ORONO wEEKLy TIMES, WFJDNIý$DAY, APEJL 4th. W93 Or*» .àtu&Oim Le,. a. t. Lon.j M.TI. SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 1973 *rono ÛUmted 4,nrcii: Church Sehool 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Message: The Fifth Wbrd from theCroQss. "l Thirst". Gro(up participation with the Min- IssCe r. Chureh Membership meeting 7:00 pm. Friday in the Friend- -ship room. KEY' 73 Bible Study on Monday evenintg at 8:00 p.m. in the Main R1al. Everyone welcome. Plan now to attend the Interde- nominational KEY' 73 Faith Fes;- tival in Mýus;ic Sunday afternoorl July 15, 1973, Orono Fair Grounds of the Durham Central Agcricul- tural Society. Klrby Unitedi Church: Worship tSýrvice - 9:45 a.m. Church Sehool - 11:00 a.m.. -Dial A Thought 983-9151 8OB YEOMANS PLUMBING and I EATING 24 Hour Service New installations . -Alterations Repairs Specla lallg B ot Water Hlc e agtlng Fored Air Reatlng Septie Tank- Wonk RL.1, Orono, 983-5624 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establisheti 1869 Regular Sunday Worshtp Service, - 10:00- a.n. Roty Communion- FIrst andi Third Sundays Mornlng Prayer- Second and" Fourt-h Sundays, Boly Baptlsn by appointint wth Rector 987-4145 The Rev. H. Rabert Hayne, B.,A'.LP. L.TII. CUSTOM.M1ADE DRAPES CAIPET by Hardlng %and Crosley Wai4wl-tl or Area Rags Complet. lineofe Kitehen Carpet Hardaurf ueo F. A. Kranîp Furiiture Ltd. 37 - 41 Kug St. East Phone 623-71071 FroEstiniates Decoratiig Servie REALTrOR " KlngSt., E. BOWMANVLLE When BuyLug' or SelIlng eu WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA RE PRESENTATi'E 983-5274 member etof shnaaandi Di3- bendal News After the ec(,tric stornis andi ,'pilshowecrs of Sunday ;and Mondàay it was indeeti a suLrprise oa April 3rd ta awaken t-o a "Riobin" winter. Tbe snow lay several inee deep on the round andi every tree and, rail fence wa.- festooned with snow andi more fallin& On Miio),day evening Key 73 met in Kendal church with a good representation f(om Orono, 1irby, Newtonvil]e and Kendal. The meeting openedt witb a hynn accompanied by mrs. H. Lowery at the piano). Planis were made Vo havé, a sacred music festival in the Orono Fair Grou-nds on Jly 15th in the afternoon. It is hoped that local groups miOht îtake part. Perhaps an accordian player rnight lead the singiing of a few numbers. A guitar groUP could lead a few numb"rs. The bag pipes wiuld give varîety. If you have any suggestions, con- tact Mr. Ray Dickson of Orono. We hope that' other ehurches of thbe area will 'co-ýoPerate in thlis event. Then Key 73 will have a fifteen foot boothl at 'orono Fair in September., Posters, illustrat- ing the issý,ionary w'ork of the churce l thrIds, perhaps slides andi re-ligious books will be a few of t-be things. plannet. Come along and belp us plan at the next meeting in Kîrby on May 7th. .Mr. Frank Manning is going abead with bisý plans for building a new bouse on bis tobacco fa>zn e.st f the village, former- ly the Allen Foster tobacco farmn. Tbe Kendal' Women's Insti'ate met. Wednesday, Mareh 28 ir '1 e borne of Mrs. Carl Lancý'l The, meeting opened witb ILiew Ode, The minutes were read à-d adopted and the- financial report given. Roll caîl: Wby does Canada at- tract people (rom other countries Motto: A different world can not be matie by indifferent peo- ple. Eve-ry priviledýge carnies re- The convenor of Citizenship and Education, Mrs. R. Foster, chose as her topie, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. ,This police force is one bundred years olti this year. Sir John A. Ma(-, donald dlecideti to senti 300 men to %Outbern -Manitoba in 1873 Vo be known7i as the North West Mounteti Police. On .JUly lOth they begýan their famlous west- wai-d march. They increased, in numnber b.s3tine passed to a force of 1200 mcn. During World, War One 1914-_1918 they went ta war and l;eft only 300 ta carry on hi okat home. ln 1904 they were giver, the prefix Royal by Kinlg Edwýarti'Vii. They shareti Ille guard honlour at the Coron- ation (of King. George V in LoAn- don. Affer the wvar the force grew in niumber ta 12,000 men, wh, Stijl do a wonderful work in Can- ada of rnaintaiiig law anti order. A tuPPerwai'Ie party is ta be helti at the home of Mrs. Wm. R-oy on _April 18th. AIR members are invitedi. The District Annual is ay 9 at Newtonville. Plans, are mlade ta go on a bus tnip ta the fahric centre April 17 in TùrqoItO. penny Collection was taken. A tasty lunch was serveti by Mrs. E.Corn and our hostess. Penny Sale May 12. (LOU) MOUTHS àDON'T HA',VE TO WORRY ABC)T A SHORTAGE OF FOOD, THEY USJALLY HAVE JO~ EAT THEIR WORDS. ORO TWSN Pham 9834M OM FiRCM P4AILMENT BILL (ContUnue4 froua page 4) but thle goverumenit wouldi't permit M.P. to vote. We beiýard the budget speeichlie a mon-th ago, but we' are stiUl waitbiig ta debate ee ht lg~ain covering the most signijlîcant «-; pects of the budget. lnýcredib!Y, orne measures from lawt Year's. budget, on the tax for 197-2, have y et ta pass parlianent and be- corne law. We i*n the' Conservative Party have on several occasions plead- ed with this 'governinent to bring forward its policies and lgsa tien to help the country throughi its curyent crisis.-We have offe- Baggy Jeai Il New Bagg;,y Jeans Cuff s i.Frtrel ald CI Checks and i paids in dominate shades of~ navy, Brown and burgî Waist sizes 28 to Priced freni $4.98 $1s * 8 cd t,) ilMiût debate, zmd a&Sist the 40vern4ient bý. stoppklg the talk- Ing. The only aiànwe' weu get (rom,, Mr. Trudeau and his L\,inisters là peýrlaps a wisecrack. or ivori e stili, in this situation, dcafuuiLng silence 'Whien I first arrived i Par-Ja- ment Iasýt January 1 was fnclineid tao think that pecrhaps Mr. Trud- c auj was q yn a waiti-ng gaine that hje vanted us to stake out aur positions, then he would mave i drarniaticýally Nwith bis owvn plan of attack.' Weil, the Conserratîve Party bas stlak d out its position. We have toid the people of Canada what ive would do Vo help thein out of this *enmcclsis. Uut stili the o enntis sUent, asM ttiee ùonihbae gone by. T1i'lb T, deau governent is a "dono- ing' government; so far titis ss sin, this Pariament has been "do notbig" Parliament. It is quite apparent ta nie, a I hope it is Vo you, that the oyl>, way the pcopie of Canada wil geý- any action at Ottawa is b.y Mi& ing the Trudeau gavenmnt oft its apathy, and replacing i, the eris opportunity iwith e, Conservative administration ei, by eobrt Stanfield, which ýçviV- govern effectively, for the goooé lý ail Canada. not just certain reg-. ions &f it. Men"'s Ties See Our new stock of Men's Tics styleti by Currie. Geometric designs, sculptured stripes and soliti shades ta coordinate with ail of the popular shades in shirts. cotton apre- blue, ýandy. 36 Boys' and Girls' T-Shirts Now is the time ta choose short siceve T-Shfirts framn a gooti selection for summer. Several styles and col- ours for boys and girls lu Infant size, 2 Vo 3x, 4 to 6x aié 8 ta 12 years. PRICED FROM -------- $1.25 ta $4,v,0 Nylon. Zipper front, flaredles Navy, red, powder býue andi green. Sizes 2 ta 3x yas Swea.ters for Infants ad Todilers A new stock of Sweaters anti Sweater Sets for babies lii sizes 6 ta 24 months. Also Pullovers andi Cardfigans, lu sizeus 2 ta 3x years. Cute styles with puif sleeves as well as sleveless shrinks. PRICED FBOM -------- $2.25 Vo $4.25 *A.L. MARTIN SENIOR' I LATEX PLAT(e'~O2 a gallon SALE PR! 5,9 GALLON SEMI GLS (Regular $12.45 a gallon)* SALE PRICE $ ,9GALLON Cam be tint.ed to hundreds of popular shades at a smtill extra charge. Rolph Dominion Hardware Phone 983-5207 Oreno, Ontario $3.00 to $4.00 PRICED FROM PRICED EACH AT