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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1973, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 3a7, NUWEER 12 Mrs. -IlyaI Lowery Wini OLONO TEFXLY TIRES, WEDNBSDAY. APIL 49t. 1973 'Or4 me Athletic1 $100,.00 Druw f p ý . The Orono Skating Club held their fîrst endeavour into lub comptitiuns on Sninday. The1 event ran from 9:30 in the morm- iug until five in the afternooni when a host of tr-ophies, provided by area business ete-pises, were preseted te the inners aad rnnners-np in each division. The skaters sbiowed a keen in- terest inj the comipetition and pr-o- vlided some ottnigskating. O)utside juidges judg1ýed the sen- ïor events as weli as those for figures and free skating. Those talng part ini the competitions kraniged £rom the begininers te the senior members of the Or«uO ,M, Ub. Ttie following is the results of t7he competition: FIGURES: Novice lass-lst Nancey -Mad- 111, 2nd 'Wendy Watson, 3rd Tan- ice Wood. Junior Ladies-s it Joanne Mercer. 2nd MTicheýlle Major, 3rd Keri-Lyn Grady. 'Senior Ladies-Ist Mari-Lou Poweli', 2nd Patti Luan, 3rd Mer- ridy Williamns. FREE SKATING RESULTS- Novice Ladies-I st Wendy Watson, 2nd Nancy Madili, 3rd, Katly Moffat. .Junior Ladies- lst Joanne Mercer, 2nd Michelle Major, 3rd KerrylLyvnn Grady. Senior Ladies-lst Mari-LoU Tralfic and Dos (ontrol OfficerHfired On Tuesday the Couincil ýof the 'Township of Clarke passed a res- olu!jtion hiring Mr. Nick Van Seg- gelea as do,, control officer for the entire Township and Traffie Control officer for tke Police village ef Orono. I Mýr. van 1Segg.elen's die(s Wili eoa>neceirnneiatiyboth in the contre1 of dg and traffic contrel within the Pol01ice Vlae Under a pre-sent -lwdg are net te mun at large ini the Trownship or in Orno. -Mm1. Van Seggellen wUi a1se çcheck on own- ern,ýhip of dogs whlch do not car- ry a Township dog tag- PowllY2d Patti Lunn, 3rd M er- DAC ÈESULTS- Junir PrlimiaryDance -lst' Joýanne Mercer partniered Wend'y Wat.soný; 2nd Kerry-Lynn Grady partnered Michelle Major; 3rd Nai.-vMadili partnered Kathy Moffat. IntcmedateDance - lst Mari- LouPoel 2nd Tacie Stutt, 3rd Nita Taîsmia. JUNIORS- Stroking- 1st Micelle Iartwig, 2nid Jirn Young, 3rd Michael yoing. Elernentary - lst Corrine Long, 2nd Steven Mitchiell, 3rd Jane Buchanan. Basic - lst Lori, MeNeil,l 2nd Sutzanne Forth, 3rd Jocelyn Kemp Novice One - Denise Mahar, 2nd Village Roqd Resi sosition As 0f April 20iy)200 The Cierk- Administrabor of Clarke Township, Mr. Bruce Col- lins -,submitted lis resignati>on to ecuneil last '.-eek. Xl'-.Cols came te Clarke Township in May of 1973. The letter of resignation states that it is te Ieoore effective as of j.pril 20, 1973 and that Mr. Cols will remain la the office until April 6th at which tirne he will take two weeks vacation. A copy of his letter is printcd elsewhere in this issue of the Times. Arena loses After ýA Successf ul Winteor 'Operation The Arena bas ciosed its doors ugain for another season. Maay people are te le thanked for their eao.operation given te make the winter',s activities pass so qnick- ly and successfully: The Hockey Mothers1 whio took money at the door, and helped eut financially with equipment ; thle fell.ows who Iooked after the time-keeping of ail the hockey games, did an ex- cellent job. The Mrena manager, Mr. Earl Taylor, did a fine job as weill as the coaches who speat many :aur w-1 the boys teacli- ing te to the leýst of their abil- ity the fundamentails of hockey. The referees aise spent a 'great. deal of time and always seemed to miss sorne calis but really did do an excelent job. The AsFsociation wisbes te thaak ail these as well as every- one else wh'o participated in any way at the Arena this past sea- son, Orono Amateur Athletic Assec. A correction to the financial standing between the Orono Po- licelae and Tawnship of Olarke brought forth a $10,400 credit this year te the Police Vil- lage by which amount the deben- tures of the Village road pro- gram was reduced. Mr. 'Pope, Townsîýhip Atiditor, reetdthe financial report of the Township on Tuesday. In the report it was stated that the Police Village now owed unly $9200.00. The Police Village has until 1974 to eleminate this de- benture charge. Th e $10,400 credit was due the Village as a resuit of acceunt- ing procedures tover the past thre years. ASKED NOT TO SUIP CATTLE -HOGS The Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture and the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board ap- peal te fairmrs to market during the next twe weeks only those animais whîch are fully finished. TIlog producers should weigh pigs carefuliy and shlp oily those lu the top end -of the weight range," says Blake Snobelen, chairman, Ontario Pork Produc- ers' Marketing Board. "Beef preducers should ex- amine their cattie carefully and seî]i only the animais ready for market," says Gordon Hli,' Charlne lldd3>r(lBrencda Buin- ting. Noavice Two - lst Laurie Armt-,i strong, 2nd Sherry NancekievýilI 3rd Donna Lewery. Dance One and Two - lst Viekie Clark, Andrea Williams, 3rd Ter- esa Gimblet. Beginners- lst Darlene Vienet, 2nd Leslie Barrabali, 3rd Atin Marie Helson. The executive of the Club state that ;t was: very gratifyi'ig to hiave so, manv of the skaters take part in the competition. Most 'had neyer taken part in an event such as thiis' before and ail their hiard work ,and dJetermination helped to r.ak'e the first competition a miost successful endeavour. Eerly rniugCmli For Fire Department Thc Orono-Clamke Pire Depamt- ment received an early momning eall Sunday te, a fie east on thc third ilne of Clarke Toxvnsnp Tie, cali was rcceived at 12.05 a.m. Guiidav. The depatment report a sback- on fire just east cf the Newcastle Golf Course- It wns lecnted adjail- cent to Lie strearn and a Wob To Speak On, Drugs At Library Ts.light Dr. Grant Goulson, Oshawa wilJ1 spenk at tic Clarke Public Lib- ary tonigit, Wednesday ilis topie wl!l e drugs cf which le is most fanilliar and active' iu cure and researchi. Plan te attend thîs lécture te- night. 'was 'a grGat %ucc-ý.n a~i year wîtin202 tipk-feu beiaRg sw scrved by the Orono Figure izýk ing Club in the United Chure-h.- After master of ceremonles, Mr.. Steriing Mather, gave te guests a run down of the various ecam activities tbroughout the ""7inter and where they finighed in the plavoifs, lie aiso ep'oke(if the basebali season that is about to begin. Rev. Long gave us a few words and then most everyone went tu the Oddfello-w's Hall where t e elimination draw for $I100.0OK. wax held. The first ticket drawn wa,% Mr. Jack Watson. who had biis e.00 returned.,te him., Every 20th ticket drawn cont re- ceivcd a prize donated by Stutt's Pharrnacy, Miatt'u Smoke Shocp, Arrnstrong's I.G'.A., Roîpli Hard- ware. These iucky peopfle were Ken Prescott, Bob Lewis, Kevin Hogg, -Klaas Schoenrnaker, Car- oline Garnett, Lamua Atkins, Ev- an Bryn-Jones, J. D). Moff at, Bob- by Myies. Mrs. Lynli Loyery was the last ticket left in to win ïhe $100.00. EverYone, then enjoyed either a garne of cards or a dance to the-, music of James Lowery and fani- ily. The Association wvould 1k. te thank everyone who helped ta, make this banquet a suecess. The~~O Mawrnn0 Chaillot The iýienbers cf the -Bowman- ville Dramna Womkshop are busy puttin1g the, fin.ishýing touches te cheir7 productti o f "The Mad- woman cf 'Chaillot." It . will tic pres,ýented April 12 , 13, 14 at 8:15 p.m. in the new Bowmanviiie Higli School Theattre. Tickets are availabie at the Recreatlon Of- fice, - 623-3114. "The Madwoman cf Chaillot" was written by the French play- wriglt Jean Giraudoux. His plays' dominated the French stage in the 30's and 40's and were partie- uiarly noted for the strength and beauty cof their language. "The MadCwornn f is set in Paris, In 'the we meet the varions Chailott", first act "ýcharact- ers" who frequent the Cafe Fran- cis. These people are ordînary, simpl, good-iearted foIl Their "lleader" is the se called "Mad-I woman",cf Chaillot. Into their miidst corne bh.r people who are Up te ne good. Wbat they plan is inde-ed sbock- ing! It is the nawmn~who rids Paris cf those who tîreaten it and estores hem district to bnp- piness and pence and barrnony. And we are lef t wondering - just bo~w mad is this ,mad- wonan"? Is hem vision of life the wild impracticai ravîng cf a demented mind or is she actual- iy, in the final analysis, the sanest cf us ail. Beef Boycott WilI Raise Prices State Lecal Producers The housewife boycott cf beef iili drive prices up, net down, acc ording te, the secretary cf the Durharn County Beef Improve- ment Association. The boycott, by Wornen Again- st Searing Prices, started over the weekend. Newt Selby cf Newcnstle, eaul- ed thc boycott "<absoluite folly." 1Middiemen (packers and whoie salers) wiii have te, raise the price when the arnounit cf beef. farmers produce starts dropping, lie said. Mr. Selby said cattie Ireeders have been adviseId by packers net te 'send as mucli beeý,f te imarket- "aksthough, have unions and thleyavle te ipay fer a 40 heurw eek een if their ernpIey- ees are net womking a 40-heur week,. Becanse they are handling ie, tey will have to charge more per unit. "To boyctt beef Will have a dlevastating effeet on the cattie feeder," saidî . eby Itw1 drive bis costs np) elecuse p will have te feed bis cattie long- er thnjs putting on unneeessarY falt whichl wili have te be trcimm- ed off befere being iuechandised. There ywill have te be a wider spread betwcen producer and consumer te nlsorb tlese ndded' oasts," le warned. Beef prodncers are in a very awkwnrd position, said Mm. Selby. "We have been forced into tlis position by seme consumers wbho de net knuow what they are taik- ing aboult." Tie prouoeed boycott ýxoixid "certii)y lburt" beef prodcers, snid Mfike Sawyer, president cf the Durham asociation. "The cests cf feed are continuing te ise and farmers' expenses keep elimbing." BePef producers are fitading they lave a ceiling on the money tbey eau receive for their cattle but thme s noceiling on tbeim eosts, said Mr. Selby, w-ho mnark- ets about 350 hend 'cf cattle na y;ear fr70m bis Newcastle farmi. Mr. Seiby sid tînt evemy tirne the "ive market" drops one cent per pound it costs hlm $3,500. Canadian farmers . are tiedl in closely witb the Arnerican ecee- omiy and the ceiling on ed mnent prices established bxr American Presidlent Richard Nixon meansç "in mality, we now lave a ceiling on mcd rmezmt prices ini Canada," ,said M. îîSiby. "O0ur eonsumer groups had let- ter face :the, facts of ecenemiie if e,", le said. "By worid stand- ards, tley stililhave a good deal whcn it cornes te food, and they must ealize tbat food prices are bound to cimb even bigler."1 Mêr. Seiby said Canadian con- sumers weme fortunate that fond in, Canada costs less, as a per cent cf disposable inceme "than aay other country in thc wold." He did say theme was "justifi- able concern" over inflation, but that this was as great a concemn te farmers as te any other seg- ment of society. Citing statisties presented by thc Canadian Cnt- tlernen's Associýationi in a brief te the bouse cf Commons ;cern- mittee on foced costs, le 3aid fo'od ccsts have net iacreased nearly as rnpidly as incorne. ,Food eosts quite clearly are foi- iowing ratIer than ieading the upward trend in prices." If censumers want a maximum price set on beef, there wiil aise have te le a minimum price set, said Mr. SelbY. le said controls on f arrn priceS wil force producers inevitabiy te respond. by abandoning the free. market place and seeking mini- mum, price levels. "'Ths," he said, "Iwill mitigate, against fur- ther improvements in productiv- ity . . a.nd, in the long run, -,vii womk te the detriment cf loth producers and consumers. "The probiern is tînt farmers are se cledicated te the profes- slon, tbey hang on with a shoe- lace," said Mr. Selby. "Witl price lirnits or boycott, thongh, the ine ntive is taken away" Mm. Selby said bis lown farm lies in the path "of the ever in- creasung asphaît jungle." He ad- ded thnt lie dees net intend to carry on bis cattle feeding oper- atiens elsewbere. "I have spent enough yenrs cf my I11e proCdue- ing cheap beef for an unappre- intive Society.", Ure, Selby bas drâ%wn up a tîree page "brief" listing hL ïme- buttai against "consumer chbarg- es" and intends te sead it te the bead of Wornen Aginst Soar-ing Prices, Margaret Rouble ýor Tor- ente. Mr. Sawycm, Orono, said Mr. Selys comments were bis owa personial views but that lie endorsed the principle. "We are faced with increasing eosts and consumners who,, want ta lmit our ineome," said Mr. Saw- yem. Oro o ,0Skaters Compete In Club Co mpein

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