4OOOWEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1973 Up and down the book stacks THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1973 ADULT Extraordinary Tales by J. L. Borges (tales of the bizarre) Mending and Restoring Furni- iture by J.W. Collier & G.J. Dixon The Code of' Nighit by David iHolbrook (biography of Dylan Thomas) Hleritage Kingston by J. D. Stewart & Ian Wilson (marks the 300th anniversary of European settiers in the Kingston area) Crime by Chance by Elizabeth Linington Limbo by Joan Silver & Linda Gottlieb (novel) JUNIOR An Animnal for Alan by Edward Ricciuti (Science I can read book") The Old Womaun Wbo Lived in a Vinlegar lBottle by Rumer, Godden (Folk tale) A Skein of Geese by Dorotby Clewes The T'ales of Olga de Polga by Michael Bond (Adventures of a guinea pig) EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS The Hermfit and Harry and Me by Nonny Hlogrograin If Ail the Seas Were One Sea by Janfina Domaniska (Calde- cott Honor Book') Mladeleine Hadley Many want compensation for lose of development, rights CORPORATE FARMIS qualify for tbe same govern- others ctîd detine a tarmer as SHO(jULD NOýT B E ment grants or subsidies. one wbo derives 50 percent or ENTITLED FOR GRANTS A number of the representa- more of bis income from tbe The Ontario government's tions called for land use laws farm. advisory committee on a to preserve tbe land tbat is Darlington Reeve Garnet study of farms %vas told last now under cultivation. and Rickard questioned wbvetber Tbursday nigbt tbat corporate most called for some type of or flot compensation sbould be farms sbould not be enitled as compensation for tbe farmer paid to farmers if their land is are bona fide farmers 'for wbo would be tbus denied zoned for strictly agricultural government grants and re- "development rigbts". use. bates. One of, the more novel Tbe basic problemn for the The comimittee, at one of its suggestions came from Nor- Province is to establisb land 19 hearings across tbe pro- tbumberland-Durbamn County use, be said. vince was greeted by about 75 Council's Agriculture commit- Tbere is no place in Ontario, farmers from ftour counties tee. Tbe committee recom- be said, wbere any planner or and nearly a score of briefs, mnended that.supervised stu- government agency places mnany of which were of a dents camps be establisbed to agriculture in tbe number one personal nature. provide farmn labour pooîs. spot. Chaired by Edward Kowý,al, The camps would operate Tbe 10 percent of ontario nwof Bolton but a native of under a government subsidy land which is now farmed Darlington Township, tbe and tbe, students would work sbould be so zoned, be said, commànittee is to study and on the farms five to seven but added that one cannot make recommendations on bhours a day witb tbe remnaind- define a farmer by the amnount the feasibility of classifying er of the time being spent in of time he spends on tbe farm. farms, t 'ypes of farms, farmn organized sports. "We bave teachers who pro- operators and the application Tbe izovernment would not duce more farm goods than of sucb a systemn of classifica- be out any money, continued soinefuili-timie farmers. tion to Ontario legisiation tbe brief, because the money Some hie said bad called for affecting farms or farm oper- earned by the students would compensation for lost develop- ators, bie told the group.4 go towards their university ment rigbts, but, he asked. bâc Mlany of the briefs submnitt- tuition and thus reduce the every farm such rîghts ed suggested tbat a corporate inmber of boans baving to be I really don't know,ý how farmi sbould not be considered mra de by tbe Province, compensation could be paid, a bonafide famnily farm and The county brief, as many be saîd. Kendal news The weather for the holiday weekend was perfect for the parades, the steam show and the weddings. Some of the people went to Newcastle United church to bear the Korean choir. They were indeed wonderful. A pretty wedding took place in St. Joseph's Roman Catho- lic Churcb, Bowmanville at four o'clock Saturday after-, noon when Kathryn Turansky was married to Andrew Mac- Kenzie of Clarkson. Her at- tendants were ber little sis- ters, Jackie and Corrine Turansky. Trhe reception was beld in St. Joseph's Hiall. Kathryni is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turansky. The happy couple plan to reside in Toronto wbile he attends University. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Moosomin, Saskatchewan have been visitîng Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott last week. Mrs. Ethelda Williamson of London>and ber son Mfr. and Mrs.. Wiiliamson and her two sisters have all been spending tbe holiday week-end in tbeir Kendal borne. Last week the Kendal news was pboned- into the Orono office. Tbus occurred two errors. The brides namne Betty Ann Swerdfiger was spelled incorrectly. She is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Swerdfiger of Kendal and married George Bannister. The other error was the topic of tbe sermon was, "Ini Quiet Corners" not "IN White Cor- ners". The Kendal United Church Fali Anniversary service will be beld October 21 at 2.30 p.m., with Rev. Gerald Hoffsteter of Janetville as guest speaker, THIS FWEEK from Ottawa LOUIS S. ST. LAURENT Prime Miniister Trudeau paid tribute to former Prime Minister Louis S. St. Laurent, who died this week in Quebec City at the age of 91 ---"He entered public life primarily to foster Canadian liarmiony, His contribution to, the better understanding of Canada by Canadians was immense and everywhere in this country he became the symbol of tole- rance and unity," COMMONWEALTH CONFERENCE Commonwealth àHeads of Government will meet in Ottawa, August 2-10 -- the first time this meeting âill bc held in Canada and only the third time it has talken place outside Great Britain, since the meetings originated in 1944. The meeting will W, the largest international gathering ever held in Canada in rerms of numibers of delegations. Prime Minister Trudeau will act'as Chairman to the Confe- rence and Queen Elizabeth will meet with Heads of Government during lier sec- ond visit to Canada. DEFENCE TOUR National Defence Minuâter James Richardson will under- take a 24-day -- Aug. 5-29 -_ tour of defence est ablish- ments and will meet with defence ministers i five Commonwealth countries -- Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, India and Tanzania. Z This will be the first tixne a Canadian defence minister bas visited any of these coun- tries. NUCLEAR TESTS The House of Commons unanimously supported a re- solution deploring France's nuclear bomb explosions in the Pacific Ocean and urged 'Ini the name of humait,,y" cancellation of any furtber tests. EEC TOUR 1Prime Minister Trudeau said in the House of Com- mons that he s "carnestly considering" a tour of the member countt'les of the Eurcpean Econoenic Commu- nity to promote trade with the Common Market. MORE CANADIANS Consumer and Corporate Affairs Minister Herb Gray in- troduced An the House of Commons the federal govern- ment's proposed new Canada Business Corporations Act which would require aIl fede- rally cbartered companies to have a majority of resident Canadians as directors. The legisiation is intended to give Canadians greater par- ticipation in the economic life of this country. Large crowds attended the steam engine show. The parade was most interesting where else ,vould you see a man riding a penny farthing bicyle as they did long ago. One of the most interesting, displays was tbe buttons made by Mrs. Sanderson of Janet- ville showing ber grandchild- ren's pictures in a beautiful display on a card. Mr. Harold Lunney of 'Port, Hope created considerable interest witbhbis scaled model steam tractor which provided the power to operate a grindîng machinie, wheat to flour. The Millbrok fire depart- display outlined fire figbiting ment in their display at the , equipment dating back to tbp Pteamr show received manv early years in this province. favourable comments. The IONGSHO LONGYCENTRE main Street ON Phmone ui- FABULOUS FABRIC SAVINGS 36" Printed Cotton 99C 45" Polyester Jupiter $1.39 361 0%f h iCotton Seersucker 1.69 45" Printed Warp Knit $ 1.59 4510 - ~ Cotton Jacquard $1.59 45" Polyester and Cotton Flocked Dot $1.79 44" Terry Towelling $1.89 45" Polyester Lining 99e 45" Acrylic Niagara $2.39 44" Polyester and Cotton UKnobby Look $2.29 -~ ~60" Seersucker $2.79 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Final' SUMMER SALE Ladies' and Children's wear UP TO 50% OFF Rolph DmnjnHardware PAINT SALE Ail prices quoted one gailon Interior atex Whieg. $12.20 $59 InerorSeMI-Gloss WhÎtjfeie $1245$6,99 a ted to dazena or Popular coîors at a amali extra charge Exterlor Latex n Exteriïor Gloss ftRglar $13.E6oe PREMIUM OUSE PAINT, LATEX, GLüO8S, PRIMER Kem 1 Coat $,9 Regular $57 Wood Stai, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR <C'edar auèd Redwood) We stock a fui lfin- of Kem "Fashi'on Right" Paints Over 1000 colora to choose from, in SUPER KEM TONE, KEM GLO, KEM GLO VELVET, KEMNML n E31 fiGlO THE ABOVE LESS 10 PERCENT WVALL CO(VERINGS - FLOOR COVERiNGS PLUMBING SUPPLIES - BUILDING SUTPPLIES GIFT WAIIE McLARY . 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