WHITE OR PINK (CONCENTRATED) WHITE SWAN (ASSORTED COLORS) SUNLIGHT (MFG. PREPRICED 630) KELLOGG'S 6ýL RLL4q, CIapr ' ld24-FL.OZCorn tOLLAST ne6OZ Cudsey INS PaprK4\.Lqui PLSTt__3 T] LT owels BPK "z'43,rgeFt BTL FKGS. IGA Wiener Sunis'0 CLOVERLEAF Wh ite ul~ IGA CHOICE CREAM STYLE Coraior 41 L Choice Peas 4 6NSSç MAPLE LEAF Cooked Hauts 1/2 LB PEAR SHAPEO q 1TIN %. 89 KRAFT REGULAR PROCES$ Chooz W hiýZ t0 IGA NIPPY, INDIVIDLJALLY WRAPPED 04R REGULAh Cheep.se es pK 37, ORIOLE 100% VEGETABLE QIL i Sot Margarine TU2B TODOLER SIZE DIAPERS Flushabyos OF301 .53 REGULAR, SUPER, REGULAR OR SUPER DEODORANT Playtex Tamponis PKGsl139 F..S. eoodoralt AE IOZ I$11 REGULAR Potato Chips Fresh Marre Poule Creen Ogreutor - Consume, Alto,,. Sept. Colorful, fresti vegtables are attractive acces- sortes to a meal, contributing infinite color, texture and f lavor combinatioris. They provide valuable stutrients as watt as butk in the diet. Green and yellow vegetabIes and tornatoes are good sources of Vitamin A. Green vegetables contribute Vite- Min C. Many freath vegetabies can be eaten in gnneroua amounts even, by 'weight watchers." Canada Food Guide reomnerds Ne mat two daily servings of aither yettow or green vegatabtes besides a serv- ing of potatoas. Est r4w vegetables often and use thelrt as snacks. MrG. Gremeuo leaallat4a e ta 1db ahoppingw' fb gronops. Caill 269-6633 or write-i 2S The Oueensway, loronto, MOY 1H. 9OZ 5 rGRADES,,A" UNDER 1-LBS. Young Fresh Maple Leaf BONELESS Dinner 3-LB., AVG. READY * ~ 'L TO SERVE TOASTMASTER Oran Muffins 2 F . 7 99 DEMPSTER'S OId ~ 9PKGS. Old W fl UIIols 0F 12 WITH FREE PKG. KOOL AID WESTON'S -BISCUITS (20 PACK) Wk~~U~23V/2-OZ. wagon Whels PKG. 79C GRADE "A" FROZEN CRYOVAC Ta bleRit e Pre-basted Young Turkeys UNDER 10-LBS. IGA' SUNNY MORN RINDLESS Side Bacon BASSETTS REGULAR OR MINT FLAVORED LICORICE 14 T0 15 OZ.GCELLO BAGSA Licorico Allsorts s4 dc BIRDSEYE FROZEN Cool Whip 320OZ.55 TUB55 CUN KING - PINEAPPLE CHIOKEN, SWEET & SOUR BEADED SHRIMP OR PORK, FROZEN 85e Cinoso Dinnors 140OZ. 65 CHECKA ý UNIT PRICING BEEF, IRISH OR MEAT BALL Stows VEGETABLE AND SALAD Crisco Dii FRENCH'S PREPARED> Mustard 24z OZ. BTL. 16 FL. OZJAR 2Z C TOOTHPASTE (MFG. PREPRICED 990) RED OR TWIN PAK 0F c WUoseUu GREEN 2 x 50 81c r ML TUBES 12" WIDTH e5 Reynolds FoiIwrap,LL OX 35c DAINTY INSTANT BO 7c FidRice AST'D 12 OZ. C ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. TO SAT., JUNE 27-30 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO Li MIT QUANTITIES TROPICAL TREAT ADoJle 14LB. CRISP PLUMP NEW CROP CALIFORNIA PRODUCE 0F US.A.NO. 1 GRADE PERLETTE GRAPES LB. u PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA SWEET AND JUICY OUTSPAN HAVEL DO. lE ORA GES 112 c * a A upplied by iTHE OSHAWA GROUP LIMITED e supply depot for progressive independents AR MSTRONG' Check-a-Unit Pricing saves you the trouble of figuring out which size product is the best buy. lGu's Check-a-Unit' gives1 you instant comparnsons. The 'Check-a-Unit Pricing' ticket shows you the cost per ounce, pound, quart, etc. This is just one more service that shows ut IGA we really care. v w