Local news, Mr. Edgar Middleton was a patient in the Bowmanville Hospital. last week, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Grahamn Kingston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge 4b+ ~?Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. Orono United Church: Worship service - 1l a.m. Church School - 10 a.m. KEY 73 Study, Group Monday 8 p.m. in the Friendship >Roomn. Kirby UnitedI Church; Worship 'service - 9:45 Church School1 - 11.00 a.m., DiaI-A-Thought 983-9151 aBob Yeman Plumbing, and Heating 24 Hour Service New installations' Alteratîoi s Repairs Speciahizing In Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating SepticTank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service -.10:00 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Hioly Baptismn by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.TII. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Hlarding and Crosley Wall-to-Wall or Area Rugs Compolete Une of Kitchen. Carpet, Hardsuî faces F. A-., Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37- 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowmanville Free Esti mates- Decorating .Service JACK 1RI 1CA RD"P REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Kimmett, Trenton visited on Suinday with. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and Warren. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Miss Lynn Little Kendal,, Mr. and Mrs Jim Little and daughter, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Neal and ,daui!hters. Port Granby. Mrs. Ray Carleton septn several days last week with her sister in Ottawa. SMrs. Elsie Kelly, "Sunset Lodge", BoWmanville visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mrs. -Hilda Wood, Bowmanville spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cooper. Last Wednesday evening at the Orono Public School the feature was music on the presentation of the School's Spring Concett by ahl the students. Each class in the school presented musical numbers as well as the Junior and Senior Choirs and the school band. The entire program. was greatly enjoyable by the capacity audience for the evening performance and a good afternoon performance. The Easter Service at Orono United Church was a musical treat to all who attended. The Angelic voices of the Orono Public School Choir added much to the service. The choir was directed by Mr. A. Caldwell and Mrs. Fran Lunn with Mr. Doug Dewell at the piano. Also enjoyed as always was the Hi-C Group singing, accompanied by Ralph De- Jonge and Paul Staples on guitars. Thé Easter message by Rev. Long with group participation was very mean- ingful and was the climax of the pre-Easter services whîch have been taking place for the last several Sundays. Mrs. E.L. Gilbank, Miss Donna and Mr. David Gilbank Orono, Mrs'. H. G. Freeman, Maple Grove, spent the holi- day weekend with the formers daughter'and family, Dr. and Mrs. Rager Nagarajan- and Delphine of, Grçensburgh, 0ýennsylvania, U.S.A. Kirby news .Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris for Richards 3rd birth- day, were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sears, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hawke and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Deug and Chiarles. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Low- ery and family Scarborough, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. H. Lowery. Mrs. A. Harris and Mrs. Mabel Williams Bowmaniville spent Sunday with Mr. anîd Mrs. Lawrence Harris. ý: There was a real good time out on Saturday evening at the card,.party at Kirby school. There were 14 tables of Euchre. Wayne Yonge was the lucky wînner of the door prize donated and made by Mrs. Ian Glder. Rhonda Johnson was High lady1 with the prize denated by Rolphs Hardware. E. Caswell was high man prize donated by Raymond Chap- man. Low lady Norma Moffatt prize donated by Joan Gimb- litt and low man Argus Curtis pize donated by Irene Brandt hanks again ta all who donated the lovely prizes and the lunch. They expect to be holding another paty next month. Bicycle Orono dump under fisrebut no smoke A letter from the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources has put a damper on its Orono disposal area. The damper states no more incineration of garbage after May lst. The letter pointed out that on three visits to the dump not once was the, proper proce- dure being carried out and that as a result burning was to be discontinued.11 During the discussion Mr, Partner said he had repeated- ly asked that it be handled Hiire Secretary Mrs. Sharp of Orono was appointed secretary for the Orono Police Trustees at their regular meeting on Monday. Duties for the new secretary are to commence May lst. .A complaint was received from' Mrs. James Major cancernîng a dead tree oin the neighbouring property. The Trustees, are- to contact the owner to have the tree remeved. Mrs. Dora Plain noted in a letter that for seventeen years she had requested correction of drainage at her residence in Orono. The Trustees agreed to see what could be done. R. Forrester stated that it was a problem of where the water was to go. "You would only be dumping it on someone else," he said. RED CROSS'CANVASS COLLECTS $550. The District- Red Cross Branch is pleased to report that a total of $550. was collected during the recent canvass in, Orono, Kirby Kendal, Leskard and the surreunding area. The Branch Executive are grateful to th e people, of this commnunity for their financial support. This successful canvass wauld not have been possible without the. help of the following; Mrs. L.. Lower, MrÉ. -A. Loucks, Mrs. R. Youngman and the members of the Orono Girl Guides unde r the leadership, of Mrs. A. Heard, Chrstine Benedict, Wendy Heard, Bonny, Rahm, Karen Atkins, Beverley Barr, Kerry-Lynn Grady,, Janice Heard, Ingrid and Rosemany Schmegner, Beth Nixon, Nancy- Tregunna, RoseMarie Tax, Laurie West,, Monika Kenzelman, Tina Pieters, Jane Forbes. These girls are te be commnended for their interest and concern in their community. Worshio Service - il :15 LOCAL HOLSTEIN 18 SUPERIOR-PRODUCER .Tamlane Statesman Spot, a purebred Hostein cow in the heard of Tamlane Farms, Orono, has recently been awarded a Superior.Product- ion certificate by thel-Hoîstein- Friesian Association of Can- ,ada. As a seven-year old in 305 days on twice - a - day milking' she produced.22,488 lbs. milk containing 975 lbs. fat, aver- age test 4.34 percent butterfat, which is a Breed Class Average of 189 percent for milk and 223 percent for fat. Continued on test for 336 days she produced 23,114 lbs. mîlk containing 1005 lbs. fat (4.35 percent), for which she receiv- cd her certificate. She is classified Very Good for type. CATHtJMARn WeII Drilling correctly bt it appeared useless. R. Forrester said there, had always been a problem and ne doubt the dump would be closed out sometime in future. Mr. Simpson, said the operatian benefîted some financially and there should be concern. Mr. Partner was authorized to contact the Ministry and -if arrangements could not be campleted that, the Trustees meet ta, further discuss the preblem and make necessary arrangements if necessary. Human growth The. Human Growth and Development Council is ýa volunteer group of interested ratepayers and teachers in Northumberland and Durham Counties. The Couincil was formed in the Fali of 1971 in respanse ta a concern for the number ef young people turning ta, drugs and alcohol. Claude Fitzgibbon, Port Hope, bas been the chaîrman' af the Council since its beginning-. School Board members and officiaIs, repre- sentatives from the Children's Aid Society, Health Unit, Ministerial Association, Re- creatian Committees, School Committees and others have attended the meetings regular ]y. Parents, teachers- and students have attended meet- ing interest ta them. The council first has a series of meetings with Ministry of Education Offîcials and. two workshops. From this came the approach 'that the most. effective way te help young people cape. with these pre- blems was *ta hellp themi become more understanding of themselves, their strengths, biases, and skills in decision making. The Council then set _put, 4 objectives: 1) Ta develop a Kindergarten - Grade 13 curriculum that would stress decision-making. and attitude formation. 2) To encourage in-service training of teachers sa that the curriculum guidelines will be understood and imnplemented. 3) To encourage community invalvement in the work of the Council. 4) To encourage a program of remediation that will take into account crisis situations. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WED., APRiL zsth, 1973 - 5 Oronlo horse -sets 1973 canadian r ecord sait.ýi A four year old gelding raised and owned byý Law- rence Hooey of Orono won the first leg of the, Can-Am featuire racing at Blue Bonnet, Mon- treal on Saturday. Muddy George driven by Keith Waples mon the $9,500.00 race in a time of 1.59.4 which is the fastest record of any Canadian horse so far in'1973. Mdy erge_races jn_ Buffalo this coming Friday evening. HOUSEHOLD HINT Cake Decorations - The small fry will love to help ybu with this one! Use a plastic mustard container ta squeeze frosting on cakes, cookies, etc. Easy and attractive! PUBLIC .NOTICE TOWNSHU1POQF CLARKE CHANGE TO DAYL.IGHT.SAVI-NG TIME The Council of the Township of Clarke have issued a proclamation requesting citizens to change to daylight saving time on Sunday, 'April 29, 1973. Therefore, citizens are requested to set their clocks and watches forward one hour. I DXSERVCE STATION LADIES' SANDALS Be sure fa see the latesf styles in summer sandals which have just arrived, Now is the time ta think.about the warm days ahead and ch oose your size whi le we have if in stock. Brown andi whi te In sizes 5 ta 9. Priced f rom $3.95 ta, $6.50, per pair. LADIES' TURBANS Nylon and cotton ferry turbans to match the halter tops. Gir'sKnee Socks A new stock of HarveyWoods knee socks for girls. White, brown and navy.* Sizes 6 t7/2, 8 to9,9 to 10and 1 o il. Priced from 98C. tO $1.50 GirI'es Panty Hose Junior Miss panty hose by Mandor, 60 bieige fane each 79c. Each $.2 Ladies- HaterTops Lined halter tops which are so popular for fhe sumnmer season. See the fortrel and caftan in assarfed'plaids and the nylon and cotton ferry, in plain shades, Priced f rom $3.00 $3050 Higway35 nd 15,just north of Newcastle, Featuring: Premium Quality Productç- At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove 4011 Diesel 0:1 Available in any quantity Phone 9874215 REDUCE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS PAY OFF all your bbUs anud higli interest loans with a low interest mortgage, FROM $Z,000 to -$20,000 (from 101/z per annum) DON'T .IUST SIT THERE! Find out about it by cailng for qulck, confidential advice R. L, S chofield M rgaeService WE ALSO BUY MORTGAGES FOR CASH AR MSTRONG'S Highway 35 an4 llà,