6;--ORONO WIEEKLY TIMES, ! PRESENT CHOICES 0F ROUTES FOR 500 KV LINE ACROSS CLARKE (Continueçi from page 1) the generai public who wil choose the final route. The corridors were chosen foliow- ing a study of the topography, as weii as road and land use maps of the Townships. t is expect ed that the publié meetings to be heid next week wiiJ bc weii attended. It was further stated that the attitude of the people in the first round of public meetings tended to be consistant throughout the route of the power line. Hydro hopes to have the uines ini operation by early 1977. The cost of the 100 miles of right away is expected to total from $75 to $100 million dollars. 2,600 pharnphlets and maps with a return repiy are being maîled to alileffected rural residents aiong the three proposed routes. As weii a number of advertisements are being placed in the newspaper for urban residents. These advertisements wiii include a coupon which can be returned to Hydro with their, opinions. Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric Heating and Service Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Oronio, Ontario Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds [of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs TeeBowrnaflville G.S. M lr i i M -1 ! I' Trealternative for 500 KV transmission lunes Corridors 2400 feet in width i Port HQpOQ. W.sIYViIe G.. I Manpower is having difficulty /V~a ~ rs 10i rJOB PICTURE There is now a shortage in this in fiiling areý in the field of M a v r , r ie BRIGHTER IN JUNE area., . specialized sales. MThe empîoymnent picture in Aithough -there was aý de- A large numb6er of vacanc- 0Oshawa showed a slight im- mand for general sales help in ies are availàbie, for waitress- carn D issu e continues provmnent iast month as corn- June the positions, which es, short-order cooks I At the last Council Meeting a 20-page brief was presented to the Council explaining the petitioners' concerns about this trailer camp. During the meeting it was pointed out to council that the landiord of a trailer park is virtuaiiy a dictator over the people who become tenants there. The lease used by one of the largest developments of this typein Ontario reserves the right to cancel the lease on three months notice, if local politicai conditions become intolerabie. Although the trailer owner is purcbasing bis own unit, he stili must rent his lot frorn the developer, who in most cases imposes a lease wbhich gives the developer complete control of every- thing wbich takes place within the camp. According to an article int the Consumer Reports Maga- zine for July, 1973, people have been charged fees, varying from $250. to as much as $2700. in the U.S.A. just to get into or out of sucb developments. These are tbe so-called entry and exit fees. Also in the U.S.A. tbe developers have used these restrictive leases to harrass people into vacating Erected on your foundation, plumbing, heating, wiring, carpet, etc. Write for FREE CATALOGUE: 1176 Blair ýroaSite AfulngoOtrl 7-K Phone (416su639-411 vemn ns - Toronto (416) 457-4593 their lots to increase the turnover, the subsequent pro-, fit frorn the sale of trailers. Wbat bas bappened in the States can very easily happen here if we let it. t was pointed out tbat the key drawback to purcbasing a trailer home is depreciation. Tbe day you buy one it irnmediateiy loses a quarter of its value, and each year its re-sale drops another 5 percent to/ 10 percent. Carried to, its conclusion, it wouid be possible that, in 20 years, the value of these trailers would be negligibie. Recent legisiation brought in by tbe Department of the Environment wiil crack down on dereiict cars in the Pro- vince. What is going to happen in a number of years to the * derelict trailers? t would be a mistake to consider living in a mobile home park to be a form of iow cost housing. Such things as entry fees, exit fees, charges for having people to stay for any length of time, charges -for having pets, land rentais which the landiord could increase from year to year, expensive financing, and many other expenditures in- crease the cost of this type of housing without the freedom found in conventional housîng. With afl these extras, montbly expenses and payments could be more than those required in more conventional, housing. At the last council meeting it was suggested that the num-, ber of scbool cbiidren should be kept to 20 percent - 25 percent. This would mean approximateiy 70 mobile homes wouid have chiidren attending school. Usin g the accepted figure of 1.5 chiidren per borne in estimating the number of school cbildren witbin this mobile borne park we corne to the figure of 105 cbildren based on 350 units. Ahl the revenues tben received frorn tbe mobile home park wouid not cover the education costs invoived even frorn the time it was establisbed and certainiy as, the assessment goes down along witb the depreciation of tbe mobile bornes it can be easily seen tbat more of tbe tax burden would bave to be borne by other residents of Manvers. Tbese estimates are based on recent approxirnate costs per pupil of educating secondary and elernentary'-children. t was again pointed out that the people in the area are very worried about the- level of water in their wells and also wbat pollution would occur to the well-water and. surface water from this watershed from the sewage facilities that pared to May, according to a report from the federal de- partment of manpower and immigration. A high level of construction activity in Oshawa was cre- dited with part of the improve- ment. Last montb there were 3,040 maies ýand 3,742 females registered with Manpower centres. This represented a drop- of 330 maies and an increase of 75 fernales over Mays figures. Manpower reported a short- age of skilled tradesmen, but there are openings in various mechanical servicing capa-, cities. The large surplus of truck drivers listed with the centre earlier this year has been depleted,. the report said. would be. necessary' for this density of people, flot to mention the fact that the natural beauty of the area would be serlously threatened. BeauftyQueen Contest ENTRY FORM This pageant is to be held at the Orono Fair Grounds on Thursday evening September 6, 1973 and is open to residents of Durham County. Good cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Winner is eligible to enter the Sweetbeart Pageant at the C.N.E. in 1974. Narne Address Send4'ntries to: Mis. Alan-Risebrough, R.R.2, Box 29, Orono. Telephone 983-5702. BOWMANVILLE 3 BIG DulAy s TH U RS. - FRI. - SAT. JULY 19 -20,- 21'ý The Bowman ville Merchants Welcome You Sponsored b6y the Bowmanville Chamb6er of Commerce Durham County Junior Farmers' Annual Chicken Barbecue AND VARIETY NIGIIT Thursday,, Juiy 26th Orono United Church ifASEMNENT AT 6:30 P.M. ADMISSION CHILDIIEN $1.501 ADULTS $2.75 TICKETS AT DOOR EVERVONE WE1LCOME