On March 30, 1973 a young couple arrived at their home in the Kendal area in Clarke Township. They were met by a man with a rifle who handcuf- fed them and tied them up. They were kept in this manner until early Saturday morning, March 31, 1973 when they escaped. The suspect is described a being 29 to 30 years of age, 180 to 190 lbs., 5'10" to 5'l1", heavy build, scar beside his lef t eye. He was wearing a red toque, dark drown corduroy jacket with white fleece lining, green work pants and black rubber boots with the tops rolled down. Anyone having information concerning the identity of this man is asked to contact the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle 987-4060. Any information supplied would be kept strictly confi- dential. Following is a com- posite drawing of the suspect from description supplied by the victims involved. WHEN W EEILYPAY Madwomenof CHEQUES MUST - sTReTcH our, Chaillot The sounds of laughter ar applause echoed through Box manville High School th M/EY weekend as members of th IrCFà UTBowmanville Drama Worl ýha r-snpl..nn lin Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE 1ill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 nd ýw- is he k- snop presented jean Girau- doux's "The Madwomen of Chaillot." Over 700 people attended the Thursday, Friday, and Satur- day evening performances. Set in modern Paris, the play opened to reveal a plot to destroy the city in order to capitalize on a sea of oi flowing beneath Paris. Brian Stainton, Keith Jack- son Merrill Brown and Lyn Lowry gave convincingly ar- rogant protrayals of the mon- ey hungry prospector, corpor- ation president, board direct- or and stock broker. They ultimately met their end, however, at the hands of the Countess Aurelia, the "Mad- women of Chaillot." The Countess is assisted by 16 assorted characters, rang- ing from Alex Kovaloff, in a skillful portrayal of a deaf mute, to the three other "madwomen," Jean Sheridan Wynne Wonnacott and Cathy Godfrey. STRONG MAD WOMAN Doreen Kitney gave a com- mendable -portrayal of "The Madwoman of Chaillot" - bringing out the strong comic lines of Giraudoux's play, while attempting to convey the message of the play, that those who believe in the goodness, honesty and the beauty of life are sometimes considered made by "normal" people. Danny Hanewich and Kathy Coverly, as Pierre and Irma, were able to portray the "innocence" of the two young characters. Much credit has to be given to Clarke High School teacher John Amesbury, whose skill and professionalism went a long way in making the character of the ragpicker one of the most outstanding roles in the play. A member of the Bowman- ville Drama Workshop since 1963, Mr. Amesbury co-direct- ed the play production with actress Wynne Wonnacott. As the curtain closed on Saturday's performance, three months of practice and preparation came to a satisfy- ing end. by Oshawa Times CA1REER EXPO AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Plans are well under way in preparation for Career Expo '73 to be held at Bowmanville High School on Wednesday, May 9. The Guidance Heads of Blackstock, Clarke, Courtice and Bowmanville High Scho- ols are combining their efforts to contact many resource people from industry, com- merce, government, profess- ional and service areas. Many occupational areas will be Kendalnews Last week-end was the best one for some time. The nights were below freezing and the days bright and sunny ideal for a trip to the sugar bush. We understand a great number went to the sugar bush a mile south of Millbrook for pancak es and maple syrup. There was a fine Sunday morning service at Kendal United Church on Palm Sun- day. The choir sang "It was alone the Saviour died." The new hymn books were dedicated by Rev. T. Snel- grove to the memory of Miss Selena Thertell, Mr. WM. Jackson, Mr. Hatcher Foster, and Mr. Truman Garbutt. We hope to use these new hymn books on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Walsh of Barrie visted with her mother Mrs. M.E. Foster and the other Foster families on Sunday. Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. WM. Turansky on April 10 with twn members present. This meet- ing was open for the election of officers. The same officers were re instated with the exception of the secretary. Mrs. Turansky volunteered to fill that position to relieve Mrs. A. Low who has worked hard as secretary for several years. Plans were made for the Penny Sale on May 12. The District Annual is May 9 in Newtonville this year. Lunch was ,served by Mrs. C. Langstaff, Mrs. T. Gosson and our hostess. A vote of thanks was tendered our hostess. The next meeting will be May 16 at the home of Mrs, G. Cathcart. A bus trip to Toronto is planned for September by the Kendal Institute. A number of Kendal ladies plan to go to Toronto on April 17 with the ladies of Shiloh. Mr. Fred Winn has been in Bowmanville Hospital a week at the time of writing suffering from pains in his chest. We wish him a speedy receovery. On Wednesday evening April il a shower was held at the home of Mrs. George Mercer to honour Miss Arlene Walker bride to be of Mr. Doug Mercer. Her home is in Toronto. The hostesses were Mrs. Brian Foster and Mrs. Doug Walker. Many lovely gifts were received and a dainty lunch was served. Mr. David Mercer spent last week in Oshawa Hospital with a severe finger injury receiv- ed while at work in the Newcastle Box factory where he is einployed. We hope it will make a complete recovery7. Visitors with Mrs. Clarence Thertell last week end were her brother Mr. and Mrs Jack represented by men and women knowledgeable about their field of work. Events such as this career fair are designed to acquaint students with segments of the world of work as well as to stimulate an early examinat- ion of their vocational inter- ests and plans. Career Expo '73 will run during the day when the students of the district second- ary and senior grades will have the opportunity to attend As well, there will be evening hours for parents and students who wish to return. The Bowmanville service clubs are assisting as in Career Expo '71 in providing resource personnel and hos- pitality for the many out-of town guests. Career Expo '71 attracted over 4,000 students and par- ents and- with the greater space potential at the new Bowmanville High School, this year's event promises to be even better than the last one. OronoWeekly Timi Up and down the bookstacks ADULT Teaching "Montessori" in the Home by Elizabeth Hainstock (classroom activities that a parent can do in the home) Baneful Domination by Glen Frankfurter (why Canada is under "domination" by other countries) Home Bakeb6ok of "Natural" Breads and Goodies by Sandra and Brue Sandler (Grandma's way of baking with natural and organic food NOT store bought) A Study of History by Arnold Blodgett and her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans, and son Mark. Mrs. Harry Farrow (nee Leona Thertell) attended Ken al church on Sunday with Mrs. Harvey Farrow. Toynbee (brilliant study of history and beautifully illustr- ated) A Rabble of Rebels by John Creasey as Gordon Ashe (suspense) The Best of Friends by Joy Fielding (best seller) JUNIOR, Moose Live Here by Iremen- garde Eberle Simple Printing Methods by Jean Cross (making prints on paper) Everything About Easter Rabbits by Wittnud Roser (do Easter Rabbits lay eggs?) The Blind Connemara by C.W. Anderson (horse story) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS - Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats Wild and Tame Animals by Dahlov Ipear Madeline Hadely DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT- 9 p.m. to 1:00; a.m. FEATURING THE CABALLEROS This fine dance band from Cobourg returns for a Grand Follow-Up at toù Euttbj @uen - FULLY LICENSED - Informai - Plenty of Parking Complimentary late Snack NO COVER NO MINIMUM tIU Euttb ©be3n 983-5001 for reservations HAMILTON TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION PAYS YOU HIGH E ST INT EREST On Guaranteed Investment Certificates GIC's Are Fully Guaranteed Term Deposîts for Periods of 1 - 5 years for CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR or 69 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 1 1-416-360-1770 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Why Pay More? Save'Money! ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL DIESEL OIL STOVE OIL Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL 0L For Prompt Courteous Service Call Us Today aEmping Show TRUCK CAMPERS TENT TRAILERS, Etc. at MacDonald Ford on May 4th - 5th IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF GRAVEL CALL HALE ORDER NOW! 786-2972 LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES 4 Wed. April 18th, 1913