W'ANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 10: 00 a.m.UESDAY PHONE ORONO 983 -5301 Milison Insurance Agency for Ail classes, of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church andl Cobb)lédick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 BYAMS PLUMBING -HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2,650Gu Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales ÇC onsult me for ternis \-hone Orono983.5914 monuments und Family Memoriaýls Our quallty and service leaves nothing to, be desired Ask the .person who bought froni us, a -neigh- bour. friend or relative. The Rutter'Granite Y. Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone coîlect; V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home -885-5222 NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing and Heating ORONO 983-5206 sELLf ifNewAsTI * - a i Clairke, Public LI1BR AR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6.30 to 8:30 p.m. IMonday, Thursday, ,Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 pa.. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Herb and Gerr Duval .983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Gtaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Staff ord .Brothers Liinited Manufacturers of Cen'etery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Randy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work ReModelling We build front the foundation uP GatC. Wade insurance AgencY General Insurance Box 82 ' Tel. 786-2921, Newtonville, Ontario Box 61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario Hamiltons. Insurance Service VYour Friendly Agency YOUR Snowmobile Insurance Headquarters Main Street, Orono Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Tiare FOR SALE 1972 KawiSaki 500 60 hp. 3,000 miles. Phone 983-5758. FOR SALE Hon,'da Mini Trail. Great condition. Phone 983-5904. a-c GOSLINGS FOR SALE Goslings, White Emden, for sale. Aia Venema, Hampton, phone 263-8888. d-16-c Winnebago Motor Homes Honda Motorcycles, 100 new-used Johnson Outboard Motors New and Used Si4ewinder - Princecraft and Aquarian Boats Fibreglass Ski-Fiee $100.00 Mini Bike $199.00 Truck Caps $269.00 instail- Best Deals at- ONTARIO SPORTS Highway 115, Orono 983-5444 20h W. FRANK REAL ESATE LMITED Realtar 234 King Street,East BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 8854543 For prompt, courteous, efficient service when buying or seiling and fo r the largest selection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie (Bethany) 277-2280 Dane Foirnd 623-3965 Roy Strong Bethany 52r11 Orono Building Contractor, Brick Block- Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -ITle 983-5441 Orono Any limelIs APPLE lIME Buy yours fresh and crisp froni FRED'S FRUIT MARKET IIWY. 115, ORONO ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 NOTICE Senior Citizen's meeti May 3rd, at eight o'clocl Oddfellow's Hall. Eve welcome. NOTICE The Ontario Steamn and que Association wiIl be ing a meeting in the4 Arena on May 1lst at 8: 00 Everyone welcome. WORKS LIKE It's almost like ma the way a Want Ad int paper produces rest fast, whenever you w( to seli, buy, rent or hi Cost is tiny! GOING, GOIN GuONE! FEMALE HELP WA Avon Representatives carn money! make friends! Get more life! Become one! Cail Mrs. Watson 72 IIELP WANTED Part time Cook and resses. Phone 983-556 Coach and Four Reste LEARN TO DRIVI TRACTOR TRAILE Now you can train bere in Canada! Accommodation andE ses paid while trainir Tuition Tax deductibli For application and view, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Trai Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay Wesi Toronto 117, Ontario or càll: 416-64-9381 ing on Rin m Teryone We need a good man who eroe make short auto trips. Wei a-p willing to pay top earniniý - $15,000 In a Year Ou r top men, in other part J Anti- Canada draw exceptional ec ehold- ings. Contact customers 0Orono ound Orono. Air mailV Lp.. Diekerson, Pres., Southw( a-c ern Petroleum, Box 789, Worth, Texas. WORK WANTEDý A Professional typist would li Mtyping or other office worl do in bler own home, exp, ienced. caîl 983-5702 DAY CARE AVAILABLI For 1 child preferrably, 1i * old or younger. calI-983-5' FOR SALE Onie 1971 Vamaha Motorcye ini good condition, 3800 origii miles. Phone 983-5972 987-4891 and ask for Bill FOR SALE Regina Electikbroomniu igie only a few times. this Phone 9813-51 ults 'ont FOR SALE ire. 1964 Buick special 4 d automatic, top condition. 983-5702 FOR SALE I G, dition. phone 983-5748 FOR SALE Washing machine, elect lawn mower, 2 desks, wood nigbt tables, 2 bunk beds w springs and mattresses, bc S hockey equipment. 69 ski-d and trailer and other articl Wednesday and Thursd nights 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. B( Gilbart, Mill Street, Oro 983-5427 AUCTION SALE Sat. April 28 starting 1 p and Sunday April 29 4NTED Starting at 1 p.m. kNTED Hwy. 115 just north . . .-. Newcastle (Discount Fu new niture Barn) Final Sa Out of of new quality Furnitu ý5-9696 ordered sold by Factorý 5-69 Va'nity Stools. Ottomw. - ~Assorted Chairs, for hoi or office, Assorted Nest ing Tables, Coffee ai Wait- End Tables, Assorted B o.ý Ston>Ii, Stud eut Desl aurant China Cabinet, Kiteh - ~and Dinette Suites, Smn rE Double, 48", Quecu, Size ERS IBedts, Bedroom Suite, Iý right table Bars, Gun Rac 1Sleeping Bags, Chest expen- field Suites, Zig Zag Se ig! ing Machines, Swag Lat e! Assorted Lamps' Flatwe inter- Sets, Assortment of 011 ments, Antique Swoi 120 Base Accordian, Y nsport Electrie Welder, Stol and Refrigerators a tmany other items. Terms: Cash Steve Bany, Auctioin c-15-c Preview Friday, Ap - ~27, 1 - 6 p.m. 1 Guaranteed Mufflers FOR SALE See Keith Tregunna at- the Oshawa Midas Muffler Shop for a free exhaust system inspection. 16Bondý St. West, Oshawa, just east of Ontariôo Motar Sales. Cail 576-8111. HELP WANTED Part-time help wanted apply C.R. Knox 983-5002 a-c HELP WANTED Service Station Attendant and salesman, some mechanical experience helpful, maie or female, phone 987-51411 a-c- TEXAS OIL COMPANY Wants Man Over 40 for Orono Area FOR RENT FuII-furnished bouse to share witb one occupant. Phone 983-9395 a-c COMING EVENT Volunteer Donors Needed Red Cross Blood Clinic WEDNESDAY MAY 2nd 1:30 -4:30, 6:30 p.m. to 9:OO0p.m. LIONS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL NOTICE Be sure and attend the Horticultural meeting on Thursday, April 26tb at 8 p.m., ini tbe Main Hall of the Church. 'Mr-. Clare Gunter wilI show a varied selection of scenle slides. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the evening. C04,'IING EVENT On Saturday May 26 The Past Noble Grands Club 62. WilI hold a tulip tea and cushion sale.More later. a-p COMING EVENT St. Saviours Annual Easter Salad supper, in the I.O.O.F. bahl Tbursday April 26th. Tickets are being sold for two sittings 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. and may be bad from membe7s. COMING EVENT The regular meeting of the Northumberland and Durhami County Board, of Education will be beld at 7:30 p.m., April 26th, 1973, in Campbelhford District Higb School. The public is cordially invited to attend. THANK YOU 1 would like to say thank yo to I would like to say thank you to my' friends, wbo sent me flowers cards and gifts, wbile I was in the Hospital. A very special thank you goes out to Elsie Jones and Doris Nelson for tbw wonderful way you helped me ouf over the lasf month. Thank-you So Much .Vours fruly, Elaine Haines a-c ýSINCERE THANKS We wisb to fhank our daugbfer conl- Glory, her husband Fay, and Son Don for a delightful, 40f b a-p anniversary afternoon and dinner witb relatives and tric friends at their home. We ýden were presented with Ruby vith rings, by Fay, Ghory and Don. )oy Also many thanks for other -doo lovely gifts and cards. les. Tbank-you Oay Aif & Fosetta Pigoff oss >no, a-c IN MEMORIAM Rutherfor-d, Margaret - In loving memory of Margaret Rutherford who passed away Pm April 24, 1971. Every remembered by hus- band Charles, and family, of Jim, Bob, and Bill and ur- Marguerite <mcLaren). Callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mlechanical Contractor who seils, instalis and guarantee CeAlRKMAN Plumbing and Heeting Ph'one 983-5207 Orono WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAMT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles, McCulioch Chai Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES