2-ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES, Auguist Ilst, 1973 orvono weeklyti mes Second Class Mail Registration Numrber 6368 Publishied evely Thursdfay ai the office of publication REVISED TOWNSHIP PLAN The Planning Board of the Township of Clarke is to present its proposed officiai plan to the public at a meeting tentatively calied for August l5th. The- Board made the decision as changes in the proposai fromi the drafit in 1972 seemed substantial and warranted presentation to the public. Unf ortunateiy the public will have no advanced knowledge prior to thle meeting of the changes. As a matter of fact there was no printed copies of the plan as proposed in 1972 and at that tiime many ýývoiçed displeasure in not knowing what the officiai plan containied otber than what was presented at the meeting. The fact thit tire public does not have prior knowledg0e of the plan miakes it difficuit for- them tIoninteiligently pass their Opinion. Planning becomies m-ore intricate each day and it is difficuit f or the avera ge person to contain an overail concensus of a plan. Jit is hierew(r consultants are necessary to open the mind to the wescope of planning. Planning in Clarke has advanced at a sani snails pace for a numberl(ýi of years and especially the compilation of the officiai plan. The 1972 Bo)ard and Council were however ready to submit their proposaIbuit fheld off knowing-a new counicil was taking office-( in 1973. The 73 Board and Council made a review of the plan and alfter somne six months are now ready to submit this to the public. Cost, olfcourse, is a factor in 00w preview being given the public and with imie running out due to regional goveroment it is uiiiikelyý this council cao do more atthis time. Dt is unfortunate that greater speed had not been exhibited and also unfortuniate that the public were not more receptive to Withi the exception of Reeve Woodyard no one either'on couincil or thre Park Board were aware that an option had been granted to the Senior Citîzens group for ail the park and nature lands north of the, old railway right-away. But aIl dIo agree that if was their opinion that the option was for only\ that porion west in the area (old dump site. If also seemns genier-al that the vaiiey land should be retaîned as a nature and park areca. Fortuinately the township is deaiing with a reasonable gr'oup, thec Senior Citizens Association, and as'Councillor Chater has stated they wiil certainly listen and act with reason. The Orono Park Board has not shown f00 much interest in the land since obtaining it in 1965 and this is mosf unfortunate. The lands are now and will to a much greater degree in the future be a great asset to this cornmunitý. If is to be hoped that under rýegional goveroiment the value ofthese lands will be recognized anid so protected and developed for future generafions. one itemn ur gently needed is a proper survey of the boundfaries to establish these for the future. After almost eight yearýs action is required to solidify the programn started in 1965 and preseot to residents of Orono and the township something unique and worthy. as a public venture in park and nature development. On tire front page we mentioned the activities in this area ove(r the C'ivic Holiday weekend. Let us remind you once more of the Steami and Antique Show in Orono as well as the celebrations in Newýcaistle. One cao certainiy compliment the other and pridfe real entertlainment tiroughout the holiday. 4 -liers SELECTED D-AIRY COU)LNTY ý4-H'ER S,ýEECTED): Each y ear, dur- ing thie last week 10 dune, ot stinýi lg 4-Hi'ImlçInbers fromi across Ontario arIe selected to represeof, their Conyat Provincial .4-H Conforlence2 at the University of Guelph. This year, David Larmer of R.R. No. 1, Biackstock wvas selected to) taike pairt i0 the Conference rormat Guelph. Part of thle Coference P'rogrýam is to select delegates who show ouftanding ahility, Iboth ro aý leadership and a' citizenlship standpoint, to take part i0 National and Internationail 4-H1 activiýjties bater on i0 the year. We haverecevedword tIhat Daývid Larmer has been sel- ected as One of the four peop1e from Ontario tf0 attenid Nat- ional -Hl Conferenc, whîich will be held ftrom Nove(mber 10-14" iT oronto. Tis is one of the hughest awards that ont- mrlo 4-Hl memibers cao achieve and we do(onrtaeDvi on his fine 4-H work and on is selection to attend National 4-H Conference. We know that David will be a very worthy represeotafive from not only Durham County but also Ontario. National 4 H Confer- ence is a gat hering that brings together young 4-H members from across Canada to meef and discuss various topics of inteuest including - the 4-H Program and where it should be going i0 years f0 corne.. once, again, our congratulat- ions do go ouf f0 'David in being chosen f0 attend Nat- ional Conference. THIE LAST NEWS COLUMN WýRJTTEN BY BOB WATT, ASSOC. AC RICULTURAL REPRESE NTATIVE IN DURHAM COUNTY: For the past four years, andta person who has coordinâted and put fogether the Durham Agri- Newý,s since ifs inception loto Couoty paper-s has resigned frorn The 0Otarlo Mnstyof Agriclture and Food and wl 1w r-ctuuning tf0 his homne farm Confnuedpage5 Mr. William Werry, Divis- ion Street, Orono, Ontario a road empioyee of the Town- ship of Clarke attended a course sponsored by the Ontario Good, Roads Associat- ion and held at the Universify of Guelph. Various courses are given each year and are designed to assist municipal road employees in their every' day operations. Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Ruther- ford are attending a reunion heo edin Nakinai. Mr. and MIrs. Donald Stapil- es and family were receoit v'isitors \withti heir dauighter Sally\ and huisbandl Mr. and Mus. Kirk Scribbler, New York. Alr. Johin lHooy and Mr. John iSiater are holidaying in Spain for two weeks. Mrs. F. Clark, Steven and Sheila have returned.lollowing hoidays in northeun Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Math- er have uetuuned home follow- ing visiting relatives in New Brunswick. Miss Debbie Bergsma is spending a week with hec' tamiiv in Orono. The Forrester family held a farnilv reunion at John For- rester's cottage over the week-end with Mr. Donald Staples the chief cook again barhecuing a whoîe porkeu and again being hampered by a rainstorm. Misses Marjorie and Patti Burnett of Oakville have been holidaying with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grahamn. Mrs. Ethel Carleton and Mrs. Nargaret Linton returo- ed home last week after a plane and bus tour to the West Coast. Sîînday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmetf and famiiy were Mr. and Mrs. Manly Kimmetf. Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Kimrnett, Trenton, Miss Lois Kimmett, and Mr. David Sexsmith, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baily and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Bilîings. Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. Previous to the luncheon party. ail attended church wxhere Joei Matthew Kimmett was christened. Miss Jean Buchannan, T[or- onto was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drum- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Ron West and Scott are vacationiog in the UInited States. KENDI)ALJUNIORS DEFEAI FRANKFOID 6-I The Kendal Junior bail club continue their wýnning ways and as a resuit have secured third place in the league. Last Sunday they met Frankford in what could be a preview to the OBA playdowns early in August. The Kendal club took a 6-1 victory over Frankford. Eric Moore registered his sixth victory of the season with a record containing no losses. In the, hitting department Stevie, West took two hits with single hits to Bernie AHldred, Jerrv Thonpson and Mike McGregor. The Keodai club enters tle "Knock-out league playdown series to he heid this Saturday andi Sunday in Whitby. Kendal play their first game at 11.30 arn. on Saturday. KENI) XI. AGLES WIN (>VEH I«)WMANVILLE The Kendal Eagles carry on with their momentum gener- ated of late and defeated Bowmianville on Sunday in Kendal by a score of 6-5. John, Quantrill was the \vinoiog pitcher for the Eagl- es. OI(ON<> DRIVERS NOTCII FIRSTA.NI) SECOND PLACE Junior West and Jack Wil- liamns made it one-two in the third race at Kawartha on Thursday evening in the third race. West took the win driving Oval, King, owned by L. Shea of Janetville while Williams vwas second with Judge Chief, his own horse. The race went i n 2.11. Wee Albert won the f ifth race in a time of 2.08.2. The horse i s owned hy Morley and Gordon Robinson of Newton- ville. The win was driven by Gerald Lowery. Jo the same race Jack Williams drove Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bunting and family are enjoying a vacation to British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carscad- den celebrated their 4lst wedding anniversary on Sun- day. Joining them in their celebration was Mrs, Effie Elliott who was 94 years young in dune. Other visitors were Mrs. Jean Curtis and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. MeCarron and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carscadden and Danny. Harwili Shirley to a sixth place finiqh Kawartha Downs drew a crowd of over 2700 on Satur- day night but there was littie action from local drivers at the tuack. Keith West in the seventh took a second place finish with Donna Duke Dec who register- ed her sixfh win of the season. In the same race Junior West iishrled fouuth with Cavan Mary. Derek Newman in the first race tinished fifth with Gollys Dolly whiîe Junior West took third place money i0 the sixth duix ing Jaco Chief. In Toronto on Tuesdfay night Juiy 24th, Lawrence Hooey's horse Meadow H. Biiiy place third with Brent Davies the driver. *PLAN NOW7Y l'OAYT1ND MOS ES', e A Musical e * . Play * bv Chas. Ewert * COMMUNITY HA~LL *NEWCASTLE Friday, mAuig.,3rd: 0 9.15 p.m. Box Office open in * Newc astie Town Hall e *fronu 7..tOý to 9.30 commen- * cin Fria ad al week ) Per'formances August :1, 0 * 9,10 a l11th *Aduits $2.00-Sfudent l5 bob Yeomaons Plumbing and lleating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alteratiocs -Repairs Specializiiig In Ilot Water Hceating Forced .Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono0 983-56241 Local1 Sports Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Piione 983-5249 01-611 William C. Hall, B. Comm.i Chartered Accoudntn Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDN ESDAY and SATURDAY DX SERVICE STATION! Highway '25 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuriig: Premitim Quahity 1roduct- At the Most Reasonabte - ~ Puces Stove 011 & Diesel O011 I vailabl, in abl ny quantit., ,~ i\~-.VPhone 987-415 P.MPERiS SOLD 'ATilITH1E FÔLLIIOWING STOR ES ' Thie Oronimtiesar sold at the foliowing stores ini Oron1; Middleton's Confeetionery Stutt's Pharmacy M&M Varietyý Orono Building Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -TuNe 983-5441 Orono Building a House? or remodelling your present one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Orono Septic Tank Service GENERAL Pu1r1PING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Phione 983-5728 qFe K£ids..~ I>iease sen(I the Orono Weekly Timnies Ai)I)RlSS: Eniclosed, picase ind subscription fee of $3,00 for Canada and $4 .00 other e ounitries. ,NOTE: [bis (loi", jot appix to rn~as