UNITED CHURCHI , Or-ono Pastoral Charge M .Minister O Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES ..During August and the first Sunday in Septemnber the Services wilI be in Newcastle United Church at 10.00 a.m. KEY '73 General Meeting - for Kendal, Kirby, Newtonville, Shilo and Orono on Monday August 27th at 7.30 p.m. in the Qrono United Church. ST. SAIVO1u R s ANGLICAN Estabhished 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.M. Holy Commuion- First and Third Sundays Mýor-ninig Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Uoly Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. Hl. Robert Hiayne, B.A., L.Th. COME TO TUE S *ORONO *PARK M&M Variety: AND ENJOY * Hamburgers , * Hot Dogs * FISHor QCHICKENand * CHIPS, e * ALL POPS * ICECREAM e *AT THE PARK BOOTH *Enjoy apicnicat. * the Park Hamiltons Inisurance Service Your Friendly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commercial Insurance Boa n d Motors, Cottage Property a ,r pecialty SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWVER JIMIHARE For dependable Service 983-5115 QGH,,Nursing School rings down Sixty years of the Oshawa Generai Hospital School of Nursing, had come and gone when the iast class of gradu- ates connected with the hos- pital received their diplomas last week. The scbool started smaii in 1910 with four probationers, one of whome ieft to be married before the first grad- uation in 1913. It got even smaller, with only one nurse receiving a diploma, in 1914. But weli over 1,000 nurses have received their training at the hospitai since the school began. Duty shifts were long and bard for probationers in the 1910's, the later Mrs. Laura Brown (lass of 1921) recalled for the OGH Alumnnae Assoc. In a letter to the association she wrote of 12-hour tours of duty six days a week, with one and haif hours off - if you could cail sitting in a lecture roomi taking notes ini a lecture room free time. Sundays, nurses in training were treated to four NEW REGULATION EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMS ON DERELICT VEHICLES Effective Saturday, July 7, anyone with more than two dereliet vehicles on bis pro- perty will be subject to Ontario's new derelict motor vehicle regulation, Environ- ment Minister James Auld announced today. "Enforcement measures will be applied gradually," Mr. Auid said, "But our VENEZIA RESTAURANT Hlgway 115 a=d 35, % mile South of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in P*izza -Meals- Also Week-End Specials CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley WalI-to-Wall or Area Rugs Complete line of Kitchen Carpet, HardsurfacŽs F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37 41 King,,S4. East Phone 623-707'1 Bowmanville Free Estimnates; DeeratngService JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St.. E. BOWIMAN VILLE When Buying or Slling Cal WILF HAW'K'E Vour Orono Area Represertative 983-52741 Metiber of shawa and District Real Estate Board curtain hours free time in the 12 if the workload permnitted. Salaries during training neyer rose above $10 a month out of which student nurses suppiiedtheir own uniforms and text books. Not until 1945 did the eight-hour day, six-day work week become a reaiity. The probationer's monthiy ailow- ance rose a littie, and the schooi of nursing began to supply unîforms and books. As of 1956, tuition fees were dropped, books and uniforms were supplied, and wages during training increased to $10 a. month during the first and second years, and,$20 a month during third year. For the first time, educational requirements rose to high schooi gra duation with at least four options, including science and mathemnatics. The 40-hour work week arrived in 1959, but nurses often found themselves volun- teering their own time be- cause of chronic staff short- ages. intention is to establish control over private and commercial accumulations of junked auto- mobiles. When the regulation is fully enforced, the owners of these collections will have to choose either proper disposai or the establishment of a, regulated, well-run manage- ment system." He said those who plan to continue operation will re- quire a certificate, issued oniy to approved sites and systems. ",Wbile the enforce- mient structure is being deve- loped," hie said, "we intend to do our best to encourage pèopie with inoperable cars on their property to have them removed or to co-operate with cleanup programs." Last summer, the Ministry of the Environment sent seven teams of students across Ontario to establish the extent of the abandoned car problem. They conducted surveys a- round Pembroke, London, Sault Ste. Marie, Timmins, Kingston, Sudbury, and Thun- der Bay, pinpointing aband- oned cars, assessing the wviiiingness of owners to co- operate in cleanup programs, and encouraging local collect- ion. The survey established that there are close to 500,000 abandoned cars in the provin- ce. As a resuits of the survey, some local collection of dere- lict autos was accompiished, Mr. AuId said. "But in the absence of an organized transport and marketing syst- eîîî for recycling, these coi- iected hulks had to be taken to the nearest landfill site. This summer, $20,000 bas been set aside to get these cars from the landf iii sites to where they can be reclaimed as raw mnetai. A car contaîns more than a ton and a haif of steel. That's too much to throw In' addition, three experi- ,mental programns get under way this summer -in Sault Ste. Marie, 'Thunder Bay and in Renfrew and Lanark counties. Ministry waste management staff estimate that there are about 2,700 abandoned cars to dlean up around Sault Ste. Marie, 7,500 in the Thunder Bay area and 10,000 in the other experimiental program area. $80,000 bas been set aside in the Mijnistry's budget to try various cleanup systems in these areas. 'Our goal is to determnine the most economical systemn so that we cýan establish a practical cleanup program next year. It miay take two or three years to ridl our roads and fields of the backlog of accumnulated auto hulks. Even then, we will have to maintain a continuing program, becau- se the need will remain as long as the people of Ontario continue to dr-ive, and wear out, cars," conciuded Ontario environmiental minister. CALM MEETING HIELD IN TYRONE OVER HYDRO TRANSMISSION LINES Some fifty to sixty interest- ed persons in regards Hydro's proposai to eonstructing a power transmission line from Lennox to Oshawa met in Tyrone on Monday evening. The meeting did not display any anger but rather took a logicai look at the proposais along with giving everyone an opportunity to express their views in the matter., The group are not making a joint submission to hydro, but rather are urging those wish- ing to, to present their written proposais to hydro, the news media and members of parl- iament, ORONO WEEKLY While they f'eit the intentions of hy dro were well intended they did flot agree with the proposais to date by hydro. The group feit there was cause for greater study of a more northern route around the tenth concession of Clarke and that such a route would affect to a lesser degree the farm community. The group aiso feit that Hydro sho'uld review burying the lines and that cost even though greater was not always a factor in making such a decision. The meeting in no way resembled that of Monday evening in Hampton when hydro wýas on mian.y occasions belittled and scorn was ex- ýpressed. (rmpage 2) in South Simrcoe County to take Up farming operations. This will be Bob's iast Agriculture News coiumn, and we want to thank him for this fine work in putting together the coiumn for the past few years. We wiil be continuing to put together the Durham Agri-News in the months to come. We wouid like to, at this time, wish Bob and his wife Eleanor, the very best in their new chosen field of endeavour and we know that ail farmers in the County would wish to do the samne. ALFi. 4w ag , Steam Engines Antique Cars Gas Tractors Hit & Miss Engines Model Steam Engines ATTHE ORONOI NORTH 0F HWY. 401 ON HWY 115 Chi Idren- .50c Antique Furniture< Weavinq Hand Crafts US pinning Souvenirs for Sale4 FAIRGROUNDS4 - SHINGLEMILL Aduits - $1.50 I A Moment and a Memory forEveryone 5 MEN'S JACKETS Clearing ail men's spring and summer jackets. Materials include linen - look cotton, corduroy, fortrel, ny lon', plain mA brushed deýnnim. Broken sizes anaI colours ini eaEch style. SAVE 25%....... MEN'S--... WALKING SHORTS Checks and solid shades ii nmens walkinig.. shorts. Choose -ariy and save 33 1/3% Men's Short Sleeve Shirts Manyv bargfains in chiildren's suml- mewý r «lot advertisedt. Cearance of ail mien's short sleeve ewmjeans %for- boys and girls in sizes shirts încludîngý fortrel an)d Cotton sport shirts and kn-tits. Checks, stripes, and solid 3 to 18 years. shades ini sîzes S., M, L anid XL Choose any at 25 %OFF A M STMRONGS THE EASTERN ONTARIO STEAM AND ANTIQUE ASSOCIATION ~STEAM À& ANTIQUEbSHOW SA WMILL PLAININGMILL - THRESHERS Antique Machinery and Equipment parades daily VIS IT THE LARGE ANTIQUE DIS PLAY IN T HEARENA MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT' DAILY BY THE RENAISSANCE TI CKETS ON SALE FOR'A 1,000 POUND STEER FOOD AND REF RESH MENT$ AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS