UNITED CHURCH . Orono Pastoral s Charge Minister ORev. B. E. Long B.TII. COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES SUNDAY JULY 29, 1973 10.00 a.M. Worship Service Orono United Church During August and the first Sunday i September the Services wiII be in Newcastle United Church at 10.00 a.m. DiaI-A-Thought 983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Estabflshed 1869 Begular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HoIy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A, L.Th. ke 6COME TO THEO *ORONO *PARK. M&M Variety : AND ENJO Y * Hamburgers , * Hot Dogs FISHor *CHICKENancI * CHIPS * ALL POPS *ICECREAM *AT THE PARK B00T111 :Enjoya picniat. * the Park~ Fewer teeth out in spo rt injuries The Northumberland Dur- hain Board of Education was presented with. a list of statistics àt its recent meeting outlining the number of dental injuries incurred during sports activîties in the school year. The letter,, to Glenn MacLeod, superintendent of instruction for the* board, came from D.A. Warrick, director of dental services. Mr. Warrick passed on the statisitcs from the insurance compa ny showing their dental dlaims for the year. The. number of dlaims in 1972-73 were 18 compared to 36 for the previotis school year. Teeth involved numbered 27 this year compared to 45 last year. Total treatment costs for 1972-73 ran to $4,406.50 comn- pared to $6,215 last termi. The percentage of dlaims involving more than one tooth was 44 percent, the percent- age.owed to hockey mishaps was 50-percent. Orkanized school. hockey claimed 78 percent while unorganîzed road hockey was r esponsi1le for 22 percent. The percentage of al daims involving school sports was 50 percent for 1972-73 compared to 67 percent for 1971-72. Dental injuries by sport numbereci nine in hocicey, two in football, one in soccer, one in basketball, one in wrestling, two in figure skating, one in rugger and one in handball. VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 85 % mile south of Oromo PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK Specializing In pizza - Moal AIso Week-End Specal CUSTOM-MADE, OR APES CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wall to-Wall or Area Rugs Complete Unme of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37 » 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service JACK ]RICAIID REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE GowMlpG Curvply Wood Products held their Annual Inter-Company Picnic on Suniday, July lSth at Cedar Park. A total of approximately 150 employees were present from. Wilber- 'force Veneer and Lumber, Plydesigns, Nesting Furniture and Curvply Wood Products. Steri Mather prepared barbe- qued beef and chickens, hot dogs and hamburgers and the salads and pies were made by the ladies. Steri was assisted by John Clapdorp and Ron Sutclîffe and Denise Annaert and Joan Sutcliffe put togeth- er the games and prizes. Miss Tendam of Plydesigns did some beautiful art work on ten trophies that were awarded as prizes in the age 21 to 30 catagory. Games of fun and spilîs were enjoyed by all and the lucky winners were re- warded with various prizes. The following list of games and prizes were presented in respective age brackets: SACK RACE Brain Heard, gun set; Scott Hçard, kite; Kevin Hogg, floor hockey; Bernie Olszewski, flashlight; Ron Good, trophv: Fred Taylor, screwdriver; Blake Barnes, screwdriver; Cindy McMillan, coin bank; Kathy Stamp, kite; Heather Ramnes, candie maker; Helen Stamp,recipe stand; Valerie Stamp, mug; Joan Riel trophy, and Denise Annaert, hot dog rack. BALLOON TOSSING Josh and Harry Samuel, frisbees; and Alfons and Greta leSmedit, srewdriver and hot dog rack. SHOE KICKING Brian Heard, kite; Alan McCarthy, floor hockey; AI- fons DeSmedt, trophy, Sheila Barnes, kite; Penny Hope, dol;- Stella Stamp, trophy. WHEEL BARROW RACE Steven Clapdorp and Brian Hear, Harry and Irene Samuel and Kevin Hoog, ail received floor hockey and Irene Samuel and Canline Stamp received doils. Richard Copping and Randy Estabrook - water jugs, Lloyd Heard, trophy, Kathy New- man, trophy, Nick Sewchuk, screwdriver, Jim Simple, thermo jar; Blake Barnes, screwdriver; and Adam Stamp, thermo jar. THREE LEGGED RACE Rodney Sutcliffe and Brian Heard, bubble guma machine; Ryan Sutcliffe and Scott Heard puzzles; Kevin Hogg, floor hockey kit; Alan McCarthy, goard, Joan Bill- ings, water jug; Valerie Stamp, mug;- Lloyd Heard, trophy, Ron Good trophy; Alfons DeSmedt, screwdriver, and Joan Sutcliffe, thermo jar. THREE LEGGED RACE Blake Bannes, screwdriver, and Joan Riel, a jelly mould. RACES Ken DeSmedt, frisbee; Bian Heard, frisbee, Ryan Suteliffe puzzle; Alan McCarthy, check. ers ' Frank McCarthy, water jug; Bernie Olszewski, screw- driver; Fred Taylor, screw- driver; Blake Ramnes, screw- driver; Tammy Swerdfiger, frisbee; Cindy McMillan, fris- be e; Cindy. Lane Bruton, puzzle; Heather Ramnes, checkers; Valerie Stamp mug Stella Stamp, thermo jar; Shirley Stamp, jelly mould, and Joan Riel, a jelly mould. The youngest in attendance was littie 7 week old Stephanie Clapdorp who was as content as always the entire afternoon Mrs. Belsey was the Eldest and she neceived a lawn chair. Af ter supper was over, men an d women joined up in teams for honse shoes and the winners for the women were Kay Mathen and Denise Ann- aert and the men were John Clapdorp and Rom Sutciffe. Wilberforce supplied the rope for the Tug 'of Wan and congratulations go out 'to Curvply, who finally were able to over take our lumber jacks of the North after many years of losing out to them. Ton bad we could not find a creek for thîs years tug! Mr. Mather asked everyone to show their appreciation to Mr. Samuel and Mr. Klasner who made this ail possible for us and Mr. Samuel responded thanking those who had set up the picnic. Orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday, July 25th, 1973-7 SUGGESTS BOARD the house and property around OWNED LAND October lst and. is not now Mr. Ken Lyall of Newcastle prepared to comment on at the recent Northumberland separating the back portion of Durham. County Board of the lot. Education suggested that.fol- The committee is to study lowing an investigation hy the dlaima made by Mr. Lyall. himnself that possibly the This comnmittee did authorize Board owned a piece of research for the acquisition of pro perty some twenty feet in the bâck portion of the lot. width which they were endea- vouring to purchase to add to TRY SOMETHING NEW the Orono Public Schdol. He CURRICULUM DEVOTIONt waved a sheet of paper before The'Northumberl and Dur- the memnbers at. the meeting ham Board of 'Education' is but would not reveal bis going to try somnething new - source of informnation. He an entire meeting completely, stated that the south fence at devoted to curriculum. the school had apparently Trustee Dr. Ian Wilson told been erected some 20 feet the board last night the inside the school property at meeting was something that some time in the past. The definitely should be held - and matter was referred back to before school starts in Sep- the committee which previ-. tember. ously had been set up to make This is an area this3 particul- purchase of land to improve ar board has spent littie time conditions for, any additions on ... we spend more time on which may take place in the the nuts and boîts of education future. said Dr. Wilson. The property in question The board agreed to meet in was owned by Mr. G. Atkins of committee of the whole to Orono who sold it to Mr. discuss curriculum on August Leschak who in turn is now 30. building a home for Mrs. E. Director W.F. Thomas said Gilbank. Mrs. Gilbank, ac- it would be the "first meeting cording tothe Commpittee entirely devoted to curriculum report will take possession of the board has held. ID~~~~, f w 4L4X'M SCHOLL'S HEELED ASSORTMENT 0F SIZES RÊG. $12.95 on ly $8.88. Swim'n Tân GOGGLES PROTECTION FROM CHLORIDE $2.09 Coppertone and Tanya SUNTAN LOTION & OIL Ail sizes - Greatly reduced geach Towels PRISTEEN $2.48 AEROSOL MISI OR YARDLEY $2.19 floWer Soa-p NEW ASàOTEDESSECES PRISTEEN TALCUM ASSOTEDESSECESPOWDER 3 for $2.09 5 oz. $1.11 STUTT'S PHARMACY SPHONE ORONO 983-5009 Ha m iltons finsurance, Service Your Frielidly Agency FOR AI l PersonalI & Commercial Insurance Boats and Motors, Cottage Property a .Specialty SADIE HAÀMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependable Service