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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1973, p. 1

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Letz arcotics St t by Carole Ordonez Last W "- ' tirme for the Library-sponsored lecture was drugs and the ir related issues. Dr. Grant Coulsocn,,a psychoiogist from the Oshawa-Whity. area, spoko o an audience of aduits and teenagers on the subject sud during thec evening brought out many interesting points, some admitediy controversiai. His main point throughout was thà-t most people take drugs and VOLUME 37, NUMBER 13 related stimulants of some forin sud uained the-e as the products knroxv as Drîstan, Bromno Seitzer, AIka Setszer, Caffeine, Alcohol, barbituates, ricoltin, aspirin, val- ium, etc. He, brougbt out the f act tNý ail.of the :e, 'and a multitude of other drugs, produce side ef- fects iucludiug headache.3, nausca etc. NoV frequently. mentioued and kuowu is that many such drugs 'destroy natural. vitamins ia the ,body sud thereby reduce the body's natural efficiency in cur- ing itself. Ho told those s audience Vo go home a:d' o away the drugs in their t cabinets. Dr. Coulsou cited many ksac os and statisties cf great i~~r est ýtoo numerous V o mention iwre. Ho uphold tbe op-'ihion that the me6dia badly misrepresents the facts with regard te drllga and' as .a resuit paints a picturel iu the minds of the average per- ORONO WEEKLY TIMFS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL llth, 1973 Alex Carruthears M.P.P. Again'Clarke Library Wvriýtes On Regional Theme Restrîietnring of Local Goveru- ment East of Meitro With the alternative plans Vto flie govrnmout's proposai for the restructurîng of local govern- ment east of Metro now, having been submittod, the Ministry and citizens of the affected ares. are now in a position by comparing and. analyzing the viewpoints Vo reach s decision as o the best form. of governmnt for this Lakeshore Region. IV is perhaps appropriate, there or, at this time Vo review the un- derlying prinsiures and 'object- ives of the governinent's proposai in ordor that au intelligentcom- parison can be made with the ~various alternative plans. One of the issues that bas re- éeived a great deal of discussion bas been the linking of theý Dia- mourd'Triangle Arýes wýith 01C region o the ws, cldn O)shuwa. Whitby and Pickering. On a number Of occasions M1r. Irvine, M.P.P., bas outlined the reasons for includiug the Dia- mond Triangle la tho region sud these could -ho defined as f ol- lows: i. Urbanization is a major fýactor lu Ontarlo and in order Vo preveut the experieuce of the 1 uticipalities west of Metro, it Is necssary o cotrol the growtii which is now becoming most ap- parent lu the whol ies from Pickering ou the west o Cobourg on the east. 2. The ares west of Metro is saturatccd, sud the growth Vo the eatof Metro bas now become sigifcat.There is a real dang- er that ui.less there is pianned coutrollod growth iu thoexhole ares, Darlington, Carke snd IHope _TownshipS wiil develop as- sub- urban bedroom communjitios, and the type of suburban 'develoP- ment which bas1 enguifed the Liberals Seeking Federad Candidteq The Northumberlanld snd Dur- hamn Liberal Association are cur- rently in the market for a candi- date to contest the riding lu the next federai election. The local Association feels that the chances of winning is improviug as esch day passes but that a lot of bard work îs necessary Vo regain the Nortbumbelamd sud Durhamn rid- îng for the Liberal Party. Mn., Shirley Jobuston of Port Hlope lias beon elected president fol-igthe resignatien of Mr. Roeor Kirk7patr-ick. Har-y Wade of Nevecasýtlo aselected tviee- preriý 1aon t four direct- ors, ilhaciaio ckoC Gordo"Breu1&d& - - d Don Wiais o f Cobo"ri and Stewart lior of PortIFlop". Mr. ion Good romains as soc- retary witb Mr. Harry 1'aacDou- aid as treasurer. M,1r. Houoy who was defeated in the last election wîll noV ho seelçin~g re-election being recent- ly appointed a judge. municipalities of Cooksvilie, Streetsvilie sud Port Credit' may eassly embrace Bowmanvilie, NewcastVe, Port Hope and Cob- ourg snd croate s megalopolis stretching -sine one huudred miles. 3. If the municipalities of the Diamoud Triangle are exciuded £romn the rogion, la the opinion of the governmnent, hey will have no influence ou, or control over the advancing urban sprawi, which is 110W se ovident, if the proposa is for, developinent iu the adjoiuing ares are examined care- fully.' 4. The assessinent of the west- ern ares froin Pickering east to the boundary of Dariingtou is aprproximately $1,500,000,000. In comarionthe assessinent of the Unted Counties is approximately $700,000,QO0., or about haif that of the western ares. It -is feit that this large reserveir cf assessment Vo the West eau play a major role la providing the revenue Vo meet regional costs sud add very .,gnificaritly Vo tihe total as-ess- ment sud economie base of the ares inciuding planning, arteriai roads, social services, etc. 5. The pattern of adverse de- velopinont indicates that Darling- ton Township, which has hrough restrictive by-iaws, been able Vo cantrol developmeut, is now lu real danger of being by-passed sud being faced wîth major de- velopinent both to the west sud to the east. IV hs a simîlar type of cheokerboard activity that took place west of Toronto where de- veiopmeut first moved laVe Oak- ville, sud forced the iuterveniug muaicipalities Vo accept the ur- ban sprawl. 6. Frein a goverumeut point of view, iV is foît nocessary that Oshawa and the ares Vo the west be included lu the region, -for witliout the luterest of this ares, urbaii sud commuter growth wilI ho f orced farther sud farther to the east. Without an interest Oshawa sud the region Vo the wost wouid have littIe conceru as Vo what happened in the way of deveopinent over the borders iu Darlington. 7. Port Hope sud Cobourg must deveiop as a seif-contained ares retaiuing its identitv. Iu order Vo onsuro hs, it la uecessary that s green boit comprisiug osst Dailington, Clarke and Hope Townships bo established. Such au ares, while haviug moderato growth, wil bc deprived 'of maj- or industrial assessment, and miust be assured that if the as- sessment is net Vo increase r citb- or shall taxe's. As regiersi costsý are suread o'er the s hoe reg- 1ie s"growth area tVo the ssest g pcrowth a' "s 5o ihecaSrt a ll hi gh level of inJUstri,1 cori-al assessieut vil at- i-ca d bh"s<a a iP lrr iesof the regionai ce s. TI'îe Port Hope-Cobour.g ares bas net threýcssary ecenomie base snd assessment te provide tbis com- pensation, Iu order Vo proteet port Hope sud Cobourg, thero- (Contintied on page 4) Shelve Paperbacks Has a new Paperback Rack, with dozens of new books for our junior and young aduit reacters. For our Peanuts fans, ail the latest fun with Charlie Brown and Snoopy. For our T.V. viewers the. Partcridge Family, Get Smart, Room 222 and Archie and his gang. We have something for everyone, if you want to be scar- ed we bave Ghost and Horror stories, or visit Outer Space and Underwiater. We have stories of romance, adventure, racing, ani- mais, today's scene and many, nlany more. Happy reading. AN EMBARRASSING MOMENT Th e Orno - Clarke Fire Depart- ment on Sunday afternoon when calied to a grass fire on the Les- kard road were somnewhat embar- rassed when it took the mainpowý- or of somne seven or eighit fire- fighters to get the, firt truck, mo- bile. A dead battery did not respond to fire the motor and the depart- ment was temporarily irjmobile uitîl the men put their shoulder to the truck pushing it out of the fire hall onto the streot. With enough momentuin the truck was pushcd into gear and started to carry on it's duty. The firemen were quick to re- spond to the problem n sd only a few moments were wasted in get ting the machine to roll. The department also answered a eall to the Sheli station at Eu- terprise on, Sunday for a grass fire as well as a grass fire Mon- day, late afternoon, on the pro- perty of Mr. I. Tamblyn just off the Taunton road. Concil Arcepts Clerks Resignation The Couicil of the Township -of Clarke accepted the resignation of the clerk, Mr. Bruce Collins, at their April 3rd meeting as of April 6th. A further motion was also car- ried -in that, Mr. Collins would ho paid in lieu of holidays in pro- portion Vo the number of days worked froin January at the rate of 2 per cent of this salary amount. A motion presented by the deputy-reeve Kirk Entwisle and G. Heykoop that a former resolu- tien authorizing a pay increase Vo the clerk of $50000 per an- tnom bc aop'oved to delete Mr. Collins name from the resolu- tion, vvas defeate:d and ruled out of erder by the reeve. Depu'y cvne Fntwislle and (o-~i~1r lV ooi pe~riela molo i c csssd i.iti h Le xc , authbo ized io preent emaîddatcs te Councilifor inter- vew for th(_, position of Clark Administrator with ail possible speed. As of thîs date no official move bas been made by council iu appointing -an acting or full- trne clerk. Such duties appear in limbo at the present turne. son which is noin-realistie. He saXi t ;t . _ g , knov this. -,f;It A; ongly that projudice ui-a a direct resu1t of a misin- f xm d public, and tried duririg the cvenIng to set the record strýýght. Lie' pvnted out that our pros- lI t sysU-un forces drUg abusers t,ý brc-re cr-minais aieo. Ho stated that crime would net ho n' cessa:ry if drugs wýre legalized He rerninded the listeners that tho underworld dees net want diuýgs lcgalized as it's a good source 0_II (f income at the oxpense of the users sund the non-users. Tliose who cleal in drugs illegally use the, poice and the misinform- ed public Vo enforce and insure their market lu rdrugs, keeping the price ridiculously inflsted. Rec said that for some resson we have' a society that, bas some 1,500 people now dead from drug abuse In New York City alone afraid to -change that figure to maybe three through the logaliz- aion of drugs. The Docto -r reminded the audi- ence that the pro sent society is drug orientated but that hoe saýw favourable, signs of, this chang- ing. I-T said that for somne reason our society feels it must have happiness and painlessness con- tinually amd therefore seeks pis to, attain this fairy tale stateý of excistence. Ho says that the ad- vertisers would have the public beleive that it's not supposed to over geV depressed, or ired, or anxious, that it's suppose to, be in a continuai state of happiness. Ho çonfirmed that happiness was desirable but certainly not as a continuai state sud nervousnoss and depression were normal stat- os of living. Pulls, drugs, etc. are-ý unuatural substances and hoe stat- cd make us worso, not botter as the media would have us think. For jinterest sake, hoe asked the audience te count the number of ron'mnerciais on televisi;on tfor- di-ugs in thoir varied foims lu- ciuding alcohol. A startling fact hoï brought to the 10<4-tUT wasthe uripubhcized deaths ca.uF(ed1by drug interaction whîch occur ini snd out of, hospit- ai-,. Hoeuprsd the audience with the statistic that ýone-third of the d 'eaths which occur in hosý pitals are oausod by drug inter- action,, that is Vo say, bv two dif- feront types of drogs being, ad- miuistered to one Patient, a'nd both trying to take effect despite the 'other, to the eventuai destruc- tion of the body itself. Ho fur- ther stated that most of the at- tempted suicides lu Whitby Psy- chiatric, whore hoe. aiso works, take place while the person is under the influence of prescribed miedicine. Again, with regard to drug abusers, deaths usuaily re- suit not from n overdose of oee specifie drug but rather froin drug interaction. Ho pointed ont that most serlous abusers are multiple abusers takiug more than one type of drug. He inforin- ed his listeners that while some drugs can pili froin overdoses, imost canriot. Furthermore, net 1ail are habit forming. CLOýSING11,PORTIONS 0F 'ROADS IN TUE VILLAGE9 0F ORONOlq At their April 3rd meeting th, Council of the Towship of Cak pave two readings to a by la--, i which they intend to close Sec- tiong of or ail of six road allow- ances in the Police Village of Oroio. Alil closings are of sections of roads3 not 110W in use. One section cf ra losn wiIl clear up titie to a roaýd :al iowance which will all6w th.e construction of the second el This section is in the arca oi-flice maii pond South of the village. The other sections are ILsted ini an advertisemont appearing ini this, issue of the Orono Turnes. For those wh'o were interested in seekîig out the, facts, he ree- omrnended highly, two publica- tions, Licit and llicit Drugs, pub- lished by Little and' Brown, and Mystification of ]Drug Abuse, 1y the Editors of Consumer Reports. publi$hed by Harper anid Row and' written by Henry L.ý Leu- nard and Associates. He'said that rio ore is really ini touch witk realit*, particularly those theor- ists at the top, and encouraged the readlng of those books as a step toward understandiçng th*- problemn as it actually exists an4- flot as what it has heen ekploded to be. Dr. Coulson feit that sOcietY'u moral ideas were upside down. Ho said that we worry over con- sorship with regard to violernce and sex and than asked the aud- ience if they had ever hear'd Of anything being cênsored because it, was dishonest. He said that our society makes sure its chîldron knows math but doesn't fol-1owf through with teaching thein hum- an relations. Ho stress;ed the -f act that our present pattern of living has to bo changed, alog ith the way the putblie iîs used ltolokn at things. Ho added that gettbng aiong with poople was roally simple and he had found. that anyone he tried to, treat wîll vinuld try to treat him well ira refurn. r.Coulsoni further contribut- cd the, suggesýtion that soecty take the time and make the ef- fort to relax itseli the nauralý wa.He said that moments al>ne thinking about the things that bother a person helps. once the sifted Qut froin the mind, he suggested that a person set about to change the pattorn, whieh has created and ,fed the existing problom. Whîle it M'Y take a little more turne and effort than 11popping a pili or takinig a drink", its effect will beo lasting and character building, creating self reliance rather than depend- ence. Ho further stressed that11 atin4ý right was one of the most important things that the public could do to gain rel.1,tion and well-being. When well ovor 50% Of tha people in a society have prob- lemns with living and soek mnedi- cation from doctors to alleviate (Contlnued page 4) Some Treels Stili Available If you own two or r' acres of land, oxcu'u y & i-idns lu Ontario, non' is x to purchase Ire;frisir' le seven Govr-' - at Dryden, lane s, atka St, Vi' sorrscd by the or-inra ptnu. The treQ e11ïe, year &ld seedliugs about 12 luches lu heiglit sud are heing sold -on s fb-st-come, first-servcd' basls. The minimumî order isý 50 trees for $5.00, One houssnd trocs or more sel] for ton dollars per thousand. The purchaser is res;pousible- for bis own patigas tm ia- istry canot make anlyfrhr arrange2ments ferpauig ti spriug under theWodadlm provemieut Act. For further irformien ,mon de- 1'.îry, Ce-t a- ýd p1aitugmeh o p p-eecoat orlcl t-ry of N-ý l Rsure Ofi r' ln tbe Lindsay arscnat Ministry of Natural eoucs 322 Kent StreetWsV Lindssy, Ontario. Phone: 324-121 or the Troc Nursery at Orono, Ontarlo, Phono: 983-914'7 or 983-9148.

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