Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. SUNDAY JUNE 17, 1973 (MONO UNITED CHURCH Worship Service - 11: 15 a.m. Pins wiII be awarded for attenidance at Church School, durlng morning worship'. KEY '73 Study Group, Monday 8 P-111-in, the Friendship Room KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Worsbip Service - 9:45 a.m. Church School - 1:00 a.m. DialI-A - Thought 983-9151 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 2!4 Hour Service N1ýew Installations Alteratiois - Repairs Specializing In Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Hioiy Communion- First and Third Sundays ,Morning Prayr- Second and Fourth 1Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. Il. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. STOIM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley WaIl-to-Wall or Area Rugs Complete Une of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd.. 37 - 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bomanville Free Estimates Decorating Ser-vice JACK RICARD REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE ~en Buyýiing or Selling Cal] WILF îHAWKE Your Orono Area Representative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and> District Real Estate Board UNITED CHURCH KIRBY NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan of Belle- ville, on the arrivai of a new baby daughter, 9 lbs. 734 ounces, Holly Sheila Elizabeth on June lst. Mrs. Dora Morris and Mrs. Grace Reid enjoyed the Horti- cultural bus trip to Black Creek and 'the Edwards Gard- ens last Wednesday. Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. Dora Morris, Mrs. Yeoman, Mrs. Mary Forrest, Mrs. Doreen Lowery, and Miss' Marion McKelvey attended the Lunch eon is Served" at Shilo United Church on Thursday. Mrs. Lavern Boyd and Diane, Mrs. Wm Boyd, -Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. John Lowery, Mrs. James Lowery, Karen and Sharon, Mrs. Lloyd~ Low- ery Mary and Donna, and Mirs. Reid Cochrane attended the shower for Miss Debbie Boyd in Bowmnanville on Thursday evening. Miss borna Lowery, spent the week-end in Quebec, with the orienteering group from Clarke High School. Mrs. Bertha Touchburn and Mrs. Catharine Lowery attend ed the Superannuated Teach- ers' Association Dinner, held at Simcoe St. Oshawa on Wed. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mort- on , Maple Grove were Sunday afternoon callers at Mrs. H. Loweryv's. Dr. Paul Rutherford, Sandy and Mlary-Ann, Listowel, spent the w,ýeek-enjd with his parents and grandmnother, Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Rutherford and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford. Hamni tons i nsurance Service Your Friendly Agency FOR Alil Personal & Commercial Insurance Boats and Motors, Cottage Property a Specialty SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependable Service 983-5115 ~, JACKETIS Please father with one of our jackets styied by B&F Sportswear. Several styles and materiais in shades of beige, tan, brown, blue and navy. Sizes 36 to 46. The following article was submitted by a group of citizens protesting against a mobile home park: - The people of Manvers Township are becoming in- creasingly concerned of late about the proposed mobile home park in the area. In May a proposai was put forward before Council by a Mr. Hudson of Stouffville Trailers Ltd. t was at that time rejected by Council. Subse- quently the Council decided to allow this promoter to present his case again at the next Council meeting. Due to the activities of the promoter, the local people became aware of the Counci's continuing inter- est and began to gather increasing opposition among residents of the nearby pro- perties. It is understood that the developer has made state- ments to the effect that he had approached various residents re: hîs trailer park and that they were in accord with his plan. This statement has proved to be quite erroneous. The promotor made his presentation to icouncil, and this consisted of a two-page letter, couched in very vague terms, and stressing the tax benefits to be derived from such an operation. The actual number of homes invoived in this project was neyer specifi- cally mentioned but working on the developer's own assess- ment figures it wouid seem that to achieve these so-calied benefits there wouid have to bie, at' least 400 homes. The am,-ounit of land involved is 93 acres of which the developer promises 40 percent wiii be retained as parkiand. This proposai fails to meet the new Land-Use, By-Law 1515-72 by, proposing lots amounting to l'leasing gifts for dad! Pipes Tobacco Cigars Cigarette Key Cases Wal1lets cards a nd wrapping Mîddletons ORONO, ONT. 5400 square feet when the by-iaw cails for a minimum area of 15,000 square feet. The proposed lot f rontage i s 60 f eet and the by-law calis for 100 feet. The proposed lot frontage is 60 feet and the by-iaw calis for 100 feet minimum, and the, units being 36 feet long wili' also fail to meet the minimum side-yard requirements. The final number of homes per gross acre wiii be approxim- ately 4.3 and the by-iaw calîs for a maximum of 2.5- per gross acre. SURELY A DEVELOPER WOULD NOT EMBARK ON SUCH A PROJECT WITHOUT READ- ING THE TOWNSHIP BY-LAWS. We do not feel this present- ation should be considered by council in view of the fact that it does not meet the by-laws. There are many questions left in the minds of residents regarding - WHERE IS HE GOING TO PUT THE GARBAGE from such a devel- ment? We can only assume he is going to tax our aiready inadequate dumps in the area. HE HAD MADE NO APPRO- ACH TO THE LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD regarding placement of any chiidren from the park. It is known that the school can only accom- modate children from normai growth which happens in each year, not from any size able projcct which might move suddenly into the area. He gives us to understand his park will cater to senior citizens. Government policy states. that projects of this, type shouid be attached to urban areas, not in isolated areas, where there is no form of transportation, medicai facilities or social services of any kind. The rate payers in the immediate area are concern- ed about the generai effect this wiii have on the ecology, insofar as' the' availabiity of sufficient water in the area to service this project, and retaining the purity of water in the surrounding area with- out f ear of pollution by sewage disposai from this project. During our delegations act- ivities re: this proposai we have managed to acquire a iist of 85 names of people in the immediate area, and are supported by adjacent pro- perty owners by practicaily 100 percent. These units will be on rentai land and re-sale wiii be entireiy, controlled by the developer. M &Speca[ ViOIUI i AIl 5 Only $35.79i Plus 2 FREE Gifts ýYI 2 Mountbatten Juniper 2 - 2% feet 2 Blue Danube Juniper - 1%' feet I n 1 lobe Cedar -i 1% foot globe RIki The BIG GARDEN CENTRE *Vý ANSLLK VAN BELLE GARDENS Ltd Between Oshawa and Bowmanville on Highw ay No. 2 623-4441 PHO0 N',E 6123-4442 Seek mobile homes in Manver s SHIRTS What better gif t than one of our shirts styled by Currie and Van Heusen. See our good selection of long and short sieeved styles in sportshirts and knits. Smart checks, stripes and solîd shades in sizes S, M, L, and XI. $6.00 to $12.00 SWIM TRUNKS The time of year when father wouid be interested in a new pair of swim trunks. Several styles in lastex and 100 percent nylon. Sîzes to fit up to 40. s.ot 59 SLACKS Casual siacks in several easy-care fabrics. Straight legs, fiares and cuffed styles. Fancy checks and solid shades. Sizes 28 to 46. $8.98 to $22.00 * ~.WALKING SHORTS For his leisure hours in the warm days ahead, choose a *pair of shorts. Checks, stripes and plain shades in sizes 30 to 40. $2.98 to$8.98 TIE S Smart ties by Currie to co-ordinate with shades of blue, burgundy, brown, gold, green, red and navy. Priced from $300 to $4.00 $.Ot 4O Shloes and sandals, socks, beits and braces, A RM ST RO NG'1 handkerchiefs, pyjamas and slippers. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 13th, 1973-5 * Orono Water Safety * Swirnming Club, I Regîstration * to beheld at IOrono Park, June l4th, 1973I Tadpoles, Learn to Swim, (must be 5 yrs. old by * I September 1, 1973) - $4.00 * Beginners - $5.00 Juniors - $.600 I Intermediate -$7.00 * Seniors - $800o * No family rates * People with cars -6.30-7.30 New Members -7.30-830 * There will be no registration after June 14 and no pre-registration. No new members outside of ClarkeI *Township will be accepted into the Orono Water Safety* *Swimming Club. I ONG'YSCENTRE Main Street ORONO Phone N34âu HALTERTOPS InPolyester, Fortrel, Cotton, Nylon or Ter.Stripes, Patterns, Solids S, M, L, $2.98 to $7.98 NYLON CIRE CAMPING JACKETS S-M-L $7.98' I-AIN PROOF-CHILL PROOF A QUALITY BUY BOY'S AND GIRL'S GIR'S SHORTS Cuffed Slacks'ý Florets or Solid Pastel Slze 8 -16 Sizes 8 -Il Fully Washable A Great Vacation Look$49 $7.98 to $11.98 _________ SEWING CENTER ACCESSORY REPAIR NEEDLES l00 % ACRYLIC $3.29ydA. REG. 40e NOW 29c POLYESTER and 3" PLEATER TAPE COTTON $2.79) yd. REG..31c NOW .23c yd. for that EXTRA SPECIAL GUY! P