Kendal news Let us cengratulate the Orono Times on the splendid edition they put eut iast week April l8th. Pictures, cartoons items et interest ail geod. Daniel Carscadden son et Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Carscad- den had an operatien for appendicitis in Peterborough Hospital last week. A fine Easter service was held in Kendal United Church on Sunday morning. The choir sang, "Were you there when they crucitied my Lord?" Rev. T. Snelgreve chose as his subject, "The wenderful surprises et God." Mr. Brinkman is making preparations for, building a new house on the south east corner et the farmn where Mr. Deug Moffat is located oppos- ite A. Thompson gate. Seme of the Kendai folk went te Newcastle on Wednes- day evening 'te hear Dr. Service tell et his visits to India. He showed us a picutre of a fine hespital which was badly needed but was geing te have te be closed because et a shertage et water. Then seme- one said, "There are twe broken down well-drilling machines in a certain valley.' Se word' was sent te Canada for twe technicians Who under- stood well drilling equipment. They arrived and sometime later the hespital had- a deep well and plenty et water. Five Kendal ladies attended the Good Friday service at Newtonville when Mrs. Marg- aret Downs was the guest speaker. M iss Beth Brennan et Sarnia was visiting with her borther and family Mr. and Mrs. R. Brennan for the Easter week-end. The Council Of, The Municipality 0f The Township 0f Clarke NOTICE -1 The Counicil of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke herehy give notice that it intends to pass a, By- Law to close or stop-up the Itoad Allowiances in the Vill- age ofOroro wïthin the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, fellowing that is te say: L. Ail of Village Lot One (1) forming part ef the original Road Aliowance between Concessions Four (4) and Five (5) across Township Lot Twenty-nine (29) according te C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, te- gether with-, parts ef the aforesaid Rond Allowance, ail withiin the said Township of Clarke, more partlcularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South-Westerly angle of Vilage Lot -Eight (8) in Block "B", according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orone; THENCE South 71, degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West along the Southerly limit ot sald Township Lot 29 la thes Fitth Concession, being the Northerly limiteoftthe Read Ailowance, a distance of 895.45 teet te the point of Inter- section with a fence marking the existing Easterly limit of a traveiled road running Souitherly;l TRENCE South 36 degrees 47 minutes East lu the the sald fence a distance of 69.43 teet more or less to the point of intersection with the' Northly limit et Lot 29 in the Fourth Concession ef the sald Township et Clarke-; THENCE North 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along the last mentioned limit, being the Southerly limit et the said Road Allowance, a distance ot 872.96 feet more or les. to the peint ot intersection with a Ilie drawn on a course of South 17 degrees 53 minutes East front the point of commencement. THENCE North Î7 degrees 53 minutes West a distance ef 66 feet more.or less te the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT Ail et the original Street Allowance lylng between Blecks Eight (8) and Nine (9) according te C. G. Hannln's Plan et the said Village et Orono, being part et the original Township Lot Twenty-nine (29) in the Fifth Concession et the Township et Clarke; 3. Ail et the original Street Reserve, lying between Village Lots Three (3) and Four (4) 'in Block 11U", according te C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village et Orono, extend- lng frem the Easterly limit et Mill Street to the Westerly limit et Church Street; Ail et the original Street Reserve iying between Block Four (4) and Block Thirteen (13) according te C. G. Han- ning's Plan et the said -Village et Orouo, extending trom the Easterly Bruit et Mill Street te the Easterly limits et the Village Lot Seventeen (17), Rear Range, Biock'4, and Village Lot Eighteen (18) Rear Range, Bleck 13; 5. Ail et the original Street Reserve lying 'between Block Thirteen (13) and..Block Ten (10) according to C. G. Han- ning's Plan et the said Village et Orono extending frem the Easterly limit et Miii Street te the Easterly limit et the Village Lot'Twenty-two (22), Rear Range, Block 13 and Village Lot 23, Bear Range, Block 10, SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREOUT, AND THEREFROM that part et the aforesaid Street Reserve that lies within the lands more particularly designated as Part Two (2) according te a plan desposited in the Registry Office fer the Regis- try Division et Durham West as Number N21630, S. Part et Princess Street and part et an, urmamed Street Easterly adjacent te Block "'G" accordlmg. te C. G. Han- ning's Plan et the said Village et Orono, and more parti- cularly designated as Parts Four (4), Five (5), Six (6> and Seven (7) according te the Reterence Plan deposlted' in the Registry office for the Registry Division et Durham West as number 10 R. AND TARE NOTICE thnt any interested party desir- irg te make dlaim or to oppose the said ByLaw wiil be heard la person or by prezy at the meeting et the said CouncilIto be held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ont-. on the lSth day et MaY, 1973, at the heur et 7:30 o'clock Mu the evenrng. Dated thla 6th day et April, 1973. B. w. coffins, AMC.T. Cerk-Administrator, et the MunlcipalitY. Mr. and Mrs. John Hellebust and tamily visited with the Steven's tamily. Their son Mr. and- Mrs. Jim Stevens et Guelph'spent Easter wee-end at the tarm. A successfui tupperware party was held at the home et Mrs. Wm., Hey on Wednes day April l8th the 'Points will buy articles for the Peeny Sale on May l2th. Up and down the bookstacks APRIL 26th, 1973 ADULT Please, Say Please by Eliza- beth Post (cemmon sense guide te bringing up your child) Must the Seas Die? by Colin Moorcraft (pollution, everkill- ing marine lite, how can we stop it?) Better Business Communica- tien by Dennis Murphy Cucumbers in a Flowerpot by Alice Skelsey (ne need for a large plot of garden te, grow vegetables) The Elusive Mrs. Pullifax by Dorothy Gilman (latest ad- ventures et "Grandma" and the CI.A.) Flo*ier et Ethiopia by Isobel Chace (romance) JUNIOR Communication by Muriel Affleck and Katherine Ther- rien (using your senses) Ail About Aquariums by Earl Schneider The Talking Cat by Natalie' Savage (Carlson stories ef French Canada) Mrs. Frisby and. the Rats ef NIMH by Robert ?'Brien (1972 Newberry Award Medal win- ner) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Elephant Buttons by Noriko Ueno Haif for You by Meyer Azaad Madeleine Hadiey Pr ivate road (from page 1) could put a lock on a gate and control the road. Later in the meeting council supported a recemmendation by the Planning Board that ne change be made in the by-4aws' te permit building permits for these particular preperties. The ewners àgreed te have the private road graded and te keep it upl.' Mr. Jan O'Chenski aise spoke te ceuncil asking that seme action be taken in regards his property 'in the fifth concession. He said he had heard nothing froifi ceun- cil since their meeting éarly in January. Reeve Woedy'ard feit that -events would change by the first et the week. In the correspondence it was learned that the O.M.B. will held a hearing in Orono May llth in regards te, the rezoning application of Mr. N. Dyriew se that he could build a motel-restaurant complex at the third line et Clarke at 115 highway. Ceuncil alse granted an extension et six menths te, the Senior Citizens Association as regards the purchase et Town- ship Park lands, west et Orono for a'senior citizens develop- ment. Hale's Disposai Service in- formed council by letter that councils',otter et an increase et $500.00 for the use et the Hale Disposal area was net adequate and unacceptable. Reeve Woodyard recom- mended that counceil meet with Mr. Hale at their next meeting. WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN? .Georing (trom page 1) made andi the diam construct- ed. Mr. Georing speke oet the Here and there AID OFFICER Millbrook - Laverne Gibson et Millbroek has been elected as president et the 1973 board et directers et the Northumber- land - Durham Children's Aid Society. Mrs. G. B. Riekard et Bowmanville will serve as board secretary. Fred Elli ott, Enniskillen, was convicted et breaking into cottagesin Clarke, Darlington and Manvers, during October, November and December 1972. He was sentenced te nine months definite and three menths indefinite on each conviction. The sentences are te run concurrently. The crown had asked for a jail sentence for protection te cottage owners and as a deterrent te others. His brother, Harold Elliott 27,o etf 537 Howard St., Oshawa, whe faces the same charges, failed te appear in court and a bench warrent has been.îssued for his arrest. BODY WASHES UP ON RICE'LAKE SHORE Last Wednesday a body of a man abeut 30 was taken from Rice Lake. t is believed the body was bound and gagged. A, post merten was cenducted te determine cause of death. COBOURG TAXES DROP TEN MILLS Additional Provincial grants paid te Cobourg have been turned over te the taxpayers in a cut et taxes by ten, milîs. To- a resident assessed at $3000 the tax reduction will be $30.00. areas as they were away from the centres of populations causing problems of travel. The speaker aise informed his audience that in England it had been feund that natural cured tebacco had very littie affect on a human's life yet we still continue te, use tobacce which has been flue-cured. "When will we ever learn", he said., Mr. Geering spoke briefly on our conveniences teday and referred te the electric tooth brush, can openers and ethers as censumers of our natural resources and engery which is depleating at an alarming rate. He said there was ne single solution but feit that we should become slightly more bene- volent in what we try te improve. We have te oceorne more educated towards those, thins about us, he said. s>-Y Habitant PEA SOUP ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. WED., APRIL 25th, 1973 - 3 $1,000,000 ESTIMATED COST FOR WATER EXTENSION .An èngineering report est- imated the cost ef expansion te the Port Hope water system te be in the neighbourhood et $1,000,000. Mayor Wladyka stated there are already 600 building lots in Port Hope waiting for water te be able te be developed. BROWN RETAIN USE 0F SCHOOL The Brewn's' Community group threugh a resolution et the Northumberland and Dur- ham Board et Education wili retain the use et Brown's schoel for cemmunîty use for at least another year. Tîme to plant: SHADE TREES Birch Clumps Mountain Ash Flowering Shrubs Crimson King Maples Etc. OPEN 8 a.m. te 8p.m. MONDAY through SATURDAY RICHARDSON FARMS Highway 35-1/ mile north et Pontypool PHONE 705-277-2312 "Tender Juicy" Young, Ontarie fer Roasting (tenderlein Peortiený L INL a 3-31/2 ILag à OluRKLB. "l1t's the Flaveur that ceunts" LB. LOIN PORKCHOPS $1.09 "Yeu Save Twice with Trim and Price" BLADE STEAKS $1.08 "BURNS" Small Link SAUSAGE Redeem your coupon - G. F. MEALMAKE R7 oz. .49c Beef Noodle, Tomate Cheese Mac., Chili Cheese, Rice Orient. 1Green Giant 12 ounce tins, Niblet CORN 4 for $1.00: Risc 'N Shine 3'/4 oz pkgs. ORANGE Crystals 5for.73c Nabob Roasted COF FE E Alien's - from cencentrate Ora nge JUICE i IL..89C 48 fi. ezs. 48 oz. .38c (Beef & Perk) lb. .75c White'or Red GRAPEFRUIT JUICY FLORIDA Yen will enjoy them 8.for .79c. Chunksof Beef- - FREEZER SPEC UAL RED BRAND APPROX. 70 Ibs. l b. .83c Cut and Wrapped Phone 983-5201 228 oz. tins for .55c. Y S ASHION LONG'S CENTRE. Main Street ORONO Phone 983-9354 FASHRION, A, complete uine'of Summer Fashion Fabrieés and sewing Supplies -in Our New Fabrie Section OPENING APRIL 30TH Heinz KETCHUP, il oz. .31c CO0R NU1S HlS + Orono