE LEAF - -FRESR SLICED RINDLESS BACON Maple Leaf 16 oz. pkg. Sliced Bologna 69c league. ORONO MIDGETS A,ûE WINNERS Dtvring the prst week the Or- ono Midget hockey club have tak- en two wins. 'One from Grafton in C-raftc on Thursday, 7-2 and a 2 O0 vic{ory over Newcastle. In Grafton the scrinýg was shared hy Doug Black, Larry Watson, Steve Allen, Bill Siater, Dave Browný, Ian Breri1an and Keith Powell. The Oromo goals in the N w- castle 2-O0ito' went ta Keith Powell and Ian Brennan. OBONO TYKES SHUT-OUT BOWMANVILLE .SQUAD 5-0 The Orono Tykes took a 5-O vc ory ovey owmanville in a recent exhiibiticîýn, game. Todil Hlaynes seoored two of the Orono goals along with an assist. The other goals went toBret Johnson Don Frayer add Scott Preseott. Rod Armstrong and Peter Bolton were credited eith assists., TYKE TOURNAMENT SATtqRDAY, MARCH 24 OROIVO ABENA Oreo vs. Bawmanville at 6:30 Liindsay vs. Oakwood at 7:30 pm. Admission 25e FIRST YEAR TYKES PLAY The Orono First Y)ear Tykes were to playv Graftoni on Saturday bunt due ta poarý weather *only a few Graf ton players showed up for the game. As a result the Or- o no and Grafton, players were divided into two teams, Black and Gold. The Blacks took a victary 4-2 on .scriIg by Steven Mitchell, Danny Coambes,, Greg Philips and Murray Dennis. Derck New- man gained two assists. The two Gold goals we-re by Ed King. and Don .Stevens with, assists ta Blair Vein1ot, Matt Johnson and, Deain Goforth. ORONO NOVICE TEAMS PLAY TO DRAW In the second game of a three game playdown series the Orono Athictie Novice and the Orono Flyers played to a scoreless tie. Both Joey Seneco) and Dan Mitchell playcd weil i the re- spective nets. The third game of the series wvill bc playcd tonight, Wednes- day at 71,30 p.m. Wkiners of this sertes wIll meet the winners of Bewdley and New- castle. ORONO PEEWEE FLYERS LOCKED IN SERIES WITH BEWDLE Y The Oromo PeeWee Flyers are' WOLE 'KERNEL Fancy 12 fi. oz. tins CORN York 4 for 89c NABISCO Feature shreddies 24 oz. 58c ST. 11AWIRENCE Feature Corn OiI 15 oz. bd. 45c LIBBY'S Feature 14 fi. oz. tins Green-Peas. 2 for 49r Best Buy!- Ready eut macaroni 2-lb. Ceilo Lantia Spaghetti 45c Best Buy! ý- Faincy Quality 28 FL Oz. Tin Austral Pears 43e CORNISR'S, Orono SEEDLESS Girapefruit lied une ail in games with the Bewdley entry. The first game xýva.s a victory' for Orono while the second plaved in Orono wý,nt 2-1 to Bewdley. Owen Jolinstoin with assists to GQ,3 Ciapdorp and Robert Grant scored the lone Orono goal. The winner of this series meets Ihe Oriouo PeeWee Athieties. ORONO BANTAM EAGLES DEFfEATED BY BEWDLEY The Orono Eagles were defeat- cd 7-5 by Bewdley despite a val- tant effort by Orono. Nj'ýky Van Segglen scorcd two of the Oronoa goals along with b eing credited with an assist. The 'other goals were by Don Peanis, Barry West.and Kenny Neal. As- sists went to, Chris "Robinison, 2, Kenny Nealand Jack Den Hellen- der. FAGLES TIE BEWDLEY 'the Eagles tie game with the 'NO ýMINIMUM ALL BEEF lb. 84eC lbo $1008 M4aple Leaf - -»oneless ]uily Cooked Dinner Hams lb. $1-33 8for 79c HlOT flOUSE CUCUMBERS -eah 29c Tomtmes 3 lb. $»100 New Cabbage lb. 17c Best Bey - Instant Coffe 1.oz. jar Maxwell Hoisse $1078 Best Buy - Flavour Crystals 7-oz poly bag Tanag Orange 2--77e Phone 993«5201 Bewdley entry 2-2 which brings their thre out of five series to a tie for Opono while Bewdley holds two wins and a tie. The nexi game wiIl be helin Orono on Friday, night. Niek VanSegglen with assist to Day.ý Dennis scored the first Or- ono goal. The second went Io Chris Robinson with assists to Nicky Van Segglen anid Doug Tian1derson. TW() ORONO PEEWEE CLUBS IN FINALS The Orono Fiyers on Tuesday niglit in, an exciting game cuimin- ated Bewdley in the playdown, sertes, 2 gamies to 1. The Tues- day game was a 2-1 victory for Orono with goals by Garyr Clap- dorp and Da-vid Hutton. The finial and championship round wil now be between the two Orono teams with the open- ing game this Friday evening. DANMIG SATURDAT NIGWT te.. 1:» &M FEATURING TED HALLRMAN, 1he W estèe."3 LEADING COUNTRY AND> WESTERN RECORDING ARTISTS F*WM OSHAWA -FULLY LICENSED - Informai - Pleuty of Parking NO ýCOVER WVVhy Pay More? Save Monq!l ON DX PRtEKIM QUALIT FUEL OIL DIESEL. OIL STOVE OIL' Complimentary late Snack gebi mutctb OJcn 983-5SU1 for resrvatons Barbecued Chiekeam Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dx-FUEL 011 per Prompt Corteou &srvie waflum Td