ORONO TIMES, WED., MAY 16,1973 OSE TRIME cfolA'Slee - ( Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Orono United Church was the scene of a very pretty spring wedding when Evelene Mary Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown, was united in marriageB to Garfield Emerson Best, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Best, Oshawa. The very impressive candle- ligbt Service took place April the fourteenth, 1973, at 7 o'clock with Reverend Basil Long officiating. Mrs. Richard Morton played the wedding music, and the mother of the bride sang "The 'Wedding Prayer" during the Altar Ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of white Nylon Organza, with pale pink ribbon trim and long flowing Chapel Train, with Mandarin IF YOU ARE IN NEED 0F GRBA VEL 7 CALL HAL E. ORDER NOW! 786-2972 LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT - 9 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. FEATURING Ted Koss andthe CAVALIERS This popular band returns ta the New Dutch Oven ta, provide an evening of great dance music. You name it- they play it. AT New ut"ch %Oývena% -FULLV LICENSED - Easy FREE Parking Complimentary Lunch Cover Charge $1.00I New'Dutch OvenI Phone 983-5001 for reservations I Why Pay More? Save bMoney! * ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY * FUEL Oit iD DIE S E L L: T SOE OitL :Phone 668-3381 CollectI .DX F2wU EL DILI a a For Prompt Courteous Service I Capl Us Today Time to plant: SHADE TREESý Birch Clumps Mountain Ash Flowering Shrubs Crimson King Ma pies Etc. RI CHARDSON FARMS Highway 3512 mile north of Pontypool PHONE 705-277-2312 OPEN 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.MONDAY through SATURDAY Collar and Short puff sleeves. The lace Camelot headdress daintly trimmed with pink bows and seeded pearîs held ber four tiered illusion veil. She carried a cascade of Red Roses, Baby's Breath and Stepanatis. The Maid of Hon- our, Miss Mary Patterson, Newcastle, the bridesmaids, Miss Ellen Milîson, Orono, Miss Sandra Brown, Toronto, cousins of tbe bride, Miss Heather Hicks, Oshawa and Jr. Bridesmaid Miss Gail Best, sister of the groom were gowned alike in long red gowns of French Polyester L'Amour Crepe, the Empire Style Bodice held a full skirt retained at higb waist by a white and red sash finisbing in the back by a flower type bow. They wore matcbing hair bows and carried cascades of white-fieje mums and red carnations. The groom and bis best man were dressed alike in the traditional red dress uniforms of the Canadian Forces. Both are with the "Princess Patric- ia Canadian Light Infantry" Queens Own Regiment station ed at Winnipeg. The Ushers, Mr. Edward Best, Toronto, Mr. Richard Best, Oshawa brothers of the groom, Mr. Lynn Brown, Orono cousin of the bride, and ring bearer, Master Lenny Best, younger brother of tbe groom ail wore dark troussers, white jackets piped witb black piping, white ruffled shirts and black bow ties wearing red carnations boutonniers. The reception was held in the basement dining hall of the Church. The brides mother receiving the guests wearing a gown of blue and rose Appli- qued Jacquard Crepe, and corsage of Pink Carnations. The groom's mother assisted wearing a gownof pink chiffon and a corsage of tinted, blue carnations. SMr. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, cousin of the bride was the Capable-Master of Ceremon- les and Mr. Norman Allin friend of the family proposed a toast to the bride. The many guests enjoyed dancing until the bappy couple departed. Before ber marriage the bride was given a number of lovely sbowers. Miss Mary Patterson gave a shower for friends of Grade 13 at ber borne. Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Mrs. Ruth Aluin, Mrs. Olive Milîson, Mrs. Velma Watson, and Mrs. Alice Hooey, were hostesses at a shower in the Cburcb Hall wbere the bride received many beautiful gifts. A personel shower was held in Toronto at the'home of Mrs. Edward Best, sister-in-law of the bride.' After two weeks of visitîng both par ents and relatives and friends, The Newlyweds lef t for Winnipeg where they are residing. Kendal news We had the lowest maxi- mum temperatures on record for May l3th Motber's Day this year. so there bas been little growth. The cattle are all out to pasture for the summer, frequent rains have prevented seeding on many fields. Miss Peggy Foster who bas been taking a course in journalism at Durham College tbe past year bas obtained summer employment with the two Beaverton newspapers. Rev. T. Snelgrove preached a fine Mother's Day sermon. H1e announced that this was the week conference would meet. He would be going to Kingston. The lay represent- ative from. the Newtonville Brown-Best Wedding Lynn Valley PEAC HES OR PEARS 14 oz. tin for' 99C conference at Kingston this week. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîl on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce'Mercer and Kenny, of Hampton, Miss Susan Baîl, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Patterson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris visited Mr,. and Mrs. Cliff Cowan and Mrs. Harris in Bowmanville on Sunday. NOTE- The Times would bepleased to receive your visitors for the local column. Phone 983.5301. Kirby news The Rumnmage and Bake sale at Kirby Churcb last Wednesday was a big success with one hundred and seventy- five dollars beign raised. Thanks to all who donated. On Tuesday, May 8th Kirby Community was saddened by the death of another of our well loved citizens. Mrs. Wm Allin a resident of Kirby for over fifty years, passed away at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital af ter a months illness Mrs. Allun resided at Barlow funeral Home until Friday. The funeral service was held from Kirby United Church on Friday where she was a devoted member and last took part in the March l3th'UCW meeting on ber 81 st birthday. Mrs. Allin will be greatly missed by the CHurch, Com- munity and ber family. We express our deepest sympathy to Mr. Allun, Clarence and family of Woodville, Mildred and family of Picton, Ruby and Family of Salem and John at home. The, U.C.W. served a cup of tea after the funeral.$ On Saturday evening the Kirby U.C.W. were busy again when they ýcatered to a banquet for the Kinsmen Club at Orono United Church. There was a very good turn out at the Curch on Sunday for Mother's Day. Kenneth Dean Mercer son of Mr. amd Mrs. Bruce Meer of Hampton wàs baptized by Rev. Long, Irene Knesch and Yvonne H-annah of the Sunday School sang a lovely number for the occasion. Everyone enjoyed a cup of tea after the service. Visitors at the service were Mrs. George Mercer and daughter of Kendal. Mr. amd Mrs. Douglas Hamm, Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Meri- weather of Leskard, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne. Lowery and family, Scarborough. Mrs. Hartwell Lowery is attending the United Cllurch Omemee grandmotber of the baby was a guest of ber daughter. The other grand- mother is Mrs. Wes Cathcart. A successful Penny Sale was held on Saturday evening The beautiful "Colonial, Lady" quilt made by the Kirby U.C.W. was won by Eddy Kimmerly one of our Kendal lads.1 The wool blanket was won by Mrs. Lawrence Farrow and the table cloth by Mrs. Doris Carleton. The ladies of the Kendal W.I.' wish to thank the girl guides for their help in serving the lunch etc. i< t's and to celeb we've corne up w'ithi- harply trimmed prices HERE ARE A FEW: Bsir- 53rdl ,thday TE A K Lean Tenderlb $.3 STEAKSîSrloin, T-Bonie STEAKSTender, or Wing juicy l bo, $1,45 AN OPPORTUNITY We are in need of a woman, with or without experience who would enjoy meeting the public and handling food. Apply at store or Pone 983-520l1 Pictured is the Sa moyed, Ch.ý Go'Chikha of Nepachee. Chikha is owned by Bill and Betty McHugh of Nepachee Dag Training Kennels, R.R.2 Oshawa. Chikha-is just 1 year oid and finished his champianship lastweekend at the dag shows heldîni Ottawa. He also gained points as a puppy at the Canadian National Sportsmens Show in Toranto and at dog shows held in Guelph, Ontario. PUPPIES FOR SALE - CALL OSHAWA 723-5110 A LOVELYI * GROUPI 2 Mountbatten Juniper'- 212 feet tali *1 Spreading Hetzi Juniper - 11/ feet wideI :31 A13 ome Grown Specimens $23,99 The BIG GARDEN CENTRE* my VNBELLEGARDENS LM.I Between Oshawa and Bowmanville on Highway No. 2 I 623-4441 PHONE 623-4442 Nepachee Dog Training Kennels P ROU DLV PR ESE NTS The Samoyed Ch. Gol' Chikha of Nepachee GROUND BEEF Fresh Minced LB, 89c Orono'Brand BUTTER lb. '73c FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE with each $15.00 order- VALUE 49c. C OR NI S H'S + Orono Phone 983-5201