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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1973, p. 6

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OR ONO WEEIKLY TIWES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2th, 1913 Whi v' ayr ewvm ait Whitb's Mao, Demf Newms, ow i bi sevnthyear as Witbys ladin cletedof- ficiadeedve 75ne bers ard guestL of th-uýe Wst, The afa1 enalotie the -signif'icanrce oCterIio! government pooas o ip !y as it affects tisarea, but ila Eseptièc Tan GCNERAL PUMWPINg6 Si HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY' Leskard, OutârW Phonz 842 in rêmb,melIngyoor recnM Rlghway 115 an 8M OPN7DAYS A UEK Ais. Week-End Sf.d*m You need nieyer buy another muf fler ag-ain! *ieà% eUdsMufflersanaegurn teed, for as long as.%yu wn the ar, lth fee -iýla- fr1aantique 'and Amer- lcan lmaGe cars. We lwstaïl niafflers for a lv We lhave to do a betterlo.. ineet~our IDAS nn t. the broa._er cnetof the Tor- onto ceicute.rc rn Mayor Nqaj~exps rience, not oniy as,;an elected politician but alsoi as a membor of such orgmzt-os ,s the Canadian Cug Ie Ubnaa -egional Muniipaltiesof Otarlïoquali- leis o loal ovencn. His tatc, the Canadian Club dis- playe the eana1ng ad Lunder- stnigof a college- pro)fossýor on the suhjýect. farrechigfundiamental and o s- sonialconerf,"Pot only for the, citizenjs of this area but also for all gf Southern Ontario. Wheth:ý er we like it or not, hoe said, Northumberlanld-Durham laa part of the, hiniterland of Greater Metropûlitan Toronto, At present, the "internail" POP- ulation of Toronto is appmoxim- ately two million, with an addi- tional lone million living in, the "ex.eral"or hinterland areaS., As Toronto grOws, these sur- roundiiig regiions will unavoid- ably grow anid spread out as weil. By the turn cf the century the popul,,tiOn (o)f Metro Toronto proper wiII. exceied three million _11-, injore importantly, the hinter- jaanilpopulIation iwill be in excess of foýur million people. That's an awfl lot of growth and it must ho controlled and planned 'if this tnt ti enrountor prob- lems of inightmarish proportions, he saidl. Thoý, speaker pointed euit that it is the high standa"Lrd iof ivPin andaaial services,, in addi- tion te hepromise of jobs, not the governnIexflýts, which lure people te Toronto. it is the jobD ýof fth va, os evlsof govern- Ment, he aýSsrtedl, to ensure that the inevitabix drOwtllin itho reg- ions 5proudig etro is order- ly and Weil regulated. This is whjero regional governmexnt comes In. The Whitby Mayor proj ected a setsof sildes, one Df which out- lined fthe reýgionIalgoverninents which will comnletely surround Metro Torronto, on ail sides. The alternative to this sys5teni ot reg- -lolpal goverinrints, he said, would __be for the inner city of Toronto te gradixally expand its boundar- les te envclop the seven million people who will inhabit the arca by the year 2000. Somne of the eider, largecr ciles of the world, suL; ch as New York City, have ev- elVed thec latter type of situation ana have fouind that such huge pàpiilatiolfl5 re rccompletely 'un- governable. S Regional governmeflt is' an effort to provent this kind of sit- uation from. develieping. "It is important that we sce the reglen in this everali. context," ho em- p hasized. Many people i rural and ag- riculturalars have exprossod feare te Newmnan tbat regional- ism may adversely affect tbemn. Newman pointed out to bis Can- adian Club audience that the new region will have more benctits and advantages for the, rural ar- cxi than it will drawbacks. AUl too otten predomiinately rural townships filad tbemnselves uînable to provide adequate, 1ev- els, of services, sueh as scwers, read-Ws oad oven schools. In many casýes -whe-x this loccurs, the town- shiip counýcl will acecpt lwlrg hlou7ing subdivisions in, order to increase their assessment. Invar- ah-,this is only a stop-gap erreand only compounds the prbeiin the long run. - ITMÇ r~genaI governmoent, i rai o ricitrl~ - "I have bhe adwnitage oethte wa o -1f , emar n aîd Orono Junioar Gorderers The Orono -Junior Garde,,ners beld their first meeting cf the ssen, on TÈucsday, Max-ch 13, 19",la-th- Orane United Church Ym - ers welcomed old and r c, mermbers te the club and thon the cvc.ning's activity got Aftex- the rogistration1 Mxs. Zg ers cxplained "how to make, an arrangement at ihis lime of the year." Noxi they gathe-cd iar'ound taýbles whcre thcy foundt soul, styrofoam coffee cup s, and mari- gold seeds. Each member planted several seeds and these- were taken homo for observation of growtb. At th(, end of May the yngplants will ho set ont in the adees plot or planter- Whcn tis was finished every- one was iven a folder in Which they wPi lkeep their notes ef the year'% activities. The next meeting umn the same place April 10, 1973. en Tuesday, OUESTTON VALUE OF BOOKMOBIL During the next two weeks, the administrative staff of the North- umberland and Durham County Board of Educatien will considcxr. the value of having a travelling bookstore visit ceunty schools during- the sehool tex-m. Trustees akd administration for a report at its April 5 meeting aeraspiritedi debate on the back q 1964,, the formeür Premier of Ontario, John% Èobarts, stated l1)ocal government must accept 19wi-es,:ponibility to evolve andl change," and , ut necessitY,1 to boReden ftheir sop.The new concept fox- municil 7 govern- ~i'"t~is he thr m~tnot only encompa<ý., the turban TeeunlatiOns 1-ot aIsetherua rai sand open jy) 'e in tïCr bnýerlandsIq f <-ç,thnd devélopmnent is tD takeplaein an. ordcrly and equitable fa4hin Newý7man peIdnted te the amal- gamntinn of th liv ilow of Whitby J'JId lWbxfby Townqbip as an ex- ample. The overal nninici-valit'y now bas the muscele to proteet their valleylands and channel growtb ino.the most appropriate and! advantageOlxs areas. After bis fox-mal preseixtation Mayo r Newman fielded several, quetios fom the audience. One query dealtî with the logich- iid jnclud(Ing' Port, Hope and cooixrg in, the new region. New- man stated that the easterxn end of the regien will probably not experiencee the kind of intensive growtbý and probleniS that Will onfront this area. Hoewever, he added, they are on the fringe of the Toronte centered regioxi and ,111,- therefere, encounter marxY of the same probleis and pres- sures wbieh tbey will ho better able ' to handle if they are part ot the region. . e also stated that tbey noed not fear domination by Osbawa becauSe, like County Cojncil, the"- regional council members will net hoc a1 like-mixxdcd groUp cf mon, evon those tx-om the samel muicipality. Ho also rmxe the audience that the oshava rcpresciItatives, wifI ho several votes away tra m a majority and thcy, in ail probabîlity, will not oven want te band togethor to force decisions down the throat of' rther muiicipalitios. rogarding the question oDf cd- ucational jurisdictioînsý Newman said ho would prefer a two-tier Board of Education. (Onc levr'l iuid govern the overall arca and set broad priorities while each municipalit'- wou]d havc its cisu local sr'heel board. The ca board vwou!d ho more acsil a the a p'ýe inx il s 'ýca a more reaeive te theïr aeo. vhhaiev na d *~ ~ ~~~wr maif'tththaxg ala , lfiis problcm. * -Canadian Statesman pros and cons of the travelling SPECIAL CHTLDREN'S bookstore concept. It was sakdb eus rmR'obert Bland of Scarhr- ogifor permuission to Jet hlus bcomoblevisit countLy schoois duigte rnext school year. OLDE TYME CIiSTMAS IN DE-ýBT $8..000. ,Although last year's Olde Tymie Christmas program in Port Hbac ran mith a deficit of $8,000 it has not, dapened cntircly the eni thusiýasm for the ey tnt. CONCERT PROGRAM The Oshawa Symphony Associ- atiion presents a special cid ren's concert on Saturday, Marrh 21 :t at 7 p.m. in the auditorri of the G. L. Roberts Collegiate bn Oshawa. 1 A special feature of this con- cert is a session after the concert in which children are invited on N'age to inouire about music and dîscuss with the orchestra quest- ions-and Ideas on musixc. SAVE SAVE SAVE Vinyl Liner Pool Kits At Discount Prlcn IN GROUND AND) ABOVE GROUND 16 SHAPES and MANY SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM COMPLETE POOLS IL.2, ORONO - PRÔNE 983-4494 o. POPADICH NOTICE The Oroimo Figure Skaiting Club PRESENTS ITS FIRST Club Competition on Sunday, April lst FIGURES - 10:30 JUNIORS - 1 o'clock FREE SKATING- 4 o'clock DANCING -5:15 ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE EVERYONE WELCOME ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION; Saturday, March 31 DINNER IN UNITED CHUItCI DRAW, DANCE and CARDS IN ODDFELLOW'S HALL Eh IATI DRW fr$10O l'ickets are avalable from amy Association member or at the Arena for $5.00 a Ticket ------ ......

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