ORONO WEEKLY TIM, WEI)NMO 1,APBIL 4th 1MZ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, ~a d Qam IU Ugaat Igumber @36 .uk* vey Thurady at the oMele et puItca1oe main Stree, Orono, Ont«"4. phMi. 91-530 OIL, THAT BLACK GOLD Ou bhas -often been referreti to 'as black gold and the future may hold this true beyond.ail expectations. Not on]y is the U.S. concerneti with its need of, energy but also is the Province of Ontario, thelatter in regards to gas. Apparently 'Ontario is, concerned over impending price hikes la gas and obecets to a differential in prices in Aberta and Ontario. A bigher cost of gas in Ontario would certainly increase rnanufacturing, andi living costs in, the province. It may well -slow down industrial and manufact- uring development in Ontario andi place existing firms in a severe and.precarious position with competitors.,, 1-A higher cost of energy in Ontario may well have some1 desirabl e affects. A slow downl in industrial devel- opment in Ontario andi especiailly thee Golden Horseshoe are-a would prelude a slow down in residential develop- ment. No new jobs, nio incentive to move into the area. The problemns of housing, garbage disposai, traffic anti air congestion, aiong with a host of others are ail cre- ated by masses of people within a defined area. Dçcentral-, izng the. masses làessens these probie mr which faces our politicians andi society itself. It would be most desirable if somn of our new growth would sftek eheaper où andi gas prices in Alberta thus providin-g a restraint to our ever growing pains. Do you suppose Darcy McKeough, who is endeav- ouring to level out gas prices - will get the message- Local News Miss Yvonne Schoeamaker is a pàtient in the Bowmanville hos- pital having hati an operation on her knee. Th*e sympathy of the commun- 1ty is extendediW Rev. Basil Long, Mrs. Long andi family on the death of bis mother Mrs. R-ester Long, in Bancroft On Monday -of this wee-k. Mrs. Wateý Gibson anti Leanne oIf Bowmanville spent Sunday 'with Mrs. C. B. TYrrell andi Miss DOavi&wsn. Ramdy Thompsou Orono, Ontarlo Phone 983-5759 ,AU.Carpentry Wo.rk. Remodeling W. buliI from the. fonailUp COUPLE HELD CAPTIVE Newcastle OPP are searching for a gUnmian that, heid a young couple captive in their horne for 12 hours. A, Police spokesman said the couple, Mark and Janet MacLeoti, both 20 of RR 1, Newtonville, ar-ý rived h01ne frûm, work ýat 6:15 p.m. Friday andi were confronted at: the door by a m~an with a rifle. The -couple were handcuffed andti ied with rope, saiti the SpoItesman, andi led to a bedro.om of the house. They stayed in the ràom until they managed to es- cape at 6:30 arn. Saturday. If the guninan remained in the house the entire time he may have fallen - asleep in another room during the escape, the OPP believe., The coiùple were not harinet and notbing was taken from ±1he bouse. The incident is under irvesti- gation anti no arrests bave been matie. Flsherman's Tip -An angler we _know prepares for a fishing trip inaal the usual ways, but witb one unique addition: In a plastic bag he carnies a Wet rag which bas be-en impregnateti with liquiti soap anti lemon juice-. It's wonderful for cleaning up after cutting bait - the lemon juice cuts tbe smell. (It's real!ly bis wife's idea; sbe. dues the- de-an- ing. . Well Drillin g PONTYPOOL Phone' 705-27-2504 kirby News -Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, Oroio, and Mrs. Citharine Lowery at- tendeti the Superannuatel Teach- ers', dinner la Oshawa on Thurs-, day, March 29th at wbich Mrs, Lyman Gifforti of Ohawý,a was guest speaker. Frientis anti relatives from Kirby anti district attended the pre-entation on Saturday evening at Newtonville for Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon MVorton. Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Sears, Scar- borough, were faturdey evening visitore of MTr. andi Mrs. Lawrencc, Harris anti Charmes anti attentieti the presentation of ber cousin. S;orjy to bear Charles Harris bati the misfortune, to break h is right wrist on Thws,ýday evening while tioinsg chores. Worti was receiveti Tuestiay of the passing of Mrs. Long of Lake-- field on Monday evening. --weé ,wish to express our ,s>npatbyto Rev., Long anti Mrs. Long 0ný the passing of bis mother. Mr. anti -Mrs. Stevens, Kendal were Sunday evening visitors of j&. ani Mrs. Lawrence 1-anris. Dr. andi Mrs. Paul Rutherford. anti famfly,. Listowel, were week- e-nd guests of bis parents, Mr. anti Mrs Siti Rutherfor~d. Mrs. Jo AtrM Richards anti sons, Bow- ,manville w ere Sundaty visitors. Miss Karen Lwrr Toronto,, spentthe weekençil a, thome anti àttentietithe Athietic Banque't in Orono on Saturday' evening anti belpeti her parents p-rovite the musiefor thetdance 'after. 1 Mr. anti Mrs. iHarolti ,Ransb.erry att endeti -the Skating Carnival in Newcastle on iSatuirday evening tor sec their gr:andtichiltren take part. NEWCASTLE AND ORONO DAIRYMEN WIN AWARDS A Newcastle farmer walked off with two of the four mnajor awards presente-ti by the Durham County, Dairy Herti1 Improvement Assoc- iation at i ts annual.,meeting last week.1 Peter Simka of Newc astle re- ceiveti the Durhamn Farmers Co- ope rative- Tro.phy for top produc- tion in the superviseti plan of DHIA, Mr .Simka's bre-et class average was 156, followe-ti by Pe- ter Hoogeve-en of Blackstock wltb 137.5 andi John Roze-ma of Bow- manvile witb 137. Haroldi Ransberry of Orono won the tropby for tbe be-rd witb the best, calving intervai. Walte- Wright of Blackstock:was' second wbile Robert Chater ef. Orono place-d third. * .ALL THE FORD BETTER IDEA CARS. Corne and'see and drive them'. Our, deals are the found anywhere and our service speaks for itself. Phone, 623-4481 Z19 KING STREET EAST When, it caae- lime to' present the award, for the- most imnprove-ti berd, Mr. Simka picke-d up- bis. second award. Mr. Pringle place-d second, followed by John Wolters of Blackstock, Keith Crago of Bowmanville anti Mortion Hentier- son of Welcome. In the supervise-d section Hank VanDrop of Enniskillen placeti first, Oscar Pringle of Hampton, second 'and -John Bantistra of Bow manville, thirti. best to be BOWMANVILLE ORONO ýPOLICE TRUSTEES Where Friendly People Meet WiliamC.Hall, B. comm. IC hartered Accountant Phione Neweustie 987-440 Ail dayWdeda Mnd Saturday Bubbing Bath.Oul GARDENIA or APPLE BLOSSOM 32 o.only 7 ST lUTT'S PHAROMACY Or..i.idi. (mira*t * att k; It's SPRINIG TIME!* Now is the time to get that new ci-cr or truck and the place to get, it is MACDONALD FORD in Dog Dy-Law and Parking Regulations The residents of the Police Village of Orono and are-a are, bereby notifie tb tat the enforcement of the Dog By-law, prohibiting the running at large of dogs, and the regulations of the- Parking By-laWs will nowv be undertaken ln the Police Village. IUesidents are asked to co-operate in this matter. ICKS