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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1973, p. 2

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orono weekly ti'mes Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Onono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 Subscription: $300 per year in advance Over the past couple of weeks there bas questioning been speculation that the Port Hope - Cobourg plan a dep~ anea would be separated fromn any Oshawa listen to tÈ regional area. Last week's report by Alex found. "Ali Carruthens should surely dispel this thought one local p as he again pointed f0 the benefits of regional not suffice. anea from.Pickering f0 east of Cobourg. His and the gr, report gave no hint of a split in the province's their effort proposai. for sound a Little bas been offered in any of the briefs A propos from the Port Hope - Cobourg area of a governmeni substantial nature that would change the The Huhi( proposai of the province. in reality The United Counties bief is weak factualîy informative wich is nevealed when it makes companisons f00 small to ini the field of representation f0, population. by the prov The comparison is poorly taken, and lacks Fnom this depth of thought. thepnovinc The Warden, Weston Bannister, bas been does rem. reported to state thaf the Counties Bief was Bowmanvill not received too enfhusiatically. And well if in an area should nof have been. sîze, andz The County plan is almosf a continuation of inter-relate( the status quo in the counties. its fies are The Input brief 2073 is idealistîc thnoughout that it will f with pienty of surface dressing. Upon should be, THE FARM MYSTIQUE ,Shorni of the mystique of the land,'is the family farm different from the family fruit store, the family weldîng shop or the family panfs pressing business? t seems so. Finance Minister John Turner, wifh a vigorous shove from the Conservatives and New Democrats, bas just accpeted a second change from the original intention of the 1972 fax neform bill and said, in effect, thaf the family farm will be exempt from capital gains fax if if changes hands -- in any circumnstances -- betwteen fttther and child. So, the family farm is different. Whefher if ought to be is another matter. This is preferentiai treatment for one fonm of small business. Moreover, whateven -evenue is lost as a nesult of if will have f0 be made up clsewbere -- from the family fruite store, among others. There is another point here. If somefimes has been cifed as a virtue of mi nority Parliaments that théy are responsive. However, whaf bas happended in this case is that two parties which. draw much of their support fromn farm areas have combined f0 persuade the government f0 infroduce an inequity info the fax system. The famiiy farm shouid be treated as any other small business should be treated as the famiiy farm, which is perhaps the better proposition. Letter to the editor Dear Sir: - A copy of the Orono Weekly Times was forwarded f0 me recently. I read your editoria. "If the Boot Fits - We Shoukd Wear t. " and agreed with you that the problem of garbage is not only Toronto's problem: but of every village and f own in the Province of Ontario. I was present at the Counci] meetiniz of Hope TownshiD You need neyer buy another muffler aga in! *Midas Mufflers- are guaranteed for as long as you own the car, with free installa- tion at 600 shops ia North Amerira. SCustom pipe bending for foreigu, antique and Ameican made cars. We instail mufflers for a living. We have. to do a better job. Meet yeur Midas men at O0%SHAWA 116 Bond St. W Phone 576-8111 Keith Tregunna, Brian Ishil, Terry Sutcliffe when fhey were asked if if was possible f0 have containers set up in a centralarea f0 neceive ncwspapers, fin cans, and glass containers. Recycling was discussed because we know Port Hope and Hope Tqwnship both have this, I .probicm fo face in the near future., Local residents have been coilecting fheir newspapers i.for ycars for, the local Boy Scout Onganization. Some re- sidents of fhe anea take their boffles f0 Scarborough for rccyeling. At the present time the District Council of Boy Scouts in Port Hjope and Mrs. D. MCoi, member of H.O.P.E. Citizens Gnoup are looking into the feasibility of collect- ing glass botties and seliing them for recycling. Is if selfîsh f0 wish f0 preserve this lovely ýsite of hemlocks, white birch, and pine? Two trouf streams originafe in this area. Ahl the surrounding farms and resi- dents use wells for, their source-of water'. The values have alneady dccreased because of the fhreat of this dump in oun township. Yours truly Mrs. K. Ashby Junior gardeners Onono Junior Gardeners held their second meeting on April 10 in the Upper C.E. room of the chunch. Thene was alovely bouquet of pussywii- lows, violets, hepaficas and daffodils on the table as well as some Johnny-Jump-Ups. There were twenty infenest- cd children present. Mns. Zegus was in charge of the meeting which opened by repeafing the Junior Garden- ens Cneed in unison and singing Olanda and God Save Orono WVeekly Times Wed. April l8th, 197-32 $450 - U.S.A. ýat the Orono Town meeting the pth of realism.Certainly we must te idealisfs but reality must be ice'in Wonderland" schemes, as poltician called Project 2073, are The presentation was professional roup are to be congratulated for 'but this does flot provide a basis and good government. sai of Project 2073 of a one-tier nt may have a lot of menit.. cki plan, promoted by Cobourg, is ythe most constructive and ,e but it encompasses an area far ,be considered as a regional area wince. icorner we can see no reason \Why ie would change its proposai. Lt iain that Clarke, Darlington, le and Newcastle should be united tmunicipality. It having suitable assessmenf and being an area d in many ways. If this area, with to be unifed there is then no doubt be joined with Oshawa... or at leasf so joined wifh Oshawa. You were asking'? ?'? "You were asking"' is to, be an historical column in the Times whereby the reader may seek information on the history of Clarke Township and Orono, and its residents. Mrs. Helen Schmid, who bas possibly made the most exten- sive study of local history will complete the answers, where possible, and these answers to your questions will appear in this column in a later issue. Send your questions either f0: Orono Weekly Times P.O. Box 209 Mrs. E. Schmid, Orono DID YOU KNOW???? In the year 1868 there were 150 students enrolled in a f hree-room school lil Orono which brought fhe class sizes f0 around fif ty. The fhree room school was consfructed in 1857 whcn the Village was populafed wifh 800 people oniy f hree hunidred-less than'today. The school'of 1857 was the firsf formai school in Orono alfhough if is neporfed thaf a form of education was pre- viousiy given in a frame school -near the site of the present oid cemefery af the end of Church Street nonth. By 1884,the average atten- dance of the school had dnopped to 114. The second school to be builf in Orono was in 1915 and this building wifh it s addi- tions was tori down in 1972 f0 make way for the present new jublic school. Don'f forget if you want an inswer on the hisfory of the ommunify fry this column. t nay prove intercsting. t heQueen. The prize lisf for the May Flower was handed ouf to be put in fheir folders. Slips were given ouf ofr the children f0 take home, asking permission f0 have-a garden or.planter this summer. These slips are f0 be signed by the parents and neturned f0 the May 8 meeting. Mn. E. James showed the chiidren nature slides of various wiid flowers, birds, pond scenes, becs worki 'ng in flowers, and in the hive, green and whit e trilliums, looking down a tunties thnoat and fthe four seaso ns taken at one place north of Lcskard. The children eagerly asked questions and told some of their own expeniences. Mns. Zegus wenf over the pnize list giving the children pointers for arnanging thein flowens, more will be given at the next meeting. The meeting closed with the childnen nepcating the Junior Gandeners Prayer. Ahcorne. be mypartner Pictured above are Mr. and Townson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robent John Taylor Mrs. Charles Townson of whose marniage took place in Ciarke arnd Mr. Taylor is the Newcastle United Church on sone of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Friday March 16th, 1973. Mrs. Taylor of Orono. Tayvlor is the former Coîlen Heather lodge A mosf intenesting meeting was held in Orono 100.OF. hall Tuesday Aprij 10. The occasion being th e officiai visit of Sister Mavis Siafer, President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Sister Carole Boyd, Noble Grand conducted the meeting assisted by Sister Isabelle Timm, Vice Grand. Officers and members of Maybelle Lodge, Pont Penny joined with: Heather Lodge for this import- ant event. Disfinguished guests who were introduced and weicom- cd were: Sisten Mavis Siater-President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ont ario. Sister Margaret Duckworth Vice President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Sisten Grave Love - Warden of the Rebekah Assembiy of Ontario. Sister D aisy UJdeli Inside Guardian of the Reb1ekah Assemhly of Ontario. Sisten Pearl Peacock-District Dcputy President of 'District No.8, Oshawa E. Brother Harny Wadc Grand Wardcn of the Grand Lodge of Ont ario. Brother Gondon Lamonth -Dis fneft Depufy Grand Master of District No. 41. Sisten Mac Allen Secretary of Heather Lodge nead min- utes of the last, regular meeting aiso Sister Lucille Gray, Secretary of Maybelle Lodge read the minutes of their last regular meeting. Upon request of the, Presid- cnt. the Vice Grand of Heather and the Vice Grand of Maybelle gave their respect- ive reports of the lasf two weeks' activity and a report of ail the wonk of the visifing comMittèe since installation hast Octoben. Both reports wene excellent showing the committees have been very husy sending cheeny greefings treats, flowers, congnatualt- ions and condolences also personally visiting may sheet- i. Sister Betty Major, P.N.G AS REPRESENTATIVE, RE PORTED ON ATTENDJNG THE District meeting in Oshawa on April 4th, when Sister Alpha Sammels, Pont Perry, was infroduced as the in-coming District Deputy President. Sister Allen read a most interesfing letter fnomn Heafh- ers' adopted Korean 'Child. She is now about f0 graduate into intermediate school. As a Lodge we are very pnoud of ber as she is working under difficulties, we sincerely hope she will be able f0 finish ber schooling and fake up the vocation of her choice. If is gratifying f0 know that it is possible f0 hclp even one child f0 develop. An invitation was received fromOshawa Lodge No.3 to heip celebrafe their 92nd birfhday party on Wedncsday April 25th. Also an invitation from Ganaraska Lodge, Port Hope to attend thein 6th binthday on Apnil 30. Maybeile Lodge officers prescntcd a stony about '-Tafers' f0 demonstrate the story they had potatoes beaut- ifuuly dressed depicting each chanacter, Hesi-tateIýs; Com- mon-fafers; Imi-taters; agi- ,ýOW Orono Towing GENERAL REPAI1RS Phone 983-5249 Onono William C. Hall, B. Comme Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY New Service Take-Out' CHIÇKEN and CHIPS ail size orders M&M VARIETY Phone 983-9291 VENEZIA RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and 35 'kmile south of Oroao, PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meals Also Week-End Specials Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY, Leskard, Ontario Phone 983-5728 Building a House? or remoderning your, -present one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Oron'o

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