Olot>V EKYTmE"S, WDEDY UNft 9737 WANT DS FR WEUÉPIA : W. FRVANK 9- >ei- oeofie8544 e Reait-ý,, or selng ad @o 234ere King te East * Orono 923917 * otHpeofie 88-454 Ra buigorsing an * ort etargsnelciy Ron Atrea e Charlie Re1 eýG 2 e und Family Our quafity and service leaves ntigto be desired ,> Ask the person Who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. - The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home -8552 BM PLUMBING - IEATING Sales and Service IURNER SERVICE CULF FïNANCING Lwnterest Rates. Ty-one 263-2650 Gi NEED A SUMl.P PUMP PRESSUIRESYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER Pllnibing and Heating ORONO 983-5206 Or 'Lcensed Va-luator Specialize in Earm Furniture Sales Consult me fo tenus and, dates Pehone Orono 983-5914 WATSON 'S marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCulioch Chain, Saws Repairs to ail mnakes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englnes ALLOUE¶1'E SNOWMOBI-3LES PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANTKS Bert Tonipkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6-30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursdaiy, ,Friday Afternloons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to l2ffl a.m, Cali your licensed Plumbing & Mechanical qContirato who selis, instaili, and 8uaranuee ARTICLES WANTED We have cash hoyer s wai t-NTC iog at our weekly auctions, tor Paper Drive., Orono XY ail types of merchandise. Groups on Satudayý Juiy What have you? Cali coileet 1973, at,9:00 arn. For fu now (416) 987-5151 or if busy information rail 983-5716 cail (416) 987-5161 ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 GARDEN TEA PARTY at the Holmes residence, P Leskard, on Wednesday, July 25th, 2.30 to 8.00 p.m. Admis- sion $100 includes refresh- ments. Sponsored by Unit 6 of Orono U.C.W. t O~NO ELECTP~IC CARMAN Herb and Gerr Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances TV.,- COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHIOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Linited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Stre-et East LWHITBY, ONTARIO 1Ruindy Th ompson Orone, Ontario Phone 98ï-5759 Carpenitry Work Remodelling We build from the foundation up Plumbing and Hleating Phone 983-5207 Orono ~~~P T/EYLAEFLs M/ Elmeitr's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Milison Insurance Agency fo« Ail classes of personal and Comnierdîal Coverage Office: Corner of Cburch ard Cobbîedick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 FILMS AT TUE 1,LBRARY Thursday evening Juy 12th at 8.30 Huntsman - A story of a small boy's revenge on two larger boys who try to intimida te him into handing over bis summer enterprise on a golf course. Millions and Millions of Bub- bIes - The story of a budding relationsbip between two small children who meet at the seashore and share an adventnre of discovery invol- ving sea creatures, waves, rocks and sand. boating safety There are very few truly accidental drownings from fishing boats. These tragedies are caused by lack of koow- ledge and common sense operation of boats. Weather conditions have been very unpredictable dur- ing the past few months, sudden storms often develop, greatly affecting the boating operator. Lite peevr should be worn at ahl times, even by swimmers of advanc- ed ability, always remember- ing that the temperatures of lke and rivers haveý not 'yet moderated and- produces a suddeo sbock to the human body should a fisherman or boating (ent husiast capsize. If a stor-m deveîops while boatîng, ee hesitate to head for, immediate shelter Your life mydeýpend upon it. FOR SALE See Keith Tregunna aLthte Oshawa Midas Muffler ShDp for a free exhaust ,syste(m inspection. 116 Bond St. West,Osaa just east of Ontarie o lOrO Sales. Cali 576-8111. Fresh Strawberrie]s ncow in seaSOn Buy them AT TUý E STAND OR pik yourself New Potatoes Ice Cream gal- 89 FRED'S FRUIT MABKÇET HWY. 115, ORONO Insurance Agentcy G;eneral Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonville, Ontario Box 61 Tel. 885-2288 port Ilope, Ontario LL COMPLETEAUCTION SERVICE ESTATE . ... FARM ... LIQUIDATIONS BANKRUPCY... .HOUSEHOLD CLARKE-DU RHAM AUCT ION Phone: 987-5151 or 987-5161 HELP WANTED apply in person to the Diana Motel, Highway 115-35, south of Orono. a-c IIELP WANTED Payroil Clerk required early August. Must be experienced preferably with McBee system. Please reply Iini writ- ing to Mr. H1,Smnith, Curvýý,ply Wood Producit, Orono, Ontario IIELP WANTED, Truck driver required. Fa- miliar with diesel. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Pro- duets, Orono. IIEL.P WANTEI) Required Maintenance Per- son. Must have some exper- ieoce. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Products. FEMALE HELP WA-IINTED Avon Representatives. earn money! mnake new friends! Get more out of lite! Become one! Cali Mrs. Watson i725-9696 The Northumberlin Durham County' Boai Education invites bidso 6 b p. Johnson Motors, ' 6R73S, Serial No. C782ï Serial No. C7834, and one Johnson Motor, Model9 Serial No. C9088. Al corne with gas- tan] connecting bose. These ors may be seen at Port High Sehool by cont iactir H.W. Arnold, Techinica ector, for appointmient. is a reserve bid on motors. Bids should t rnaiied to the undersig8 iaterthan 10.00 ar., V dayJuiy 25, 1973. Ail env board M/otors". M MacLeod, BSusiness Adi rator and, Treasurer, urnberland and DL County Board of Edi Box 470, D'Arcy Street, Cobourg, Ontario K9A TENDERS Tenders wili be rE until Juiy 17, 1973, M~ for the foilowing;items FVENCING Grant Sine Public D'Arcy Street, North,C Orono Public School, New Bowmaovilie Sehool 49 Liberty North, Bowmanvilie., ROOF REPAIE Courtice North Public R.R. 3 Bowmanviiie Harwood Public Sec( wood. Hastings Publie Sehoo ings. SEAMLESS FLOO] Dr. Hawkins Public S( Pine Street, Port Hope Dr. Powers Public Sc Wrad Street, Port Ho] Port Hope High Sec Hope. SODDING Howard .Jordan Pubiq Pereivai Street, Port1 SUNIMER - FALL SPECIALS TO. Moosone Gaspe Quebec City Maritimes Newfoundlafld Agçaw a Cany on Western Canada and Yellowstone Parh California FOR DFJIAILS CONTA( TRENTWAY TOURS L Box 772, Peterboro Phone Toli Free 1-800-461, LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILE] Now you can train right in Canada! Accommod and expense paid while ing! Tuition tax Jdeu For application and inter write:1 1 Safety Depart Trans Canada Traru1 Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario or eall 416-86G4-9381 , flupu. lth, ther ESARO In loving meumory, of a dear 2iss. son and brothe(,i (JOE Y), Who passed away seven years ago July 11, 1966. This month cornes with deep regret, Il brings back the day we cannot forget; In our hearts you wiil always stay. Memories are treasures, No one cao steal, k Death is a heartache No one cao heal. T- Lite must go, on, wýe know its ,TD. tr-uc, But, it's not the same since we [-7615 lo~st yo!i .... You lef t so quietly without goodbye, But memories of you will RS neyer die. t ee Sadly missed by Mother, ation Dad, brothers and sisters. train- ,rtible! ýrvîew, IN MEMORIAM 1 . GILBANK -lo loving memn- ýtment, ory of a dear 'husband and isport father, Ernest L..Gilbank, who lef t us suddenly July 14, 1971. As we loved you, s0 we miss i you, InJ our memnory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed .... for always, Treasured with a love sincere. You are whe!ire we cannot see d and you , ir f Your voice we can not hear, on two Yet we know you walk besîde Model us, 22,ad Neyer absent, always near, ie 9 hp. if tears could build a stairway, 9R73B, And meniory a lane, motors W' akta ogra ,k and gladly, Dad, ;e mot- Just to bring you home again. t Hope ng Mr Sadly missed and always ýa Dir- remembered by wifeThelma, There daughters, Anne, Carol, and ithese Donna, sons Bill and Dave and' hbenhe sons-in-law Roger and Paul. ;n ed no - ýednes- velopes LEONARDO VISITS THE Ut u- McLAUGHLIN GALLERY /LA. > Leonardo x ?its the, Robert fiminist- McLaughin ,ll1ery ib Osha- North- wa on July 1îth, 1973. The icrarn, inventive genlus and foresight ucaion' 1of Leonardo da Vinci 1452-15191 4L. who conceived the fying a-c machine and other develop- - ments that did not take practical form until modern ýeceived times, is depicted in an :00 p.m. exhibition continuing until is. August l2th, 1973.« The exhibition of the 15-cen-. tury artist's work,, on boan Schoôl, from. IBM Canada Ltd. includ- Cobourg es 25 modeis buiit fromr Orono Leonardo'5seîcentific and te- Higb chnical drawings.> Street, Models in the show include a triple-yiered machine gun, designs of two-ievei highways 'S for pedestrians and vehicular cSchool, traffie, a device for determin- oi, Har- irlg tensile strength of wire as well as that indispensibie and~ )oHast- perhaps too familiar roadsideý ol, instrument, the jack. Among the ideas that carne RING newiy-minted from Leonar- chool, 72 do's'mid, bis aeronautial )e. studies are themost intrigu. ;chool, 64 ing, for they represent hiL ýpe. bstacle-surmountiflg genius iool, Port i its clearest form. H devised a parachute - or tenfl of linen, as he called it - thatih ic Sehool, said to have been useé o-rne. successfully.