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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1973, p. 6

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OEUgMP WEEXL! TIMES WEDNESDA,4Y, MARCU Ziast, _____________ 'î 1e tepe ture in -arch hrek '~ ~'r'f ttd.s. on March il, tro.-ct T~ 'he equîial aesarrived a couple of days ea-rly and they ai-go broke ail rcorlus i Irédirage done te lakeshore property. One ma said he had his lawn mower eut and tuned up ready to eut ti&f lawn the-fellowing weekend. No-w bis lawn is linder water and Maiy ibe washed away. The dcath tel la the multiple vehicle accident south of Barrie -on Sumday eveningI may, bJreak aïl previcus records, also. .... pti....T..nk. Service GENEPAL PUM1PIN LORNE HARDY Leskard, OntarIO rhone 983-5731 Building a Huse? Ï Rlghway I115mmn19 h mule South or Orsu. Y'INE 983-5051 OPEN? nCDAYs A WEEK eeeelallzlng la Piza -Meals Aise Wee-nd Spec"a You need nleyer buy another mnuff ler again! Xidas Mufflersare guets- teeti, fer as long as v«u 0" tie car, wth free lmt*s- tlon at 600 shops la No*~ Custoin pipe bendlmg 1« foreigîr, antique antiAmr- f'ban matie cars M. hsalmuffi-ersfer a Nv#t ýWe to ê s bette, luW OSHAWA 116 pond st. W. ZeJfihTregunnâ, Bris. M&à& Terr8îzitcfhf The 'attendance at church on Sunday was very small due to the condition cf the tsin, roads. Thuii a numbý)r ef oui, -ruetmbers are in tFlo - ' Sunday the churchst i' ti ihe '.VihdTawn. A butxii ex Kendal S-anday school rooni aIi 09:15 arn. te Cakie t -lî' c! fchoel childirc i b e - v e ta hear Ithe izrBohs quartett sinig it the t' n o elocî ser vice, We hoe'-that the par ents %viii core aiso tb hear tii 'e ±ai ented younig men, Mr~ ~ Powr~ M ~ i k,-- iiitt, Mrq.G. ('ith-n-t lFd r* . 'Vhmatomweut into the Oreno Unitedl Cliureb en 1VIrreh15ýh to sothe beautifiel aiciires on la- rlia shown bv Visq Dore"n xVan Camp oet Blaknck who spent three vear! in li1dia. Mr. and- Mrs. Wnt H3oy and Mr, ~~dMrq. (u isareturand' from a ceuffIe of weeks in Flor- ida on Suinday evenine. Thlev en- rnountered, diffieult driving in, Western Ontario due to the henvv.srnowfall In Suaday'., storm, rs'L. Burwash. of Cobourg visited with Mr. and Mrs. G.'Cath- cart for a few days we"-k. Mrs. P. Elliott returned bv bus from FPlorida wbere., she and a rousin have heen enjovin-g the fime weather for the past three weeks. Several from Kendal attrnfdd the funeril of Mr. Hartwvl T11 ery on Friday, March 16, 1973. Hée was bord north of Kendal and attended McLeani's School. H1e was overseas in 1918. After he returned hoý married bis wife (Catherine Cochrane) and f arm- ed north ot McLens Scbaol on the !-arm now owned by ISenator Thompson. Then he moved, té Kirbv wher- he farmed until the timei he retired ia Kirbv village. H1e will'be missed by bis' maily friends around Kendal and in the Kendal Orange Lodge. Symnathy is extended to Mrs. Lowery and bis sons John, James, Gordon and Lloyd and .to bis brother ILyall. The peopler af Kendai %vere very ýsoxr7_ to hear of the sud dea passing away of Mrs. Webster's mother, Mrs. Ellis. She was visit- ing in; Kendal when she took a he'art attack. She died in, Peter- borough hospital March 7th. Sym- pathy iîsý givein ta the family. Kirby News Little Kim Hfarris was a patient in]3 owmanville Memorial Hospit- ai for three days last weekc., The funeral et the late, Mr. HartweIl Lewery was largely at- tended on Friday tram Kirby Un- ited Church. Rlelatives tram a dis- tance attending were Mr. and Mvrs. Ed. Wlliamson, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Wanani, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Wannan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wannan, Cobourg, Miss Kar- en Lewemy, Toronto Mfr. and'Mt-s. Waype Lewery, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence- Allun, Wood- ville. Mrs. Russel Lowery and Mrs. Rob Garrad, Torante. The card paty at, Kirby Cen- tennial schooi. was held on Satur- day evening in spite et the bad weather. There were six tables ot players whe braved 'the roads. Prizes for the evening went te Mrs. E. White for the door prize, donated by Dave Staples. High man, Norma Lee, donated by Betty 1iSpry. High laeiv, Hhilda Cas- well, donated by Bob roie. Low lady. Mms. Mary Morris, donated( bv JeanGimiblett and low man, Dave Throwem, donated by Marîe Lane. '* ~tl,,nk -van toalal who donated. There will be anothb Ir card partv in April. Se wve hope Ifor better weather at that timi". Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson and Mr. and Mms. Bill Hoy returned on Sunday tram their twa week holiday la Flarida. Mms,. TPaî-n1Dnd Chinmn lef t hy plane freni Malton Ia't W ,dnes- dali eeaine, for, a visit v'th ]'cr soi Don P-~1 -n t f""ý 'Pr. and Mrz. W. A. Reid hli' afamiiv, dinner on Set4ur0.i x- e fer tl'eir family . 'bi dauehth r EFflab b ad Art Oak' Pmd familv tram Novla S't' areý spending a feu aw with tlw'n. Art is taking a four nionth course up this way. Yîiss Janice Rutherford et Tor- onto spent Tuesday with lier pai- ents. Mlrs. Rick Liscombe and farnily, T"tn.spent a few davs with hr parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rutherford, Iast week. h I.C.W- held tbeir manth- 1- rm"'ting at the churcb on Tues- da' with Mrs. Neta Ransberry I1 Fr. W. Allin la charg~e ut ,Io evo'lcnal, taken from Luke, <'1,ipter 18, versne 13. Hymn 485 - ~ng witb M1ý Byson being lb" nvst. Grare 1Reid followed xvit-h prayer. Inez Hariris report"ýd '- 117 cuilt The adeshave b-en quilting every Tucesdrav. The U.C.W. were ask~ed te provide lur-h after Mr Loey' uneral. The ladies cii Kirhy U.C.W. w7eie invited te patiilpate in the felloviship of Least Coin. Thanks ta ýail who took part in the ser- vice or the Worild's Day of Prayer March 27th ks the special meet- ing at Northîninster United Church, Oshawa at 7:30. The guest speaker is the MeIderator ef the United Cburch, Rev, Bruce McLeod. The llth annualmeet- ing is te be held on the 4th of April at Trinity tTnited Church, Bowmanville. Mr. Bob Plante, is the guest speaker. Norma Pansberry gave a brief introduction on the study book of India. HaPPY Birthday was sung ta Vrs. AllUn and Neta Ransberry. Hynin 172 was sung and the Mis- pah benediction was repeated by ail. Lunch waes served by Mary For- rest and Lila Chapman, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bail and Kfenny Mercer were, Monday even- ing supper guests of Mrs. Mary Mo rris. MI-s Sharon Lowery went fer an interview at Centennial Col- lege, Scaborough ton Tuesday. Durham College BEVISIONS BRING IDUCATION BUDGET IN UINE WITH CEILING IIEQUIREMENTS On March lSth amendmerits te tii" Jul'et of the Northinnber- land and Durham Board of Educa- tion were noted t briag the ex- peaditures wthlin the celing re- quiremeats. It was aise noted thtestimated incarne from thec Province and sundrv revenu" indicate there should be roa i-ý dicate there should be ne increase in, the milli rate from supperting municipalities in the United Counties. Total expenditures are esti ma- ted for 1973 at $23,371,775.00 an lacrease iof 5.3 percent over the amount ef $22,191,022 ln 1972: The total expenditures in 1969 arneunted to $15,944,421 increas- ing te $18,621,086 ln 1970 and $20,514,629 in 1971., 0f the $23371,775 ta be spent in 1973, 811,935,298 wili be for elerr.?ntary education and $11,- 436,477 for secondary education. WANTED by the Police Village of Orono mid Township of Cla'rk. PARKING ENFORCEMENIT OFFICER and DOG 6CONTROL OFFICER SALARUY - $000 per annum plus, $50.00 j>er mnont car Interested applicanta arelnvIted b seul theïr le0#er0o applicaton wtth ai l rsnaldta tb Uic underignd by Mfardi 23Ur, »7& B. W. COLLINS. AJC.T. Clerk-Adrnlnstrator Townshlp of Clarke, Orom naio -Retraining Division COURSES FOR' ADULIS Check this list of full tixe~ courses. Completion of eue of themn wili improve your job oppor- tunities. Courses with the ex-ception of English For New Canadians are front 9 a.m. to, 5 p.m ACADEMIC UPGRADING Elementary School Compleion Duration depends on the individual applicant. Grade Levels 9 te 12 - Each level normally takes 16 weeks, to complete but if a student is willing to work hard enough with our new concept of inidividuallzed learning, ie' can complete a grade in less time. COMMERCIAL TRAINING Our Commnercial Lepartment offers training lu typing, bookkeeping1 shorthand, business math- ematies and business correspondence. Courses can be arranged for periods of ten weeks and longer depending on the Urne required te reach a Iervel of proficiency to enable a studenitot obtain emploY»iert. ENGLISH FOR NEW CANAIANS A basic Engflsh course organized te develop the laâguge skills of nonrEggish epeakinx people. Emphasis placed on conversational skifls though reading and writing are aise taught. The heurs of 'attendance for this course are 4 p.m. te 10, p.m. AHý these programns are organized te accommodate new entrants throughout the year. There- fore, a persoif ean join them anytime. STARTING AP~RIL 16 Drafting - Instruction is iven in mechanical and architectural drafting, blueprint reading and mathematics. STABTING APRIL 30 Marine Mechanfics and SmalI eee Equipment -,Practical training ln the repafr'and main- tenance of power mowers, farm equlpuient, outboard anid inhoard engines, skidoos and power saws. -Course -runs 40 weeks. DID YOU KNOW VOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES? FOR DETAILS CONSULT VOUR LOCAL CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE If you are not eligible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enroli a 16-week course for $48.00 or 40.week course for $120. To ensure acceptance on course contact immediatély: MR. R.* MALONE The Retraiidng Division Duham College of Applied Arts and Technology Stmcoe St., Nourth, Oshaw~a, Ontario Telephone, 5764210, Ext. 231, 228

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