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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1973, p. 7

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ANT ADS FOR WEDNES DAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL, 10:00 a.mi.TUESDAY PIION E ORONO 983-5301 sur f MT W.FRANK: :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED >: 0 234 King Street Easte * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 @ Port Hope office 88545430 :For prompt, courteousq,* *efficient service when: *buying or seilig and~ * for the Iargest selectione' 0 0 &of properties lu the area. *Contact * Oreno Area e * Representatv¶es * Charlie Reid e * 983-5914 à-' Roy Foster e * 983-5801 e William Turanskyo, * (Kendal) e 983-5420 * Dane Found e * 623-3965 6 Roy Strong SBethany 52rlï 1 monuments and Famly, m emoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the, person Who, bought f romn us, a ueigh- beur, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone coileet V., W. RUTTER office -885-5216 Home -885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and, Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULFFINANCING Low lnterest Rates Tyrone 263-2650 Gi NÈEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP, PRESSURE SYSTEM, HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing, and Heating ORONO 983-5206 Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales-ý Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 WATSONIS Marine and Cycle OnoPhone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow ,Mobiles McCuiloch Chain Saws Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 14 cycle Engiues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Guaranteed Mufflers FOR SALE Sec Keitb Tregunna at tihe Oshawa Midas Muffler Shop for a free exhaust system Inspection. 116 Bond, St. West, Oshawa, just east of Ontario Sales. Call 576-8111. Motor Fresh Strawberries now in, season Buy them ATTHE STAND OR, pick yourself New Potatoes Ice Cream gal. .89 FRED'S FRUIT MARKET HWY.,115,. ORONO Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency General Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonville, Ontario Box- 61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario Callyour licensed Plumbing,& Mfechanical Contra ctor who seils, instalis andsuarantme ORDO EECTICCARMA N Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Staifford Brothers Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Randy Thompson Oruno~, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build from the foundation up a i Plumbing and Henting Phone 983-5207 Orono Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE MiII St. North,, Orono Phone 983-5130 Renme phone 987-5167 Milison Insurance Agency for Ail classes of personal, and Commerdîal Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbîedick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 I ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING NOTICE >ANDI SEEDING Paper Drive, Orono Youth Phone 983-5598 Groups on Saturday July l4th, 1973, at 9;00 a.m. For further information caîl 983-5716 FEMALE HELP WANTIÊD 2iss. Avon Representatives. earn rnoney! make ne,; friends! Get more out of, life! Become 'One! Cali Mrs. Watson 725-9696 FILMS AT THE LIBRARY Thursday evening Juy l2th, at 8.30 Huntsman - A story of a smnall boy's revenge on two larger boys who try te intimida te him into banding over'bis summer enterprise on a golf course.' Millions and Millions of Bub- bles - The story of a budding relationship between two small children who meet at the seashore and' share an adventure of discovery invol- ving sea creatures, waves, rocks and sand. HELP WANTED Truck driver required. Fa- miliar with diesel. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Pro- ducts, Orono. HELP WANTED Payroll Clerk required early August. Must be experienced preferably with McBee systemn. Please reply in writ- ing to Mr. H.. Smith, Curvply Wood Product, (irono, Ontario HELP WANTED Required Maintenance Per- son. Must have some exper- ience. Apply in person to Curvply Wood Products. PLEASE ATTEND VOLUNTREE CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC WED. AUG. lst LIONS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE 1.30 te 4.30 p.m. 6.30 te 9.00 p.m. Blood is life..pass it on! GARDEN TEA PARTY at the Hoîmes residence, Leskard, on Wednesday, July 25th, 2.30 to 8.00 p.m. Admis- sion $1.00 includes refresh- ments. Sponsored by Unit 6 of Orono U.C.W. 2iss. NOTICE 'Dr. Ninacs' office will be closed from July 21 to August 6, inclusive. 3 iss. NOTICE Dr. P.I. Maartense's office will be closed from July. 21 to August 6th inclusive. 11 3 iss. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train rieht here in Canada! Accommodation and çxpense paid while train- ing! Tuition tax deductible! For application and interview, write: Safety Department, Trans Canada Transport Tr-aining, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto,117,' Ontario or caîl 416-864-9381 FOR SALE Pick your own Sour Cherries at "Countree Farms.,"- îst farm north of Pine Ridge School. $1.00 per basket. 1 2 iss. pd. FREE Kittens te good homes. Cal 983-5531. a-c CARETAKER Applications will be receiv- cd by the undersigned until Monday, July 23, 1973 for the position of Head Caretaker at the, C.R. Gummow Public School. Good knowledge of building interior finishles mechanical and electrîcal apparatus. Good knowledge of caretaking procedures. The ability te, work barmoniously with,,ôth- ers. The ability te organîze own work and work of others. Reply in writing giving up pertinent information te: M.A. MacLeod, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durbam CÇounty Board of Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street, North, COBOURG, Ontario. Students participate with Oshawa police It's partly thanks te the Oshawa Police Department tbat 112 students have found jobs across the province this sum mer. We were one of the fcw departmcnts that took advant- age of the chance for summer students last year, ýsaid In- specter Norm Smythc, hcad of Special Services where four students have been assigned this summer. It was very successful as far as we were concerned, perbaps because we took care te give the students more than joe-jobs te keep them interested. We wanted more students than we were able te get this summer, but the, numbers were limited, I think becýause of other departments got wind of our vacancies and asked for their own allotment. He said ail but one of the department's four students this summer are fromn the, local area. Steven Lismore is an 18 ycar old from Toronto and a student at York Univer- sity. Nancy Trudeau is 20 and enrolled in Toronto Teachers' College; Barbara Barclay 18, studying at Durham College and Susan Powers 18 is studying at the University of Toronto. BIT 0F -EVERYTHING The students arceclong a little bit of everything and learning a littie moreabout. the department with every- thing they do, he said. One is assigncd at the moment te court dockets, two te records, and one te the identification department, helping te kèep the depart- ment caugbt up on paper work and filing that incvitahly fails bebind over the ycar. Tbey're aise helping witb a inventory RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Prescott and Family invite their friends and neighbours te Open House te help celebrate their Golden Wedding Anni- versary on Sunday, July 22nd, from two te five in the afternnon and seven te, nine in the evening at their home, R.R.2, Orono. West of the Forestry. Best Wishes only, please. a-c CA'!RD OF TANKS I wisb te express my sincere tbanks and appreciation te friends, neighbours, and re- latives U.C.W. and Unit 2, for cards flowers, and visits; during my recent stay in Oshawa General Hospital. Annie McNally A-c CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank->you te everyone who visited me, sent card ,s, letters, flowers and gifts, while a ,patient in Memorial Hospital. Also te Rev. Long and'Rev. Harris, Drs. McKenzie, and Anderson and the nurses on the first floor. And a special tbank you te, the nurses on the third floor. Eve Stone a-c CARD OF TiANKS I wish te express my sincere thanks and appreciation te friends, neighbours and rela- tives, U.C.W., Rebekah Lodge and Unit 2, for cards flowers and visitis during my recent stay in Oshawa General Hos- pital. Annie McNally a-p THANK-YOU We the family of the late Annie Logan wish te express our thanks te our friends, neighbours, and relatives, for their floral tribute, cards and donations te the Cancer fund; and for their many acts of kindness during her long illness, and the recent bereave ment of a loving wife, mother and grandmother. A special thanks te Rev. B. Long, Dr. McKenzie, and Barlow Funieral Home; and the staff of the Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. We' would especially like te ment- ion and te thank those who serve on the second floor at Memorial Hospital, for the care given te ber, and the kind consideration given te, us ber family, during the past montbs. a-p PART-TIME HELP WANTED For retail store on Main St., Orono, suitable for woman. ,Apply in writing te Box 500, Orono Wcekly Times. a-c of everytbing in the building, a report on which bas been requested before regional governmcnt takes effect. Tbeir salaries are paid with a grant from the Youtb and Law portion of the province 's summer employment project Experience '73. Inspecter Smythc saîd that the project is as good for students as it is for the department. One or two of tbe students last year were iffy about the wbole tbing wben tbcy started. By the time the summer was througb, they ahl wanted te ceme back.. It can't bclp but give tbcm a better idea of what law enforcement is really al about. Clarke Public LI-BRARY Monday, Tueoday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday,, >Friday Afternoons 2:30 tW 5:00 pa.. 1Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. m a

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