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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1973, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMlS, WEINESDAY, APRIL Ilt>', 1973~ Kjrby News AlU roa Ibr at ing.bsl9is ilitda nApril 5 th and l Sc le 'his gadagtr Barbera on hbe arriv,,aI of a baby boy, 9 lbs., Mirs. Kcni Shackleton anid r vstdwith ber parenti, mr. and Mrs. W. Allian on Thurs- à ;ay. 1fr. and Mrs. Harold Rainsb)crry 11,1Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Rans-ý lbýerry attend cd the funennl of >thcr U liMr. Lorne LaRush ln* 'T<omtü last Monday. AIr. axidIr Clarence Allin, WQdil, viit.d Ibis parenits, ýl&r a j r3. Wm. Alu!n on SUID- Miss bodaHendersoi and Septic Tank Service B~ OU£ SERVICU LORNE HARDY Looka". nat Pi..9841W Suidiig a Hanse? Floyd fickolsou VAN-IA % ile and of45ii cýPrN 7 PAYS AWBK You necd -nreyer buy a-n'Ot her muff ler again. erifor, as long as y.u 0" the. car, wlth fre. lusSalla leu at 6M ibopslu North> CutnPipe beDffing for forelgn, antiqueand Amer- les. made Cars Wc Inta! iers for a living t abetter lob. >~ ~..S mcmet. "aOSHa4AWA 116 Bond St. We friends from Toronto,' spelit tic week-end witih Mfr. and Mrs. K, Hecnderson-, and vsitied Mr. and Mrý. lHarold Ransharry. Miss Donna Cochranie, Scarbor- ough and Mr. Ken Thomas, Thorn Hlli were weckend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane and Miss Susan 13a11, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mfr. *and Mrs. Ken Eall. Mis. Pauline Boyd and Debbie are: attending a- shower- for Miss Carol Chatten of Oshawa in- Osh- avwa on Thursday cvening. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, of ,WhiLbýy, visitecl ber parents, Mfr. and Mh'. Lawrence e-Iarkis on Fvdyevening. Kirby U.C.W. field their month- !y meeting on April-1th. Mrs. Grace RPeid opened the meeting witb a Caili to Worship). A hYmon wias sung followed by the Lord's prayer. DoenStewart rcad the minutes of the last meetin1g and Roll Call was taken. "Thank You' notes wei-c rend fromi Mrs. Low- cry and thic Indian Centre MIe re- ecived an invitation to Newcastle on April î8th at 7.30 to their Easter, meeting. The Presbyterlal Conference is to be hcld at Kings view, Oshawa, on April 24 and 25. There is to be a rummnage sale and lunch ion May 9th. It was also announced there is Éo be a musi- cal on Sunday afternooni, July 15 spousored by Key '73 beld at the Agricuiltural Fair Grounds in Or- ono. After a hyImn and the Bene- diction Joan impson demonstra- ted Yoga followed by lunch ser- ved biy liarabara andi Neta. Mns. Kay Chapman w- ,ýith daughter Amanda Chapin England arrived home on after a three week holid England. Amanda is houi withliher grandparents for weeks. OBITUARY.------ J. HurtweIIlo After an illness of sev-eral1 James Harts cli Lowery, son o£ the late John Lowei Ellen Jane Powers, diec Marchi 13, 1973 at Memoria pital, Bowmnvýille, ii5 ycar. Born on Lot 8, Conces, north of Kendai, 'he spes eât'ly years on the home except for one ycar in T and one year overseas. On July 28, 1921 he ar E. Catherne, Cochrane. I spring of 1927 he moved f arm north of- Kirby whE resided until he retired à: to live in Kirby. Besides bis love for thi Hartwell was very interes, Township and communityi A member of Clarke To, councîl for ten ycars, he wa ted Warden o the United tics in 1953 and was pre with a Life Membcrship cate in the Former Wardei sociation at bis Golden W Annivcrsary on July 28, 1I He wns an Uonouirary dent of Clarke TlownshIip P sive Conçervativc As"ociatii An ardent Orangeman fo sixty ycars, he was a Past of Kendal L.O.L. No. 405, missing a meeting, a Past of the District, County anc let Chapter Lodges, and. a ber of the Royal Black 1 tory, No. :7ý98. Tyrone,. E also a Past Master of LocigeA.F. and A.M. No.3 a member of Palestïine C No. 249, Bowmanvýille. The deceas;ed was a1 and fervent member of Ki nited Cburcb, serving oi Board and for manv year s tcacher of the Young F Sunday School Cass Lcft to mourn the los, loved one are his wife,1 LyaIl and viEcBetia, foi x îs.John and Jetmes and D)ore'ýn. Gordc Marjorie, Lloyd and Darla, grand cblidren. seven grand cl,-ldren ard -'everal and nephews with th"ir fi He was predeceescd by ti ters, Ethel (Mrs. Samuel and Itazel (Mrs. Albert I andi a brother, Bsel On March l6th funeral S were conducteçt -by bis Rcv. Basil Long, et irb keudol News Thle farmers- are, busy on the land. Cattie sold et a higb pnice at thejî sale on "Kendal, Valley Farm" on Saturday ia spite of the beef boycott duringthe wcck. Land le changing hands and "Fold' signs are appearing on tho Sixth Uine. 1fr. G. Turner bas purchascd the stone bouse fnom Mr. Lowry. Mrs. Mildred Falls bas becri visiting with bier son, 1fr. and'Mrs Len Fals for tho past two weeks. Mrs. A. Downes, Mrs. H. Sker- ratt, _Mrs. T. Stevens, Mrs. Jack Cerscadden and Mers. G. Cathcart att.ended the elcventh' annuel meeting of the Oshawa Presby- tonal United ('urch Momen- in Trinity United Church, Bowman- vilùn Apil 4th The U.C.W. of Kendal met et (he oi omef Mrs. G. Cathcart on April 5th wvith ton, ladies present. The president Ms A. Downes opened the meeting wbthi a poem enttlcd "The Perfect Cburch." The(,ftho ladies sang a new hymu entitled "The Perfect Church." Thie minutes wero read and two lettens. one from Newfoundland telling of the mnissio'nany work there ti bosp)itals, onphanages and prisons. The other fnom An- goba, Africa, Mifss Etta Snow seid that bocause of the extreme pov- erty (bore Is inot enough to send both boys and girls to school. The boys a re given (ho preference and the girls are left bohind. iOur live-love gift helps (o give the girls a chance et school. Ekpenses for organ repairs, grand- $39.00, for Key 73 books, $6.00. an oe' Mrs. Hl. Poster nioved that thtis Friday be paid. Carried. Offerlng $8.00. loy in Mrs, J. Carscadden rend the daying scrlpture Mark 8: vrsosý34-38.* three On April 18 Dr. Service, who bas been a mnissionary ti India, speaks in Newcastle. 0O, April 20, Mrs. M. Down, presideat of Oshawa Preshyterial, speaks in Newtonville. ieryI On May 22 wc are to spl seven loaves of bread made into monlths sandwiches for the Fred Victor eldest Msso. ,ry and Mlrs. A. Downes gave a. fine ac-- d on ef2unt of the Dictures shown by al Ios* lYTiýs Darlene Van ('amfp on In- s 8th dia ln Orono. India, is a land of 1 extremes. There arc beautiful sion 8 rn1ii on spacbous grounds nt bis with beautiful flower gardens. Sfarma Then there are very small buts 7orointo crowded cbosely together. Most labour is donc by hand. People rarried travel by bus or train, roads are n the narrow and impassable in the to the rainy season. Twio per cent of the: ere hoepeople are Christian. ni 1962 Mrs. T. Stevens told of the an- nual meeting in Trinity Churcb, ie sol, Bowmanville. It was most inspir- ted. in ing. Mrs. E. White had rcported aff airs. a good' missionary year. Rev. R. )wasbip C. Plant said the people "of Brazil, as elcc- were ready to go to prison for Count- tbeicir faith. escnled Mrs. A. Low gave as ber rol Certifi- caîl, "Wbat docs Joy mean to ns' As you? One said the words of our ïcdding Lord, "Lo 1 am withyou always," 971. meant Christian Joy to bier. A Presi- visitor said, "WVhcn one delivers rogres- 'Meaîs on Wheels,' it gives one 'a ion. feeling of joy." Another said or over "Joy was barmony among people. Master Love tby neigbbour." A smile, a rarelY word, visitlng a shut-in might be, Master joy to the gvr A Scar- Then 1\1rs. Low read' an article a mcmn- entitled "Joy - The Christian Ex-_ Pcrcep- pierieties." in the Word Joy, the le ws'Y' stands for Jesus. Jesuis said 0Orono11 "Tha!t Imy Joy nigbt remain in, 25 ad you, anci thalt your Joy lght be "O" stands; for othèers, Love one faitbful another. "Y" - y;ourself, lest. Jes- rbyU us first, others second, yourself aÎ th1e last. At the end wý,e hope to heer ;as the "Wcll donc good and faitliful ser- Peoples' ;s of a brother The maov bcautiful floral tri- ,r soas butes and Uic large concourse of Velma, friends and neighbours prescrit on iand attested ttoi th,* esteem in which eleven the deceased was heid. great Palîbearers were William B oyd, 1 nieces Richard Morton, R~eid Gochrai#e, -amilies. Lawrence Harris, Reg. Elliott and two sis- Clarence Allun. Flowers bearers Sonrle) were John .cKoXlvey, John Nie- ýorton) jenhluis, Donald Tonnant, James ievcsArtKen fflnderson, Haol Pestor, IBoyd.. Ohurch, - Interment in> Oro.noc oseteXy. CLARKE itIGIl NEWS The weather sure surprised us Iast week. One neyer knew what to expect; but itse at 9U percent o~f the Uirne it wvas raining. Or. Mo'nday, April 2, 1973 (the day after April Fûool's) a ne w club was started. After scbool people w'.- w"nOu; cv,ýLid -play badminton or ping pong. It seemed as though ever,ail éï-- joyed themselves. Also on Mon- day anter new club was start- cd, at Clairke. The persaon t ýachiqig the Ecology mini-course bad so many people attending that it was decided to start an Ecology Club, On Friday the -club spoînsor- cd a film. to wbich miany peopie attended. vant, enter thou into~ the joy of thy Lord." Lunch was providcd by Mrs. J. Stapletoyn. The next meeting at Miss- C., Stewart's May- Zne. On Tuesdoy the boys'voly hall teamis had their regular prac-... tise. I think that, it's very comi- l.ýabLe that- these teams Can have so much spirit while the stutnt body shows a vcry small amount. On Wednesday the gymnastics . dtheir regular practice with a good attendance. The af- "-ýx announcements stated J1 Iim Blaker,, Grace Van Nife jenhuis and Art Groot had Stod third ln ail of Canada when th.oy wrote the, junior math Con- ticst. 1 think that we should al be proud of these students for ý%,okig so bard for their school. On Thursdlay, the volleyball teams travelled to Norwood for a tournrrment. The senior came first and the juniors came second. This ended a very suiccessful season for Clarke. more news iiext week., Diane Barnett The Council 0Of The Munîcipality 0f The Township 0f Clark. NOTICE The Condil of tho Muncipallty of the Township of Clarke hereby give notice that Jt intends to Pa'" a JIylaw te close or stopup the Road A41owances in the Village of Orooo within the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, foilowlng, that isteosay: 1. Ail of Village Lot One (1) formlng part of the original Road Allomance hetween Concessions Four (4) and Five (5) across Township Lot Twenty-nine (29) accordlng te C. G{. Uanidg's ,Il o f the said Village o0f Orono, to- gether with par'ts of ,the aforesaid Road Allowance, al within the sai Township of Clarke, more particularly described as folows:. C(YMMENCING at the South-Westerly angle of Village Lot Eight (8) 'i Block "B", according to C. G. Ranning's Plan 0of the said Village of Orono;, TIEINCE South 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West aloing the Southerly fimit of said Township lot 29 ln, the Fifth Concession, being the Northerly limit of thie Rond Allowvance, a distance of 895.45 feet te the point of inter- section with a. fence niarking the existing Easterly limit of a traveleil road running Southerly; TIIENCE South 36 degrees 47 minutes East lu the Une of the said fence a distance of 69.43 feetmore or-less te the point of intersection with the Northîy linit of Lot 29 in the Fourth Concessi.on of the said Township of Clarke; TIIENCE North 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along the last mentioned lirait, being the Southeriy lirait of the said Road Ailowance, a distanice of 872.96 feet more orless to the point of intersection with a line drawn on a course of South 17 degrees 53 minutes East from the point of commencement. THENCE North 17, degrees 53 minutes West a distance of 66.feet more qr less to the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT 2. Ail of the original Street Allowance lying between Blocks Eight (8) and Nine (9) according to C. G.,Hanning's Plan o~f the said Village of O1rono, being part of the original Township Lot Twenty-nine' (29) in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Clarke;. 3. Ail of the original Street Reserve lying between Village Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block "U1", according te C. G. Hanning's Plan of thesaid Village of, Qrono, extend- ing from the Easterly, limit of MiU Street te the Westerly lim-it of Chure>' Street; 4. Al of' the original Street Reserve Iying between Block Four (4) and Block Tlirteen <13> according te C. G. Rani. ulngs'c Flan ~of the said Village of Orono, extending fromn the Easterly limit .of, ill» Street to the Easterly Iinits of the Village Lot Svmiteen (17), Rear R-arge, Block 4, and Village Lot Eihteen (18) Rear Range, Block 13; 5. Alil of the original Street Reserve lying between Block Thirteen (13> -and Block Ton (10) according te C. G. Han- nlng's Plan of the said Village of QrQIno extending from the lEasterly lUmt o Milil Street te the Easterly limit o!6f the Village Lot' Twenty-two (22), Rear Range, Block- 13 and Village Lot 23ditear R~ange, Block' 10, SAVING ANDÛ EXCEPTTNG THFEREOUT AND THEREFROM that part of the aforesaid Street Reserve that lies within the lands more particplarly 4esignatedl as Part Two (2) according to plai, despQs~i-tin the Registry Office for the Regis- tri. Division 0f .»urham iWestas Nuinber N21630, 6. Part of Princess' Street andl part of an unnamed Street Easterly adjacent to Block' "G"I accordirg to C. G. Han- ia's lan~ of thxe said Village of Orono, and more parti- cularly designatedl as Part>s Four (4), Five (5), Six (6> and Sevn () gpcording te the Reference Plan deposited j" thie Rngitry office for the Registry Division of Durham West as nuiler 10 R,. AND -TASE NOTICE that any lnterested party desiring te mn>'.eWpclimor 4te oppose the. said By-L w w!Hb. heurd in peron or y proxy at te mçetng oU, theé 5 i-Couil eb. t,'-4 ,in thie,. TownshiPlp Il at ,,Orono, -Ontario* on tho 15th4 ýday of May. 197,1 at the 'io!ir of 730 o'eilock in, the evening. Qated thils 0th day of April, i4973. B. W» -Colgns, ,A.Mi.C.T. Cleir-Adm#dstrator,

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