UNITED CHURCH KIRBY Orono Pastoral -~ ~ X Charge S Minister Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. SUINDAY, JUNE 24, 1973 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Worsliip Service - 1:15 a.m. Guest Mlinister - Dr. Harry Mellow KEY '73 Stidy Group Monday 8:p).mintithe.Friendship room KIR BY UNITED CHURCH NO SERVICE Dial-A-Tlhought 983-9151 s ummiiier cburch calendar During JuIy-, lst, 3rid and -)th Sundays - in Orono United Church at 10:00 a .m. 2nid and thi Sundays - in Kirby Ceniteial Schlool at 10:00 During Auguist lst and 3rd Suudays in Newcastle United Cllurch at 10: 00 a .m. 2nd land 4th Suudays in St. George's Anglican Church, at 1:00 a.m. FAITH1 IN SONG: Suuday'N July vlSth at 2:00 p.m. ,( Durh-lam Central Fair -miuds, Orono. Bob Yeomans Plumbiug and lleating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alteratiorcs -Repairs Speciaîîzing In Hot Water Hleating Foreed Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 CUS TOMV-MADE DRAPES CARPET by llaringiiý and CrosleyV WalI-to-wall 0or Area Rugýs Complete Iine of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltde 37 - 41 King 5tSî East Phone 623.7071 Bowmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St.,._E. IIOWAAN VILLE When BuyinIg 0or Selling K Cal WILF HAWKE Vour Orolno Area Represenitative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quantrill on their 4th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Bryson and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chapman visited the Quantrilîs on their Anniversary., Mrs. Lila Chapman, Mrs. Hilda Tamblym, Miss Kate Stewart, and Mrs. Helen Schmid visited the Archives at Toronto. Victoria College Lib- rary last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ruther- ford attended the funeral of bis Uncle Rev. Luxon Burgess at Kincardine last Monday. We'extend our sympa thy to bis Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mrs. R. Ard, and Mrs. O. Coatham. Mrs. Wmn Rutherford bas been on the sick list. We hope she soon feels mnuch better. Kirby U.C.W. held their birthday meeting last Tues- day at the cburch. Mrs. Ruby Bryson was in charge of the Devotional and read some very nice verses. Mrs. Kay Cbapman favoured us with a lovely solo. In the Garden We Always en'joy Kay singing for us. The lovely Birthday Cake was made and decorated by Inez Harris. Everyone ex- changed gifts, and we all enjoyed the cake and tea. >A miscellaneous shower wag beld at the home of Mrs. Reid Cochranes on Wednesday by Joan and Grace Cochrance for Miss Ronda Tennant in honour of ber forthcoming marriage. Around thirty cousins and aunts of Ronda's were present After Roida opened up the gif ts and thanked everyone we enjoyed a lovely lunch served by Joan and Grace., There will not be any churcb service this next Sunday or (Sunday School). As it is Decoration Day in Orono. There is to lie a Sunday School picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn Forrest on Friday eveniî>g June 22. So bring your picnic lunch and come along. Mrs. Gertrude Hewitt and Mrs. Gertrude Domm of Durham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dora Morris and Mrs.Yeoman. Dora held a tea party on Saturday afternoon anid had some of the neigh b- ours in. Mrs. Inez- Harris, Mrs. raeReid and Miss Marion MIcKelvey attended the meet- ing in Kendal, on Wednesday eve'ning and enjoyeýi the guest speaker Dr. Calte Jackson Mr. Carman Foster, Whitby bas been visiting at bis daughters Mrs. Don Cochrane this past week. Mr. Ken Thomas, Willowdale, was a weekend guest of the Coch- raie's. Hamiltons Insurancel Service Vour Frîendly Ageucy FOR Ail IPersona 1 & Commercial Infsurance Boats and Motors, Cottage JUNIOR GARDENER'S MEETING The Orono Junior Garden- er's each had a flower container to take home witb tbem from their meeting on June l2tb. They, had glued clothes pin halves to a baby food jar resulting in attractive little "Barrels" which they may paint or varnish any way they choose. Looking ahead to their flower show in August, Mrs. Zegers. showed the children how to do flower arrange- ments especially if only a few flowers are available. She did one in Japanese style, using a low container with a glass holder fastened in one end with tiny halls of placticine. In it she put three Siberian Iris with some of the iris foliage and a few pieces of fern. Inaa blue bottle she put three Oriental poppies and three pieces of their foliage. She showed the children the flow- ers of three different grasses, letting them examine them closely, then along with yellow and purple flowers and violet leaves, did an ail round arrangement ila cocoa-cola bottie. Iu arrangements of this type she said to use an uneven number of flowers, one, three, or five.1 After the meeting the flow- ers were divided amongest the children so they could practice arranging them at home. Saturday, dune 23, the Junior's will bc making up flower baskets for Decoration day so if any of the members can help supply flowers or cedar clippings or with the arranging it would be appre- ciated. "Sparky" marigolds have been set out in the flower bed and planter at the front of the church. July 10 there will be a get-together. More informa t- ion will be given later about this. Prîze lists for the August show were. given to the fourteen present and the meeting closed with the repeat ing of the Junior Gardener's prayer. Reeve Woodyard limits commeit S In speaking to Reeve E. R. Woodyard of Clarke Township in connection with the legisla- tion now before the house at Queen's Park in regards the Durham Region he stated that it would be foolish at this time to comment either critically or in favour prior to making a study in depth of the legisla- tion. Area firemen to meet Ail the fire departments of the area will be in action on Thursday dune 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Crane parking lot near Eldorado Nuclear. It's not that they've been warned by an arsonist, but that a Mutual Aid Fire Protection demonstration will be conducted by the North- umberland-Durham Mutal Aid Association. There'll be pumper relays, th e Telequrt latàder truck and a tanker from Hope Township, in action at the show. ST. SAVIOàU R S ANGLICAN Annouce highway projects in Durharn In a Press Release from Queen's Park Alex Carruthers MPP, Durham, outlined this week the bighway construct- ion prograsm for 1973 in Durham County. Two major projects one of wbicb is the new intersection subway' and bidge ini Bowmilanl- ville wh Iich bias been udra for sometimne. In thie eastern part of the Riding the long expected Bewdley By-Pass commencing five miles north of the MacDonald-Cartier Higbway will eliminate a numnber of dangerous curves and provide better tourist traffic accommodation in thie Village of Bewdley. Resurfacing. projeets include seven miles of repair- ing on Highway No. :35 now completed and five and a haif miles on Hfighway 401 east fromn the junction of Hlighway No. 35. RmOLP'H HARDWARE Phoue 983-5207 NEW SUMME R FASH IONS Arriving on Wednes- day, more new ladiesý' summer fashions inctud- ing dresses, tops, and shorts. Corne in and look fý -them over!00 Ils ~ . . . A RMS TRONG'S . .. .... . ..