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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1973, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, O-"RONO WEEKLYTIMWES Pulhdevery Thursx.,day at the ofceo ub4o*l IF TUE BOOT FITS WE SHOULD WEAR IT Last week we were told that opposition to the T1oornto garbage coming to Hope Township %,,as more the fact Tor1onto shouid be re-cycling their garbage than the fact that garbage was coming to Hope. This was by a res- ident of Port Hope and one who is a member of a group opposing the CP rail proposa]. There ean be no argument that municipaliies throughout the world should be making use of products that caný be re-cycled into use. There is a limit to natural resources ad it becomes somnewhat frightening when one looks into the future and realizes 'there is an end to supplies. But the concern should flot only be Toronto.',% . It should be everyoncs. Our Port Hope friend stated that Port Hope used sanitary 'and fill procedures to dispose of their garbage. Whien asked if the group had approached Port Hope council to recycle their garbage the answer was "no". It would bc too costly for Port Hope Vo re-cycle garbage, stated our frîend. No doubt they are right. It would be, oo costly for Port Hope to set up individual re-cycling plants but it is tirne we were planni-ng on a larger scale. There is no reason tha t Port Hope could not ship their botties, waste paper and tin cans to Toronto to a joint re-cycing scheme. Groups In opposition are aIl too often motivated by their own selfish reasons, and fail to consider the Issues in great eiwugh depth. A SOUJND STATE1WENT Mr. Frank Thom, director of Education for the Nothumberland and Durhamn Board of Education has made the mo6t meaningful statement coming out of the, East when referring to regional governm ent he said,,"History -supports. theý thesis that the characteristios of the àsystem are of lesser importance than the quality of indiv- iduals who serve it." The dlrector is right in bis analysis and surely it will be the -met we eleet to the regional government that willi deternine its success ýrather than the grouping of municipalities and the setting of boundaries. The pop- ulai, phrases alo'ng wth their întended meanings suých as 11f e style", 6"geographie location" and "comnnon sphere c(t interestl' bas littie to do with co-operation between men. it will be a body of individuels, hopefully havlng diverse interests, that will meld into a governnxent to -govern the regional area. Diverse interests . . . and if you wiR . . . life styles, should bring greater d/pfth to any governing body and this in itself today, is most im- portant if the complexities of society are to, he met. With Mr. Thom we agree... it is men and their actions that'must concern us most. A TRIBUTE During the past couple of weeks, the community lias lost,, through death, two wvell respected citizens in the persons of Mr. Hartw7ell J. Lowery and Mr. Fred Truli. Both men during their life time in this community were held with deep respect both in character and their interest in their com nity and its people. Mr. Liowery served in. the interest of Clarke Town- ship for many years as a member of the municipal council which also extended into proi-incial and federal affairs. Mr. Truli, with his affable nature, enjoyed both bis cern- nmnity and its people and likewise was taken to, the hearts ai those who knew hixn. Both men hla& mucli Vo give and much to receive. À NERU FOR WATER Four developers interest<ed in developing in Port Hiope willl bave their applications turned down for residential subdivisions, until the town's water suplyIY s abwo w 1èsSlâ- Tl1% fflam rV The Mlnistry of Envirehmeut will net authorize any further residential developmnt until the abeve reguirements have been met. The developers inelude Roi- lins Construction, Andrews En- gineering, Selgram Corporation and R. C. Burness. The Port Hope ýWater Works Commission has already. agreed te, increase their water capacity. Local News, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johonsoh, Mantui Island, visitedl in Or- ono last week. 55fr. and Mrs. Tom Kimnmett and baby daughter of Napane visý,ted on Saturday githi Mr. aud Mrs. Carl Kimmrrett and Warreni. Mr. amd Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn have takeii up residence in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Grant IM4offat and famiiy, Oakville visited on Sun- day with Mr. Wm. Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. John Moffal and family. NOTICE RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY re-rpectfiUly wishfs te arnounce a 10% reduction of all cemetery Memaorials and Mar"kers ordered and p3aid for between now and TMrch 31 for Sping ervectioni. This offer is made anal in order that their entire staff mahe emp1oye d dning lte winter KenelNews March bas been very lamb like for a weeýk but il yet mai-y go eut lke a lien. On ýSunday morning MJr. AIa Downes took the Sunday Sehool children te Newtonvile by bus to hear the Switzer Brothers Quartette. First they announced that their bass singer had net CeN (ne reason given). Their amplifiers seemd te be set se loud that we c'ould net hear the words for the noise of the drums. Perhaps Newtonville church was tee smahl. They would sing a few numbers then advertise their reod.At the close, they were at the door seling their records aI five dollars each, Mvs. Robert Youngman is in Bewmanville Hospital recevering after &urgery. Mrs. Reg Elliott is also in Hospital undergeiîxg tests for high blood pressure. Mvs. H. Foster bas returned home alter tex> days spent in Florida. What do yeu, do Wh£ei yeu re- ceive a cha in letter telling, you te send twenty copies ýte your fricnds or bad luck wijl fellow? Po you rush eut and pay one dollar anid sixty cenits fer the stamps then ask your friends te spend $32.00 on stgmps te mail their leters, not Vo mention the lime spent writing lwenty letters. 1. bave a simple metbod of saving money and' time, simply lift the lid of the, steve and drop il in. Good luclc is sure to foillow. I have^ done'it hundreds of limes. *Carie, Brown of London who is tex> years old spent a few days of the Easteý' Vacation with ber aunt, Miss C. Stewart, Carrie's aunt, Mrs. Jean Keane of Scar- borougb brought ber d'own te, the farm. Mr. and Mrs. ]Reginald Burou- cher and chlldren bave meved to the Sixth Uine fobacco farin. Some of the' Kendal folk allen- ded the Masanlc banquet, in Or- 0110 Saturday evening. Mrs, I. Marlotte is âisiting ber sigter, Mrs. Covie at Peterbor- ough, During the week of Marcir l2th fie March 18th, 1973, the New- castle Detachment of the Ontarie Provincial Police investigated the foliowing motor vebicle 'collis- ions and occurrences. A sudden and unexpected Snow stori accompanied by bigh winds was an important factor into the cause of 32 mIotor veicele accid- ents investigated., kIFortunjately on- ly 5 pensons suffened personal lîî- jury, and as a resuit 7 pensons were cbarged with tnaffic of- fences imcluding 1 criminal code driving offence. On March 1,93, serious ac- cident occurred on Highwav 401 west, of Bewmanville. An, ?ast- bound car veering eut cf control, rolled over e-nte the westbound lane. At the same lime, a west- bound truck loaded, with cattie swerved te avoid the car and roll- ed over laVe the nerth ditch. Three pensons weie injured, ia the accident and two cows inside the truck were killed. Aise investigated were 94 gen-' eral occurrences of whîch 4 were break and enter, 5 thef t, 4 willuh damage complaints, 3 trespassing reports, 2 disturbances, 4 assaiults 4 domestie complaints, 1 tibreat- ening complaint,, 1 carehess hunt- ing investigation, 2 arson inivest- igations , 1 mis5ing person re- port, and 1 erratic or dangerous driving complaint. Three occur- rences involved the necovery of stolen property, aise there were 4 reports of 1-st property and 2 reports of found property. Two persoi4s are charged 'iïl- criminal offences, 1 person civirg- ed with an offence under the Petty Trespassing Act, 5 persons charged with liquon offences, and r> persons charged with impaired A rsm of occurrences« in- vetiatd la the past week are as fllos:Rreak, enter and thet ocurcdat th nhur'st qulanttity of money stolen. Entry into the building waws gained by orin oenthie wn oron tbe east side.' A r-eport was re,,ced on Mar-. 14,ý 1973, that theiu Unon J;î-k Flag was stolen from the war memorial ceniotaph in Newton- ville. At approximately 4:00 a.m. March 15, 1973, a Newcastle of- ficer discovered the alarmn sound- ing at Orono Electrie ln Orono. The cylinder hock was removed from the premises door, howcver the alarm frightened the un- known suspects away before they could gain entry. A further check of the business premises in Orono revealed that the lock was aiso removed from the door of the local pharmacy. The pharmacy was enter-ed and $35.00 cash stolen fromn the cash register. 1Vandalism was reported on March 15, 1973, and investigation revealed that two tires of a util- ity traller parked beside a resid- ence in Bowmanville, were delib- erately slashed with a knife. On, March 15, 1973, an investi- gation was .oonducted by O.P.P. and assisted by the Ontario Fire Marshall's office, into a fire tb at destroyed a barn near MosPort Park. The barn valued at $15,000 wias being used as a snowmobile cllub. Also dcstroyed in the fire, were thirteen snowmobiles and a tent trailer valued aI $10,000. A imotor vehiicle stelen from Oshawa was recovered abandon- ed on Solina Rd. near Hwy. 401 on March 16, 1973. The vehicle destroyed by fire was discovcred by Bowmanville lire Department, Who were dispatched to the scene Vo extinguish the blaze LIBERAIS SEER CANDIDATE The Northumberland Durham Liberal Association is now look- in for potenlial candidates for the next Federal election. "The appointment of Russell Honey (former M.P. Northumber- land -Durham) te the Bench, re- moves the central figure from the p tia renta nnd -?' qir the Pa',te erh itacadd whjo willj retain this riding for the Liberals", stated Roger Kirkpat- rick, retiring president of the BAD NEWS FOR THE ANGLERS Ar (i-h'ar'o mniistry ofntua resouurces bl-an on al!ihigi waters in the Lindsay area tis spring is expected to produce,.a hiowl of protest f romn local anglers Theban extends from April 28 to May 12,and it's going to be permanent, the spinistry says. Affected are portions of the Scugog, Otonabee, Guli, Talbot and Trent Rivers, the Trent Can- al, Gannons, Narrows, Chemong Lake, Stony Lake and Lowerý Buckhorn Lake. Those waters have been desig- nated as fish sanctuaries, and "ahI fishing, by any means, for any spejzies", has been banned be- tween the two dates. The ban is designated to pre- tect spawning fish, says a pressý release issued by conservation, of-- ficer J. Milford. Piekerel season in those waters- opens May 12.. Anglers uncertain of the are#;s involved shouhd contact the Lind- say office of the ministry. riding Association. To date there are no declared aspirants, but -Mr. Kirkpatrick said that several people are- thought te be considering the sit- uation. "'There have been no convine-' ing denials,' oommented M. Kirk-- patrick., The new executi-ve of the NorthumbeÈland - Durham.ijber- ah Association will be elected alt a meeting in, Port Hope on April 2. Ufr. Kirkpatrick pointed out that this executive will guide the Party's fortunes in the riding un- til, il is spllt Up urider redistri- bution. Raîmdy Ihompsoe Phone 983-5759 .AH Carpentry Work. I W'e bulldl from the foumdation up William Ce Hll, B. Comm, hartered Accountant Phonie Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day Wednesday and Saturday ispeclal lDuy!e GAUNTLET LENGTH Ru boe BU'Y SEVERAL.PAIRS AT TRIS LOW PRICE A SPONGE FOR EVERY HOUSEIIOLD NEED SUPER SOFT Spones 2for 65c

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