ORONOWEEKLY TIMIES, WEDNESDAY, APIL 4th, 1913 OPENN SOON Warkworth Cheeso House Division of Warkworth ChéeeseComnpany Lltled Warkworth, Ontarlo Situaied adJacert to Gùlf Servce Station On wy35&115 1% miles nortix of Newcastle OPENING DATE ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK WANTED Reliable persons to operate this outiet on. a percentage ba"sOf 'total sales supplying own h elp. Day phone NMet Phono (705)- 924-2733 (105) 924-2771 or 924-2737' Bow.anvllle Draona W.rkshop presents The Madwoman of ChaiIIqt. by Jeun Glriudoux drected by WYNNE WONNACOTT and JOHRN AMESBURY Thurs. Fr1. Sut. April 12, 13,14 Theatre Adults $2.00 Suens$1.0 TFickets available at Recreation Office-623-3114 Senior Citizens invited to Thursday night performance free of chargé- WARBLE FLY TREAT ENT Ail Cattie in the Township of Clarke affected with Warble Fly Grub must ho treated by spray or bIruSI FIRST TREATMENT APIRIL Io to APRIL ý30 LAST TREATMENT MAY lst to MAY 3lst Sprayer available Lawrence Harris I ýWarblo Fly Inspector 'UWIsy Pay More? Save Moaeyt ON DX PEENflJXQUALXY <FUEL OIL DIESEL OUL STOVE OIL Phone 668-3381 -CoII.ct DX FUEL 011 Letter 0f Mxarchi 29, 1973 ýReeve in Council M1r. E. R. Wood-yald Memibers of ConnciI Tôwnship of Carke Deoz' Sirs: Re: Resignation PPhase accept this letter as rny resignationý as the Cierk-Ad- ministrator for the Towvnship of Carke effective April 20, 1973. (l wiii be in the office Mr the week of April 2-6, alter thatI will be on two weeks vacation). This probably comes to no sur- prise tocorne of- you but I would like' to make it qulte eIear why I ara ieaving (Just tp niake sure the- press prints it ight, a c opy wililgo ta thern.) 1. As a Cierk the CounclI has proven on numierous occasions they have no use for me nor 40, tliey tke My adVice Serlously- And iwhen there is ho confidence In the main wbomý is'hired and governed by the statutes anc Coôuncil then I feel, it Is about Urne to move on and let the Couacii (who thinks they know it ait) fliunder on. 2. As an Administrator 1 have tried my damidest to straighten soéme of the many problems the various Depariments have. But1 find- this a futile effort as ýeverY trne I try to look into or recoin- mend changes I get toid it is none o! mY darno business. TO whieh 1 must add Councilisëeem to agree with. A.nd if this is 'the case then the -oniy persan I an adMinistrator over (besideg MY- self) is the Secretary in the outer office. 1 wouid suggest gentlemen that if yop, can hire anothe: Clerk, for bis sake. tell himi his exact position. (Where lie stands etc.) 3. 1 have yet to moeet or hear of a Council asking the Cierk tF leave the rarom while Council dfis- cuss ,;ome private miatters. This, gentlemien, ta unreal. 4. Being investigated by a mebrof Council like one was a crimini is a bit much.1I 'couýld have causied quite a ruekus about this but 1 dccided not to, as1 tought maybe the Council wvosî1 find out that 1 believe i1n honestY and integrty and try my best and expect everyone else ta. 5. Being - told by -Couneil that you cannot attend meetings (un- less they are invited) ývhîch'>are' -niost important flot only-to me as a Clerk-Adrnîniistrato6r but âlsoý- very important to the Tüwnship. This to me was like being treaûted, as a child. 6. FinalIy the raise, it isqut obvi.ons ýwhat Council thinks by giving such a smali incre-ase. You mean to teil me the Clerk's job' s is not worth more than à 5e/ in-' 1- crease? (actual percentage 4.m6) * To those whem 1 respect 1I can e only' say that' due to the above I circurastances and the offer of another position, surely helps > make up my mmnd. r Youis truly, B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. r Clerk-Administrator CPI and HOPE MEET- B,]E DISPOSAL AIEA *Last week t'epresentativ'es _lÉromr the CPR and ope Towni- ship met. in a ciosed meeting dis- cuping the proposai to establish a disposai area fer garbage out o f Toronto in the south qf Port Hape. It is also pndlerstood that sorne MO0 acres could- be turned over to the> Township a s à recreationl or conservation area and that a pay-rola in the ano unt of someýý $150,000 could resuit in the area' for the operation of the disposa area. -Members .of the Ganaraska, Conservation Autho-Tity have been invited to view the site this week with representatives of the CPR. FBATUING Thëe CABALLEROS FineDa'nc',Band FROM COBOURG -FULLY LICENSED - bdmoal -Plenty or parking Complimentary M .Suaek GREAT FUN COME TO DINNER STAY FOR DANCING NO (O VER INO MINIMUM 98"001 for reeervations FSHPICNC STYLE SHOULDER 5 to 6 lbs. average P'nORK ROAST lb. 590lu You Save Twice with Trim and Price - BOSTON STYLE - Pork DUTT RU 'MMOASÀWTS lb. 69c Astra Light Meat 6% fi. oz tins. Tuna Chu nks 39c Fresh EGGS Ail White 57c CIUlTA BANANAS Large 2 Size IL 29c CELERY STALKS 29c MUSIIROOMS 8 ez. 45c 1» lbs. POTATOES 89c 25 Ibs. $1*99 CORtNISH'S> Ovono No. 1 Quality BACON, store sliced lbo 69c Dine Stenms and Pieces 10 f& oz. tins Mfumbroomus 3 a-$, BAXTER (Wlth Pork> 19 fiL oz. DECANS 4 fer ego Supreme 2 lb. pkg. French Mres 2 lb. 49c RUPERT Cod Fillets 16 oe .79C Green Giant Fancy 14 f& oz. Cron Cern 4 for 99c 1.5 Mill Thickness - 20 to pack FW Brand GARBAGE BAGS Cholce 79C 19 fi. oz. tins Utepia Tomatees 3 for 79< Phone 983*5201L j. ~ EXTRA LARGE 63c