O~ONO WREKLY ~t1MES, WE»NE$~%Y. APELL #h, Ifl$ UAnd -Dow@ the look Stocks April ab, 1973 A1WLT- neli Life =ud Tlxnes of Victoria b-y Dorotthy Marshal (beauti- fully tllustrated biography> ,ne Naked Cildren by Daniel Fader (Cleo's ïgang "teaches" the auther why they wyon't learn in the ghetto school) lie D-oomesday B3ook by' Gordonl R. Tai'or (why we are makifig our pianet uninhabitable) Orville Chatterton ELIECMRCAL CONTRA4CTING ELEcJRJCEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO Cards Gift Wrap Easter IMoulds Eggs ORONO, ONT. AA Ai Elmer's Garage r TEXACO SERVICE Mvil St.North, reno phone 993-5120 Homýîe phione 987-5167 Fltd" , Eyoit Sx te Twelv,-e by Eitphants Cun Remember by Agatha Christie (aIn ercule Poiet story) A Game et Statues by Aunie Sgtevenson <mystery <ojnance) Tales of Nelteris by Patronellù. Johnston (Indfian folklore)' Miracle Fabries by FAsworth Newcomb and Hugh Kenny froni cotton and w'ool to the mn made fabrics of today) Insulin by B. S. Liebel MD. The Snoopy, Corne Home Movie Book by Charles Schuiz EASY READING and PICTUBE BOOKS- Th e Run, Jump, Bump Book by Robert Broioks Old Mother Hubbard and fier Dog by Evaline -Ness (deliglit- fulîly illustrated). Madeleine Iladley Fr.. PariIat by Alla4 JLawrence, M.P. Northumberland - Durham I amn sure that these of yen who follow national affairs share my conceru abouît what bas béen going on, oir more correctly, what bas not been going on, in Ottawa these past several weeks. For many of us in Parliamient It has been an extrcmely frustrat- ing time. To be fair to the Liber- ai members of the flouse of Coni-. mons, I think,:there are manv of thema who slare, the concern of, those of us in the Conservative Party about the present state of our country. But unfortunafrly, the Libernls dion't seem ,ta be able to dIo inything about it. This is noit a very plýeasant. time for ayn in Canada.Un- emp~~ayment IstIi a living night- DX SERVICE STATIOI Highway 35 andi 115, just north ef Newcetle Featuring: Preminni Quality ProdUi -At The Most Reasonable1 N ~~~--ï I- valable inany qat Phone 98,1.421e worls but carït find jb. Th rate of inflation aj$lezrs t<> ýe liiing almost beyond anyone's control. Thlat ia frlghtenig everyone, but jparticularlr to those eider per- sons on fîxed incemes, mho wateh the purchasing, power o, thecir carefully sqved dollars; shinlc a- ayday by day. And av the end resuijt of ifain we have, a rost or living crisis whI1h grows worse wlth each week's grocery bi-h. 1 equld. be accu'sed of crying' dcorn and gloom, 'but 1 don't thi.nk I will be. I belleve the3e matters are worrying ail thinking Canadiens. There is a feeling of concern, despair and bafflement in thle ialld . . . bafflement be- cause no one se'rns ,to be doing anything, and the situation is continuing to deteoriorate. 1 think thý't muich of the lNaine for this, must co f0 the Trudeau _______f. qymrnmn ; Wf1 . +I'.- lions 1 have àesýcribed anid the M people of Canada cry out for ac- tion, the Trudeau govern ment lias done' vfrtuaIlynothing since et$ Parliament bas been ini session it bas passed only one minor gpiece of legisiation - an aed ran~t 10 the Pilotage Act -a véèry mjInor p)iece. ofleiato considering ,i the ' tte 'Of tf I 'k ceuntry.. But thlat is ail the con, Crete leg4slaýtiOn Paý.rliament bas ld~d. here as be nmuch talk by thew Trujeau goveruhmet "fuil otof,àuiid and ftfry, but sIc- nifinzg hotbhiii,'" as 6aha1ç-esspeazx once put it. And the governmmet bas encouraged debate on e nlýMber of maitters whiic4, while quite sgiiificant, bave nôrel bearing on the nmain cnc , tns of the people of Canada at the Pr&a- ent îiw2e. We have discussed capital, PUfr ishmeut, but the governmect' bas't brought Îts bill to a votct .We have discussed Viet Nam, (Continued on page 5) Cal) jour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractoe whd, sels, instali s and guaraneo c A RMAlN puLUMBINC. AND'IIEATING *" ~5~q: A . Oxford BItICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIffiIAUL Phone 983-5606 Specializing lnu ail ldnds of STONEWORK and * FIREPLACES We aise do chimneV Repairs M_-